June 13, 2023

How to Conquer Your Fear Of Public Speaking and Thrive With Lynn Kirkham

How to Conquer Your Fear Of Public Speaking and Thrive With Lynn Kirkham

Founder of “Yes You Can Speak”, Lynn Kirkham has helped thousands of leaders overcome their fear of public speaking. Need to rise, feeling like you face a do or die need to become a public speaker to reach the next level of your career, and yet dread the spotlight? Lynn provides proven strategies to turn on your inner light, flipping the switch to your pure potential and tap into one of your most powerful gifts. Want more confidence and ease on stage, tune into the sweet wisdom, and feel connected to your heart, your audience and trust you are exactly where you were meant to be, a Master of yourself and public speaking. The spotlight effect is real. Find out more about that and then it may surprise you; the deal is as much as we think we need to be perfect; it is better to be open, quirky and real. Your unique self is what really seals the deal.

Lynn Kirkham Bio:

Lynn Kirkham is the Founder of Yes You Can Speak. Lynn went from a shy wallflower to a woman on a mission - Over the past 13 years, she has unleashed over 4,500 brilliant voices, empowering them to command whatever stage they’ve been given, from job interviews, online meetings, boardroom talks to TEDx and large conference platforms.


About Melinda:

Melinda Lee is a Presentation Skills Expert, Speaking Coach and nationally renowned Motivational Speaker. She holds an M.A. in Organizational Psychology, is an Insights Practitioner, and is a Certified Professional in Talent Development as well as Certified in Conflict Resolution. For over a decade, Melinda has researched and studied the state of “flow” and used it as a proven technique to help corporate leaders and business owners amplify their voices, access flow, and present their mission in a more powerful way to achieve results.

She has been the TEDx Berkeley Speaker Coach and worked with hundreds of executives and teams from Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Caltrans, Bay Area Rapid Transit System, and more. Currently, she lives in San Francisco, California, and is breaking the ancestral lineage of silence.

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Melinda Lee:

Hello, welcome to the speak in flow Podcast. Today

Melinda Lee:

I have the complete honour and pleasure of introducing my

Melinda Lee:

mentor, someone who I own. I owe the world's who she's the queen

Melinda Lee:

in my world. She has transformed me. Her name is Lynn Kirkham.

Melinda Lee:

She's the founder of yes, you can speak for over 14 years,

Melinda Lee:

helped 1000s of leaders, executives, entrepreneurs to

Melinda Lee:

help them overcome their fear of public speaking, and really

Melinda Lee:

catapults their truth potential. She is a TEDx, Berkeley speaker

Melinda Lee:

coach, she in 2017, inducted to the Hall of happiness, which I

Melinda Lee:

think is so cool. She's so much to me. And I brought her on

Melinda Lee:

because I know that she is at the forefront of what public

Melinda Lee:

speaking means. And there's so much that we can all learn from

Melinda Lee:

her and her experiences, and what she's done for her clients,

Melinda Lee:

and so many people in our community. Welcome, Lynne to the

Melinda Lee:

podcast. Good to see you.

Lynn Kirkham:

Oh, my gosh, Melinda, thank you. It's great

Lynn Kirkham:

to see you. I'm so excited for this conversation.

Melinda Lee:

I am to, you've helped 1000s of leaders, so many

Melinda Lee:

achieve so much success and true results. When asked you

Melinda Lee:

something just specific one client, if you could just be

Melinda Lee:

able to think of one client that just comes up for you, because I

Melinda Lee:

liked for the club, the audience to hear the the real

Melinda Lee:

transformation that you can achieve, just to one client that

Melinda Lee:

has really struggled with public speaking, and what you have done

Melinda Lee:

to help this

Lynn Kirkham:

person? Oh, sure. Sure. Sure, sure. Gosh, this

Lynn Kirkham:

brings to mind, someone by the name of Ed. And he's he went

Lynn Kirkham:

through my programme, four years ago, four years ago. And he

Lynn Kirkham:

actually called me last week to work with him on on something

Lynn Kirkham:

other than speaking. And what he told me is that the word changed

Lynn Kirkham:

his life so much because he was an engineer. And he used to

Lynn Kirkham:

speak, looking at his shoes. He's like, I was a typical

Lynn Kirkham:

engineer, or, you know, when I had to stand up and speak, I

Lynn Kirkham:

looked at my shoes.

