Oct. 21, 2023

The Inside Effects – How The Body Heals Itself | Ep 140

The Inside Effects – How The Body Heals Itself | Ep 140

Keith, Lisa, and I have a fabulous discussion around what led to the production of the “How The Body Heals Itself ~ The Inside Effects” Documentary and book, that came out in July 2023, including both

of their healing journeys. We dove into how the documentary and book are a key tools in starting to open up the awareness of people in regards to our medical model today that is leaving too many people stuck in a state of “chronic illness”. There is another way, tune into this episode, the documentary, and the book to learn from the myriad of experts talking about the body’s ability to heal itself. You may just hear something in a different way or learn something you didn’t know!

Free Gift from Lisa:

One-breath meditation: https://connectingyoutoyou.com/one-breath-meditation

Documentary: https://yourguidedhealthjourney.com/my-books/


Free Gift from Keith:

Acess to the book and the free gifst offered by the authors: https://the-inside-effects-update.mykajabi.com/inside-effects-book


Melissa Deally-Linktree: https://linktr.ee/yourguidedhealthjourney

About the Guest:

Lisa Warner:

Lisa Warner is a Pioneer in Health Consciousness.

Upon finding herself facing ‘cancer’, she decided to learn how to heal herself … without medical intervention. Upon realizing that her body healed cuts, bruises, breaks and sprains naturally and automatically, she saw no reason why it wouldn’t heal ‘cancer’ … or any other ‘disease’ … naturally and automatically as well.

What she discovered on her healing journey will change the face of healing forever … for anyone who is willing to look past the current medical model … and start trusting themselves … and the magnificent self-healing design of their own body … instead.

She has created “Aligning with Your Radiantly Health Self” … a 90-Day Program that opens the doors to the Universal Wisdom of Self-Healing and Self-Mastery.

Lisa is the Author of the bestselling book “The Simplicity of Self-Healing”, now in it’s 10th Anniversary Edition, in which she shares the shifts of consciousness she used to heal herself. It’s a great read for anyone who is wanting to take their health into their own hands.



The Simplicity of Self-Healing





Facebook Group: Soul Sourced Healing


Email: Lisa@ConnectingYoutoYou.com

YouTube Channel:


Keith Leon

Keith Leon S. is a 9 x award winning, 11 x international bestselling author, a successful book publisher, and a filmmaker. 

He’s appeared on many popular radio and television broadcasts on ABC, CBS, NBC, and The Jenny McCarthy Show, to name just a few, and his work has been covered by Inc. MagazineLA WeeklyThe Huffington Post, Published Magazine, and Succeed Magazine.

His recent film release called, the INside effects: How the Body Heals Itself stars Mikki Willis, JP Sears, Amandha Vollmer, Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. John Demartini, Lynne McTaggart, Dr. Bradley Nelson, Kyle Cease, Karen Kan, Lisa Warner, and many more health advocates.

A book with the same name was released in tandem with the film and it was a #1 International Bestseller in 9 countries. Welcome to the show Keith.





About the Host:

Melissa is an Integrative Health Practitioner and Master Practitioner in NLP and Timeline Therapy and a Board Designated Hypnotherarpy Teacher Trainer, helping people get to the root cause of their health issues and then get lasting results. Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements.  Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own.

Melissa is the winner of the 2021 & 2022 Quality Care Award by Business From The Heart and is also the recipient of the Alignable “Local Business Person of the Year “Award 2022 for Whistler.

Melissa has been featured at a number of Health & Wellness Summits, such as the Health, Wealth & Wisdom Summit, The Power To Profit Summit, The Feel Fan-freaking-tas-tic Summit, the Aim Higher Summit and many more! She has also guested on over 60 different podcasts teaching people about the importance of prioritizing our health and how to get started.


Linktree: https://linktr.ee/yourguidedhealthjourney


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Melissa Deally:

Imagine getting up every day full of energy is if you were in your 20s. Again, what would that be like? What would that be worth to you? What is your health worth to you? Think about it. Your health isn't everything. But without it, everything else is nothing. And yet too many of us are taking it for granted until something goes wrong. No one wakes up hoping to be diagnosed with a disease or chronic illness. And yet, we've never been taught how to be proactive in our health through our school system, or public health. As a registered health coach and integrative health practitioner, I believe it is time this information is made available to everyone. Combining new knowledge around your health and the ability to do my functional medicine lab tests in the comfort of your own home will allow you to optimize your health for today and all your tomorrow's don't wait for your wake up call

Melissa Deally:

welcome back to another episode of The don't wait for your wake up call podcast. I am very excited to have not one but two fabulous guests with me today. Lisa Warner and Keith Leon, welcome to the show.

Lisa Warner:

Thank you, Melissa.

