May 20, 2023

Learn How To Do Life The Easy Way!

Learn How To Do Life The Easy Way!

In this episode, Sally and I talk about the power you have within you to heal when you start to get curious about what your body is trying to tell you in terms of symptoms and getting to the root cause, including the emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects that are involved too. Having had 2 near-death experiences, Sally has been gifted the tools to help you solve your problem very quickly. She will guide you in removing the rocks that are blocking your path.  This is the easy way – it is quick, and effective with lasting results compared to using a pharmaceutical drug that masks the symptoms but doesn’t lead to lasting healing.

Sally has generously provided a meditation to help you get started connecting to your unconscious mind so you can go within and get the answers you need to know.

Gift for the audience – meditation:

Your Guided Health Journey Membership

Health Kickstart Program:


About the Guest:

I'm Sally Reid, I help people with impossible problems. Any problem. 

My two near-death experiences made it clear that I have an enhanced connection to the universe and the ability to transform people's lives by manipulation of the energetic patterns causing the problem.  

For the last 12 years I've helped people who have unsuccessfully tried "everything" to solve it, yet somehow they know there is a solution to their problem. 

The world is made up of energy and is subject to change, so autoimmune problems, business challenges, and behavioral or emotional issues change incredibly fast with my help.







About the Host:

Melissa is an Integrative Health Practitioner and Master Practitioner in NLP and Timeline Therapy and a Board Designated Hypnotherapy Teacher Trainer, helping people get to the root cause of their health issues and then get lasting results. Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements.  Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own.

Melissa is the winner of the 2021 & 2022 Quality Care Award by Business From The Heart and is also the recipient of the Alignable “Local Business Person of the Year “Award 2022 for Whistler. 

Melissa has been featured at a number of Health & Wellness Summits, such as the Health, Wealth & Wisdom Summit, The Power To Profit Summit, The Feel Fan-freaking-tas-tic Summit, the Aim Higher Summit and many more! She has also guested on over 60 different podcasts teaching people about the importance of prioritizing our health and how to get get started.




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Melissa Deally:

Imagine getting up every day full of energy is if you were in your 20s. Again, what would that be like?What would that be worth to you? What is your health worth to you? Think about it. Your health isn't everything. But without it, everything else is nothing. And yet too many of us are taking it for granted until something goes wrong. No one wakes up hoping to be diagnosed with a disease or chronic illness. And yet, we've never been taught how to be proactive in our health through our school system, or public health. As a registered health coach and integrative health practitioner, I believe it is time this information is made available to everyone. Combining new knowledge around your health and the ability to do my functional medicine lab tests in the comfort of your own home will allow you to optimize your health for today and all your tomorrow's don't wait for your wake up call.

Melissa Deally:

Welcome back to another episode of The don't wait for your wake up call podcast. I am Melissa Delia, your host and I'm here today with a Sally Reid welcome Sally to the show.

Sally Reid:

Thanks for having me.

Melissa Deally:

You are more than welcome. I'm excited for our interview today. But before we get started, I just want to share a little bit about you with the audience. So Sally Reed helps people with impossible problems, any problem. Her two near death experiences made it clear that she has an enhanced connection to the universe and the ability to transform people's lives by manipulation of the energetic patterns causing the problem. And for the last 12 years, she has helped people who have unsuccessfully tried everything to solve it. Yet somehow they know there is a solution to their problem. The world is made up of energy and is subject to change. So autoimmune problems, business challenges and behavioral or emotional issues change incredibly fast with Sally's help. So I love this, Sally. And it's why I wanted to have on have you on the show because of course, the concept of the don't wait for your wake up call podcast is to empower people in their healing journey. And many times people are looking for different ways to heal. And they know that there are different ways to heal. And I know that's the type of person that's coming to me and the type of person that's coming to you. So we have a lot of synergy in the work that we do. But I would love you to share your story as to how you got into this work.

Sally Reid:

Well, to be honest, backwards and kicking and screaming.