Melinda Lee:

There it safer there than these eyes.

Lynn Kirkham:

Exactly. And I would, I would kind of like

Lynn Kirkham:

shuffle my feet. And, and, and he hated being in the spotlight.

Lynn Kirkham:

He just hated it. Yeah. And. And he knew that he needed to rise.

Lynn Kirkham:

And so it was either do or die. Right, you know, his career was

Lynn Kirkham:

at stake. And he needed he needed to shift it up. And what

Lynn Kirkham:

we realised after talking is that, you know, he grew up in an

Lynn Kirkham:

environment that was difficult, right, he had a parent that was

Lynn Kirkham:

really difficult and not as loving or compassionate as he

Lynn Kirkham:

needed. And because of that, it created some trauma on the

Lynn Kirkham:

inside. And it made him doubt himself. And, and the doubts

Lynn Kirkham:

would come up when the stakes were the highest, right? When he

Lynn Kirkham:

was in front of his boss or his boss's boss, or in front of

Lynn Kirkham:

customers, or, you know, if you had to present, God forbid, he

Lynn Kirkham:

had to present at a conference, you know, that's when all the

Lynn Kirkham:

doubts would come up. And so he came to me, and he just said,

Lynn Kirkham:

Oh, my gosh, we got to do something about this. And so we

Lynn Kirkham:

did. And fast forward four years later, he founded his own

Lynn Kirkham:

company. He left the corporate world, he founded his own

Lynn Kirkham:

company. And no, not only did he found a great company, but he

Lynn Kirkham:

has raised over $300 million in funding, which you cannot do if

Lynn Kirkham:

you're looking at your shoes. No way so so he basically changed

Lynn Kirkham:

his whole life, which is so cool. And there is nothing more

Lynn Kirkham:

exciting to me. And I know the same for you will end up because

Lynn Kirkham:

we've worked together so much is that when that light turns on

Lynn Kirkham:

inside of somebody, it it's like magic and magic, right? And we

Lynn Kirkham:

just get goosebumps because it's it's like that pure potential

Lynn Kirkham:

that somebody is that they've, you know, just kept in a little

Lynn Kirkham:

box is now released. And it's the most beautiful thing. Yeah.

Melinda Lee:

I mean, because I was a speaker coach. I was

Melinda Lee:

actually marketing myself as a speaker coach, and I was like,

Melinda Lee:

Oh, I'm pretty good. I'm confident. But then once I met

Melinda Lee:

you, you really you took it, you took it so much deeper. You're

Melinda Lee:

able to help me out eliminate my own negative thoughts. My own

Melinda Lee:

inner critic, which was still so high, it was like, You're not

Melinda Lee:

good enough? Who are you to speak? You're not smart enough

Melinda Lee:

that was running for many, many years, because my dad always

Melinda Lee:

told me you're not smart enough. And I believe that. And so if I

Melinda Lee:

had that belief inside me how, who am I to stand up in front of

Melinda Lee:

an audience and really shine. But when you worked with me to

Melinda Lee:

eliminate to let go of that old belief, I remember the day I

Melinda Lee:

felt it, I felt my whole body light up. I was like, Oh, my

Melinda Lee:

gosh, I'm here with my audience. And I feel free. I feel like I

Melinda Lee:

could just communicate and talk and be with them. It's a

Melinda Lee:

completely different experience, to speak, and just communicate

Melinda Lee:

and say the words and still have an inner critic, versus Hey, not

Melinda Lee:

have that inner critic anymore, and just communicate and just

Melinda Lee:

be, I'm here. And so I'm sure I mean, can you tell me a little

Melinda Lee:

bit and then you it sounds like with this with the guy with the

Melinda Lee:

engineer, he had the same a lot of trauma from family, a lot of

Melinda Lee:

beliefs or beliefs, because of the mom. And then once we've

Melinda Lee:

helped them identify and let them go, he was, yeah,

Lynn Kirkham:

yeah. But just to get back to you for one second,

Lynn Kirkham:

okay. You know, once you let go of all that stuff, and you're

Lynn Kirkham:

able to just be, as you said, in front of people, yeah. You, you

Lynn Kirkham:

were able to tap into a flow state. Yes. And tapping into a

Lynn Kirkham:

flow state is one of the most beautiful things, you know, it's

Lynn Kirkham:

like, it's like, you're just sailing, it's just you've caught

Lynn Kirkham:

the wind. And it's, you know, it's just the perfect breeze.