Melissa Deally:

I want to introduce you both to my audience as we get started here. And I'm gonna start here with Lisa. Lisa is a pioneer in health consciousness. Upon finding herself facing cancer, she decided to learn how to heal herself without medical intervention, upon realizing that her body healed cuts, bruises, breaks and sprains naturally and automatically. She saw no reason why it wouldn't heal cancer or any other disease naturally and automatically as well. What she discovered on her healing journey will change the face of healing for ever. And that's why I love Lisa and her work because of course, this is what I talk about on the show all the time. And we're going to dive more into that very, very shortly, when we introduced the the book, the inside effects and how the body heals itself. And Keith is the publisher of that book, as well as the documentary by the same name. And not only that he is a nine times award winning and 11 Times International Best Selling Author, successful book publisher, and filmmaker, he's appeared on many popular radio and television broadcasts on ABC, CBS, NBC, the Jenny McCarthy show to name a few. And his work has been covered by Ink Magazine, LA Weekly, The Huffington Post's publish magazine and succeed magazine. So let's just dive into this show here with both of you amazing people. Thank you so much for your time coming on the show. And, Keith, I would love to start with you. What is it that led you to a place where you decided that you wanted to create this documentary, just give us the backstory of what brought you to that place?

Keith Leon:

Well, it wasn't in the bio, but certainly I had my own healing story, had 26 years of level 910, chronic pain, and continued to carry that story with me forward for all of those years. And that was in the in the state. First of all, my God, I have to do something about this. I was in the doing mode. And so I tried doing everything with every body, feeling like they could give me the answer. That did not work. And then I shifted into the kind of victim Well, now I've tried everything, and nothing has worked. And I've spent 1000s of dollars and I've done all the work I need to do so two different energies, neither one of them was successful. And then I then I connected with my friend Karen and with Lisa ultimately. And Lisa was the one who changed my frame of mind changed the way that I thought of what pain was, and what healing was what I thought was the complete opposite of what the truth was. And it was in the way that she told me that landed. And once it landed, and I really got it then she gave me the tools to step forward into healing myself and allowing my body to do that by realizing that pain actually is healing. And when I was trying to get rid of the pain, every time that I did that, I stopped the healing in its tracks. So so it was ultimately I always wanted to buy 50s the year 50 wanted to be making films and the publishing thing went so well that I realized, oh my god, I'm like, in my 50s. And I haven't made a film yet. So I make a film about. And then I just thought, what a beautiful way to introduce the world to my two friends in a DC to Lisa. And and that's where the film came about in that question, how can I introduce the world to Lisa? And, yeah, so I started looking at my whole journey and, and that's what led to being made ultimately.

Melissa Deally:

And I love that, and what a beautiful awakening for you really, in how you think about your body's healing? And, and what you thought about pain. And Lisa, I would love to ask you to give a little bit of your background story, but also then go into talking to what is that gift that you gave to Keith?

Lisa Warner:

Well, goodness, I don't know, my background story is kind of when I was two years old, I, I would go to bed at night, and I would just be part of the unified field, I would just be part of this beautiful field of unconditional love and light. And I knew that is permanent, that is infinite, eternal. That is source itself. That's where everything that is comes from. And from that space, I would look at the Earth and go, Wow, those folks are not doing the they're not living in alignment with universal was with harmony. And I could see that humanity had forgotten who they were it to me it looked like everybody was walking around in a state of amnesia. And for me, that was really traumatic, and you know, two and three years old. So I didn't know what to do with that awareness because it was clear to me that everything that I knew to be true wasn't available on this planet. So I realized that if I spoke my truth, I would probably be put in a in a sameness. So I decided to just not talk, I decided to just hide and forget everything that I knew. So fast forward, I grew up as a healthy fit athlete, I was a figure skater. But really nothing about this society made any sense to me whatsoever, especially the having to earn a living thing, getting a job. And I just ended up really, really struggling in you know, I had a relationship through my 20s that ended in my late 20s. And then in my 30s, I moved and started something new. And it just, even though it was working relatively well, I was working all the time. And I just became really, really miserable. And the more miserable I became, the more unhealthy my body became the bigger it became the you know, it was just so by the time I was in my whatever it was mid to late 40s. I'm unfound myself facing cancer, it was completely obvious to me that all the struggle that was going on in my life was what was actually causing the physical problem. So it was very clear to me that chemotherapy was not going to fix my struggle with life. It was only going to add to it. Yeah. So I decided in that moment that the medical model really didn't offer the answer I was looking for. Because the answer that I was looking for was I want to cancer gone from my reality in its entirety. I never wanted to have to go through this thing ever again. And so I decided that I was going to need to go back to what I knew. When I was two. I needed to be able to reconnect to source and to reconnect to who I truly am. And start clearing out my emotional body and start the process of awakening and remembering and, and

Melissa Deally:

seeing as you say, detox need emotional body. Yeah,

Lisa Warner:

yeah, exactly. Once I got my mind quiet enough, you know, the more I cleared out these negative energies, my mind got quieter. And finally the answer that I was asking what do I need to know about this in order for it to change simply dropped in and I was like, Hey, Lisa, your body's not being attacked by cancer and neither is anybody else's. Your body is doing exactly what it is designed to do, given the circumstances you provided. And it was clear in that moment, but it's also clear I was never going to do the research to To prove that knowing, but it was only later on that I found out that there's a German doctor, Dr. Wright good hammer, actually did the research back in the 80s, he discovered the five biological laws. And he proves that our consciousness is driving what's going on in our bodies, that our bodies are not being attacked by diseases.