Melissa Deally:

Very often the way yeah, very often,

Sally Reid:

dude want to do this. It's it's really funny how the universe does conspire and force and shove and create this funnel where you just must go down. And I did resist heavily for a very long time to the point where I got tapped early. So in 2005, I was so resistant and they were member the swine flu back in 2005. Yes, well, I caught it. And I was willing, I'm fighting in my head. No, I don't want to do what you asked me. And I said, I promise I'm gonna lay here and die. So you don't have to make me do this. I'm yelling at God, right? Do you know what happened? Like 1001 1002 1003 my 16 year old newly licensed daughter walked in my room and went oh my god, Mom, your blue shoved me in the car and took me to the hospital. So after that I went okay.

Melissa Deally:

If not my time.

Sally Reid:

Yeah, it basically it became patently obvious that I had a very unique gift. And that gift was to be able to understand and see the literal rocks that are in people's way when they're on their journey. And they're busily climbing over those rocks. When I like some crazy giant could just reach in and pick up the rock and just flick it away. Or show them the rock so they know the way around it whichever way they choose. Because those rocks are there. Not only for lessons, yeah. But they're also there because we put them there and we don't remember doing it. And that's that's the whole deal. And that's what I do I help people find the rocks that are getting in the way of their ease.

Melissa Deally:

Right. And I love that you do and I talk about this often is do you want to choose the easy way or the hard way? And for people to know there is An easy way,

Sally Reid:

there is an easy way. Because so often, we choose

Melissa Deally:

the hard way. And we have it ingrained in our mind that if it isn't hard, it isn't worth it or et cetera, et cetera, all of these limiting beliefs, not realizing the power of what we have in our own body, or in our unconscious mind in our higher self, and to be able to tap into that, or get help tapping into that from someone like you to show the easy way, and how quick it is. And last,

Sally Reid:

and it's not really me doing hailing, we're gonna just stimulate that. Yes, I'm simply the docent. And I am the conduit, essentially, that conspires with the person and whatever unit of energy they're working with, to have it be gone, because I have in my hubris early on, charged in and done my work. And then the nice person put all those nice little blocks right back in the way because they didn't know who they would be without them. Right. So it has to be a collaboration, it has to be an understanding of, you know, because we are sovereign, this thing here, we're sovereign. And so we do not have to be subject to anybody else's will.

Melissa Deally:

Absolutely not. Yeah. So that's what

Sally Reid:

I've learned is to make it a collaboration, in fact, make it mostly the clients journey, and not any of my own. It has nothing to do with me, I decide. I am the trusted advisor. Yes. And that's,

Melissa Deally:

that's what I consider myself as the guide. And I agree with what you're saying, there's, I can't do the work for somebody who's sitting in front of me, they have to come ready and willing to do the work while I guide them through. And that I actually

Sally Reid:

can do the work. But I shouldn't, right?

Melissa Deally:

I can't, so I don't, I gotta ask them, whether they're willing to do it, or whether they're still going to cling to the rocks over here. And resist. So yeah, I love that. So you have been through an auto immune disease yourself, I have. And I would love you to share that story. Because there's so many people out there that get told by the medical profession, you have such and such autoimmune disease, and you're going to have it for life are you and here are the drugs that you need to take in order to manage it. As opposed to giving them the belief I see the iral I believe that they can heal from this, if they do the work.

Sally Reid:

And it's not even work when you think about it. For me. It was the opposite of work. Here's a here's an example. Like I had this whole huge kitbag of musts and half twos and shoulds and cants and don'ts. And that sucker was heavy and I carried it up all the mountains, I needed to carry it. And then as a woman in her 40s, you understand how we just plow through life when I was in my 40s, is when I discovered this and so I it was mostly just taking the rocks out of the bag, and then finally realize, I don't need the damn bag. It's empty, and then throwing it away. It was the deconstruction of all the muds, the musts and shoulds and half twos that helped my body to stop tripping over that stuff. Because autoimmune is just a symptom. It's not the disease.

Melissa Deally:

It is and yeah, just for the audience's understanding, how long was that process for you? I realize it's going to be different for everybody

Sally Reid:

and not have a trusted advisor. Sorry, it took me a minute. Right? It did take me a minute. And it also took a near death experience on top of that, so I was getting sicker and sicker and sicker and sicker and sicker as one does. And then I finally went to the doctor who promptly said there's nothing wrong with you here take Vioxx was I mean like, Okay. Remember Vioxx was discontinued it because it kills you. Right? And I had a combination of rheumatoid arthritis, ra, and leaky gut slash the food allergy problems. So it was a one to one with rheumatoid arthritis. Yes, they often go hand in hand they do. And so that's what I had. And I went, you know, as God as my witness, this is not going to be my way forward. I don't believe it. And then thankfully I died and God to see the truth of what goes on in the energetic world. And I quietly and to me what it looked like was to you know how when Ivy grows up a tree, and you're constantly just pulling down big lines of it, it to me it looked like the unraveling of all those truths to find out what really was important and what wasn't important. And so I finally came to the point of, well, crap, nothing's important. And then I had to quietly build it all back up to what actually was important. It was a journey, and it took a minute.

Melissa Deally:

But here you are. Yeah. recovered? How many years later?

Sally Reid:

Yeah, it's, I'm gonna say it's 20. Oh, gosh, almost 30 years? Yeah, plenty a good 25 years, because I'm in crawling well into my 60s now. And this journey started in 1999, when I was 41. Right. So it was definitely quite a journey. And quite an understanding and quite a realization of, I mean, like, the new buzzword now is divine feminist power, but it's not really divine. And it's not really feminist. It's simply power. It is simply, it's okay for you to decide. And you just simply have to give yourself permission. And that's all it is. It's the permission we're waiting on. Because the power has always been there. You know, just like Glinda, the Good Witch, Dorothy, you have always had the power to go home. It's the same thing. It really is.

Melissa Deally:

And like you said, it's the decision. So often, we don't know that we can make that decision or that that decision is possible. But once we get there, sometimes we're resistant to also making a decision.

Sally Reid:

Well, it's because we're not sure what's on the other side. And in our experience, things we don't know can hurt us. And like, here's, here's a wonderful example of what that looks like. I rescue racehorses and have for many years, and often, I find that this young horse has been in a stall for most of their lives, without ever going out of their stall unless they're being handled, and touched and ridden. And so when I put them in their stall, and then open the door to their backyard, they will stand in the stall for several days and not realize that they simply can walk out into the backyard. And then it takes them another day or two to understand that grass can be eaten. So that's the level of blindness that some of our shoulds and afters and must have created in us. We can't see that there's, it's all available. There's grass there. There's, there's the doors open. And I believe that's are yours. And my role is to say, look at that, look at that, look at that.

Melissa Deally:

And to remind people that they are safe, and they're working with us. They are so you don't have to take that all of that time to figure that out. And, you know, the unconscious mind is always trying to keep us safe. And it leads to keep us in our comfort zone.

Sally Reid:

And our comfort zone is often the devil we know and not the door we can have.

Melissa Deally:

Exactly. And so it's allowing yourself to open up and release those limiting beliefs that go with it and say, what's on the other side? What are the possibilities?

Sally Reid:

It's just, you know, it's whether we're going to believe our lizard mind, or our frontal cortex. That's all it is. Exactly. Exactly. I'd like to evolve a little past the lizard stage.

Melissa Deally:

We're not there yet. Unfortunately, we're getting there, though, more and more people are starting to understand this and you love sharing it, I love sharing it, the more we get it out to the world, people start to understand the power we have within that we're not yet accessing. So let's talk about that. Let's talk about the unconscious mind and how much you have access to it. I would love for you just share how you talk about that. The audience has heard me talk about it and and I love my hearing things from different people because you always hear it in different ways.

Sally Reid:

Well, this is true. And I wouldn't even separate the minds. I would call it simply whether you are functioning or whether you are noticing. So when one thinks about it, in this world, often people who are in struggle like I am in the bottom part of Maslow's hierarchy of needs and I must understand you know life is a struggle and lately it has been and it's all about getting the means and ways in order to have a shelter and food and be safe And we don't have the luxury of understanding that there's other things. But I might say, that's when we need it the most, when we are in that struggle state, because then we can, instead of being down in the struggle, and in the fight, we can be up where the generals are looking at the fight and go, Oh, those people are over there, and they're not even paying attention to us, why do we have to worry about them? And this is, and so what I would call what I do, is helping people sort their, their truths into actually true and not so really true, and completely level false false. So it's the truth is, to me is the the opening window to get there.

