May 9, 2019

E08: Investing For Recessions & Niches - Hunter Thompson

E08: Investing For Recessions & Niches - Hunter Thompson

How did Hunter go from zero to $60 million in commercial real estate?
Hunter shares stories of his personal struggles and the strategies he learned from them that lead to getting really focused on the right niches, which lead to success.

From selling parking spaces with his mom as a 5-year-old, to selling Cutco in high-school, to founding Asym Capital (a private equity firm based out of LA), Southern California native Hunter Thompson has created his own empire based on a drive to provide a future and generational wealth for himself and his family.

Hunter’s focus on specific and niche “Recession-resistant” assets has been the driving factor in building Asym Capital, and since his start he’s helped more than 250 investors allocate capital to over 100 properties. He has personally raised over $20mm in private capital, and controls more than $60mm in commercial real estate.


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