Melissa Deally:

And that pain, and cancer or other symptoms are literally bringing it to our conscious awareness. So that we can choose to do something about.

Lisa Warner:

And there usually those symptoms usually show up after we've already made peace after we've already moved through the emotional problem, and come back to neutral. Those are actually the healing symptoms.

Melissa Deally:

And so as Keith said earlier, when we stopped them, we stopped the healing

Lisa Warner:

zactly Yes.

Keith Leon:

Yeah. We're, we're being given the in formation that we need to heal from within. And, and most of us and I know, I was I was searching for information out side of me to tell me how to heal when the in formation was there all along. And, and it started with the word in, it's like, it seems like the the language that is about healing isn't even trying to hide it. There's so many points where a lot of things that Lisa shares words that are just like, oh, when you say that I'm a certain way, right? It's like, How did I not see that? How did I not see the all the information I was receiving seemingly negative or positive, right? was all for me to go within and take that information fill in what would work for me, and what I could discard.

Melissa Deally:

And so many people miss that, because it's simply not what we're taught. Right? From the moment we enter kindergarten and even sooner. So many of the children's books are already talking about how if you feel sick, you have a cold, you go to the doctor, and they give you a pill, or they give you a shot for whatever. And you know, it's just indoctrinated from such a young age that you have to outsource your healing to someone with superior knowledge versus tuning into the wisdom of our own body. Yes. And so that's why I really appreciate you coming on this podcast today. And the purpose of this podcast is all about health education, so that people can understand that there's other ways to healing. And that start with listening and tuning into the body. And then perhaps there's a guide that they need in order to guide them through that journey, because we can't all know everything. But to be guided through as opposed and have it be a partnership working together. So, Keith, when you were healing from your chronic pain? I'm sure that was a partnership that you had with Lisa.

Keith Leon:

Yes, absolutely.

Melissa Deally:

It wasn't just Lisa said, go do this. And you followed her orders, right? It was working together over time. So tell me more about that journey as you work together.

Keith Leon:

It was the first things that made so much sense to me or to embrace the pain instead of trying to fight it to just lean in. Because I knew now that pain was healing. So the more intense the pain, the closer to the healing, right. And then if I could just lean in and accept it, instead of trying to fight it and be one with it. And do some of the other tools that she taught me she talked about clearing, right? The Globe, my space, I call it my three feet on it too. But hearing it in another way. That's what I'm saying. Like that's why, like, I'm grateful to be with two incredibly powerful healing educators right now to be to be in your presence, right? As the way that you say things or the ways that I can hear them. I was telling everybody since I was a kid, it happens as you believe like this is true. It happens as you believe. Okay, so what was i Believing that had me dragging forward this pain story and retelling it and retelling it? And I was recreating it and recreating it. So that was another wareness that I got from Lisa and so I was able to try on those things and lean in and connect you know during the process and and ultimately I got over the first hump right the first wave there's two waves and and Then I was like, Oh, yes, it's got it has left me. And she was there to remind me. Okay, remember, there's two waves. So it'll come back. And the good news is, it's usually only 70% of what it was. So keep blaming them, keep using the tools keep doing the stuff, right. And so that reminder, thank goodness didn't have me getting cocky and just being like, I'm healed and then freak out when it came back. Right? What I do wrong or make up a story again, to take me backwards, I had the beautiful reminder to, it's probably coming. So when it did, I was like, just leaving again. Got on the other side of that. And then it left me. So So ultimately the work then and we're friends by then, like really good friends, then I can say okay, so. So how do I keep keep this going for keep from like recreating some other story? How do I keep, like this beautiful freedom in my body? How do I keep that and I've got some tools for that as well.

Melissa Deally:

And what's beautiful with that whole process is what I'm hearing is you are completely empowered in working through that process yourself with the guidance of Lisa, versus giving up your power to someone else, which is what happens when we, you know, look to the external for the answers. And that's what you'd been trying before. And you tried everything, as you said, and it hadn't worked.

Keith Leon:

And I'm blessed in that. I have some really well known and famous mentors who kind of when it comes to the book world taught me, I know. And I can say this, the ones who are my mentors and wonder who I called for business advice or anything, all of them have the same thing in common. I will give you the information tune in to what works for you, and do that and toss the rest, right. And they will not allow me to put them on a pedestal even though they're super famous. They're like, No, everything that you teach is equal value, and sometimes even more like they drilled into my head, right. So they wouldn't let me put them on a pedestal thinking they were the ones with the answers. They're just like, like Bob Proctor said, I'm not in your drama. So it's easy for me to see. I'm not in your story. So it's easy for me to see. I'm not a genius, or I am and so are you, whichever feels good to you. And I love was like wow, has no ego in that statement.

