Nov. 26, 2018

Who is on your team?

Who is on your team?

How to know who is on your TEAM vs who is really on YOUR team at work

During our lives, we have many opportunities to participate on teams. Sometimes we are formal leaders of departments or functions, leading committees or chairing boards. Other times, we are members of those teams, committees or boards.

In all those instances, it can be shocking when someone you thought was a trusted leader, colleague or subordinate exhibits behavior that is detrimental to the team. It is even more shocking and disturbing when that behavior is targeted specifically towards you.  Today, we will discuss the difference between a TEAM and your VILLAGE, the importance of awareness and the hidden biases that hinder awareness, and, lastly, some tips on how to respond when someone you thought was in your corner is not. You cannot change other people, but managing your response will keep you on the path you have chosen without unnecessary detours. That is the goal!