Jan. 21, 2021

The Universe Can’t Get Behind Wishy-Washy

The Universe Can’t Get Behind Wishy-Washy

As a kid growing up, I often had the hardest time making even the simplest decisions. The thought of making the wrong decision (aka: mistakes) was paralyzing.

I needed choices in order to “feel alive” but give me too many options and I would end up stuck spinning like that damn pinwheel on your computer. Ha!

Today on The Karen Kenney Show, we’re looking at the decision making process and why it can be so debilitating for some of us.

The thing is, if we keep sitting on the fence about things, our hesitancy can get in the way of the universe being able to step in and help us.

We need to commit to a choice, either way, and be willing to take that first brave step or leap of faith so the guidance can or will actually come.

Finding a way to get out of our heads, to drop down into our body, and more specifically into our hearts - in order to get clear and make full embodied decisions is where happiness and success can be found.

“Once we commit”, WH Murray tells us, “then Providence will move too!” Amen!

KK's Key Takeaways

I Am Wicked Excited (6:02)

Even The Smallest Decisions Were Hard (10:57)

Help Your Spiritual Team (15:01)

Boldness Has Power (19:56)

Burn Your Boats (21:00)

Stop With The Wishy-Washy (26:28)

You Have Got To Get Clear (31:35)

Karen Kenney is a certified Spiritual Mentor, author, speaker, and the host of The Karen Kenney Show Podcast. She’s also the founder of THE NEST - an online spiritual membership & community.

She’s been a student & guide of A Course in Miracles for close to three decades, a yoga teacher for 20+ years and is a longtime practitioner of Passage Meditation. She’s also a Gateless Writing Instructor & workshop facilitator and is currently working on a memoir.

KK grew up in Lawrence & Boston, MA, and graduated from BU with a degree in Communications. She’s known for her storytelling, her sense of humor, her love of the Divine and her “down-to-earth” practical approach to Spirituality. Her signature process: Your Story to Your Glory™ - helps people transform their old stories of victimization & suffering, so they can choose Love over fear, improve their most important relationships, deepen their connection to Self, Source & Spirit, and live from a place of forgiveness, flow, freedom & fun!

A sought-after speaker, spiritual teacher, and thought leader for podcasts, shows, live events, and mastermind programs, Karen's been invited to speak & teach on various platforms, stages & retreat centers across the country, including the renowned Omega Institute for Holistic Studies.

You can learn more & connect with KK at: www.karenkenney.com