Melissa Deally:

And that's the key piece again, when it comes to healing and our body's ability to heal is the fact that it can and is designed to self heal. And we simply need to find well to tune in to listen to what is it that we need, find the resources available. And again, if we put someone on a pedestal, then we're giving up that power. When we retain our power, our belief in healing and work with a guide that can show us that's when the true healing happens.

Keith Leon:

Yeah, I think people get the wrong idea of the words. When there's like a spiritual saying I got out of the way, right away. I think that's misunderstood. I think that's I, I went with it. I went within and trusted that as like, not I got out of the way meaning I pushed me aside and then listen to everybody else and let them guide my journey. Right. So it's more like I got I got in the way. Capital T capital W

Melissa Deally:

in the right way. The right way. Yes, yes. And so Lisa, you're here today, obviously fully healed yourself of your cancer. And I heard you mentioned earlier, you know, you're you went gained weight through that time that you were working all the time, et cetera. And now you live to be a fabulous weight. So you're obviously in you know, really great health. How what is it that you do in your work to now be able to share this with others?

Lisa Warner:

Well, I wrote a book, that was the first thing that I did, called the simplicity of self healing. And, you know, that shares a lot of the the consciousness shifts that I went through. And, you know, my, my healing journey was really a long and winding road because I didn't really have a roadmap, right? I didn't have I didn't know anybody who had just healed themselves without any medical intervention. Or, you know, I tried the special diet for about two days. I was like, yeah, that's not happening. You know, like, that's not my answer. And, you know, so it was a really long and windy road and then when I got to the end of that long and windy road, I thought, oh my gosh, I I can just go in a straight line, like if we just have these few key awarenesses, we can just go straight here. So, like, that's kind of my path. So after I wrote my book, I then created a 12 week class to, to walk people, you know, kind of step by step straight up the hill and over the top. And so they can just coast down the other side. And, you know, just some some key awarenesses that we have been so indoctrinated with these awarenesses of disease, and there's something wrong with you, and you got a faded and,

Melissa Deally:

and you need to be fixed, then you're broken. And it's like

Lisa Warner:

we don't even think about is like, well, you just go to the doctor, because they know all the answers like, well, actually, they really have not been trained in the biological laws. They've been trained in the pharmaceutical law, like, here's the pill that goes with the symptoms. But that's not how our biology works, unfortunately, even

Keith Leon:

and even then, I think they're, they're very much like car mechanics, and that they just, they have a few things that they think it might be, and then they throw something at it and see if it works. And if it doesn't, then they throw something else. That's one thing. Like doctors are so like car mechanics.

Melissa Deally:

Well, and I just I want to tie this in what you've just said both of you to a previous episode that just came out three weeks prior to this one, and it's episode 137. And it's Dr. James chestnut that I interviewed. And he's a chiropractic doctor in Canada. And he was talking about exactly that, that it's not our genes were not broken. And from a biological perspective, when you look at it, our genes don't change that quickly. It's only in the last 100 years that we've had this massive increase in chronic illness. But our genes haven't changed in the last 10,000 plus years. So how can we always be blaming our genes?

Lisa Warner:

Right, and using that the, the whole medical industry in the pharmaceutical industry is Joe's, about 100 years old.

Keith Leon:

So that changed and the food, the food has changed. I mean, think of how many people are, you know, gluten intolerant, and all of those things now, and it's like, well, genetically modified flower has come in. And then that's when everybody started getting that, like people who have that that particular intolerance, like when you're in Italy or whatever, eat the flower, right? Enjoy it, see what happens. It's the food, food we've

Melissa Deally:

changed. We've changed the food in North America. And while I think originally, the idea might have been a good one, the idea was to feed be able to feed more people. So let's create a drought resistant crop, so that we can have a bigger crop and feed more people. If that was really the idea behind it, however, I'll change the seed. And then that seed now had gladden in it, which is a protein that isn't in the seeds of the bread in Europe. And that is that protein is what's causing the problem for so many people with being gluten intolerant. Because when it's broken down in the body, it becomes glutamate, which is the same as MSG, which is a excitatory neurotransmitter and has people all amped up and children all amped up. And depending how your body copes with being all amped up, that could be a temper tantrum in a child that could be anger, rage in an adult, et cetera. And at the same time is that it's actually lowering our natural, anti excitatory neurotransmitters. So we've got a double whammy going on, just from gluten. And we haven't even mentioned the sugar in the food and the chemicals that are added to increase the shelf life etc. And that could be a whole other podcast episode in and so yes, you're right, you're

Keith Leon:

the real farmers now called organic farmers always rotated their crops so that the soil had something to give us nutrients to give us prana chi those things and now the majority, right is mass produced and they don't bout rotating crops and so it's like most of those vegetables in the store. They're pretty they look like vegetables, but I don't feel anything when I eat them. But if I go to my local farmer and farmers market and get that kale and make a smoothie with that kale I can feel the body rush from what's in that, you know, it's it's just amazing the how the food industry has been so depleted and anything that would support our body's healing as opposed to discipline.

