April 17, 2022

Real Life Coaching: How Do I Reconcile My Social Media Presence And Life With Heather H-Ep: 089

Real Life Coaching: How Do I Reconcile My Social Media Presence And Life With Heather H-Ep: 089

Real Life Coaching: I’m doing something new! I invite you to listen in on a real unscripted coaching session with coach Heather H. She comes with this question, “how do I reconcile my personal vs business social media presence maintain respectful confidentiality, and remain authentic?”  And then we coach. Listen as she works through her thoughts and comes to clarity.

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 Featured on The Show: 

Candy Motzek:

Hey welcome to sheet coaches, coaches, I'm your

Candy Motzek:

host, Kandi motsek. And I'm going to help you find the

Candy Motzek:

clarity, confidence and courage to become the coach that you

Candy Motzek:

were meant to be. If you're a new coach, or if you've always

Candy Motzek:

wanted to be a life coach, then this is the place for you. We're

Candy Motzek:

going to talk all about mindset and strategies and how to,

Candy Motzek:

because step by step only works when you have the clarity,

Candy Motzek:

courage and confidence to take action. Let's get started. Hi,

Candy Motzek:

everyone, and welcome to this episode, today, I'm doing

Candy Motzek:

something a little bit different, you are going to hear

Candy Motzek:

me coach, I'm coaching Heather, who is a leader in the area of

Candy Motzek:

supporting parents and allies, the people who are walking side

Candy Motzek:

by side with their teen or young adult in the coming out process.

Candy Motzek:

This is a sensitive journey. And it really requires

Candy Motzek:

confidentiality, careful thought and empathy. Now, she's been a

Candy Motzek:

leading force on this path for years. But she realized that she

Candy Motzek:

has some outdated thoughts on her presence on social media.

Candy Motzek:

And that's what we coached on. Now. Let me give you some

Candy Motzek:

recommendations before we dive into the coaching. First, you

Candy Motzek:

could decide to approach this episode as a coach, ask

Candy Motzek:

yourself, what do you hear? What would you ask? How would you

Candy Motzek:

approach this client's experience? Or you can approach

Candy Motzek:

it as if you are the client? Take the conversation and

Candy Motzek:

questions that I asked and use them to coach yourself. You can

Candy Motzek:

do this by pausing the episode from time to time and writing in

Candy Motzek:

your own journal. I want to thank Heather for showing up on

Candy Motzek:

this conversation fully showing up being present and growing

Candy Motzek:

from the experience. Okay, let's dive in. So what do you want to

Candy Motzek:

talk about today?

Heather Hester:

So I am struggling a little bit with I

Heather Hester:

have a my personal Facebook page that I've had for a number of

Heather Hester:

years that I never go on. But I grabbed it years ago when

Heather Hester:

Facebook first started, blah, blah, blah, whatever. And so

Heather Hester:

it's been sitting out there and I kind of use it as the vehicle

Heather Hester:

that I go into my work Facebook, and, and then my groups, but I

Heather Hester:

that I like to be in. And so I, in doing what I'm doing, have

Heather Hester:

always kept my personal separate from my work for a number of

Heather Hester:

reasons. But the biggest being I did not, you know, initially I

Heather Hester:

was not going to out my son to my personal, you know, people

Heather Hester:

who follow me on personal Facebook because I just don't do

Heather Hester:

that. And but then over time, it became more of I just didn't

Heather Hester:

feel like dealing with some of the people on there. Right?

Heather Hester:

Because what I do is it can be very polarizing, and people have

Heather Hester:

very strong opinions one way or another. But it has recently,

Heather Hester:

and having discussions with some people that we both know, I have

Heather Hester:

respected the reasoning for kind of letting everybody know,

Heather Hester:

right, just putting it out there. This is this is who I am

Heather Hester:

here is all of me just being super vulnerable. And so I think

Heather Hester:

sometimes we have these blocks. And so I'm wondering as I have a

Heather Hester:

couple questions, or I'm kind of working through a couple of

Heather Hester:

things with this. I'm wondering if this is been like a very

Heather Hester:

subconscious block for me. And moving forward, both personally

Heather Hester:

and with my business, the fact that I keep them very separate.

Heather Hester:

I also have it's become more and more like, I really need to kind

Heather Hester:

of practice what I preach, which is be authentic, right? Well,

Heather Hester:

this is who I am. This is who my family is. Take it or leave it.

Heather Hester:

So I think that's why but I'm struggling with I've started a

Heather Hester:

couple of times over the past week writing something up and I

Heather Hester:

just get stuck. So I'm stuck. So that's what I'm coming to you

Heather Hester:

with. Okay.

