April 12, 2021

Self love mentor, intuitive healer and embodiment queen, Jessa Lin l DSS23

Self love mentor, intuitive healer and embodiment queen, Jessa Lin l DSS23

Jessa Lin’s story started with trauma and drama. Growing up, she experienced both physical and mental abuse from her parents, which caused her to spend a lot of time trying to be small. Throughout her 20s, Jessa dealt with her childhood trauma in unhealthy ways, from partying to eating disorders to continually burying her hurt and suffering. It took her being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, losing several close friends, and feeling utterly drained for her to realize that she had lost her sense of identity. At a friend’s suggestion, Jessa tried yoga as a healthier method of coping and truly felt her body for the first time in three years. This started Jessa on a journey towards self-awareness, radical responsibility, and all-encompassing self-love.

Now, Jessa is an expert in helping women reclaim their sovereignty, expand their consciousness, and step into their truest selves. Her passion and mission is to help others not just survive, but thrive; to love, embrace, and embody all that they are. She is an embodied healer, intuitive channeler, mentor and guide who works to support women as they remember their worth and the unique value of their existence; to help them to tap into, and harness, their soul gifts and offer their fullness to life. Through a combination of her own unique gifts, intuitive channeling, and trauma-informed subconscious reprogramming she helps her clients clear their minds and get fully aligned.

Tune into this week’s episode of Desperately Seeking Self for an enlightening conversation between Jessa Lin and host Brooke Collins about healing core wounds, setting effective boundaries, and building up self-confidence. Jessa’s honesty, articulateness, and authenticity will empower you to begin examining your own experiences, discovering your own “why,” and taking the self-ownership you need to create lasting change in your life. As Jessa explains, the best healing takes place as a collective experience, and this episode is a wonderful way to start.


  • “My upbringing really had a lot of physical, emotional and mental abuse from both my mother and my father. And it really kind of left me thinking that nowhere is safe, that me being who I am, me being a vivacious, precocious, wild, loud, always-dirty-from-being-in-nature child was somehow bad or wrong because I was physically hurt often.” (1:51-2:25)
  • “When it comes to trauma and healing it, it first of all takes this acknowledgement that trauma happens to all of us. All of us. Every single person has had a traumatic experience, whether it is a physical abuse...or some sort of traumatic loss or if it’s just that bully in the playground. It doesn’t matter. It is all trauma. It all matters. And every single person has the right to heal whatever it is that has caused them trauma, pain and suffering.” (10:24-11:04)
  • “I went to that yoga class. I cried for the first time in three years. I felt my body for the first time in three years. And it was like BOOM – the second I started feeling my body, talking to my body, understanding what it was holding, what it was carrying...I started releasing and starting to let go and starting to untangle myself from the wounds that I had inherited, been born into, and was starting to perpetuate and continue on.” (18:47-19:18)
  • “So when you get to your ‘why,’ that is your beacon. That is really how you set boundaries is understanding your why behind something...and allowing that to be your beacon.” (25:12-25:27)
  • “Stuff is going to happen outside of us. The only thing that you can really take ownership and responsibility for is how you show up, how you react, and the energy, the love, the whatever it is that you bring. That’s it.” (28:48-29:04)
  • “The most important relationship you will ever have is the relationship you have with yourself….You get to be your number one priority mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and energetically. You get to choose yourself, and committing to you is one of the things that is going to help create boundaries internally and when you create that boundary internally.” (35:57-36:32)
  • “Committing to yourself is: how do I remind myself that I am confident, that I am a badass, that I am worthy, that I can achieve my dreams, that I can speak to anyone.” (40:27-40:40)
  • “Every single being on this planet holds their own unique codes, their own unique activations for exactly what it is that they need to heal. And when we start to activate our own codes, our own unique healing methodologies and things that work for us, we start to open up that portal for others.” (47:03-47:23)



IG: @theonlyjessalin

Sunlight Sessions with Jessa: a consciously-curated space of practices, rituals, activations, movement, and self-inquiry for embodiment. These sessions meet live once a week. Come and take what you need, when you need it.

Sacred Self-Healing Sessions with Jessa: unique intuitive sessions intended for you to receive deep healing along with any insight, information, downloads, or unique codes that are necessary for your soul growth and evolution.

1:1 Private Mentorship with Jessa: 6-month offering for lasting change, epic breakthroughs, and deep healing. We'll dig deep to create space in your mind, set a clear path, and take aligned action to get you living your dream life.

Join the community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/816711545453157/

IG: @brooke.collins.coaching

FB: Innovative Coach Brooke

Website: www.Innovativecoachbrooke.com

Free Breakthrough Session: https://www.innovativecoachbrooke.com/life-coach-free-consultation

Join the 21 day challenge: https://app.monstercampaigns.com/c/lclojjwhfcmyh6anyddp/

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