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I’m so excited to have a weekly dose of these angel mentors in my life! I’ve been waiting 🙌! Can’t wait to “get triggered” and keep constructing my own happiness for better days every day!!!!

Pure magic!
Two love experts challenging old belief systems about love, bringing awareness to how you’ve likely operated from a mindset of fear and scarcity, challenging the ways you’ve abandoned yourself in the dating process, and promoting self-love and empowerment...YES, PLEASE! These two women so effortlessly and eloquently break down how to have a healthy, booming relationship with both YOURSELF and a partner. Catherine and Kate are a breath of fresh air and pure magic. Their laughs are contagious!!! Listening feels like two girlfriends having coffee, dropping knowledge bombs and aha moments left and right!!! I can’t wait to hear their enlightened perspectives and expand my own views of what Love is!

Love Experts Cracking Us Wide Open
I am so thrilled these two have burst into the podcast scene to share their wealth of knowledge with us! They are the yin to each other’s yang and play so well off of each other’s energy. I love what each woman brings to the table and I cannot wait to see where they take us on this open heart journey to explore the new paradigm of love and relationships. Give us more, sisters!