Melissa Deally:

So, if you can give me an example of what that might be like, for guiding someone through that process. I know, for instance, and I love to say to people, if you spoke to other human beings, the way you speak to yourself, would you even have any friends. So much of what we listen to in our head is beating ourselves up. And caught statements worries that aren't even true.

Sally Reid:

That's enough. To me, that is another symptom. What that is, is a symptom of your lizard mind trying to keep your uppity self in line. That's it's simply a synthesis. Sim symptom, it's also a symptom of how you were spoken to as a very young child, because you're gonna pair it that without even realizing it. And many of us were parented i by the greatest generation who were pretty rough, or Gen or boomers, you know, because I was a Boomer and I tried to do better, but we're each generation tries to do better. And in in that way, I'm saying, Yes, we do speak to ourselves. But there's also beyond that, by understanding what we surround ourselves and what we tell ourselves. What we narrate to ourselves, is what we will see and experience. It's like saying that these are the glasses, I'm looking at the world through, and you see how it changes things. Yes, you can. So

Melissa Deally:

for listeners, you've just put on some beautiful red glasses with yellow lenses. changes your view of the world, those yellow lenses,

Sally Reid:

the yellow lenses will pick up, take a cast, they discount the blue, actually, they make the blue go away, right. And so what I what I do when I take them off, I'm seeing things as they are. And so the journey to do that is a very simple question. Do I really believe this? Is this what I truly believe? And when you stop in the middle of a self deprecating sentence, and say, Is this what I truly believe? You in your heart of hearts cannot answer yes. Because that is simply your lizard brain, keeping your your will in a manageable space. That's all it is. It's a symptom.

Melissa Deally:

And I love to say that belief is also a choice. You make a decision, you can choose to believe it or choose not to believe it comes there's a lot of pushback

Sally Reid:

on gaslighting in that one. And I'm not asking people to gaslight themselves. I am asking people to understand that there's another possibility. So a good way that I teach my clients to when they begin to, shall I say bullshit themselves into negative points of view. You simply say, Do I really believe this? And what else could possibly be true? Right? So you add the and what else could possibly be true? At the end of do I really believe this? And that will simply, you know, it's like saying, Can I do something instead of how can I do something? It's the and what else?

Melissa Deally:

Right? It's opening up the possibility? Yeah, you want to open up the space?

Sally Reid:

Yeah, cuz your brain is going to be Oh, she wants to find the answer. Okay, let's find it.

Melissa Deally:

Exactly. And that's what we want for people throughout their life, wherever they're at, whether it's in business, whether it's in finance, or relationship or in health. When you're working with coaches and practitioners, that's what you're actually coming for is the opening up of choice. Because you're in a place that's feeling stuck. And you don't see the choices.

Sally Reid:

That's true, and you're stuck. Why because else you've nixed all the choices. You're stuck to begin with. The minute your little brain goes okay, and then your your negative brain goes Oh, shut up. You could never do that. You know, okay, I don't want to cancel. Yeah, it's true. Yeah, so our job I think is a trusted advisor is just like any other guide, I mean, like, we are always going to look for somebody who knows more about a subject matter than we do in order to have a guide. And so what we do it when you think about is not all that different than, say, a mechanic who's looking for a problem in your car, or you know, a doctor or even a doctor looking for a, the reason for a problem, but mostly they're just treating a symptom, but we will go there, you're racing chronic disease, in AR, their training symptoms, yes, doctors are great.

Melissa Deally:

And then very often, though, because our body is so miraculous, and so intelligent, will say, that didn't do what I was asking you to do by giving you the symptom. So now I'm going to give you another symptom. And another one, see if I can get you to pay attention and do what I want you to do. And you go back doctor, and you get another prescription. And before long people are on eight and 10 prescriptions or more with all of these negative side effects.

Sally Reid:

Yeah, it's pretty bad.

Melissa Deally:

If you're enjoying my contents, and someone that wants to step into being proactive in your health and learning more, I would love to invite you to join my membership community. There's a link in the show notes for only 1999 a month, you get access to all of my content. And there's a lot as well as weekly calls that you can come and get your health questions answered. It's truly priceless. I'd love to see you join the community, check out the link in the show notes.