Candy Motzek:

So is it is the challenge that you've got a

Candy Motzek:

business Facebook page, and you've got a personal Facebook

Candy Motzek:

page, and you keep the only time you use your personal page as

Candy Motzek:

well. You're interacting in a group, because you have to be a

Candy Motzek:

personal person to be in a group or,

Heather Hester:

yeah, that's a challenge. That's right. I don't

Heather Hester:

I don't ever I mean, you know, occasionally I'll like, see

Heather Hester:

somebody post something interesting as I'm going

Heather Hester:

through, because you know, you kind of have to go through your

Heather Hester:

personal to get tell your business stuff. So I'll see a

Heather Hester:

post and I'll be like, Oh, that's whatever.

Heather Hester:

Congratulations. Hi, happy birthday, whatever. Right. But

Heather Hester:

other than that, no, I go right through. And I'm on my, my

Heather Hester:

business pages and my business groups. So

Candy Motzek:

the easiest thing here?

Heather Hester:

Well, I mean, I don't know. Get rid of my

Heather Hester:

personal page.

Candy Motzek:

What's the easy thing like, like you've created?

Candy Motzek:

There was there was a minute back there where you said,

Candy Motzek:

Here's my two things. And just before that you went? Like, it's

Candy Motzek:

just like, it's really, that sigh really says so much like,

Candy Motzek:

it's really preying on your mind?


Doesn't really matter?

Candy Motzek:

Like, I don't know. That's it? Well,

Heather Hester:

I, you know, I don't, I think it's been kind of

Heather Hester:

pushed to the forefront for me, just because I've, you know,

Heather Hester:

witnessed someone else do this very thing. And thinking, and I

Heather Hester:

think it's kind of, for me, it's created the question of, or made

Heather Hester:

me kind of think, okay, am I being fully authentic? If I'm

Heather Hester:

very purposefully keeping these two things separate?

Candy Motzek:

Okay, so I got a question. I got a thought here

Candy Motzek:

for you. Yes. So there is a place where you are authentic.

Candy Motzek:

And then there is a place where authentic does not mean, every

Candy Motzek:

everything that you ever have every piece of who you are, must

Candy Motzek:

always be on public display. Right? Authentic might be that

Candy Motzek:

there are parts of your life that you decide are private. And

Candy Motzek:

when you decide that they're private, they're private, for a

Candy Motzek:

reason that matters to you. The safety and security of your

Candy Motzek:

family might be one of them. Where we show up how we show up

Candy Motzek:

in the outside world, is nobody says that you can't use the word

Candy Motzek:

authentic, when you decide to have some discretion about how

Candy Motzek:

you show up. So it makes sense. Like, I personally don't think,

Candy Motzek:

you know, like, if the question is, am I being inauthentic at

Candy Motzek:

some level, if I don't put everything about my personal

Candy Motzek:

life, on my personal Facebook page and put it out for the

Candy Motzek:

world, or at least the five people who might be interested,

Candy Motzek:

put it out there for everybody to read. Is that true? No.

Heather Hester:

But here's where that might get this question.

Heather Hester:

Yeah, Brian, when it kind of circle back to it, because I

Heather Hester:

completely completely agree with that, which is why I've never

Heather Hester:

really been on Facebook. Personally, because mops,

Heather Hester:

because. But my I think I've kind of come to face with this,

Heather Hester:

because I do have the because of what I do. And what I do is it

Heather Hester:

is very personal, it does involve my family, it does

Heather Hester:

involve a topic that is can be quite polarizing. And so and

Heather Hester:

kind of owning that, right, as I've, you know, supported my son

Heather Hester:

and owning that. And I my question, I guess my question

Heather Hester:

really is, is this a is this a step that I should be taking?

Heather Hester:

And I'm really struggling with it, because I totally agree with

Heather Hester:

what you're saying. And I see what you're saying. But then I

Heather Hester:

think well, this is my business. This is what I do I coach people

Heather Hester:

who are, are, you know, going through this? Right. So it's not

Heather Hester:

really that secret anymore.

Candy Motzek:

I mean, anybody could go find your podcast and

Candy Motzek:

go oh, like, it's not like it's not like you're not available?

Candy Motzek:

Right? Anytime, like, you know, when you google your podcasts

Candy Motzek:

name, there you are. It's not a secret.

Heather Hester:


Candy Motzek:

So why is that? Okay, and then the Facebook

Candy Motzek:

thing is like, that's the place that it feels nerve wracking.

Candy Motzek:

Have you ever Googled yourself if you're seeing what comes up

Candy Motzek:

now for a long time I have Okay, well, so that's the that's going

Candy Motzek:

to be one of the things to do is like, oh my gosh, all of this

Candy Motzek:

stuff is here already. And here I was thinking I had this little

Candy Motzek:

private cord are new.

