
Oct. 11, 2022

Embodying Higher Frequencies – Musings from the Camino 2022

Have you been trying to figure out what the best method for you to consistently connect with and live from higher frequencies? Too often you may find yourself stuck to the modalities that look more at your thought and emotio…
Sept. 13, 2022

From Corporate to Global Leader: A Client Spotlight with Sophia Kryst

“If you do not do the energetic work first before working on it in the physical, it does not manifest in the way you want it.” - Sophia Kryst Are you on the journey to shift from moving out of the corporate world to becoming…
Aug. 9, 2022

The Power of Mentoring with the Ascended Masters

Are you feeling divinely matched in your relationships? The practice of working with guides and mentors on the physical plane for your spiritual and business growth is common, however, are you partnering with the Ascended Ma…
July 12, 2022

Courage to Follow You Higher-Self Guidance: My Semi-Sabbatical (Personal Story)

As a high-performing spiritual leader, you are guided by your higher-self all of the time. Having the courage to implement the guidance you receive requires a refined level of self-leadership. Perhaps, your higher self has b…
June 21, 2022

Pro Lightworkers: How to Make More MONEY

You know you were born to elevate consciousness on the planet and facilitate transformation for others. In fact, you probably love it so much you’d do it for free. This is great if you are a “hobby” lightworker however, to b…
June 14, 2022

Bust Channeling Myths: Co-Creating with the Divine Jo Ann Levitt – A Client Spotlight

Imagine accomplishing the extraordinary, like authoring a book from download to publication in months rather than years. Join Danielle as she talks to author Jo Ann Levitt as she shares her “Anything is Possible” mindset whe…
June 7, 2022

Everyday Enlightenment: How to Embody Spiritual Truths Without Faking It

Feel like enlightenment is out of reach or only for yogis or monks? What if you could massively accelerate your consciousness by using your everyday life as your playground. You can experience enlightenment (being lighter) e…
May 17, 2022

Manifesting and the Akashic Records

Ever wondered what the deeper calling or underlying reason is behind what you desire? Why you have chosen the path that you are on? The answer can be illuminated in your Akashic Records, your soul library that has been recor…
May 10, 2022

New Paradigm of Leadership: We the Leader with Jeff Spahn

Are you finding yourself falling into the old paradigm of leadership; responding reactively to situations, directing instead of co-creating? In this episode, Jeff Spahn, author of “We The Leader” will share with you how to b…
May 3, 2022

Manifesting Secrets: Actualize to Fast Track Self-Actualization

Are you on a path of actualizing BOTH spiritual and material expansion? This episode takes a deep dive into manifestation secrets that you won’t want to miss. Including how to fast-track the time it takes to manifest the dee…
April 19, 2022

Energetics MATTER: Why Mindset & Strategy Only Get You So Far

You have probably heard of or have used a mindset coach but have you accessed an energetic coach? Someone who has held space for you to embody all of your energy at the highest octave? In this episode, you will learn about t…
April 12, 2022

Return to Radiance: Client Spotlight with Terri Gervais

“Radiance begins with taking care of yourself from the inside out, and really showing your body that you respect it. And once you allow your soul to know that you are here fully to just live, be, and do, your soul begins to …
April 5, 2022

Channeling: Create Aligned Content without Overthinking Things

Are you craving a new way of creating without all the hoo-ha of the old paradigm of perfectionism, trying to figure things out, or endless iterations? If so, it is time to step into Co-creating with Source. There is an inval…
March 15, 2022

The Art of Spiritual Advancement: 2012 – 2022 and Beyond

Quantifying your success on the physical plane is easy to do—you can see if you’re income has increased or count the numbers of books you have sold. Yet how is it that you recognize your spiritual advancement? From the Mayan…
March 8, 2022

Scribe Your Book at the Speed of Light – A Client Spotlight with Kim van de Sande

Have you ever wondered what it would take to get your book done in months rather than years? In this episode, Danielle is joined by one of her Divine Transmission Clients, Kim van de Sande. Kim has released her new book, Act…
March 1, 2022

What is Enough? When More is Actually Less.

When it comes to a thriving transformational business, how do you know when you’re successful? Always being in the seeking mode of more clients, programs, money, and impact creates an endless cycle of being separate from bei…
Feb. 15, 2022

The Call to Lead the New-Paradigm: You Can’t Get Here (Multi-D) From There (3D)

“You can't get here in 5D-multi-D leadership from 3D leadership. What got you to your current level of leadership isn't what's going to move the needle to get you into leading your global movement.” In this episode, Danielle…
Feb. 8, 2022

The Magic of Your Own Modality to Call in Aligned Clients. A Client Spotlight with Denise Field

You have learned several strategies from your mentors over the years but are they working for you? It is time to stop copying your mentors' modality, create your own body of work, and make the impact that you were born for. …
Feb. 1, 2022

From Best Kept Secret to Highly Sought After Leader: 3 Keys to Increase Visibility

Do you ever feel like you are the best-kept secret? That your message is lost in a sea of copycat voices? You’re here to lead an even bigger global movement and in order for that to happen, you need to be visible to your per…
Jan. 18, 2022

Stop Waiting and Start Creating

“When you create, you are engaged in an act of love. It is an act of love for yourself. It is an act of love for others.” - Council of Light Do you have a book that you are wanting to write, or create a course that will help…
Jan. 11, 2022

Magnetize Money at the Speed of Light: 2.5x Money and Mission Impact Client Spotlight with Susan Glusica

Have you ever wondered how to magnetize money into your life? Our guest today, Susan Glusica has been through the Divine Light Activation and the Magdalene Codes Program, which helped her 2.5 her money and deepen more fully …
Jan. 4, 2022

Money in 2022 and Beyond: How to Stop Being the Bottleneck to Letting It In

Along with a larger global evolution of consciousness, there has also been an evolution of consciousness around money. Danielle and the Council of Light invite us in to take a look at the old paradigm of money as a survival …
Dec. 21, 2021

Spiritual Millionairess: How to Make Bank, Change Lives, and Be Radiant

In this week’s episode, Danielle is excited to discuss one of her favorite topics, the Spiritual Millionairess Leadership Codes. These codes can really help cultivate the triple-flame of abundance; that is to make bank, chan…
Dec. 14, 2021

Nurture Your Community for Effortless Enrollments with Tamika Auwai

In this episode, Tamika Auwai joins Danielle to discuss the importance of nurturing your community. This in turn will help increase your enrollments with little effort on your behalf. Listen as they share some strategies tha…