Sally Reid:

And when you think about it, at least me personally, this is what my progression was. It started in my 20s with low back pain, because your back tells you you're carrying too much. Yeah, it does. And then it moves to random joint pain if you've got Ra, like knees, elbows, toes, ankles, whatever. And then it will move to intestinal distress.

Melissa Deally:

Of course, the gut is not happy, which is heal the gut in the process of healing the era Yep. And then

Sally Reid:

it will move to days where you just can't effing get out of bed. Yes, because you feel so crappy. And then that's when people usually go to the doctor. Right? Because they're gonna ignore it until they can't ignore it, at least in my experience as people who were raised without a lot of emotional support, or, you know, they're raised, you know, the tough get going when the going gets tough and you know, all those other ways

Melissa Deally:

don't cry, and yeah, up in the air, don't bring your troubles to work. All of those things. Oh, my favorite

Sally Reid:

one, you think this hurts, try this one.

Melissa Deally:

wash it all down. We squash, squash, squash, stuff it all down, which is another form of toxicity in the body. Bingo, that festers.

Sally Reid:

Bingo. And sometimes it's not even our stuff. That's the thing that I discovered is most of that crap wasn't even mine. Because I am a highly sensitive, highly intuitive person, I was able to pick up the emotional vibration of the world around me. Which is why very sensitive people, children, you'll notice this in children, a person will walk up and they'll immediately go, I don't want to go near that person. And you wonder, you know, Jimmy, what's wrong with you go say hi to Uncle so and so. And you have to suck it up. And you learn this really, really young, but it's the person and their vibrational energy that you can feel. And so there's this whole other category of person who is highly sensitive, and then you put on childhood trauma, and then you put on lack of emotional support. And then Whoo, look at what you got, you got what many people are suffering with. And, and it becomes unsupportable and unsustainable in their 30s and 40s. For sure.

Melissa Deally:

And particularly for those sensitive people because it's the lack of emotional support, which comes across to the child as lack of understanding of who I am as a being

Sally Reid:

or that your input as a being is not welcome or interesting. Right? That one comes along or or, or except you want to survive you're on your own. That is a very clear message if you want to survive you're on your own. So therefore you are creating your own again narrative about what things mean which is work coming around full circle where we started, and and how things how the world looks. And so chances are if you have a negative narrative, you started cultivating it around age two and a half or three, right?

Melissa Deally:

And so much of our programming in our unconscious mind that has us in the patterns and strategies that we use in our life as adults was all develop In that zero to six window,

Sally Reid:

yeah, it was. And again, for the average

Melissa Deally:

person, can your inner four year old or five year old run your adult life?

Sally Reid:

No. Right? Not really. But it does, it often does. Exactly. And that's

Melissa Deally:

where we get stuck. Because it only take us so far.

Sally Reid:

It can. I'm one of those odd people who actually has cognitive memories of very early childhood. And I think that helped me do my own journey on my own. Like, I actually remember the moment where I learned that I could stand up, and then reach for something and start cruising. So that's pretty young.

Melissa Deally:

It is very young with learning to walk, that's less, I don't know, I remembered a 14 month window.

Sally Reid:

According to my mother, it was at around six months, between five and a half and six months, even

Melissa Deally:

younger than I was pretty arcane, yet you were just pulling yourself up and holding on to things.

Sally Reid:

Yep. And I also remember the moment in time when speech became understandable to me, it was as long before I could talk, which is also around five and a half, six months, you'll see it on a baby like I remember one day people were going back to me, and the next minute was like, Oh, look at the baby. You understood it? Yes, I understood what they were saying. It's like a switch that turns on. And you'll see, there are people who now who study that they're trying to find out when a baby sprain starts turning on, and that's about when it is. And so I can remember all those moments, and I remember the formative moments, and was able to unravel them. And most people don't have that access. I don't understand why my memory was so good. But it is a it's an interesting phenomenon to to correlate what you remember, and then think back and see it from this amazing bird's eye view of an adult who is a parent, and is understanding on whole nother side of it. Hmm. Because what you ascertain as a small child is never the whole story. No, it is just what it means to you. Right. And therefore it is not the basis of a it's not the great basis for a rule to run your life.