Heather Hester:

You know, it's funny because my kids have

Heather Hester:

Googled themselves and they I slapped because because this

Heather Hester:

family picture of ours that I have on my website is always the

Heather Hester:

first thing that comes up and they're like,

Candy Motzek:

mom there, but of course, I

Heather Hester:

haven't done the exercise myself, so I need to do

Heather Hester:

that. Okay, this is the Thank you, you did. This is offered

Heather Hester:

some clarity and some removal of pressure on myself that this was

Heather Hester:

a necessary step. Right. I mean, I kind of feel like, kind of,

Heather Hester:

like you said, like people who? No, no, I mean, it's not like

Heather Hester:

I've hidden that I have this podcast that I have this

Heather Hester:

business. But I haven't made like an official announcement. I

Heather Hester:

think that's what it is like, there hasn't been this like

Heather Hester:

official declaration of, so do I do I need to do that? I don't

Heather Hester:

know. Like, I feel like I'm kind of like so far down the road

Heather Hester:

that I'm like, Oh, do I need a backup? Three

Candy Motzek:

miles and do that? Yeah. So you have Oh, darn you

Candy Motzek:

don't tell me how many episodes you have. We have pages and

Candy Motzek:

pages of episodes. Right? You've got a lot of episodes. This is

Candy Motzek:

not a new thing, right? The episodes you got? I'm going

Candy Motzek:

through all the pages. It's

Heather Hester:

53. Right? Yeah.

Candy Motzek:

Here you are. Oh, no, let me tell you about my

Candy Motzek:


Heather Hester:

Okay, see, this was like this silly. This is you

Heather Hester:

have no idea that this is a huge weight lifted off me because

Heather Hester:

I've had this stupid word doc sitting on my desktop for the

Heather Hester:

past week. And I keep going to and I'm like, I don't even know

Heather Hester:

what to say here. Like, I've literally had things like that

Heather Hester:

have been publicly, you know, published in local papers and

Heather Hester:

stuff about it, like, don't really need to go through this

Heather Hester:

exercise. I don't. Okay, I don't done. Right. Like,

Candy Motzek:

it's just, you know, what it is, is that I

Candy Motzek:

believe that it's one of those things that because it is a

Candy Motzek:

potentially cutting edge business, right. And there's a

Candy Motzek:

place where your children could be impacted, you kind of get

Candy Motzek:

that double dose of protection, like, first, we as humans don't

Candy Motzek:

want to be too vulnerable, because it might mean that then

Candy Motzek:

we're excommunicated. But then if you are looking at you know,

Candy Motzek:

like you're one of your prime drivers, as a mom is to keep

Candy Motzek:

your kids safe and happy. We want nothing more than our

Candy Motzek:

children to have safe, happy, wonderful lives and have

Candy Motzek:

everything that they could ever want. So you've got kind of that

Candy Motzek:

double dose. So like, this is just feels like it's just kind

Candy Motzek:

of like one more little layer of, you know, like, just one

Candy Motzek:

more little layer. It's like, Oh, I thought I was still

Candy Motzek:

protecting my children. But wait a minute, I've got like, 100

Candy Motzek:

episodes of my podcast out in the world, with my son's name on

Candy Motzek:

at least three of them. And my family photo they come up,

Candy Motzek:

right? It's like this. I'm protecting them. Oh, my gosh,

Candy Motzek:

are we funny?

Heather Hester:

I mean, really, are all with their permission.

Heather Hester:

I've always asked for everything that you know, before I do

Heather Hester:

anything. But I think, you know, between my, my, I think we're

Heather Hester:

all a little bit naive. But I'm definitely definitely naive when

Heather Hester:

it comes to, you know, how technology and all these things

Heather Hester:

work that which is funny, because I always say, especially

Heather Hester:

to my younger my younger kids, I'm like, you'd put anything on

Heather Hester:

social media or on the on the interwebs. It's, I don't care if

Heather Hester:

you delete it 1000 times it is out there forever and ever.

Heather Hester:

Amen. So don't do it.

Candy Motzek:

There is actually a business that will remove all

Candy Motzek:

of your history,

Heather Hester:

like forever and ever, like so

Candy Motzek:

I don't know how they do it. But like remove your

Candy Motzek:

entire digital footprint. And I think that that is really common

Candy Motzek:

for people who have had maybe a bit of a rocky life at some

Candy Motzek:

point. And now they're going for some big promotion or now

Candy Motzek:

they're getting their big break or something like that. And they

Candy Motzek:

don't want anybody to know that. Yeah, they were human and they

Candy Motzek:

had a rocky life. Right,

Heather Hester:

right. Yeah, I do it more to you know, it's one

Heather Hester:

of those those few times I don't typically parent by fear, but

Heather Hester:

occasionally I choose the route of don't do this, because you'll

Heather Hester:

never get into college ever. Or get a job or or or or or right.

