Aug. 10, 2021

EP16: Meditation and Intuition is Your Super Power With Candace McKim

EP16: Meditation and Intuition is Your Super Power With Candace McKim

Wellness means living it every day and encompassing it in areas of your life.


Candace shares with us the reality of slipping when it comes to health goals and encourages us to always come back to what we know is best for our bodies. For her here non-negotiable wellness practice is her plant-based diet and meditation. In this episode we dig into the why, the how and the steps to get started with meditation.


Candace believes meditation is a non-negotiable when it comes to getting in touch with our/your needs, sleeping better, and making proactive decisions. Wellness has some fundamental pillars; breath, rest, nutrition and mindset. Mediation is a champion of these pillars.

We discuss the tricks of getting started with mediation, the bottom line just to start doing it. There is no right or wrong way to meditate. Candace provides us with some suggestions for getting started;

·        Find a quiet space

·        Set up the environment, turn off outside distractions

·        Determine the right time for you to mediate

o   This may be mid-day when you are needing to rejuvenate. It is a great replacement for caffeine or chocolate.

·        Set a timer so you can stay focused on breathing not the time

·        Slow down your breath

·        Relax your scalp and tension in your body, jaw, neck etc.

·        You can use the universal mantra of So-Hum and repeat it in your mind

·        When your mind wanders you can come back to the So-Hum mantra


“When you are frazzled and feel overwhelmed that is the precise time to meditate.” ~ Candace McKim


We are reminded that consistency is the key when it comes to mediation, so you can create a container for receiving ideas and messages. Mediation will help keep you in a proactive state versus a reactive state.


Wellness Nuggets;

·        Consider what energy masculine or feminine that suits your wellness journey

·        Body, mind and spirit were systematically separated it’s time to reconnect to the whole

·        Turn within for answers

·        Mindset is a big part of creating change


“I believe our intuition is our soul speaking to ask, what does she want right now?” ~ Candace McKim

We invite you to ignite the Wellness Warrior in YOU!

About the Guest:

Candace McKim is an Intuitive Teacher, Coach, Author, TEDx speaker and founder of the Intuitive Coaching Academy’s online training.  

Candace spent decades combining her Social Work background with Yoga & Chakra Therapy into a form of intuitive teachings.  

Candace’s wise and fun-loving approach guides women to courageously connect to their purpose through their intuition and to level up their heart-centred businesses.   

Candace’s training and coaching strategies supports purpose-driven business women to make the impact and attract the wealth and recognition they desire by following intuitive wisdom.

Candace teaches not only on Intuition but also on Women & Worth, Wealth & Wellness.



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Resource link/Giveaway

Enjoy a free meditation on the Magic of Your Intuition:

About the Host:

Jenny Ryce is a Mindset and Accredited Executive Coach, speaker, podcast host and the President of Your Holistic Earth, a global community advocating holistic wellness, connection and professional collaboration.

Jenny is passionate about connecting others to the power of mindset and wellness. When she is not pursuing her professional passions, Jenny can be found spending time in nature, getting grounded and finding inspiration.

Jenny is the proud mother of two amazing daughters and the wife of a military veteran. You will often hear her say that they fuel her passion.

It is time to redefine your wellness and experience first-hand what Winning with Wellness can do. Jenny believes that you should always capitalize on your greatest asset, YOU.


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Jenny Ryce:

This is winning with wellness, a podcast about inspiring the wellness warrior in you. If you're feeling lost or alone in your wellness journey, or looking for new ideas and inspiration, you are in the right place, a place you can learn about all things wellness in business life and living. Your host Jenny rice, we'll be bringing you inspiring stories and practical tools to improve your overall wellness personally and professionally. Imagine what living a life of wellness would be like. Thank you for joining us today.