Lynn Kirkham:

It's not too fast, it's not too slow. It's just perfect. And

Lynn Kirkham:

you're gliding, and you're connected, you're connected

Lynn Kirkham:

with, you know, if you were literally out on a sailboat,

Lynn Kirkham:

you'd be connected to the elements, right, you connected

Lynn Kirkham:

to the water connected to the air, connected just to

Lynn Kirkham:

everything around you. And, and what's really cool is that when

Lynn Kirkham:

you're now in front of people, Melinda, I've seen it happen so

Lynn Kirkham:

many times with you, where you do step into a flow state and

Lynn Kirkham:

you stay connected, no matter what you stay connected to your

Lynn Kirkham:

heart, you stay connected to the audience, and then you just

Lynn Kirkham:

trust, which is not what you were able to do before because

Lynn Kirkham:

of all the trauma because of what your dad told you. You

Lynn Kirkham:

weren't able to trust that you could step into a flow state

Lynn Kirkham:

because that's scary like to. Because for a lot of us, it

Lynn Kirkham:

feels like we're giving up control.

Melinda Lee:

Mm hmm. If we're just letting go, we're giving up

Melinda Lee:

control of what is known.

Lynn Kirkham:

If you don't try really hard, yeah, then the

Lynn Kirkham:

words aren't going to come out. Right? And then you're again,

Lynn Kirkham:

not going to be smart enough.

Melinda Lee:

Yeah, yeah. Because when we let go, we don't know

Melinda Lee:

what's gonna happen. And then and then they might see us, they

Melinda Lee:

might see that we're not smart enough. And then it's done. So

Melinda Lee:

it's like almost almost like training wheels. It feels like

Melinda Lee:

training wheels to be in a box where when we write out our

Melinda Lee:

script, or we practice and practice and practice, and we're

Melinda Lee:

just really not letting go to trust our words, because we're

Melinda Lee:

so used to practising our content. And then we just stay

Melinda Lee:

there. Yeah, I

Lynn Kirkham:

remember, I used to practice like crazy. I know.

Lynn Kirkham:

You know, every word had to be perfectly scripted. And my

Lynn Kirkham:

problem is that I've got a pretty poor memory. You know, I

Lynn Kirkham:

would try to memorise and, and that just didn't work. I

Lynn Kirkham:

remember I remember going to toastmasters one day, I was in a

Lynn Kirkham:

club and and when I went to toastmasters like I don't know,

Lynn Kirkham:

20 years ago or something. We didn't have to memorise you

Lynn Kirkham:

know, we could have notes up there and we could just, you

Lynn Kirkham:

know, we couldn't read it. But we could do, we didn't have to

Lynn Kirkham:

memorise every single word and and in recent time, they really

Lynn Kirkham:

want you to memorise and I remember going to memorise every

Lynn Kirkham:

word and just go up. Hey, yeah, read right now. Yeah, I know. I

Lynn Kirkham:

know. So anyway, it was just oh my gosh, this lovely guy. He was

Lynn Kirkham:

just he was just a lovely young man. And he was giving his

Lynn Kirkham:

speech. And you could tell us that he wouldn't speak this way.

Lynn Kirkham:

You could tell he wouldn't naturally, you know if he was

Lynn Kirkham:

having a conversation with you. Same story. He wouldn't say

Lynn Kirkham:

that. words that he wrote in that speech. And I'm like, Oh,

Lynn Kirkham:

wow, it's pretty perfectly. Right. It didn't feel authentic

Lynn Kirkham:

to me then. But I was quite impressed with how he was able

Lynn Kirkham:

to perform because it really was performance. Okay, but then he

Lynn Kirkham:

was three quarters of the way through it.

Lynn Kirkham:

And he forgot a word. Oh, gosh, he forgot a word. And he stood

Lynn Kirkham:

there. Yeah.

