
Jan. 20, 2022

Hand Me Downs

If you're a kid that grew up in a family with an older sibling then you may be all too familiar with receiving the clothes they outgrew; aka their Hand-Me-Downs. In some cases, it didn't even matter if they were to your liki…
Jan. 13, 2022

Our Calculator & Our Compass

In our day-to-day life, we have both internal and external tools for figuring and feeling stuff out. If you need to know how much of a tip to leave when eating out, you can do some math in your head or you can do it on a cal…
Jan. 6, 2022

Let's Get Better with Walter Norton Jr.

I’m so jazzed to share this episode because I’m talking with a wicked old friend of mine; Walter Norton Jr - owner of the Institute of Performance & Fitness (IPF) which is a 10,000 sq. ft., state-of-the-art facility in North…
Dec. 30, 2021

Our Need For Mind Training

Recently I was watching a mini-series with actor, musician and now author, Will Smith and he was talking about the process of filming this documentary and writing his memoir. So as a creative person, I was doubly curious and…
Dec. 23, 2021

Light Your Torch

Have you ever had a conversation with certain people, whether it's over Zoom, or in real life where you walked away feeling lit up? I describe it as walking away feeling warmed by the fire of their love, their heart and thei…
Dec. 16, 2021

Time Traveling

I was recently invited to lead a workshop for an Online Summit talking about anxiety, along with five other women, who are all anxiety coaches. Anxiety is not necessarily my area of expertise, meaning I wouldn't hang a shing…
Dec. 9, 2021

From The Scar - Not The Wound

In a world full of social media and online platforms, where the opportunity to tell your “story” is not only everywhere, but it’s also encouraged, sometimes it ends up being told before the time is quite right. As a storytel…
Dec. 2, 2021

Talking Divine Feminine with Luscious Hustle

Talk about a Spiritual Team On The Job (STOTJ)! My guests this week, Betsy and Laura Milne are two amazing women, business coaches and podcast hosts, who met online on Instagram about six years ago through what seemed like t…
Nov. 25, 2021

Meeting Oprah

In a world that sometimes tries to place us in its tiny predetermined boxes, I’ve learned that it’s okay to dream bigger than your circumstances. To dream as if it's already happening for you. Dream as if it's going to come …
Nov. 18, 2021

What Color Are Your Eyes?

Our identity is created through several different things but most often it all starts with our first experiences, and the environment we grow up in. Who we believe we are or the concept of ourselves, our ego; gets shaped bet…
Nov. 11, 2021

Letting People Go

As uncomfy as it can feel for us to think about, sometimes it’s not only necessary, but it is appropriate to let certain relationships or friendships go. Today on The Karen Kenney Show, we’re asking ourselves the question, “…
Nov. 4, 2021

Knowing The Real Story

As humans, we’re natural born storytellers who are always trying to make sense of what we think is happening around us. The reality is that sometimes our “perception” has more to do with our ego mind projection, than what is…
Oct. 28, 2021

Do I Dare?

At some point in each of our lives, we are called to be brave. Brave enough perhaps to speak out and or stand up, against the injustices of the world. Other times our bravery is more personal and necessary to face our own in…
Oct. 21, 2021

The Problem with I Know

I often joke that as a teacher and mentor, if I had a $1 for everytime someone said to me, “I know,” then I’d be filthy rich. Now, sometimes this happens because the brain likes to conserve energy, so you’ll be listening to …
Oct. 14, 2021

Knowing What's Yours

In today’s world, some people think that having a platform (like on social media) automatically means you must speak up about every situation that arises in the world. Now sometimes, I do say something or share some sort of …
Oct. 7, 2021

Putting Down Your Pom-Poms

When you’re on a plane, there's a reason why they say to put on your own oxygen mask first. Because we can’t help ourselves, never mind assisting anyone else, if we can’t breathe. This analogy also translates perfectly into …
Sept. 30, 2021

Spiritual Shotgun

If you grew up with siblings, cousins or other kids around, then you’re probably no stranger to the term, “Shotgun!!” Which was a way for someone to try and call “dibs” on the front seat, passenger side of a vehicle. As adul…
Sept. 23, 2021

Feathers or Velcro?

There are going to be times in our life when people - out of their own suffering or out of their own lack of emotional intelligence or spiritual maturity - are not going to be able to handle whatever pressure that they're fe…
Sept. 16, 2021

The Soul Whisperer - Georgina Durcan

We all have access to spiritual and specific gifts; or what I call our ability to align to something beyond our physical body. However, I do believe that some people are far more finely attuned to their gifts. Just like the …
Sept. 9, 2021

Normalizing Slow Growth with Meg Haines

We live in a world of “Go, Go, Go” where busyness seems to set the pace and as a result inner and outer stillness is almost nonexistent. For many, the thought of slowing down is wicked scary and it’s an idea and practice tha…
Sept. 2, 2021

Don't Let them Ruin God For You

As a mentor and teacher who works with people that are spiritually curious, spiritually seeking or are doing deep personal & spiritual transformation work, I hear all kinds of comments like: “I’m a recovering Catholic” or “I…
Aug. 26, 2021

The Want & The Willingness

In my work as a Spiritual Mentor and teacher, I talk with a lot of people who are wanting and hoping to have more happiness, inner peace, healing, and transformation. One of the things I’ve discovered over the years is that …
Aug. 19, 2021

You Can't Force It

Let’s just admit it, sometimes as silly humans we do try to force things and we try to fight reality; especially when we don't want “it” to be how it is. As a coach, parent or an entrepreneur, really anybody who leads or gui…
Aug. 12, 2021

The Ongoing Process

As long as you are a human being who’s alive in a body - then you’re in an ongoing process of evolution. I would go so far as to say that you’re really just releasing who you are not and remembering and becoming more and mor…