Jan. 10, 2022

E283: Kicking the 3 Types of Fears (Encore) - Steven Pesavento

E283: Kicking the 3 Types of Fears (Encore) - Steven Pesavento

Fear shows up for ALL of us, and it can present itself in several different forms. If you’re like the rest of us, then you’ve probably been fooled by this fear in your own life: fooled into thinking that maybe you’re not able, or not worthy. Take just a minute today, join us. You’re not alone, and kicking that fear is actually much simpler than you may think!

Fear shows up for ALL of us, and it can present itself in several different forms. If you’re like the rest of us, then you’ve probably been fooled by this fear in your own life: fooled into thinking that maybe you’re not able, or not worthy. Take just a minute today, join us. You’re not alone, and kicking that fear is actually much simpler than you may think!

Key Takeaways:

  1. The three types of fear can be an anchor that could hold you down instead of moving forward in the right way
  2. The Law of Polarity: If failure is possible, success is equally possible; you can flip those fears on their heads.
  3. Write down what are some ways that fear is playing into your life and is holding you back so that you can find the clarity to move forward