April 22, 2023

Clear Passage For Infertility

Clear Passage For Infertility

Larry and Belinda Wurn are physical therapists who have developed a totally non-invasive hands-on therapy called Clear Passage for managing infertility secondary to PCOS, endometriosis, and scarred fallopian tubes. Their results have been astounding, being published in several medical journals. I've invited them onto the podcast today to share with us the methodology of both their approach and the research they've done to show its effectiveness.

Larry and Belinda started their journey to creating Clear Passage after Belinda was diagnosed with cancer and the lifesaving surgery and radiation left her in debilitating pain. They learned that adhesions were the cause of her pain and knew that further surgery would only cause her more pain, so they sought a solution. Together they studied manual therapy and created the Wurn Technique and Clear Passage approach to treating chronic pain endometriosis, women’s sexual health, and infertility.

Listen in as Larry and Belinda share their Clear Passage approach, just how beneficial it is to pain release, and how their approach is connected to body, mind, and soul healing.


Connect with Larry and Belinda on their website:
