Aug. 16, 2023

Maximize The Unseen Potential Of Your Voice: Manifestation With Melinda Lee

Maximize The Unseen Potential Of Your Voice: Manifestation With Melinda Lee

In this episode of Speak in Flow, host Melinda Lee delves into the captivating world of the power of voice as a profound tool for manifesting. Our voices, often underestimated, hold an incredible potential to shape our reality and create transformative outcomes. Join us as we explore the nuances of language, the ripple effect of words, and the steps to harness this hidden potential within each of us.

Segment 1: The Power of Words and Their Impact

Melinda opens the conversation by shedding light on the underestimated power of words and their tremendous impact. Words have the ability to create both conflict and collaboration. Through mindful communication, we can cultivate an environment of collaboration by choosing words that foster understanding and connection. This sets the stage for the uncharted territory of using our voice as a manifesting tool.

Segment 2: Creation Through the Voice - Harnessing Your Manifesting Potential

In this segment, Melinda introduces the captivating idea of creating through the power of one's voice. She uses the analogy of a pebble in a pond to illustrate how words spoken with intention can create ripples that reach far beyond our initial intent. With intention, our words can give birth to tangible outcomes, igniting the spark of transformation.

Segment 3: 3 Steps To Manifest With Your Voice

1. Discerning Your Needs and Desires

Melinda guides us through the essential first step of discerning our needs and desires. She encourages listeners to differentiate between desires driven by ego-based fears and those aligned with their highest selves. By identifying desires rooted in self-love and authentic purpose, individuals lay the foundation for effective manifestation.

2. Maximize the Potential of Your Authentic Desires

Melinda delves into the importance of staying aware when fear creeps in and how to navigate it. She shares strategies to amplify the power and energy of authentic desires, ensuring that they remain the driving force behind the manifestation journey.

3. Speaking Desires into Reality

This segment transitions to actionable steps for manifesting with your voice. Melinda emphasizes the necessity of aligning intentions with authentic desires. Listeners are guided on how to express their desires with confidence and clarity, initiating a powerful transformational process.

Segment 4: Action and Gratitude - Keys to Manifestation

Melinda concludes the episode by discussing the role of action in the manifestation process. She highlights the significance of putting intentions into practice and taking actionable steps toward the desired outcomes. Gratitude takes center stage as Melinda reminds us to appreciate the opportunities that arise along the journey. By nurturing ongoing momentum and maintaining belief in the manifestation process, listeners become the architects of their own reality.


In this enlightening episode of Speak in Flow, Melinda Lee reminds us that we hold the power to shape our reality through the unseen potential of our voices. By understanding the impact of our words, discerning authentic desires, and confidently speaking them into existence, we embark on a transformative journey of manifestation. Join us next time as we continue to explore the art of communication and creation on Speak in Flow.

Remember, you are the creator of your reality, and your voice is your tool of manifestation.

About Melinda:

Melinda Lee is a Presentation Skills Expert, Speaking Coach and nationally renowned Motivational Speaker. She holds an M.A. in Organizational Psychology, is an Insights Practitioner, and is a Certified Professional in Talent Development as well as Certified in Conflict Resolution. For over a decade, Melinda has researched and studied the state of “flow” and used it as a proven technique to help corporate leaders and business owners amplify their voices, access flow, and present their mission in a more powerful way to achieve results.

She has been the TEDx Berkeley Speaker Coach and worked with hundreds of executives and teams from Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Caltrans, Bay Area Rapid Transit System, and more. Currently, she lives in San Francisco, California, and is breaking the ancestral lineage of silence.





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Melinda Lee:

Welcome, dear listeners, I'm so glad you're

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here for the speaking flow Podcast. Today I have an amazing

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transformative episode for you. We are going to talk about the

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power of your voice and how to use it to manifest things into

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your world. And when I use the word manifest, if that doesn't

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resonate with you, it's okay. You can use actualization,

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materialisation creation, those are some words that you can use

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of manifestation doesn't resonate with you. For me, I

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like manifestation because it reminds me of how God has

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transformed me and helped me to bring things into existence. So

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for me, manifestation means that we are creating something out of

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nothing. How cool is that, we can actually do that with the

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power of our voice. Most people don't know how to do that. In

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fact, most people underestimate that power and underestimate the

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power of our words and our voice. So I want you to be very

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clear and intentional. Think about this, the words that we

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use create our reality, the words that you use can either

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create conflict, or can create collaboration, and bring people

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together. When you use the words, we can't do this, it is

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not possible, there's no way we're going to be able to find a

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solution, then what's going to happen, it becomes a reality,

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right, you're not gonna be able to find a solution, because

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that's what you just said. Alternatively, you can use words

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such as we're going to do this, we've got this, we can find a

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possibility, we're going to stay here until we curate something

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together, even though it may be hard, but we can do this, you're

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creating a reality that is possible. And so there, those

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are two distinct experiences, just purely from your words, and

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your voice. Because it creates an intention and an energy that

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then creates an experience. I want you to think about and

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imagine a pond, a beautiful pond in front of you, you're sitting

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in front of the pond, and then you have a little pebble, throw

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the pebble into the pond, and then just watch the ripples the

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waves out of that one pebble.