Lynn Kirkham:

Yeah. And he, his face went red and purple. And oh, my gosh. And

Lynn Kirkham:

he literally had to start over could not start, like partway

Lynn Kirkham:

through. He didn't memorise it that way. So it completely

Lynn Kirkham:

derailed him. So moral of the story is don't remember.

Melinda Lee:

What do you think is happening at that moment when

Melinda Lee:

He completely forgot? What what do you think is getting

Melinda Lee:

triggered in the body at that moment?

Lynn Kirkham:

What I think it is. Now what it might have been,

Lynn Kirkham:

is this need to be perfect? Yeah, totally. So I know I had

Lynn Kirkham:

that perfection. Gene. I know you had the perfection, right?

Lynn Kirkham:

Oh, yes. Right. And and most of the people that come to both you

Lynn Kirkham:

and I, you know, they have the perfection gene so to speak.

Melinda Lee:

Because we they care, like we care. Right?

Melinda Lee:

That's the worst part like we care, and then we want to be

Melinda Lee:

perfect because we care so much.

Lynn Kirkham:

Right? But then we also care so much about being

Lynn Kirkham:

judged. Yes. Right. So it's not just caring for the audience.

Lynn Kirkham:

Right? I mean, sorry about that. Yeah, we're just we're not

Lynn Kirkham:

judged, right? We, when we boil it down, down to like, what's at

Lynn Kirkham:

the core of it? It's don't judge me. Like, you know, you know,

Lynn Kirkham:

that, that that thing that everybody who comes to you? And

Lynn Kirkham:

I says, which is, oh, my gosh, when I up in front of a group,

Lynn Kirkham:

all I can think of is what are they thinking of me? Right?

Lynn Kirkham:

Don't you get that? Oh, total? Yes. Right. And that's

Melinda Lee:

judgement from Yeah, where do you think those

Melinda Lee:

thoughts come from?

Lynn Kirkham:

Those thoughts come from not being good enough,

Lynn Kirkham:

being told that you're not smart enough or good enough or being

Lynn Kirkham:

compared to an older sibling, or, you know, not getting the

Lynn Kirkham:

top grades, and then that not being okay. So we have been

Lynn Kirkham:

conditioned into needing to be perfect in order to be accepted.

Lynn Kirkham:

It's really sad. A lot of us had parents that wanted the best for

Lynn Kirkham:

us the absolute best for us, and they put very high expectations

Lynn Kirkham:

on us, hoping that with those high expectations would would

Lynn Kirkham:

get us the results that they were looking for, right, so that

Lynn Kirkham:

it would help us as kids Excel, right? If we can excel and

Lynn Kirkham:

exceed expectations, then you know, we're going to get an A or

Lynn Kirkham:

we're going to get 100% on a test. And then that's going to

Lynn Kirkham:

enable us to have opportunities that people that get lower

Lynn Kirkham:

grades wouldn't have. And then that would enable us to get a

Lynn Kirkham:

good job and make a lot of money and or enough money to sustain

Lynn Kirkham:

ourselves. Right. So they just wanted the best for us. But in

Lynn Kirkham:

their desperation, of wanting the best for us, sometimes they

Lynn Kirkham:

came across harshly. And and then they weren't there to pick

Lynn Kirkham:

up, pick us up off the floor when we failed. Because you

Lynn Kirkham:

know, when we're young, we mess up, it's good to be being a kid.

Lynn Kirkham:

We just mess up and we're learning and sometimes we have

Lynn Kirkham:

to mess up doing the same thing several times before we get it.

Lynn Kirkham:

And, and when we don't have our parents or a caretaker that is

Lynn Kirkham:

there to pick us up and have compassion for us and love us.

Lynn Kirkham:

Even though we totally messed up. What happens is we get, you

Lynn Kirkham:

know, unprocessed emotion and trauma in our nervous system,

Lynn Kirkham:

which actually goes into the cells of our body. Which is

Lynn Kirkham:

really interesting. I didn't realise this for the longest

Lynn Kirkham:

time that trauma or unprocessed emotion is actually somewhere In

Lynn Kirkham:

our body, it's not just in our head, you know, we can't think

Lynn Kirkham:

away these things we, we try, we tend to like, reminisce about

Lynn Kirkham:

something that happened. And we have the same thought, like 2000

Lynn Kirkham:

times, right. And all that does is ingredient deeper and deeper.

