Jan. 6, 2022

Episode 100 - CELEBRATING 100 Episode /My 32 Birthday with Matty Lansdown

Episode 100 - CELEBRATING 100 Episode /My 32 Birthday with Matty Lansdown

 This Episode covered :

How the podcast came about!

My Story with Fibromyalgia!

Why the Name! 

Why are you doing this podcast and nutrition? 

Little about the past 99 episodes. 

What is coming up for the podcast and what are my next goals are!

BIO- Matty is an in-demand Nutritional Therapist, International Speaker, Health and Nutrition Coach, and Consultant for high-level corporate clients, business owners, and 9-5 workers

As a scientist of biology at a major Melbourne hospital and having worked in the fields of Cancer Research and Vaccine Formulation, Matty developed the core belief that ‘genetic diseases’ are, for the most part, a result of misinformation and bad food consumption habits passed down from generation to generation, rather than a result of genetic predisposition to an illness.

Matty’s medical knowledge, combined with extensive research and self-testing of non-traditional dieting and safe fasting methods have made him an internationally recognized voice in the field of intermittent fasting and nutritional optimization. He is regularly invited to international wellness events, retreats, and conferences as a coach, panelist, and speaker.

Likewise, Matty’s weekly podcast “How to NOT Get Sick and Die”, provides his followers with a deep dive into developing sustainable healthy habits.

And this:

Matty's Facebook for Busy Mum's wanting to get healthy: https://mattylansdown.com/BusyMothersFBgroup  

His Guest podcast episode on my show - https://bit.ly/3B96gMF

Amanda Elise Love
Have a conversation with me about your 2022 health goals -http://bit.ly/2ko8lSp
Instagram - https://bit.ly/3fhjmfJ
Facebook personal page- https://bit.ly/2Wlwc4a
Facebook business page- https://www.facebook.com/amandaeliselove
Website - http://www.amandaeliselove.com

Got a question? Or maybe a guest suggestion? Email me at amandaeliselove@gmail.com