Melissa Deally:

Exactly. And the reality of that, too, is that it's the same as an adult, we're still putting the experience through our own individual filters, and creating our own reality of that experience. That can be completely different to the three people that you share that experience with.

Sally Reid:

Hence, we have politics,

Melissa Deally:

which we won't even delve into here.

Sally Reid:

No, we won't. But that's good. It's a good explanation. It is for the political craziness.

Melissa Deally:

Exactly. And what I do want to ask you just out of my own interest is, did you always have those memories? Or did those memories come back to you after your near death experiences?

Sally Reid:

I've always had those memories always happen. Although I can say that the first near death experience I had forgotten about. And then I re remembered it after my second near death experience.

Melissa Deally:

And how many years apart? Were they? Oh, gosh,

Sally Reid:

the first one was when I was just around three years old. Okay, a second one was like when I said in my very early 40s.

Melissa Deally:

Right. Okay, so big gap. big gap. Makes sense that what happened at three, that you don't remember all those sometimes we also remember trauma however, you didn't remember. And then you remembered, go, I remembered

Sally Reid:

it. And I remembered the moment before I died. And I remember the moment after, but I didn't remember the experience of death. And until I remembered it, and it was it was pretty funny. be remembering. Yeah, it was very, it was very funny. And the funny thing is, I was driving down the road at the time. And I was like, Oh my gosh, this is gonna be a third. What if you don't get your stuff on string?

Melissa Deally:

We don't need an accident in the car right now.

Sally Reid:

It was pretty funny.

Melissa Deally:

And so just out of interest as well. Were you in any other line of work anywhere in your career, I know that you've been highly sensitive and an empath your whole life and just, you know, finding your way into that can be a difficult process for people because of the fact that you're so sensitive and not necessarily accepted. And if that's driven into you into that zero to six age group, it's potentially hard to speak about and share. And you kind of hide the gifts that you have until something happens. And then you realize this is my mission. This is what I'm supposed to be doing and you step into it. So what were you in between? Oh, in terms of your career and

Sally Reid:

so many things. This is what I want to do. Have people notice is the first thing you're going to notice is you don't feel like you truly belong anywhere. So therefore, you have this amazing chameleon ability to shoehorn yourself into pretty much anything you want to do. So it was literally pick a year pick a career, and they were vastly and wildly disparate. And I was had some level of good success in every single damn one of them. Because of the highly sensitive persons, usually, they're very high in intellect, I'm not saying I'm so smart, but a human that has the ability to track so many different things at once has to have some level of brain power. And so you can shoehorn yourself and, and put yourself into pretty much anything. So I have been, in my adult life, a successful newspaper columnist, I have been a successful Animal Control director, I have been a successful horse trainer, I have been a successful outside sales rep. And real estate agent later on. And I mean all and then I stopped in the middle and became a successful homestead farmer, where we raised everything we ate, and I did it all on my own, because my husband was off working. So I mean, the difference in all of that learning curve was huge. And it's just like, you fall into each one. And you do it until, and this is what many people will notice, especially if they they're the people like to try stuff, they'll notice that you know, early on whether it's going to work or not. And you'll you know, you do those like three months, sometimes only three weeks part. And that's not the one that's not the one and you start over. For me, I was able to shoehorn myself in until it just didn't feel like, you know, I'd hit the wall. It wasn't me. And this particular thing that I am doing now the one that I resisted so heavily. It sort of crept in as I was doing my last traditional career, which was a real estate agent. And it was during the fall, the crash of 2008 2009 2010 2011, where everything became shrinking, shrinking, shrinking, shrinking, can't sell can't sell. And I was able to get these quote unquote, unsellable houses sold immediately. And because I would go in find out what the house needed to heal. What needed to heal in the house, what energy needed to change what flow needed to be changed, whatever it is. And within a very short period of time, they would sell the my favorite one was when I walked in the house, this house had been on the market for a year and 10 days. And I showed the house to one of my clients and they didn't want it as everybody else didn't want it. And the client, you know, you leave your card, and the client called me and said, Will you lose my house. And so I walked in and went, Hmm, I see what's wrong. And I went in, and I just changed the energy the whole house and changed so much. And within five hours, five whole hours of it being listed. And me putting a sign out. We had an interested buyer who was ready to buy it right then in there. And it turns out, it was a divorce sale. And the husband was the energy was so vile, and so angry, and he had so many liens on the house, we almost couldn't get it sold. And it was him doing this crushing energy. And all I did was change that energy. And it sold immediately. Right? And and then I went hmm, there's this, there's something to this stuff.