Melissa Deally:

And the stats on that is that the standard American diet is giving people 17 of the 99, zero needed nutrients for the body to thrive. Is it any wonder, we are getting sick? That there's two reasons. It's the high toxic load. And it's the nutrient depletion. And when we adjust that, right, and the toxic load includes emotional and mental and spiritual, right, when we rebalance all of that people can regain their health. And that was the process you went through on your long and windy road, Lisa, and I love that you now teach a more direct path. And that's the beauty of having a coach or a mentor, is you find that person that's done it before you. And let them show you the way which saves you a lot of time, frustration, money. And also what it does is it gives you hope, because you might be on a healing journey yourself. And you've got 90% of the people in your life telling you that you have to go the traditional route, because that's what they know to be true. But if you know in your body, that that's not the right path for you, it's still hard to have to listen to everybody else telling you a different way. But when you find just that one person that's done it before you that can hold your hand and guide you that makes all the difference in the world. And that gives you the belief you need in order to stick to what you know is right for you.

Melissa Deally:

Are you a practitioner or

Melissa Deally:

a coach listening to this? If so, I would love to ask you. Do you use hypnotherapy? In your practice working with clients? And if not, would you like to the power of hypnotherapy is limitless. And so often we experience our clients struggling to reach their goals. It's because they're coming up against their own brick walls and getting stuck that you can help them through the power of hypnosis, break through all of that, working with their unconscious mind to put the suggestions in to have them taking the action to achieve the results that they want. They are thrilled with your coaching techniques, they're getting the results they want, you feel amazing because you are helping your client get the results they want is a win win. And another win is that it's an added revenue stream for you in your business. So if you like the feel of helping your clients get the results they want. If you like the sound of that, then definitely reach out Melissa at your guided health journey.com or click the link tree link below for my unlimited power of hypnosis class. To learn more. It's a weekend designation program that I teach valid in 42 countries, you write an exam after taking the experiential course and you can be admitted to the American Board of hypnotherapy and start using hypnotherapy one to one with your clients and have them achieving the results they want.

Lisa Warner:

I've heard that story so many times of people saying, well, I'm doing this for my family, you know, I'm doing chemo for my family to make them feel better. Wow, that's a little risky. You're not feeling that inside and you're doing it for somebody else. This is your own journey or just you're you know, giving up your own boundaries. Like you're disrespecting yourself by not listening to your own inner guidance.

Melissa Deally:

And that adds to the toxicity that's going on inside.

Lisa Warner:


Melissa Deally:

yes. But I do understand and even having come through the pandemic have experienced the effect of others beliefs on you. Yeah, but when you find your mentor, your coach, your tribe, you can stay true to yourself, and you can still lovingly be part of everything else and understand their truth is their truth. But it doesn't have to be your truth.

Keith Leon:

Yeah. Yeah. And what COVID has proven is that marketing is everything. And what the mainstream media has proven is that if you say something enough times people will win. If that is true, we say we've shown you the proof, we've shown you the evidence, we're shining the proof and showing you the evidence, but never showed it, people will actually believe that they saw it. And I had many years in the media. So I'm talking from a place of knowing, not making this up, folks. I've seen it, I've seen fabricated stories and had to sign nondisclosure. So it does exist, that perhaps not every, every ad, every commercial, every story has your best interest in mind, if any, works.

Melissa Deally:

And that's when we all again, when we find our tribe, when we understand who we are, and the power of our body, the power of our mind, our conscious mind, our unconscious mind, and all the tools that we have access to. That's when we can follow our true path and what is true to us. And all of that comes from a deep knowing inside. And so I'd love for each of you to share maybe a technique that you use in order to go inside and get your answers. So if there's listeners here, they're like, Okay, I want to know my truth. How do I do that? So I'll start with you, Lisa. And then I'll go to Keith, um,

Lisa Warner:

what are my favorite things to do? I've got I've got some standard, a couple of standard things that I teach. One of my favorite things is to recognize that we're all grand Beings of Light. And one day or a few months ago, I thought, what, what do I look like as a grand being of light? Like, what does that actually mean? And so I closed my eyes, and I started to inquire what does, what does that mean to be a grand being of light. And suddenly, I saw myself just as light like a star in the in the night sky, just light, pure light. And I really started to tune into that. And I noticed that that light is infinite, it's eternal. And the source of that is source itself. And the more I tune into my own light, the better I feel, a feeling of absolute bliss comes over you work for me, it comes over me when I fully tune in and just be that light. So the more I be that light, I start feeling lighter in my body, my body starts feeling lighter, I feel brighter, I feel happier. And the more I tune into that, the more I am easily able to say no to things that don't feel like that.