Lynn Kirkham:

So what needs to happen is that, in order for us not to have that

Lynn Kirkham:

perfection gene, in order for us not to step out of a flow state,

Lynn Kirkham:

we need to figure out, like what happened and where we've stored

Lynn Kirkham:

this stuff in our in our body, and then give it voice so it can

Lynn Kirkham:

be released.

Melinda Lee:

I mean, because I've worked with so many clients

Melinda Lee:

is just you and with, with through the work that you've

Melinda Lee:

taught us through is called the core repatterning process.

Melinda Lee:

Through this process, I've worked with many clients and

Melinda Lee:

like they're 4050 years old. And they can remember when they were

Melinda Lee:

five years old, and the mother got mad, because they didn't

Melinda Lee:

clean everything up, you know, clean everything perfectly. Even

Melinda Lee:

though the little boy a little girl felt like they tried to

Melinda Lee:

clean everything up. And then the mom would just come into

Melinda Lee:

their dad would come in, you didn't do this, right. And they

Melinda Lee:

end the person at 40 or 50 years old can still have that visceral

Melinda Lee:

feeling in the body, just like what you're saying. The cells

Melinda Lee:

remember it, it's stored in there. And so the person at 50

Melinda Lee:

is about to cry, because they're thinking about that moment of

Melinda Lee:

when they got yelled at. Or when they got ignored. And so it's a

Melinda Lee:

visceral feeling. And, and that is why we try so hard in the

Melinda Lee:

present moment when we're speaking or presenting to be

Melinda Lee:


Lynn Kirkham:

It's so true. It's so true. And unfortunately, when

Lynn Kirkham:

we feel like we need to be perfect. What happens for most

Lynn Kirkham:

of us is our heart closes, and our guard goes up. And the more

Lynn Kirkham:

perfect we think we need to be in that moment. Which, which

Lynn Kirkham:

naturally means opposite of who we are. Yeah. Like being perfect

Lynn Kirkham:

is not who we are is not our natural state. Right. Our

Lynn Kirkham:

natural state is imperfection.

Melinda Lee:

But real and freedom and real. Yes,

Melinda Lee:

authenticity. Yeah, imperfection. And I'm okay with

Melinda Lee:


Melinda Lee:

But then right, but

Lynn Kirkham:

most people you know, when they're when they're

Lynn Kirkham:

needing to be perfect. So not okay with being real, because,

Lynn Kirkham:

you know, yeah, they're afraid they're gonna be judged, right?

Melinda Lee:

We're afraid we're gonna be judged.

Lynn Kirkham:

Yeah, and, and the key to becoming a really

Lynn Kirkham:

captivating speaker is to not be perfect not to be as real as

Lynn Kirkham:

real as you can be, like, the kind of realism that you are

Lynn Kirkham:

with your friends. Yes, that's the whole goal is like, just

Lynn Kirkham:

open and quirky. Quirky is because he is okay. It is okay,

Lynn Kirkham:


Melinda Lee:

needed we want it and being, you know, and then

Melinda Lee:

imagine being able to be free, your quirkiness, your own

Melinda Lee:

uniqueness in the spotlight.

Melinda Lee:

You deserve that.

Lynn Kirkham:

It's a beautiful thing. It's a beautiful thing.

Lynn Kirkham:

Because here's the deal. The deal is, is that as much as we

Lynn Kirkham:

think that we need to be perfect for people to respect us, right?

Lynn Kirkham:

It's the opposite. When we are in the spotlight, and we're

Lynn Kirkham:

perfect, right? We are not being ourselves, we're not being

Lynn Kirkham:

ourselves, we are being some other version, we are being an

Lynn Kirkham:

imposter, essentially. And putting a different

Melinda Lee:

list of the listeners have probably felt

Melinda Lee:

that before where you're like, How come when you talk in on

Melinda Lee:

stage or in on the mic, you're somebody different. I'm there

Melinda Lee:

like, they're, this is why so what Lynn and I are talking

Melinda Lee:

about this is what is happening and this is why the deeper

Melinda Lee:

meaning of what is going on, when you get out to the stage or

Melinda Lee:

when you're presenting you're becoming somebody different

Melinda Lee:

because you are trying so hard to be perfect. You're trying so

Melinda Lee:

hard to get it right, every single word or all the content

Melinda Lee:

or pretend that you know at all, we just want you to be okay to

Melinda Lee:

be you.