Jenny Ryce:

Welcome everyone to another episode of winning with wellness and I am so excited. I'm here with Candace mccammon. And we are going to talk all things wellness. Hi, Kim. Oh, why am I calling you Kim? That's your last name. Candace. Hi, Candace, how are you? Hi, Jenny. I'm super excited to be here. I'm thrilled to have you here. So before we dig in, I would love to let the audience know a little bit more about you. And I'm going to share your professional BIOS so they can dig into some of those fun facts. But then we're going to really get to know you and dig into this episode. So I'm just going to share a little bit about you. You're an intuitive teacher, coach, author, TEDx speaker and founder of the intuitive coaching Academy's online training. Canada spends spent decades combining our social work background with yoga and chakra therapy into a form of intuitive teaching. Candice is wise and fun loving approach guides women to courageously connect to their purpose through their intuition and to level up their heart centered business. Candace has trainings and coaching strategies support proven driven business, women to take the impact and attract the wealth and recognition they desire by following intuitive wisdom. Candace teaches not only in on intuition, but also on women and worth, wealth and wellness. So Candace, welcome aboard.

Jenny Ryce:

I thank you for having me. It's gonna be fun.

Jenny Ryce:

I'm so excited you're here. So we love to dig into wellness. And the biggest goal of this podcast is to spark and ignite wellness decisions and other people to think beyond what we would normally consider wellness. You know, many of us believed and were raised to think that we were, well, if we were not in a hospital or at the doctor, and we're really here trying to champion and change that so many of us are living in a gray area of have fun, well, and we're not really sure on where to go there. So I'm really curious, what does wellness mean to you?

Candace McKim:

wellness means to me, living it every day, and really encompassing all the parts of your life that help you feel Well, for me, it's living yoga, right? It's not about going to yoga, or doing yoga, it's about living yoga, I used to have a yoga studio, and when I left it was, it's still about living yoga. So what that means to me is eating a plant based diet, I've been vegetarian since I was 16 years old. So a really long time. Like, 30, I don't know, a long time. I'm 58 now, so a long time, and it's, it's just, that's part of who I am. But it really it's about coming back to it's not that we don't, um, you know, stray and eat things that, that don't feed or feed our body as well as other things. But it and it's, so it's knowing that we do that giving ourselves permission to do that. And then coming back to what, what kind of diet and drinking lots of water does for our body. Meditation is my number one thing, it's my non negotiable that I do absolutely everything everyday well, eating plant based is also I was 13 years old. And my parents were hard working self employed parents of three teenagers. And my mum was extremely stressed out. And well, both my parents were but my mom went to the doctor about it. And he prescribed volume to her. And she's like, I can't do this. I can't take this medication and still run our business and run a household. So they just happen to be watching Johnny Carson and the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was on there. And they talked about Transcendental Meditation. And so they took our entire family to learn meditation when I was 13 years old. And so it just started that part of that part of that wellness that you know we have we're more productive when we meditate everyday we're more in touch with source our intuition. Priorities helps us to slow down time. It helps us to sleep better, all of the benefit. That's a meditation. So that's definitely another one. taking lots of deep breaths, I was always told us a little girl Take a deep breath. And then I started teaching workshops on wellness and on in yoga and on intuition. And I remember saying to in a workshop saying, you know, your mother always told you when you're required to take a deep breath. And so one of the women came up to me after the workshop and said, my mom never told me that. And it was like this, aha, that my mother had intuitively told us to do that. But not everybody even knows about taking a deep breath. So breath is another really big important part of it, rest is a huge one. That's my biggest challenge. I like to burn, I like to stay up late and get up early. I'm one of those people. So resti is another big one. It's, it's really, it's a huge part of making sure that we get proper sleep. And then also using affirmations, doing mindset work, having a coach, all of those things are what to me embodies wellness. So when we think and I love what you're sharing, and of course, like I had all these questions I was gonna ask you, and I'm just throwing them out the window, because I'm really drawn to what you're sharing. So you were gifted and, and literally blessed at a young age to have this instilled in your, in your lifestyle and your practice. So for those of us that are listening, and with you right now that hear the word, say, meditation, or yoga, and literally, you know, we roadblock maybe we're afraid of trying or we think it's got to be a big thing, what are some steps and tips or tricks that we could provide? You know, tricks are in the right thing, we want it to become a habit. So what are some solid foundational things, it's super easy for people to do to get started without being overwhelmed by the idea of taking on a new practice. Actually, my giveaway is the magic of meditation, like it's all about, it's the simple way of doing meditation, there's a PDF handout, it's one of the chapters in my book, The Seven Steps to meditation. And then also on my website, I have free yoga classes that can get people started. But the trick really is just doing it every day, there is no trick, I still don't do it perfectly every day. And I've been doing that like every single day, at least once a day, often twice a day, for how many decades, right. And it really truly is my non negotiable, like I don't miss ever, ever. And the only trick is just doing it every single day. So setting the timer for 10 minutes, finding the space. So taking yourself through the relaxation. So the seven steps of meditation really are setting up the environment. So turning off outside noises, whatever settling the dog down the kids down. You know, I used to meditate when my kids were little and they'd be outside I had a thing that I hung on the door, this little brass Angel, and the kids would be outside my door, be quiet as meditating. And I'd be in there giggling, but they knew when mom is mad.