Melissa Deally:

Right, and all of that lightness and brightness is raising your frequency. And lowering it is when we get down into the darkness, etc. And you know the difference? And so you can say no, I love that. Thank you. And Keith, what do you do?

Keith Leon:

And the beauty of the connection of Lisa and is that when we found as we connected and started to really get to know each other that we there were so many places that we absolutely know the same exact things, and will use different words. So we knew that if we came together and started teaching together, then double the odds that someone will hear it in a way that lands for them. So the way that I like to say the same things you just said is that we're made up of the Divine Right? They say made in the image and likeness of source God, Spirit universe, the creator, whatever you want to call it. And just because we decided to come in and try this, being in a body thing, does not mean that we're disconnected from the source of where we recreated and what we came from. Matter of fact, I maintain that we are directly connected. And so what I've learned to do is, and I love to teach people is sit, ask and listen. Sounds simple. We're all sitting out of us meditating, praying, asking questions, right. So sitting and asking, however, when do we listen long enough for the answer to the one question that we asked before getting distracted and forgetting the last question. So that happens, and then we think like, oh, I never get any answers. The angels never talked to me. I never hear the voice. You hear all the things like I'm not blessed like you. I said I asked and then I stayed in the one question that I asked him Till I received the answer, whether it took weeks for me to get the answer, right, so for me that listen focused listening to one quality question when I would actually want an answer to doesn't start with the word why, and that's for sure. How what? What do I need to know? How can I write these other questions? And then just stay in that one question till I received the answer. And when I'm focused in that question, then if it comes in the form of a song, when I turn on the radio, I hear it, where I wouldn't have heard it. If somebody walks up and delivers the message to me, instead of going What a weirdo. Why did they say that to me? I would go Aston answered, right, or a couples walking down the street and what they're talking about with that one send to that one was exactly what I needed to know. Because it was still in the one question, actually heard the answer. And that that has been absolutely life transforming to me not only in my house and in my life, within my business as well.

Melissa Deally:

Isn't it amazing? All the different avenues that the answers can come to us. And we, again, have to be in that place of listening to have the awareness in order to hear them. And I think I've also heard you say, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, but as you started practicing this, then what you noticed was that the time it took to get the answer has shortened. Is that correct? Did I hear you right? Okay, that one time.

Keith Leon:

I was going to ask a question and then go out in the world forget, I asked the question, and the answers are just from everywhere. It reminds me of that joke. You know what the person that's Heyn Heyn, like imminent death on a cliff. And then somebody comes by in a boat, and they're like, Hey, we can we can save, you know, wait for God to save me. Then a helicopter comes over and drops in line, though waiting for God to say, man. And then finally, it's like, God, why will you say me? Like I was like, I already sent you a boat, this helicopter, right? It's like, the answers are everywhere. I mean, it's just everywhere. But we'll miss them if we're not focused on the question.

Melissa Deally:

Yes. Beautiful. Oh, thank you for sharing your wisdom, I really appreciate it. And I want to come back to the book and the documentary, because I absolutely loved watching the documentary. We'll make sure it's in the show notes as to where people can access it in order to watch it. But it was your first film Keith. Lisa, I believe it was your first film that you were in, I would love you to just share your experiences of that, too. So again, I'll start with you, Lisa, what was your experience of being in that documentary? And maybe share your thoughts on why someone should tune into it?

Lisa Warner:

Well, when Keith said he was going to make a documentary, and he just said, you know, I've decided I'm going to make a documentary. And he left it. And I was and I thought, Oh, that's really cool. And then I just got really quiet. And then it's like, you're gonna be in the documentary. I'm like, Oh, okay. Like, I could feel it. So any as of Ibn I was like, okay, yes. And I never really thought twice about it. And so it was just, it was really interesting. It was a fun process and having the questions, I have to say, like, I didn't really ponder the questions a lot beforehand, even though I had been given them because I'm better off the cuff kind of thing. So it was, it was just a fun way to just express myself without any hesitation, or I didn't try to censor myself at all. So that that was really, it was fun. And then there's kind of a period of time where I went, like, oh, my gosh, we're gonna die. Like there's gonna be like, millions of people see this movie like, Oh, God. But you know, I, I sat with Keith, and he kind of coached me through that. And it's like, okay, we're all good now. And it's been a, it's been an amazing journey. Keith did an incredible job with this film, he stays very, very neutral all the way through and just ask some very poignant questions to all the participants and get some very real answers from people. And most of the people have really come to the same conclusions and observations. So it's really, you know, it's just very helpful to start to hear some of the experts, you know, saying that the stories that we're being told are not necessarily true. And that we have to start using some discernment. Here also, for anybody that is interested in watching the film, I say, please do so because there's a lot of really great information shared. There are a lot of really great teachers there and you may find that you resonate with somebody and If you do, please reach out to them. Because, you know, everybody has things to offer to help make the journey home much quicker for all of us because we are in this great shift of consciousness and it's time for humanity to wake up to remember who we are, like you were saying earlier, Melissa, you know, when I was two, I could see the amnesia. And it's time for us to snap out of it now and realize that we are grand beings of light.