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And then if you watch closely, you'll notice that when the wave

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gets to the edge of the pond, it actually ripples back, it

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actually comes back along the same wave. And that is similar

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to what our words are doing. So if you think about when you

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create, say something, it's sending it out. It's a frequency

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just like that pebble, and it's going to return what you just

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said. It's going to return what you just said. And I'll give you

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an example. I have a client, and she wants to speak with

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confidence and clarity. And she and we decided that and then

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next day she had a meeting her and I didn't get a chance to

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meet but she sent me an email saying that she's so afraid

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because it's an unstructured meeting. And she hates

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unstructured meaning she likes to go into so prepared and

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knowing everything about what she's going to say. But because

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it's unstructured it really created fear in her and doubt.

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She's a very intelligent woman with a lot of experience. But

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just because those unstructured, just all the doubts start coming

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up. So what happened is, guess what? The fear set in and she

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created an experience that that confirmed her fear. On during

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the meeting. During the day of that meeting, something happened

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outside her, her brother or her kid started arguing, and they're

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arguing and she got distracted and she started stumbling on

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words in the middle of the presentation. And then when

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people were asking her questions, she was not certain

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she was afraid and and it just became her reality.

Melinda Lee:

Alternatively, Has she taken a moment to really sit and and say

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to yourself, I am an expert. I know my material. I've got so

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much experience I can think on the fly. I am confident even on

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the fly. That is going to increase the likelihood Have

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another experience, because she's saying it. And she's

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creating an energy around it. And holding to that. And so that

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is how you can understand the power of your thoughts. That

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become your words, she had typed an email out to me with all

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those fears. So those, that voice and those thoughts

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translate into an email and created an experience. So that

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is how I want you to think about with intention, your words, and

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how it becomes your reality. And therefore, your experiences and

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your overall life, we want you to start to have intention. And

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because you're here, because you're different than most

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people, I'm going to share with you how to do it some practical

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steps of how to use your voice to manifest into your world.

Melinda Lee:

It's three steps. The first is know your needs, your deepest

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desires, and our alignment with your highest and best self, what

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God wants to view with the universe, what love wants of you

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to increase and maximise that voice, make it louder, make it

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clear how energy around it.

Melinda Lee:

Three, finally speak it, see it out loud, see it over and over

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again, until you take action. And keep going.


I'm gonna break down each step. The first is really


be clear of your needs and desires that are in alignment


with your highest and best self, what God wants to view with the


universe what love wants. Alternatively, I believe most


people might be going from fear and of ego. And that intention


or desire or need is always going to keep you in a stuck


place. It's never a fun place. Because it's a judgement. For


example, you need to lose weight, otherwise, you're no


good. That's a desire, that's a need. But it's so critical, it's


out of fear. You need to make more money, otherwise you are,


you're not going to be paid for the bills, there's a sense of


lack. And then when that happens, you're gonna see that


there's lack everywhere in your life. When actually there's a


lot of abundance, there's a lot of money everywhere. But if


you're constantly saying you need to make money, there's not


enough money, there's not enough money, then that's all you're


going to see around you.

Melinda Lee:

Going into love going into what is your your

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love, and the highest and best self doesn't talk to like that.

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But and that requires that you go in stillness, calming your

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mind, and being very clear of what your love what the love

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your mind, body and soul really wants. And that might be I want

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to speak clearly, I am going to speak clearly to to help improve

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the lives of others to make a difference. I'm attracting all

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the right clients on opportunities that are are

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fulfil me, right, that's so powerful, that's out of love.

Melinda Lee:

And that feels freeing, and that feels energising So really

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taking the time to understanding the needs and desires of your

Melinda Lee:

highest and best self. And once you do that you maximise that

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voice you maximise those thoughts. And be very aware of

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when the other ego and the fear comes in. So for example, my

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clients and I want to learn how to speak confidently and clearly

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and then suddenly all the fear comes in, oh my gosh, there's

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doubt that comes in. And she started listening to that. So

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when you those, the doubts, when the thoughts and the voice of

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doubt, come in, take a moment to breathe, take a moment to exhale

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them out. And then maximise your authentic voice and maximise the

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voice of your highest and best self of God. Use what you need

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your highest self to really hone in on that and fill you up, fill

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your body up with that beautiful, magnificent voice. I

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am confident even if I'm uncomfortable, I'm confident