Candace McKim:

Quiet? So you know, and I like I said, I started meditating at 13. So I started when I was in high school, I would come home and meditate after school, I was an after noon meditator you know that time when you go to caffeine or chocolate or, because your energy starts to get low and you want to energize for the evening. That's the best time to meditate. And it's it's so it's bringing in that yummy factor that I get to go and I get to sit down and put my feet up for 10 minutes. So the first step is setting up the environment, set the timer, because the worst thing I was doing is having your eyes closed, and then looking like opening one eye to look at the clock.

Jenny Ryce:

Oh my gosh, I'm so guilty of that. Sometimes

Candace McKim:

gotta be I gotta get the kids, I gotta go pick up, right Oh, my word, then just start to slow the breath down. I often will read for five minutes. So it takes me out of my day. So I read for five minutes, I add that extra five minutes onto my timer. And then so it takes me out of the day. And then what you do is you just start to slow down the breath. You can take yourself through a relaxation one of the things is relaxing yourself scalp, we hold so much tightness, tension in our scalp, which is I believe is which is why our hair starts to thin, relaxing the jaw relaxing the neck, just taking yourself through a bit of relaxation and focusing on your breath. changing it into a mantra. The Universal mantra is not owned, but actually so hum for for meditation. So it s o hum h UM, just repeat it in your mind so Homme so Homme and then when your mind wanders, not if it wanders, but when it wanders, because it will everybody's does, right? Nobody's nobody's more special than the other people right? But everybody's mind will wander as you do as you get more practice, it'll water less but when it wanders, and just bring it back to repeat. So hum. And you just keep doing that. You just keep doing that and then the timer goes and you go Can I meditated it


You know, give yourself some kudos, and you're done. The thing is, is that what happens though is if you consistently do this, then you're going to go to that place between thought and sleep. And that's where the real golden nuggets are. And there's no expectations, you can meditate for 20 years and never have to go there. Not I think you will go there, but you'll go to that place between thought and sleep. And that's when you get inspiration. That's when you, you know, that's when you get, like I've been in, in medicine, actually, I was in meditation when I decided to become a yoga teacher. And it was a divine message that came through in that place. And I jumped into action, like I flew out a meditation and started figuring that out making that happen.

Jenny Ryce:

I love that you share that because and I just want to step in, just to add my my own experience. When I don't carve out the time to meditate, I get my downloads when I'm trying to sleep. So like you say, in that that zone between where the brain is just shutting off, and I'm just about falling asleep. But then all of a sudden, I'm inspired, which, of course is interrupting my sleep. So I know that it works against me not to meditate, because then that might sleep is interrupted, because it's coming, the message is gonna come no matter what. So sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to share that.

Candace McKim:

Yeah, no using that trap at all. And when we think when we're the busiest, like, when we used to have dinner parties great. Yes, before a pandemic, and we would be like rushing around and you got to get this done. And you start then you start to get frazzled or overwhelmed, and maybe start to yell at the other people in your household to help you and that but and you think the last thing you can do is meditate. That is the precise time to go meditate. Because what happens is you go meditate, and you come out and you go. So what if we don't have the table set properly, all of a sudden, time slows down, you prioritize differently. And then you enjoy yourself.

Jenny Ryce:

I love that. So when you think about as as who you are now in your lifetime, and it sounds like you've had lots of you know, support, which is incredible going up through your childhood. But is there one thing in reference to wellness and your wellness journey that you wish you could have told yourself or you would love to turn back time to share with your younger self.

