Nov. 27, 2019

It Takes Courage

It Takes Courage

It is important, no matter your role in an organization, that you have courage. Courage to tackle tasks you've never done before. Courage to seek and act upon constructive feedback. And, most important AND most difficult, courage to stand up and...

It is important, no matter your role in an organization, that you have courage. Courage to tackle tasks you've never done before. Courage to seek and act upon constructive feedback. And, most important AND most difficult, courage to stand up and challenge the status quo. There are many "sacred cows" in organizations; and developing the ability to address these issues when they are detrimental to the organization is tantamount to effective leadership. It is not necessary to be nasty to be candid. But is is necessary to clear, direct and respectful.  And who knows, your decision to step up and be heard may just be the boost someone else needs who has felt unseen and unheard!