June 23, 2020

How my near death experience made me happier and life a little bit sweeter

How my near death experience made me happier and life a little bit sweeter

I only wished I would have died sooner

Sounds odd to say that, but my happiest life began after my near death experience! What is all this talk about happiness anyways?

Some countries measure their success in happiness, which is recognized as having nine components. In a 2016 article published in the Huffingtonpost.com, Bhutan's happiness was measured by it's citizens psychological well-being, ecology, health, education, culture, living standards, time use, community vitality and good governance.

History agrees, wars are started over retaining happiness or to avoid be unhappy. Happiness is spoken about and desired throughout the human race, so what is it?

Happiness defined is feeling joy, an internal sense of satisfaction and a genuine feeling of well-being at your core. It can be described as the good times, absent from discomfort and discontent. But, why can happiness be so elusive, why are so many people unhappy or searching?

And that takes us to mind science, and the words we use to describe life. The word and the phrase, "searching" for happiness is one part of the problem. What others things do we search for? socks in the drawer, car keys somewhere in our home, a location we want to go to, something we want to purchase. The word search actually misleads our brain into believing that we don;t have it, taking our mind outside of itself to locate happiness.

The importance of looking at our mind for solutions is key, because our language illuminates our beliefs, both true and false. Our beliefs are learned by watching and observing; our parents, our peers, teachers, schools, sports, movies, culture, religions, race and society; and this changes our perception of life and happiness.

One of the most common faulty perceptions I observe is that someone else is in charge of our happiness. I've used this one a few times myself! Or that happiness is contingent on something else, luck, a future event, a relationship, education. And now happiness has been attached inside our mind as attainable only when something else occurs. Before too long, we have given our brain, many variables that are attached to this missing feeling of happiness.

A big difference in wanting something in our future and looking forward to something we have planned for. An example is, dinner with friends, next Friday. Looking forward to an experience we are planning and anticipating having fun at, is actually a happiness builder, rather than wanting a bigger house or new pair of shoes.

Often we buy things, leave careers, move communities, exit marriages, all because we feel unhappy. Making a purchase or a location change does allow our brain to flush some feel good hormones and chemicals, but that rush and relief, is short lived and the dissatisfaction with life soon returns. The old saying wherever you go there you are is true!

And then there is the neuroscience lesson that teaches us that our minds trust us completely. Believing everything we think. And this is what I came to experience, the day I found myself in a plane crash. Enveloped in water, upside down and drowning.

Tune into this episode to feel my experience, still fresh in my mind and emotions. What I understand now is that a near death experience has the ability to change our perception in a single breath. Many of my beliefs drowned that day, and I rose up out of the water as if I was breathing for the first time. Seeing the world with fresh eyes and a heart that was open to experience the world through a happier and filter. Watch for my five-day happiness challenge airing July 6

If you liked this episode and want more happiness: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/13351031

Previously on Mind Your Freedom: Debi Robinson: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/14849012






#myfreedomdomday #whatdoesfreedommeantoyou #mindyourfreedom Adele's bio: I strive to live the best life possible. I am a survivor of a plane that crashed and flipped in water. That experience of drowning and how I made my escape forever change my belief in what is possible. I became obsessed with neuroscience. Wanting to understand the power of the mind. If my mind could source information locked deep within my mind, while starved of oxygen. I wanted to know how to access and use that same mind power everyday.  My experience became the driving force of my life purpose.  The stuff I now know to be true

I consciously live my values. Being clear about what I do and don't want. Making value based choices to ensure I love the life I wake-up to every day

I thrive on learning, growing and expanding my awareness so I can embrace all that life has to offer. This deep desire of learning enabled a degree in natural medicine, coaching certificate and Trainers certification in N.L.P. and more.

My clients are successful professionals looking for or going through change. They are tired, want to be listened to and are seeking a personalized caring approach.

So, if you are tired of repeating old patterns of behavior or feeling stuck, tune in here. If you experience uncomfortable or imbalanced feelings in your body, this flavorful podcast may resonate

Maybe you are waking up feeling dis-satisfied in the morning? Or exhausted, living under stress or maybe you are exploring new beginnings. One that fulfills your inner purpose. Then you have found your safe haven

As an N.L.P. trainer, I create perceptual shifts needed to reach your vision. And N.L.P. teaches and provide life skills for a beautiful future. Plus it installs the neuro-networking necessary for transformation

My multi-dynamic and personalized approach includes a deep sense of intuition, natural medicine, neuroscience, integrity and care

Clients report that they feel happier, sleep more soundly and experience feelings of deep satisfaction knowing they are living the purposeful life they have been wanting

Natural health: Improving and balancing your body, mind and soul

NLP Trainer: empowerment, behavioral change, accelerate and motivate learning, install excellence, improve communication and removing stress

Service: Deeply devoted to creating the environment where you can move towards a life you desire and deserve