Candace McKim:

Um, it comes back to the overwhelm, right? That putting, putting more pressure on myself having to do things, what I thought of perfect, like that whole little bit of perfectionism, that perfectionism part of myself, that was, um, you know that I am a high achiever. And I know that I recognize it. And I honor that part of me, because I used to think that was a bit of my shadow. And now I realize No, that is actually my strength. And that's what I'm here to do in this lifetime. But it doesn't have to be perfect. Nothing has to be perfect. It only has to be 70%. Like, I only have to get my messaging, I only have to get whatever I'm doing to 70% and then start before you're ready. Mm.

Jenny Ryce:

Oh my gosh, can we just just highlight that for a sec? I hope everybody heard that. Start before you're ready. Oh, my goodness, so many of us in all areas of our lives personal and professional. I am I am a guilty party in this as well where, you know, I feel like sometimes, especially if the project is so near and dear to my heart, that has got to be just right before lunch. And it's so interesting. Because when I worked with my clients, that's a heck no, it's like, let's go put it out there. And it's so interesting when the tables turn how we can fall into those habits. So thank you for highlighting that. That's such an important piece. So when you think about people's wellness, so we're again, I want to talk to our listeners that maybe aren't meditating on a regular basis, or or considering a meditation practice or falling into that. Why do you think redefining wellness is important? So at the beginning, I was talking about how we we live in a gray area, and we don't realize we're in a gray area of well, why do you think it's important for us to redefine our wellness,

Candace McKim:

because we've been told for life, like our entire lives and lifetimes to do it in the masculine energy, and to put a lot of pressure on ourselves. And so I worked with a client for a really long time before she really understood this, I would talk about let's work in the, in the feminine energy, you know, let's not put over put pressure on her. Like let's not put so much pressure on ourselves. Let's move that into the feminine energy and her business. She could do it but she couldn't in her wellness. And all of a sudden a light bulb went off and she goes oh now I get it because she was in a boot camp and she was you know, right and it's like we think that we have to do our wellness in the masculine and energy. And we have been told this over and over again, let's do it harder and faster and more disciplined. And that's push ourselves and we, you know, dry, it breaks my heart to think of how many people prevent their wellness, because they think they have to do it in that masculine energy. And I don't know about you. But the second, I feel like I have to do something, I push back, push back. And it's, I do that in my business, I did that the first couple of systems I hired, they would come in, and that masculine energy, and it took me a while to realize that they were coming in pushing, and in that masculine energy, and I would just push back, and there was the end. So I'm like, No, let's do this in the feminine energy of allowing and getting to and making that yummy and making it special. And then the other thing I'm going to flip real quick, here is the other thing, I think what's happened is body, mind and spirit, which we hear this a lot. It was systematically separated many, many, many years ago, right? It was systematically separated. And we the people know nothing. And so it was give we were given. So our spirit was given to the churches, our minds were given to the education system, and the learned men and body was given to the doctors and those learned learned men, and that we don't know anything. But when we can connect to our intuition and stay connected to our intuitive intelligence, or intuitive guidance. We can so much more easily or be on this road, checking in what works for me, what does my body want right now? What does my mind Walmart right now? What is my soul? What is my spirit want right now? I believe our intuition is our soul speaking to us, and what does she want? For me right now?I was a lot.

Jenny Ryce:

No, but it's, it's true. And it's very powerful. And I think again, you know, when we talk about different energies, different energy service at different times, so being really clear on what what you resonate, and what comes forward, I think is extremely powerful. Because I know for myself, there are certain times where I have to tap into my masculine energy to do the things that to excel at what I want to excel at. And other times, I need to tap into my feminine energy to excel and do the things I want to do it. So it's a really interesting, I love that perspective. Because if if you're in something right now, those of you that are listening, if you're doing something right now, and you're feeling a lot of resistance, maybe shift the energy that you're standing in that knot might give you a different perspective, that's super valuable and important. And to remember that when we talk about wellness in a holistic way, we are talking about uniting all three things. And I think that is something that is what we're seriously passionate about here at, you know, at our winning with wellness podcast, and obviously, I have my company, your holistic Earth, and obviously you stand in that strength as well, is there are multiple ways to connect us and be proactive in our health. And I love that you know, everything you do and work towards stands in that that model. When you think about when you think about holistic wellness or mind body and spirit connection and wellness. What is something that you haven't dived into yet, but you're super curious to try personally like to support your wellness?

