Dec. 17, 2020

Ep 117: Embrace your intuition and come into the 'true potential of human' with Energy Alchemist Tash Mitch

Ep 117: Embrace your intuition and come into the 'true potential of human' with Energy Alchemist Tash Mitch

Prior to fully realizing her role as an Energy Alchemist and catalyst for change, Tash Mitch survived a tumultuous childhood and grew to success in the world of media and advertising. Her sense of purpose then pushed her to do more. Embracing passions...

Prior to fully realizing her role as an Energy Alchemist and catalyst for change, Tash Mitch survived a tumultuous childhood and grew to success in the world of media and advertising. Her sense of purpose then pushed her to do more. Embracing passions for study and soul connection, the roles of life and business coach, reiki master, intuitive guide, and more came naturally. Today, Tash inspires us to heed our intuition, plug into it, and allow it to inform how we may come into the true ‘potential of human.’


About the Guest:

Tash Mitch

Life & Business Coach, Reiki Master Teacher, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Theta Healer, EFT Practitioner, Intuitive Guide, Doula, Channel, Creative, Writer and Speaker.

Energy Work was first introduced to me by my Grand Mother, she was an intuitive guide, mystic and healer. She was self taught and showed me a path based on sovereignty, independence and ownership of my unique gifts. She set the foundations.

As with many who are here to be a catalyst for change and expansion, at first I found it a challenge articulating myself as an enegy worker and healer. I knew that I needed to find my own path which meant forging my own voice, but I also knew that this would take some time. I was drawn to study business and went into advertising and marketing within the media industry, first for The British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC) and later for Music Week Magazine which was a part of the United Business Media Group (UBM).

Even though I loved working in the media industry, my spirit was switched on and activated by energy work, personal development and healing modalities, so I spent most of my free time studying, researching and practicing. I became a body worker integrating energy work into my practice. This allowed me to get an intimate understanding on how energy moves within our bodies and our lives, the various ways it gets blocked and how it is expanded.

I always felt a massive sense of purpose in being born at this specific time. I’m aware that we currently live in a space where the world is changing at a very fast pace, we are moving away from the patriarchal structures of dominance and control and moving toward a more matriarchal system where authentic collaborations and a deep appreciation of ourselves as Divine beings is key. As one collective way of being breaks down giving rise to another, there is a need for way showers, thought leaders, healing catalysts, creatives and world bridgers to evolve, to transition, to become, to awaken and to step forward.


Personal Links:


Resource Links:

Everything is Figureoutable:

How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World:



About the Host:

Dan McPherson, International Speaker, Business and Personal Development Coach, and CEO of Leaders Must Lead, is on a mission to help Creatives and Entrepreneurs create and grow profit and understand that Dreams ARE Real. With more than 25 years’ experience in corporate roles leading teams of up to 2000 and responsible for more than $150M in revenue, Dan is a recognized expert in leadership, sales, and business strategy.

Through his Leaders Must Learn Mastermind, Dreams ARE Real Podcast, Foundations of Success Training, and powerful 1-1 coaching, Dan helps hundreds of entrepreneurs around the world from musicians and artists to chiropractors, coaches, retailers, and beyond experience success and accomplish their goals.

To learn more about Dan or to follow him on Social Media, you can find him on:


Leaders Must Lead Facebook:

Free Coaching Assessment:

Dreams are Real Facebook:




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