Melissa Deally:

I love that. And I also knowing you, I understand why you went, ah, what am I done, you know, maybe a little patterning from when you were younger, where you couldn't talk about what you knew to be true, because you, you know, were concerned that you'd be put in in asylum for being crazy, because when you had shared it at a younger age, you were probably treated that way or looked in that way. And so now this is out for the world to hear and see everything that you have to offer, which is so amazing. But also, you're not the only one because there's all these other people in the documentary, that are sharing similar information from their own perspective in their own words. And to Keith's point. We all hear things in different ways. And sometimes we have to hear them more than once. And so that's one part that I really loved about the film is that you did ask the same question several times over to different people. Which means, as an audience member, we may not relate to what every single person said, but somebody will say something that lands with you. And that's the power of how you set this up. So tell me more about your experience of the of the documentary key.

Keith Leon:

First of all, when it came to asking the questions to Lisa on camera, she was completely relaxed in the way that like, I was more nervous than she was, was so that I thought that was funny. She was like about being in it. But when it came time, it was like, like, easy peasy. Not even nervous. Well, why don't you nervous? She's like, why would that be?

Melissa Deally:

downloaded? Right, Lisa? Yeah, answers were downloaded. Don't overthink them, what will come in a moment will come. And that's what needed to be said. Yeah.

Keith Leon:

So for me the beauty of making the film not only getting the introduce the world to my friends be at the music, be it? You know, Lisa, Karen, was I asked them after I interviewed them who do you know, that should be in this movie. And I kept asking people that I was interviewing, who do you know, that should be in this movie? So I got introduced to new people, and then became new answers became new, new concepts that I hadn't heard. And here's the thing. I've been a publisher for many years, and the first 40 to 50 books that we published, were functional medical practitioners were the people, right? And so I thought I had read everything from them and knew everything. And now I was hearing new things that I had never heard before. So So I was learning in the process. And then, of course, every can of worms got opened, I could have went down a whole lot of rabbit holes. But I only chose a few of the new information that I had heard. There's a few questions that was so like, to me, that was like, There's no way I could have this content and not share it with the world. Even if I end up being censored, even if any of that kind of negative energy came to me. However, a lot of people have been using the words the Great Awakening for many years, and I've been sitting around going when when do people wake up? When is this great awakening. And I feel and felt during the process that this was part of that and that the timing was absolutely perfect for this information to come out. So that's why I would watch it. And it is the perfect timing. And you know how I know that? Because this film is edgy. I didn't hold back, some of the content will be stuff you've never heard, take it or leave it. I'm unattached. Right? I just wanted you to have the information. But what I was not expecting was how very little pushback that I received or negative feedback about the film, how little I can count on two hands. The people that reached out with negative feedback, as opposed to all the people that were like me, right, well, wow, so much of it. I was like, yeah, yeah, but that and that, and that was like, what No, I have to go back to the drawing board. Now I have to go research, you know, and that that was the part that just lit me up, that I wasn't the only one that was just like, Oh, great awakening is, oh, maybe I don't know everything about everything. Maybe there's something for me to learn. And now these are the people I can learn it from and he provided those people for me. Right? So it's like watch the film and the people that you feel in side connected to reach out to them, connect with them higher than let them be your mentors, right and to be able to provide that, for the world that connection to who I feel are just some of the most powerful, powerful people that have the greatest information right now. And and through the book. You know, the book was about like, I had to stop at 29 People with the film, I had to stop at some point. Then I kept meeting people like Melissa,


and people. And I was like, okay, yeah. So it's like, okay, so

Keith Leon:

in the film, I didn't get to give enough of the, here's what to do. Now, now that you're ready. And you're like, onboard, you're like, Yes, I



Keith Leon:

let's go. I wanted to have more specific information about what to do now. And that's what the book is. And so I get to introduce even new folks that have that information, and to provide the next step for after the film.

Melissa Deally:

And I love all of that. And, from my perspective, you know, my mission is to put an end to chronic illness. And that takes a lot of education. And a lot of, you know, letting people unlearn what they thought to be true, and then relearning in a new way. And so anytime there's, you know, a documentary like this, a book like this, that can help reach the masses and start to have people see things a different way, that's a massive step forward in us, undoing the chronic illness in the world, and having people realize that it isn't a life sentence, and that you can heal from it. And so I really appreciate the fact that you guys were both involved in this, put all of this work together. And since you know, meeting you, Keith, at least I've known you a little bit longer. But, you know, we collaborate so much more together. And it's been such a wonderful journey. And I'm so excited that the world now has additional resources to understand that there is a different way, and that they can tap into that. So Lisa, I'm gonna start with you if you can share how people can get ahold of you. And you also had a beautiful gift to offer the audience your one breath meditation. So if you'd like to share that information as well, that would be awesome. Oh, great.

