Oct. 19, 2022

Check Your Surroundings

Check Your Surroundings

Episode Summary How do you feel when you walk into your home? Your office? Your backyard? Or onto your balcony or patio? Do you feel peace? Do you feel comfort and safety? Do you feel heaviness? How your environment makes you feel directly impact how...

Episode Summary

How do you feel when you walk into your home? Your office? Your backyard? Or onto your balcony or patio? Do you feel peace? Do you feel comfort and safety? Do you feel heaviness? How your environment makes you feel directly impact how you behave. But you have a choice. What can you do to create an environment that supports the best YOU you can be? Do that!

About the Host:

Laurel Rutledge’s human-centered approach, empathy, and understanding of individual needs make her a top-notch personal advisor and women’s leadership coach.

Her care and compassion have made her an indispensable guide for countless women navigating the next phases of their lives and careers. Add to that her intimate knowledge of the HR landscape, and it becomes clear why her clients have had such transformative experiences. Just as Rutledge has helped countless others get out of their rut and off of the ledge, so too can she help you.

After receiving her MBA, Laurel moved from accounting and consulting to human resources, driven by a desire to do good in a business environment. After a 30-year career, she left the corporate world, but her passion for helping others has only grown. Now, she works one-on-one with clients, leveraging her experience in leadership and personal development to help them get the most of out their lives and careers.

From her beginnings as a consultant at Deloitte to her time as VP of HR at Covestro, Laurel has seen more sides of the business world than most. She uses that experience and her expertise to help leaders ALIGN words and action, get CLEAR on what they want and move into EMPOWERED ACTION all in a space of no judgment. She truly believe you have to “lead with your heart, act with your head.”

Find out more at: https://laurelrutledge.com

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