Lynn Kirkham:

In the end that's that's

Lynn Kirkham:

why you were put on the planet put on the planet to be

Lynn Kirkham:

ourselves. There's something that happens you know, we call

Lynn Kirkham:

it the spotlight effect where we get into the spotlight and then

Lynn Kirkham:

some weird takes over our whole body mind spirit, you know, it's

Lynn Kirkham:

just like what just happened? You know, needing to feel

Lynn Kirkham:

perfect and and do it right. But when we are that way, we

Lynn Kirkham:

completely disconnect from ourselves. We disconnect from

Lynn Kirkham:

our audience, we disconnect from being in service to them, which

Lynn Kirkham:

if you want to move them you've got to be in service to them. So

Lynn Kirkham:

the ah so for me anybody listening to this? My biggest

Lynn Kirkham:

prayer for you is if you have the same types of responses,

Lynn Kirkham:

right? If you feel like you need to be perfect. If you could

Lynn Kirkham:

figure out what what is it that happened to you? What is it that

Lynn Kirkham:

happened to you that gets triggered in your nervous system

Lynn Kirkham:

today? Is it because your mom didn't listen to you is because

Lynn Kirkham:

your dad was hard on you? Is it because you were bullied in

Lynn Kirkham:

school? Oh, my gosh, Melinda, I don't know how many people you

Lynn Kirkham:

have worked with, that have been bullied. Yeah. But it's, it's

Lynn Kirkham:

huge. And, you know, when you're bullied as a, as a child, it

Lynn Kirkham:

makes you really feel like you don't belong. And when you don't

Lynn Kirkham:

belong, you don't fit in you, you can't connect, and you're an

Lynn Kirkham:

M belonging, oh my gosh, it's our deepest need. Our deepest

Lynn Kirkham:

need is to belong. And when we don't belong, it sends up just

Lynn Kirkham:

panic in our in our system. And so, especially for anybody

Lynn Kirkham:

listening to this that has been bullied is released the trauma

Lynn Kirkham:

of it. Yeah, because there's a part of your nervous system that

Lynn Kirkham:

will never trust people, right? Because your friends, your

Lynn Kirkham:

peers, your peers. They were not to be trusted when you were

Lynn Kirkham:

young. And so something that happened when you were eight

Lynn Kirkham:

years old on the playground can literally get triggered in your

Lynn Kirkham:

nervous system today, when you're on stage, as crazy as

Lynn Kirkham:

that sounds, it can get triggered. And when it does,

Lynn Kirkham:

then all of your energy goes to your head, you completely

Lynn Kirkham:

abandon your your heart, you abandon your presence, and that

Lynn Kirkham:

is gone. It's gone.

Melinda Lee:

Yeah, go ahead. And or you could send in like,

Melinda Lee:

they're not going to like me, they're not going to like me,

Melinda Lee:

you go into the situation thinking they're not gonna like

Melinda Lee:

me. If you just you, you're automatically putting up a wall

Melinda Lee:

without even knowing it. So it's a subconscious thing.

Lynn Kirkham:

Right? It's so true. So for those who think

Lynn Kirkham:

that way, what I would love for you all to do is just saying

Lynn Kirkham:

they're gonna love me. Yeah. are gonna love me, honestly, that's

Lynn Kirkham:

what I do. I know, Melinda, that's what you do. We go in, we

Lynn Kirkham:

go in. So let's just say we're doing a training, you know,

Lynn Kirkham:

Melinda and I do trainings together. And we always have

Lynn Kirkham:

such a blast. And before we we begin, we have a lot. And we're

Lynn Kirkham:

like, this is going to be the best day ever, ever, ever, ever,

Lynn Kirkham:

we affirm that it is going to be the best training that we have

Lynn Kirkham:

ever done in our entire lives. We don't know why we don't care

Lynn Kirkham:

why, all we know is that that's what's going to happen. And we

Lynn Kirkham:

anchor that into ourselves. And then we're like, we don't even

Lynn Kirkham:

know what we're going to say. But we are going to be so

Lynn Kirkham:

connected with our people, we are going to be in such service

Lynn Kirkham:

to them, that the words are going to come through in exactly

Lynn Kirkham:

the way that they need to hear them. And we trust and and from

Lynn Kirkham:

that place where we're able to step into that flow state and

Lynn Kirkham:

just have a blast. And the transformation happens like

Lynn Kirkham:

that. Yes.