Melissa Deally:

We'll get that. And so powerful, right, and it is shows how energies are working in our world and Empath know, they're there can feel them can see them. And yet there's this whole other part of the population that because they don't see it, and they don't feel it, they don't believe it. Right. And yet intuitively, in your unconscious mind that picks up on it. And so some of these are, well, these people weren't buying because they were all picking up on it. They didn't really know why they weren't buying their conscious mind probably made up this excuse or that excuse or this reason or that reason. If they probably unconsciously knew the moment they walked in the door. I'm not buying this house,

Sally Reid:

you know, and I literally changed nothing inside the house but the energy right? We didn't paint the door different color. We didn't do anything. All I did was changed the energy of the house and lifted this heaviness that was on it. And the people weren't even living in the house anymore. They had moved on and but he was a you know, a violent narcissistic pig and was asserting his negativity all over this house. Right. I've seen it before with it. This is very interesting. otter who so hated her parents, and delved into black magic that she had called down all kinds of negative energy to this house to the point where you almost couldn't walk into it. It was like, almost, oh, I can't walk into and it was one of the nicest houses in the neighborhood, and it should have sold immediately. And yes, I changed the energy the house. And that one was two hours later. I mean, seriously.

Melissa Deally:

So yeah, there's, I mean, I come into my office every morning, and I clear the energy to start my day. And with a little ritual, I didn't always do that. These are things that I'm learning along the way as I continue my education in the power of our body and our energy fields, our unconscious mind, in the healing journey, because there's so much more when we delve down this path, without any negative side effects.

Sally Reid:

Yeah, I wouldn't, I wouldn't even like I like to move beyond that. In not even labeled negative and positive, I like to move it to the point of it's not really negative, probably, because that's a personal judgment for everybody. To me, it is whether it's easy or hard, or whether it's effortless, or it takes effort, right. So when I walk through life, I set my own personal field, as effortless. And everything that has effort can actually just move out of the way. Right. And so I find that clearing energy is redundant at this point, because I've set it on auto, right to become effort less. Right. And, you know, for the longest time I my, my information was always choose easy. I'm like, well, that's not right, you're not supposed to choose easy. It is That's exactly right.

Melissa Deally:

And yet, we're programmed that the easy way is the lazy way. You're You're cheating or whatever, right. And so that's why we use the way there's the way or the hard way, but the easy way, is the way. So that's a beautiful note to shift on here. I always ask my podcast guests this question. What does don't wait for your wake up call mean to you?

Sally Reid:

It actually means a great deal, because my wake up call was facing a life of misery. And yet I had warnings for years that I chose to ignore. So you can make it you know, go back to the old proverb, a stitch in time saves nine or you know, for the want of a nail, the horse lost the shoe, whatever you can use whichever adage you want, it's all the same. And so what it means to me is get curious about when things change in your life. Don't just say, Oh, well, gotta learn to play with those little hurts. Thank you, Vince Lombardi, you just need to move forward because we we come from this culture, this patriarchal culture, of what doesn't kill me make me makes me stronger. And we come from this, suck it up and get over it culture. Both of us do. And you know, we must thank the stiff upper lip of the English for that. Yes. So we're going to say no, and it has nothing to do with feminine. It has everything to do with noticing. Yes. And getting curious and getting curious. So if something material changes materially changes in your life, like you wake up and you have an unexplainable pain in your back, get curious, go Hmm. I don't remember hurting my back. And then get curious about it.