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even if I don't know what I'm about to say. I am going to

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knock it out of the park. So maximising that true authentic

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voice of your highest and best self. And then finally, the

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third step, speak it into existence, start to say it out

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loud, start to type it out, start to write post. It's put it

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all around you in your room and seeing it for yourself. So I'll

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give you some very clear examples right there's

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There's intention, clarity and specific specificity with what

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you want. You can say to yourself, I want a better job, I

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want a better job, I want a better job. And that doesn't put

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anything into action. How about I am attracting the right job

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that fulfils my passion that fulfils my skills. So being very

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clear, intentional, I am, I think transitioning into I am

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versus I want, that could, I will know I am an inky be in

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alignment with your emotions every day really paying

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attention to your emotions, I hope to be happy. When I get

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that job, I will be happy if I lose weight. Those words will

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create huge just be I will someday you might as well call

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it into existence today. I am happy, I am grateful. I am

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grateful because the opportunities are here. The new

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start to notice what is around you come into your life of those

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opportunities. Because it ripples back. What you have just

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said, I trust that what I say is going to happen I trust God's

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timing. And you'll start to notice in your life that you do

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trust in the timing of it all. And you trust that it's going to

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happen, I trust that the right job will be here. And then start

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to put things into action. You say these affirmations, you say

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these positive words, you speak it into reality, and then start

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to put the energy and action before it in front of it. And

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you keep going as you take action, you start to say these

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words over and over to yourself. And then notice if fear comes

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in, if any doubt comes in, exhaling and out, noticing it

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though exhaling out if the fear continues to come in too

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strongly, reach out to me. So we could I could support you with

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that. So that it can get more minimised. But then continuing

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to then say what you want, say the desires of your heart over

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and take the action, the energy, where your focus goes, your

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energy flows. And when your energy is flowing in that way,

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you'll start to see how the world around you starts to

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shift, you'll start to see that opportunities are here. And it

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is possible.

Melinda Lee:

I've created and manifested many things into my life. The two big

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things, my business, and a house in Sausalito. My business was

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not here. But I knew I wanted to help people with their voice.

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And as soon as I said that, I started to see people come into

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my life who needed help with unlocking the power of the

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voice. And it was all the right people I started saying I'm

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attracting the right people that are wanting to work with me

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right away. And then suddenly, I'll see that. So you want to

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open up that gateway. So imagine that your voice is the gateway,

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the bridge, the doorway, from your ideas, what you imagine

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what is possible into the reality of the world around you.

Melinda Lee:

When you start saying the right words, the right thinking the

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right thoughts that are in alignment with your ideas of

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your highest and best self, your highest and best self want to

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create that with you. That's the beautiful part. God wants to

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create that with you. Because it is of your highest and best self

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and everything around you. The opportunities will come and

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you'll start to see them. And don't forget to be grateful when

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it does happen. Trust that it will happen but also grateful

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when it does celebrate the little milestones Toward

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Creation. And, and then, for example, my house in Sausalito

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was not here and now it's here. And I am extremely grateful. And

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I am humbled by the possibility of me little me, who I don't

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believe was really much was not really much until I started to

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notice that. You know what I say does matter. My voice does

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matter. And it does create things into existence. And I

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create it with the universe with God around me and the people

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around me and the love that is within my heart that that sparks

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the path passion that sparks the action that then sparks the

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worlds and my experiences. And that is how I have created

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manifested things into my world. So I hope you also take the

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power of your voice, with intention with the knowingness

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that it is an amazing vehicle to, to bring into reality the

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ideas that you have in your head. It is a doorway to

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creating into existence, what you've always known from your

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highest and best self. It is a doorway, the vehicle that you

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can use to manifest your deepest desires and needs into the world

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to make a positive change in the world.

Melinda Lee:

So today we cover those three tips to do that. The first one

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is understanding the needs and desires of your highest self of

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love. To maximising that voice so much, learning how to

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maximising knowing and see when the doubt comes in, and then

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deciding to maximise that voice. And then finally speaking that

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into existence, saying the words I am, I am, I am confident, I am

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grateful, I am trusting.

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I am doing this and then putting those words into action with the

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same energy. And you'll see how the world around us get

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synchronised with the right opportunities that really create

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what you have always thought and knew in your head.

Melinda Lee:

Thank you so much for joining me on this transformative journey.

Melinda Lee:

Take those steps take those tips. Use them in your everyday

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life. And you will start to see your life transform in the way

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that your heart desires. And in a way that is also positive in

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our world and in our community around you. And thank you so

Melinda Lee:

much. Let me know how that goes. Try those tips out and contact

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me. I want to hear from you. Until next time, I'll see you on

Melinda Lee:

the other side for another episode of speak in flow

Melinda Lee:

podcast. I hope you are well be well. I'm your sister and