Candace McKim:

Oh, good question. Um, I don't know, I'm, I'm working a lot now or studying a lot and taking a lot of training on mindset. And it's just a different way of looking at what I've already been teaching, and realizing because in, in my intuitive coaching, Academy training, it's hard to teach intuition to people, right. And it's hard. So I, so I was almost teaching them to become ordinary coaches. And by taking this new training that I'm taking on mindset, and what I'm getting is that when we just kind of take a step back, and allow our intuition to come. And so instead of teaching people to become ordinary coaches, I'm now able to learn how to teach them how to be intuitive coaches, but using the mindset to really make huge changes for people. And so mindset is something that I'm really interested right now in right now. And I'm, I'm in some courses on it.

Jenny Ryce:

It's great. You're stepping into it. And I encourage anybody that's listening mindset, of course, is my passion. And anybody that's listening knows that Carol do it because basically I call her the matriarch of mindset. And she has some incredible books. So anybody that's listening, just looking for some resources tap into her for sure, because she literallyWe wrote the book on it. So when you think about mindset, and you think about you're in meditation, how can people come? If they're passionate about both? They're not sure. How would you suggest that people marry the two?

Candace McKim:

Oh, my, that meditation, it allows you to start to slow down the mind instead of going, going, going and going into that overwhelm going into that. So when, whenever you're in overwhelm, and ever you're in a suffering state of being, it's not truth, right? And there's mindset stuff at work at play. And so because we can, we're always in either one of two states of being right, we're always in a powerful state of being or we're in a, in a suffering state of being. And I'd like to ask your audience, even for them to reflect on how much time do they spend a day in suffering? Right, like, how many hours how many minutes a day do they spend in suffering? And I've heard people say, you know, 24 hours, I've heard people say, eight, eight hours, their entire day at work. I've heard people say even more, right? So, so really checking in like, how many hours a day? Are you staying in that stuff? Where it's suffering state of being? And then how many hours a day are you staying in the, in the powerful, the beautiful state of being, and meditation is one of the keys, all wellness, that whole, you know, circle and wellness that I talked about that, you know, breath and exercise, and, you know, meditation, and all of that part is part of, of our wellness? And so then how do we so using all of that, to bring us back into the powerful state? affirmations are a huge thing. And that's part of mindset mindset is just a decision. Right? So how do we change that decision into me powerful decision?

Jenny Ryce:

Well, and I love that, you know, because truthfully, our thoughts become our things, right? Like, you know, we got to choose our thoughts and words wisely, they really literally become a reality. You know, we forget that we are what we consume. So it's not just what we eat is what we consume, through media. It's what we consume, through, you know, the people, we spend our time with all of those kind of things. So it's super important that we remember we are what we consume, and meditation as a power powerful piece in reminding ourselves to, to, you know, discern if it works for us. So we're just coming to the end of our time together, I can't believe it honestly can't as it goes so fast. So so I want to make sure that the audience we're going to put into the show notes how to reach you, and how to find you with like, your website, etc. But we're also going to make sure Candace mentioned at the in the middle beginning of the episode that she has a really great free offer, and that's around. It's called enjoy free meditation on the magic of your intuition. So we're gonna put that link right into the show notes for you guys. So you can access that and it's super easy for you get to get to Kansas, as we finish up, do you have any final thoughts you'd like to share with the people listening?

Candace McKim:

Um, yeah, my final thoughts are, as I said, in our intuition is our soul speaking to us. And I really feel that we're all here for we all have a message to share with the world, we all are here for purpose. And when we can slow ourselves down, when we can connect to source, we will hear what our soul is here for and we can really allow ourselves to connect to to our greater good, and I feel like we're all here for greatness, and how do we stay connected to that purpose? And it's called in yoga, it's called our Dharma, how do we stay connected to our Dharma, meaning that sometimes it's a big thing. And sometimes it's that every day and it changes and evolves, but underneath there's this nugget, there's this golden jewel within you that every every listener with within all of us, that is here to share with the world, and I'm here to support support women to do that.

Jenny Ryce:

That's amazing. Candace, thank you so much for sharing your passion, your love of wellness, and obviously your craft. Thank you so much for being here with us today.

Candace McKim:

Thank you. This was amazing.