Melinda Lee:

Oh, gosh. I love that. I love that. It's so true.

Melinda Lee:

That's the magic. That's the beauty. That is the potential.

Melinda Lee:

Right? That's the opportunity to have,

Melinda Lee:

I can sit here for a long time and talk to you about this. We

Melinda Lee:

could keep going and going. How like what do you have going on?

Melinda Lee:

You have an interview like a pro programme, tell me more? How can

Melinda Lee:

people get a hold of you? Oh,

Lynn Kirkham:

gosh, yeah, we've got a programme called interview

Lynn Kirkham:

like a pro. And that's four sessions for 90 minute sessions

Lynn Kirkham:

group programme, where where if interviewing is is one of those

Lynn Kirkham:

situations where you think you need to be perfect. And you've

Lynn Kirkham:

erect that wall, we will help you to take the wall down, open

Lynn Kirkham:

your heart and really connect to your interviewer and lead the

Lynn Kirkham:

conversation and and do it in a way where they can actually see

Lynn Kirkham:

you in the position. So they go to bat for you. Yeah,

Melinda Lee:

earlier about the affirmation, right calling it in

Melinda Lee:

calling the affirmation and then allowing also your interviewer

Melinda Lee:

to even see you in it.

Lynn Kirkham:

Yes, yes and help paint the picture for them. To

Lynn Kirkham:

see it and based on your past experience or just based on your

Lynn Kirkham:

accent. Ain't meant for the role. Are you painting that

Lynn Kirkham:

picture so that they can see it and imagine it themselves? Is

Lynn Kirkham:

really it's really, really powerful. Most people what's so

Lynn Kirkham:

interesting is most people will just answer the questions.

Lynn Kirkham:

Right? Willing to ask me a question, right? And then I'll

Lynn Kirkham:

answer the question. Okay, what's the next question? And

Lynn Kirkham:

then I'll answer that question. And, and most people, they don't

Lynn Kirkham:

have a smile on their face. They're so stressed about

Lynn Kirkham:

answering the questions perfectly, that they kind of

Lynn Kirkham:

mess up. And they forget about the human to human connection,

Lynn Kirkham:

whether it's on the phone or on Zoom or in person, it does not

Lynn Kirkham:

matter. They need to feel your heart. They have to like you.

Lynn Kirkham:

Like, seriously, they have to like you in order to go to bat

Lynn Kirkham:

for you to hire you. Wow, that's smart.

Melinda Lee:

I think then people forget about that. Because like

Melinda Lee:

you said, there's so busy trying to answer the question, the

Melinda Lee:

person in front of you has to like you first. So you got to

Melinda Lee:

open up, open it up.

Lynn Kirkham:

And let your quirkiness come through and let

Lynn Kirkham:

your personality come through. Really, because they are hiring

Lynn Kirkham:

you as a person of personality. Not a robot to do a job. Right.

Lynn Kirkham:

So yeah, yeah. So you've got to be you like the you who you

Lynn Kirkham:

would be if you're really comfortable. And so anyway, we

Lynn Kirkham:

can get you there. It's for short weeks, it's really fun.

Melinda Lee:

super fun, super cool. Because when you're you,

Melinda Lee:

you, you end up talking about your skills and all your

Melinda Lee:

capabilities so nicely, so fluidly. Anyways, like, it's

Melinda Lee:

about you just showing up and being able to be confident about

Melinda Lee:

you and your your skills. And so that's the beautiful part about

Melinda Lee:

it, so that you don't just feel like your need to be perfect.