Lisa Warner:

Yeah, I think you have the link to that to the, to the free gift. So check the show notes. For that, you can find me at my website connecting you to you.com. I also have a simplicity of self healing channel on YouTube. So you can connect with me on YouTube as well. I do one lunch with Lisa each week where I talk in just about different topics. And I have a Soulution Sunday that I do weekly as well. And Melissa has been my guest on solution Sunday before Keith is a regular guest on there. And we just share really high vibe conversations to help people awaken to what they actually know inside.

Melissa Deally:

Beautiful. So I highly recommend people check out all of Lisa's resources in your healing journey. So Keith, if you can please share how people can get ahold of you. And I believe you have a free offer to the audience, which people get when they buy the book some free offer. So if you can share about that as well, thank you.

Keith Leon:

Sure. Well, the way you can get hold of me is go to Google or any search engine and put in Keith Lyon s. And there'll be all kinds of videos and things you can watch. It'll say, a bunch of different publishing companies, that me just click on there, there's a contact form that will reach me directly, the film is free. So you can go to the inside effects.com Put in your email address, and you'll get the information about how to watch the film, as well as an email address that reaches me. So when people were typing in feedback about the film or anything, they wanted to say that comes directly to me as well. So that's a great way to contact me, if you go to the inside effects book.com. So the inside effects book.com Right there, you can click and go buy the Kindle or the softcover with a button on that page. And there you will also see the bonuses that you then come back and put in your order number and your email address, and your name. And you'll get all these bonuses from people who are in the film, and people that are in the books and free gifts. And Lisa and Melissa both have have a gift on that page as well. So you get free stuff and you get the book and the book, Kindle is only 999 cents. Still to this day, I'm keeping it that way. And the softcover is only 999 Because most people would charge $20 for a book of this quality. The reason I've kept it at half of that is so that you can buy a copy for you and someone you really care about someone who may not receive this information, if you didn't have had them to book, somebody who's in the process of going the traditional model in which they could hear another way to buy a copy for them and put it in their hand. So that's my reason for keeping it at half price. So you can get a two for one.

Melissa Deally:

I love that. Thank you for making that possible. That's amazing. And as we wrap up, I always love to ask my guests what is, don't wait for your wake up call mean to you. So I'm going to start with Lisa. And then we'll go to Keith, oh, my,

Lisa Warner:

oh, this point in my own journey, that would mean to me to be really conscious of my energy field, be really conscious when I'm in states of fear or doubt, or worry, or guilt, or shame, and clear those things out. Because those are the things that take up residence in our bodies. And those energies, if they are left unattended to, they will be sending information to our cells, which causes our cells to form according to that information. And we don't want to distort our bodies with fear, doubt, guilt, shame, blame. So we have to start looking at the nonphysical. So for me, it's about being vigilant with my energy.

Melissa Deally:

I love that thank you. And Keith, what does don't wait for your wake up call mean to you.

Keith Leon:

And again, I love how we're so in sync, I would say two things is you make you make a difference in the world. So so let me tell you that that's true, where everybody forgot to tell you, or maybe they just think that you already know you make a difference in their life for everybody who ever forgot to tell you, you make a difference. And, and the other thing I can speak from my own personal experience, is the only thing that I can really, really affect or should try to affect is this three feet, and running circle around me three feet around. This is what I can control. And when I get to the point where I love myself unconditionally, and everything about me, and I'm I said ask and I listen, and I go and I've got this three feet, where it's just like it feels good in here. Then and only then do I even have the energy or have a reason to try to tell somebody else what they might want to do. Right? Gotta just repeat so, so don't for your awakening, wait for your awakening would be fall in love with yourself about this three feet and how you are in it and take you through all of that get to where you love yourself 100% unconditionally. And I mean, everything else is great.

Melissa Deally:

Beautiful. I love that and thank you both so much for being on the show come in sharing your wisdom talking about the documentary The books, I'll have everything in the show notes so people can find that and I highly recommend people check that out. And as he said buy the book, share it with a loved one that needs that information. It will change your life their life for the better. And to all of my listeners I hope you enjoyed this episode thank you as always for tuning in. And I will be back again next week with a another episode of The don't wait for your wake up call podcast.

Melissa Deally:

Thank you for investing this time with me on the don't wait for your wake up call Podcast. I'm so glad you joined in. If you can take two minutes to share this episode with someone you think can benefit and have a positive impact on their life. That would be wonderful. Please leave a review by going to your favorite podcast listening app. And let me know what you enjoy or would like to hear more of it will support me in my effort to bring the possibility of natural healing to a wider audience and help disrupt the sick care system we have today and make human health a global priority. Health is your true wealth.