Feb. 5, 2024

#159 - This Shit Works On Everything

#159 - This Shit Works On Everything

Healing My Dog Walking Anxiety

Walking my dogs used to trigger my anxiety. Not anymore! Listen as I share how I've upgrade my emotional intelligence and dog training to help create this healing!  



FREE Facebook Community -- Find out where your anxiety comes from, either “I’m not enough” or “I’m not safe”: https://fb.watch/p8eQiY0nZq/


MY BOOK is OUT: https://a.co/d/bN5L1G5 

Learn how to heal your anxiety by loving it!  In my book you’ll learn my step-by-step process that healed my anxiety so you can be happy, relaxed and feel safe!



→ Connect with Emilie Clarke


Emilie’s Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/loveyouranxiety/


Join Emilie’s FREE Facebook group with free trainings: https://www.facebook.com/groups/axeyouranxiety


If you’re interested in working with me, message me here: https://www.emilieclarke.com/contact


Anxiety Academy Student Testimonials: https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17951153767008319/