Melissa Deally:

Exactly. And we can apply that everywhere. So it starts with the awareness so that you're noticing so that you can get curious. Even with things like if you go to the doctor, and they tell you you have high cholesterol now and that you have to take a drug. Get curious around why do you have high cholesterol? Because you didn't have it 10 years ago, or maybe five years ago? Why do you have it now? That's a symptom.

Sally Reid:

It is a symptom. And you know, my husband had quote unquote, high cholesterol, and he came home with a drug and this was when he was 60. He's 71 Now, we never said a word to the doctor never did anything. I helped him. And now that he's 71 Last time we went to the doctors doctors, wow, how come your cholesterol is normal?

Melissa Deally:

Exactly. It's a symptom, you get to then look for the underlying root cause. getting curious helps you do that, working with people that can help guide you through that process, if you can do it yourself is a far better option than just taking a drug which you then become dependent on for the rest of your life.

Sally Reid:

And it actually set you up to have to go on other drugs. So that's the unfortunate thing. And I like to look at of, you know, like asking for help. That's another big taboo. And so if you are the kind of person who does not ask for help, and must get through it, great, pick up self help books, pick up another way, give yourself permission to notice and have more curiosity about things than just living in zombie knee jerk. Well, this will get better eventually, or not. And so here's the thing with asking for help. If you were to know everything, then why are you having a problem? You're a true, which is why people have brainstorming sessions with more than one person, which is why, you know, the very best think tanks have more than one person in them. And so you need many people's eyes in order to see the problem. And it's worth it exact same way for you. Having someone else helps, yes.

Melissa Deally:

Because you don't see your own tunnel vision, and you don't see your own blind spots. And someone else can come in and see them right away. And it also comes down to the fixed mindset and the closed mindset, where the fixed mindset thinks they know everything, they don't need anyone else's help. And the growth mindset is that I can't possibly know everything, because there's so much information out there. Who do I need to seek the support from that knows what I don't know.

Sally Reid:

And also, there's another layer, if it is painful, your three year old self told you, I don't ever want to see this or hear about this again, hide this now. And so you literally can't see it if you wanted to, because you have hidden it from yourself. And that's exactly like saying, Oh my God, where are my car keys? Let me go look in my neighbor's house. It's impossible. So that's why you need somebody else to come in and say, Look, your car keys are on the coffee table. They've been there the whole time. You can't see them because they are blue, and you're wearing blue blocker glasses or something. I mean, it's that simple.

Melissa Deally:

It is, it absolutely is. So if somebody wants to work with you and connect with you, because they know they need your services. How do they get in touch? Well, the

Sally Reid:

easiest way is to go to my website, which is my, Sally There are ways for you to email me, or you can fill out an application to work with me. And we'll get on a call together a free call, just to chat and find out what your situation is like. You also can join me on my social media. My favorite one is Tiktok at this time, and that is at Bliss life underscore coach, I am bliss life underscore coach on Instagram as well. And I I am also in on YouTube as just playing bliss life coach. So if you would like to follow along or get in touch with me, that is the easiest way. I do put out videos, little short form videos that give you tips and tricks and stuff on how to do things a little differently.

Melissa Deally:

That's wonderful. And I'll make sure all of that is in the show notes for everyone as well. And you also have a gift for the audience and meditation.

Sally Reid:

I do have a gift. And did I give you the email? I mean the the link for it. Yes.

Melissa Deally:

Yes, Sally would flash healing gift.

Sally Reid:

Yes, that gift is a guided meditation to help you sort of shake hands and get to know that person inside of you in case you haven't and it gives you a window that you can look through and get curious about.

Melissa Deally:

I love that and so I highly encourage everybody download that meditation and listen to it once a day. Just once isn't enough, listen to it once a day because each time you listen to it, it will build on your ability to connect with that person inside of you. Thank you thank you so much for being here. Sally, are there any last messages you would like to leave with the audience?

Sally Reid:

My favorite thing that I love to tell people not only choose easy I also always choose what makes your heart soar. That's the easiest way to decide.

Melissa Deally:

I love that. I love that. Thank you so much. It's been a fabulous conversation to all of my audience. Really listen to what Sally shared today. It gives you choices and possibility. And even if you don't feel like you need this work right now, you probably know someone who does. And please share this podcast with them. And thank you for always being here and tuning in. I'll be back again next week.