July 6, 2021

Keeping You Motivated, Accountable, and Connected EP09

Keeping You Motivated, Accountable, and Connected EP09

Welcome back! Before we get started today I just want to send a thank you out to all the listens who have subscribed/followed my podcast and sent me a message.  It means a lot to me and giving me guidance on where to go. This is a journey that I am very unfamiliar with and navigating it, as I go, is tricky, and believe I will get better as I move forward, great things will come from this and know that anything we start is an exhausting process at the beginning.   It's not just launching the podcast but learning how to sink in and spend the time to really nurture this, develop this into what it's supposed to become. What I envision, that I am impacting your life in small ways. 

Bring to lights the greatness in you. That’s what this is all about. So today's episode I want to talk about:

Keeping You Motivated, Accountable, and Connected

What are you proud of? It’s a forward movement, what did you take action on this year. What 3 actions have you moved on this year.

Even for me, I was taken aback by the question. My first thought is nothing, my kids are still alive and well, but then as I scan through the month, Oh I did do a 30day coldwater shower challenge, and 30 days of skipping,  I have realized that I launched my very first 5 week series for moms to help them see their true strengths and reconnect with confidence.  So I would say that's a big win.

I spoke to my largest virtual group in January of 32 women that was huge, what else haha friends.

I launched my podcast, that’s why were are here today after 2 years of thinking about it I took some serious action.

I Ran the virtual hypothermic ½ marathon.

I read 2 new books.

I updated my website.

Ok, that cool. I did that.

In the midst of chaos and dark exhausting days, called life/kids I did something. Now that I have shared a few of mine, let me tell you, yours do not need to look anything like mine I am going to ask again what are your accomplishments it's time for you to reflect. 

Did you start running?

Did you start a business?

Did you participate in a workshop or course?

Did you connect with someone you have been meaning to for a long time, oh I did do that also, so fascinating to connected again?

Did you let go of a toxic relationship?

Did you get a new car?

Did you start a new job?

Did you wash your windows in your home?

Did you start a new exercise program?

Did you start therapy,

Did you finally get the surgery you have been waiting for?

Did you go off a medication?

Did you quit a really great job on paper but you had outgrown?

Are you launching your first retreat?

Did you make for our first $100?

Interesting fact, each one of thing I have mention are the things my clients have achieved over the past 6 months.  Those are some of their wins. They are totally different than mine  And it's super cool to be able to support them in their life and what works for them. These are all achieved by ordinary moms like you and me doing the best they can and creating joy, creating movement forward in their life and recognizing their journey is their own. They are choosing to step forward. These are good things that are lighting women up helping them to feel alive and joyful inside.  Women today are rising in a more powerful way than ever.

So what can you notice that is bringing you joy or fulfilment in the things you have done. A sense of accomplishment special to only you.  You are super important.

Helping you feel connected to who you are is solely your journey.  What has moved you forward, in the past months even if it was sending an email, saying hello to a stranger, a tiny little thing a small step ordering a stamp for your business that helps you alive, like you are moving forward.  You make a decision you.

Quit drinking is a big deal.

Going to the grocery store and not having an anxiety episode.

Creating an app.

You have been feeling better and guess what its because you are moving forward and it's because it's important to YOU.  This is what it is all about. The small steps you have taken, the small steps you take this week, are helping you to get up the staircase.  The great big staircase even if you still feel you are at the bottom steps with 2-3 kids on your kips, the pile of dishes in your sink that

But You must celebrate your wins. Take pride in them.

Remember you are stronger than you think, and the future holds great things for you. I am honoured to be here with you today and I honour your intention to grow, serve and live today as it's your best day. 

Some of you have been struggling, banging your head against a wall, looking for solutions,  not sure what to do,  or how to think about the next steps in life and you just want to gain clarity of what you are looking for in your life. Some of you need to look at how accountable you have been for where you are still at.  Look you can move forward on your own absolutely, but I know from my own experience as well as talking to others that when you work with a coach you move forward much faster.  If you are looking to move ahead in any area of your life and are tired of banging your head against a wall I work with many great women who are simply ready to move forward in a new way.  I have to take accountability for my own shit and my coaches help me to deal with it, look at it and keep moving forward.  It's important for us to look at ourselves and say, you know that piece, that part, I wasn’t accountable in that area but I am ready to move forward. 

When we are accountable, not being mad at ourselves or do the nasty self-talk to ourselves we can acknowledge it and make a shift observe our own behaviour and have the ability to be mindful of what we didn’t do well and now it's time to move forward in a new way. Be accountable, stop blaming others, your spouse, co-workers, family, kids, friends, it's no one’s job to move you forward.

How can you move forward over the next six months and really sink into what you want out of the rest of the year? I would love to hear from you on this.  Believe in the visions you hold for yourself. 

Believe in yourself.

About the Host:

When we are inspired by our own thoughts, we feel a true sense of joy, creativity, and the energy of infinite potential or possibilities that are available to us. Then someone needs a snack and the thoughts have gone. I am here to say YOU matter. My name is Carrie Lecuyer, I am an empowerment coach for moms with a feeling that there is more on their hearts and I want to help you reconnect and re-align with your souls purpose and passion and remain a great MOM.

As a mom of two little boys who love mud, I have visions, goals, ideas, and thoughts. Sometimes they only lasted for seconds, and the rest of the day I spend cleaning up after my kids. 

Over the past 20 years, I spent 15 years in a fast-paced career development and personal development environment. I have completed 26 half marathons, crossed the finished line at Ironman Canada, and became a mom. It has been the most amazing journey with so many lessons. I know for a fact that the moment I made a decision, clarity in all directions appeared.

I am here to help you connect with what lights you up, through 1:1 coaching.

You can learn more & connect with Carrie at:

Website: inspiredbycarrie.com

Instagram: Inspiredcoachingbycarrie 

Facebook: inspired@inspiredbycarrielecuyer

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