Nov. 19, 2020

Ep 113: Choosing Bravery day by day with Leadership Expert Kristen Knowles

Ep 113: Choosing Bravery day by day with Leadership Expert Kristen Knowles

Worlds are changed because of people who are willing and brave enough to dream. Most people get that, but if you truly want to be a world-changing leader, you must also commit to a lifelong journey of constantly having to work on, grow, and develop...

Worlds are changed because of people who are willing and brave enough to dream. Most people get that, but if you truly want to be a world-changing leader, you must also commit to a lifelong journey of constantly having to work on, grow, and develop yourself.

Kristen Knowles, President of Brave Leaders Group, is an example of profound courage in action. Having been exposed to abuse and suicide and overcome betrayal, failure, and rejection, Kristen had plenty of opportunity to quit, or step back, but instead chose to step forward.


About the Guest:

Kristen Knowles is a 12x award winning leadership expert. Over the last 10 years, she has built and led multiple coaching and leadership programs for top companies worldwide. Her passion is helping leaders live & lead from their purpose. She is the President of Brave Leaders Group, a full-suite leadership firm that specializes in offering unique leadership experiences that create impactful moments and inspire growth. She offers a unique opportunity to implement strategies that create empowering cultures and breaks apart our previous ideas of leadership to create brave leaders that will mark history and change the narrative for leadership going forward.

Her experience spans internationally, having worked in Europe & Africa, and with organizations in southeast Asia and domestically in the USA. She has served as the VP and Chairman of the board of directors for an international non-profit organization, Head of HR and member of the executive leadership team for several organizations, as well as an Organizational Development consultant for multiple start-ups.

Her mission is to empower leaders to lead & live from purpose. She will inspire you to wake up with excitement and passion to do what you were made to do and thrive in every area of your life—by creating deep relationships and leading with authenticity and courage.

Having gone through failure, rejection, and abuse, her story is a powerful example that you are made for more! Your life has purpose—no matter where you come from or what you’ve gone through—you can have purpose and abundance in your life.

“Today, I am grateful for all of these experiences and these failures because they led me on a journey— a path to greater leadership, to discover who I am and my purpose, to face my fears, and taught me how to cultivate meaningful relationships. This path helped shape me and I learned what it looks like to have a life with purpose, to lead with purpose, and how to have fulfillment in every area of my life. I overcame betrayal, failure, disappointment, rejection, and everything the world had thrown at me, and you can too. I personally overcame all of those challenges to discover the path that leads to a life of purpose, fulfillment, and connection. I invite you on the journey of a lifetime—to live full of purpose. Will you join me?” - Kristen Knowles


Personal Links:

Website/ services/ and contact for speaking:



Resource Links:

 Freebie/Giveaway for listeners:

The Step by Step Guide to Discovering Your Purpose in 1-hour:

The Busy Professional's Guide to Creating & Sustaining Balance:

Dare to Lead:

Braving the Wilderness:



About the Host:

Dan McPherson, International Speaker, Business and Personal Development Coach, and CEO of Leaders Must Lead, is on a mission to help Creatives and Entrepreneurs create and grow profit and understand that Dreams ARE Real. With more than 25 years’ experience in corporate roles leading teams of up to 2000 and responsible for more than $150M in revenue, Dan is a recognized expert in leadership, sales, and business strategy.

Through his Leaders Must Learn Mastermind, Dreams ARE Real Podcast, Foundations of Success Training, and powerful 1-1 coaching, Dan helps hundreds of entrepreneurs around the world from musicians and artists to chiropractors, coaches, retailers, and beyond experience success and accomplish their goals.

To learn more about Dan or to follow him on Social Media, you can find him on:


Leaders Must Lead Facebook:

Free Coaching Assessment:

Dreams are Real Facebook:




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