July 16, 2020

The Power of Love & Silencing Your Inner Critic with Jen Gaudet | SSP34

The Power of Love & Silencing Your Inner Critic with Jen Gaudet | SSP34

In this episode we talk about:

- Your inner critic: the role it plays, how to love your inner critic and use it as a strength instead of a hindrance

- Loving yourself and others to your fullest capacity through healing

- Embracing the joys of the journey vs. waiting for an ever-evolving destination

- How to transform judgement into love

Guest: Jen Gaudet

International Best Selling author, Speaker, Performance Strategist and Master Transformation Coach Jen Gaudet empowers high impact individuals and groups to elevate their life, health and business for maximized impact in their organizations and communities through self care, stress management, mindset, boundaries, and the pillars of human performance.

After 20 years in Sports Medicine and Sport Performance working with elite collegiate, professional, and Olympic athletes, Jen ups the ante, bringing mindset work and human performance to LIFE, challenging leaders everywhere to elevate their game. 

By empowering leaders to become the CEO of their businesses AND their lives, the ripple effect empowers employees, families, and communities to take charge of their health and lives effectively improving quality of life for everyone.

It’s time to be BE the change we want to See in our world, and it starts with us!

Jen is passionate about giving back in both her local and global communities.  As part of a Medical Educational Exchange team, she serves overseas to improve quality healthcare and prevention to communities.  Locally, she donates time and part of her profits to Shieldbearer, fighting for hearts and access to mental health services regardless of ability to pay.

Connect with Jen:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jengaudet.wellnesscoach/
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jen-gaudet-324a25138
You.tube: http://bit.ly/JGCSyoutube

Anastasia Burtnick is an Intuitive Life Coach, Energy Healer and developing Psychic Medium who specializes in helping you get out of your own way, heal pain/dis-ease and traumas and create a connected, meaningful life.

Anastasia has experienced a lot of pain and trauma in her life and has used these hardships as lessons to help her heal and grow. She learned how to heal her body and get out of her own way and is now living a life full of purpose and connection. 

Anastasia’s clients see their bodies and minds heal, their hearts open, their visions come to life and their reality shift to a life filled with self worth, joy, wellness, abundance and purpose. 

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I love you all!