May 2, 2022

Introducing The Abundance Journey Video Show and Podcast

Introducing The Abundance Journey Video Show and Podcast

Introducing The Abundance Journey™ video show and podcast. The Abundance Journey™ Show follows all four steps of Abundance: Engage, Embody, Express, and Experience.

Most episodes include a fun, engaging conversation with a guest about Abundance and how it shows up. The best way to attract and experience Abundance is to BE Abundance.  Our guests share:

•     What has held them back from abundance in the past. 

•     What they did to overcome resistance. 

•     And how they help others experience more abundance. 

Every show is designed to amplify abundance for the audience and for the guests. Each guest provides an Abundance tool for our viewers and listeners. Then we amplify Abundance by empowering you, our audience, to support the show guest too. (Because what you give is what you get.) 

Elaine Amplifies Abundance at the end of each episode. 

About the Host, Elaine Starling:

An international TEDx speaker, bestselling author, coach, and mentor, Elaine Starling is recognized for her video show and podcast, The Abundance Journey. After a comprehensive conversation with our higher power during a stroke, Elaine created The Abundance Journey 6-week course to share what she learned. As the Abundance Ambassador, Elaine mentors spiritual, growth-oriented women to align with Divine guidance to achieve their dreams. Elaine’s clients experience more clarity, confidence, and commit to action that achieves their goals. 

Elaine's Social Media Links:




TEDx Talk, “Abundance Is a Choice”


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Elaine Starling:

The AbundanceJourney explores all the ways abundance shows up to help you expand the abundance you embody, express and experience as your journey unfolds.

Elaine Starling:

Hello, and welcome. I'm Elaine Starling, the abundance ambassador and the host of the abundance journey video show and podcast. entrepreneurs who want to create lasting prosperity and fulfillment work with me to make transformation stick. I created the abundance 3d show because I realized that a lot of people really struggle with abundance when they don't have to, you know, abundance is actually all around you. It's at your fingertips, it's so ready to embrace you as soon as you are ready to embrace abundance. The abundance journey show was really perfect for people who have an entrepreneurial mindset. These are folks who are passionate about personal growth. They love learning how spiritual insights complement business strategy, you know, if you've ever wondered, what was missing, what's that secret sauce that that hidden something behind the scenes that just seems to pull everything together perfectly. You'll see it all come together through the abundance journey show. You'll know as you watch the show. I've done extensive research, and had lots and lots of really great experience. I've read hundreds of books. I've spent years and years working with both corporate and personal clients one on one, I also have some insider information that I'll be sharing with you. It's given me a really unique perspective on abundance, how it works, how it shows up, how you can align with it effortlessly and joyfully.

Elaine Starling:

Now I believe that we are here experiencing life in order to engage, embody, express and experience more and more love and abundance all the time in every aspect of our lives. So the abundance journey show actually follows all four steps of abundance, engage, and body Express and experience. I want you to get into this routine because this is how you get abundance to start showing up for you. Now most of the episodes include a really fun engaging conversation with a guest all about abundance, and how it shows up in all the many forms because you're not limited to any one kind of abundance. It's truly unlimited for you. Now the best way to attract abundance is to be abundance. So all of our guests are sharing what has held them back from abundance in the past, you may see some similarities between their journey and yours. Because trust me, we are all on an abundance journey. That's what life is all about. It's a journey of abundance. They also share what they did to overcome the resistance that was holding them back from abundance in the past. And they're going to talk about how they help other people experience more abundance. Interesting how when you show up for others, abundance shows that for you.

Elaine Starling:

So every single show is designed to amplify abundance both for the audience as well as for the guests. So every single guest provides an abundance tool for our viewers and listeners. Then we amplify abundance by empowering you, our audience to support the show guest too, because honestly, what you give is what you get. And we want to create this network of supportive empowering energy that goes between you and the guest so that as they empower more abundance, you get to experience more abundance. Now another thing that's really unique about our show is that I'm going to activate abundance for the audience at the end of every single episode. Once you've experienced this a few times, you're going to start activating abundance for yourself throughout the day. And once you get into that groove, whole baby sky's the limit. It's gonna be so much fun. Now, some of our shows are dedicated sharing insights about your abundance journey and how you can get the most out of life. And I want to give you every single tool available so that you can truly start enjoying unlimited abundance right now. So I invite you to check out my TEDx talk. It's called Abundance is a choice and I'll make sure that a link to my TEDx Talk is in the show notes to make sure you tune in every single week so that you empower more abundance in your life, along with lots of laughter fun and joy. I can't wait to see you again soon.