Dec. 5, 2019

2. Are You Too Sensitive?

2. Are You Too Sensitive?

In this episode, we talk about emotional sensitivity. You will learn the ups and downs of sensitivity, what the light and the shadow is, and how to calm the energy storm when it is overwhelming you.

Anastasia is a Certified Whole Person Life Coach who specializes in helping you get out of your own way, heal traumas and create the life you desire.

Anastasia has experienced it all: physical pain, mental illness, loss of career, loss of identity, tough childhood, years of trying to feel loveable and worthy while still hating herself . . . the list goes on. Anastasia used these hardships as lessons to help her heal and grow. She has done the work, studied for thousands of hours, and has completely changed her life.

Through Anastasia’s Soul Leadership method she has helped her clients heal their wounds, release the fears and beliefs that keep them feeling small, and help them step into their radiance and light so they ARE LIVING their best life.

Just like Anastasia did for herself, her clients see their hearts open, their visions come to life and their reality shifts to a life filled with self-worth, bliss, abundance, and purpose.

Testimonial from Aisha, Ontario Canada: “Anastasia has allowed me to open up and be vulnerable. I'm not someone who easily does that but with her patience and kindness, I trusted her to keep me safe. She allows me to lead, giving me gentle pushes when I need them and subtle hints to direct me when I'm lost. I have grown so much with her support while overcoming many obstacles I thought I never could. Having Anastasia as my coach is one of the best things in my life. Thank you, Anastasia, for your amazing support and awesomeness.”

Thank you for joining me today on the Soul Service Podcast!

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