Lynn Kirkham:

Yeah, and just how you would fit into the

Lynn Kirkham:

organisation and asking them questions. You know, what do you

Lynn Kirkham:

love about this place? What don't you love? Come on, be real

Lynn Kirkham:

with me what's not so good? Because I want to know what's

Lynn Kirkham:

underneath the covers now rather than later. Right? So you just,

Lynn Kirkham:

but ask it in a way that that is really approachable, you know,

Lynn Kirkham:

not intimidating, but it's like, Hey, I know the dirt. Because I

Lynn Kirkham:

know you got it. Right. Yeah. So so we do that. And yeah, a bunch

Lynn Kirkham:

of other stuff. But it's it's all around just

Lynn Kirkham:


Lynn Kirkham:

bringing you home, right? Because

Melinda Lee:

totally, because I think we're in this corporate

Melinda Lee:

environment or environments that does not allow that does not

Melinda Lee:

allow that it shuts us down. With through the feedback, that

Melinda Lee:

criticism, people overpowering each other, and how do we be us

Melinda Lee:

and win in this type of environment

Melinda Lee:

that we need, it's time we need more heart centred leaders to

Melinda Lee:

feel good to do that. And feel confident to do that. You're

Lynn Kirkham:

Yeah, it's it's like, well, corporate more than

Lynn Kirkham:

ever needs card. Like it's missing heart. And it takes

Lynn Kirkham:

courage. And it takes vulnerability to share your

Lynn Kirkham:

heart. And it requires for most people it requires a letting go

Lynn Kirkham:

of all the reasons why you have decided it's not safe to share

Lynn Kirkham:

your heart that's not safe to be vulnerable. So yeah, so what

Lynn Kirkham:

wherever you do it, whether it's with Melinda whether it's with

Lynn Kirkham:

the gal down the street or you know some trauma release

Lynn Kirkham:

therapist, just handle that part. handle that part, you

Lynn Kirkham:

know, Melinda can do do the core repatterning in four sessions in

Lynn Kirkham:

four sessions, she's able to help you release 20 or 25 events

Lynn Kirkham:

in your life that are continuing to run you so there's nothing

Lynn Kirkham:

that I've seen in my entire life and I've been studying this

Lynn Kirkham:

stuff for probably 30 years now. There's nothing that I've seen

Lynn Kirkham:

that can release trauma like the core repatterning technique and

Lynn Kirkham:

you know Melinda you're expert at this, you're just you're so

Lynn Kirkham:

intuitive and you're so spot on with why people hang on. Right

Lynn Kirkham:

and you're really great at coming up with the exact words

Lynn Kirkham:

that will help them to release it all.

Melinda Lee:

It was all through your coaching and mentoring. I

Melinda Lee:

wouldn't be here without you. Like I said earlier I feel free.

Melinda Lee:

I feel myself I'm more in tune with my intuition and my body I

Melinda Lee:

was so disc connected to my body because I was always in my head,

Melinda Lee:

thinking about what to say over our spacing. And now I'm I feel

Melinda Lee:

alignment. I feel embodied I can feel myself being in here and,

Melinda Lee:

and experiencing around what is around me.

Lynn Kirkham:

That's so beautiful.

Lynn Kirkham:

That's so beautiful. That's why we're put on the earth right, is

Lynn Kirkham:

to have that full sensory experience. And one more just in

Lynn Kirkham:

our head. We miss most of what's happening. Totally.

Melinda Lee:

I love you so much. I

Melinda Lee:

love you. Thank you so much for being on the podcast.

Lynn Kirkham:

Oh, I love you too. Oh my goodness. Oh my

Lynn Kirkham:


Melinda Lee:

A lot of people know. I mean, I know so many

Melinda Lee:

people that owe their worlds to Lynne currycomb, who was just

Melinda Lee:

dedicated her life to helping all of us unlock the potential

Melinda Lee:

in her voice and speak freely and unlock her own potential. So

Melinda Lee:

reach out to Lynn or myself Lynne is you can do I give them

Melinda Lee:

your website or?

Lynn Kirkham:

Oh, sure, it's yesyoucanspeaknow.com

Melinda Lee:

Yeah, yesyoucanspeaknow.com Check out

Melinda Lee:

some of her programmes are amazing. I might even see you on

Melinda Lee:

those programmes too. I'm one of our facilitators and teachers.

Melinda Lee:

So thank you so much for sharing. We're free. We're free.

Melinda Lee:

Thank you so much, one. Take care. Bye, everyone. Thanks for