Heather Hester:


Candy Motzek:

So come back to the original question. Yes, had

Candy Motzek:

this. You've got your personal Facebook page, which you kind of

Candy Motzek:

knew and then you Got your business Facebook page, and then

Candy Motzek:

you participate in the groups and you have your own group?

Candy Motzek:

Where are you at? Now with that, should I announce that I have

Candy Motzek:

100 year old business? On my personal story?

Heather Hester:

That was a little bit of leading the

Heather Hester:

witness. I'm so

Candy Motzek:

sorry. I bet if I looked up your podcast on Listen

Candy Motzek:

notes, you probably like in the top 2%. You know, like, right,

Candy Motzek:

so, like, come on.

Heather Hester:

See? And that's such now I feel so silly for

Heather Hester:

asking that question. But I really was like, in this like,

Heather Hester:

conundrum of, and then maybe that's why it was a conundrum.

Heather Hester:

Because I'm thinking, Well, I've been doing this for so long do I

Heather Hester:

need to like backtrack that much. And actually make an

Heather Hester:

official like, Okay, this is what I'm doing all of you,

Heather Hester:

people who I didn't tell in the first place for a reason. Right.

Candy Motzek:

And so here's the so here's the thing. It's so

Candy Motzek:

much as driven just by our need to. All right, exactly. One of

Candy Motzek:

the things that's your mission, I need to belong, and to feel

Candy Motzek:

safe and to feel nice judged. And you practice that so much

Candy Motzek:

with the people in your community with your family. And

Candy Motzek:

here's, it's just like, it's a little veil of where you're

Candy Motzek:

showing yourself that I get to belong to, I don't have to judge

Candy Motzek:

myself. I can accept who I am. I can just breathe to

Heather Hester:

write. Yes, that comes in handy so often, doesn't

Heather Hester:

it? Yeah,

Candy Motzek:

totally. And I hope you're okay with me putting

Candy Motzek:

this you know, putting this on the interwebs when you know when

Candy Motzek:

the time comes, because I really want people to see that we have

Candy Motzek:

these things that just like they go in our head, they're like a

Candy Motzek:

little one of those things called you know, like an ear

Candy Motzek:

worm, when a song write that song plays forever and ever and

Candy Motzek:

ever in your head. It's that and will just turn and turn and turn

Candy Motzek:

on them. And then when you start to really look at it, you're

Candy Motzek:

like, wait, I'm just fooling myself, I'm just, you know,

Candy Motzek:

right. And, and it's an I don't want to I don't want to laugh

Candy Motzek:

about the fact that being open and vulnerable and visible, is

Candy Motzek:

scary. I just think that you don't realize how visible you

Candy Motzek:

already are, like how many steps you've already taken. And you

Candy Motzek:

did it because you weren't thinking about you. You were

Candy Motzek:

thinking about this will help people, this will help my

Candy Motzek:

community, here's somebody who could help my community. If

Candy Motzek:

Connor tells his story, it's gonna help like if it only helps

Candy Motzek:

one young person where he changed the course of the entire

Candy Motzek:

world, right? You did all of that thinking about other

Candy Motzek:

people? It's a big deal.

Heather Hester:

Thank you for putting it in those words. I

Heather Hester:

really hadn't thought about it that way. And it is interested

Heather Hester:

in how the human brain works, isn't it? How you get stuck on

Heather Hester:

something? And then And then somebody repeats it to you. And

Heather Hester:

you realize, oh, my goodness, what


was I thinking? Right. Right. So thank you. You're


welcome. So just

Candy Motzek:

is there anything that you need to do from this

Candy Motzek:

conversation? Like, is there any action that you actually want to

Candy Motzek:


Heather Hester:

I'm going to delete the word doc that I was

Heather Hester:

working on, already on working on. And I'm going to cross it

Heather Hester:

off of my to do list because it's also there. And I'm gonna

Heather Hester:

Google myself, because I have not done that a really long

Heather Hester:

time. And now I'm curious.

Candy Motzek:

Yeah, it was really weird to do. Not at all,

Candy Motzek:

not at all. I think it's great. It just means that you've got

Candy Motzek:

clarity and closure. I do and that your brain is now freed up

Candy Motzek:

to do other things that you got, you know, there's lots of other

Candy Motzek:

things on your to do list. There are yes, they're awesome. Thank

Candy Motzek:

you so much. Thank you. Thanks again for listening today.

Candy Motzek:

Please hop on over to Apple podcasts and leave a review.

Candy Motzek:

Also, I would love to hear from you. It's something that I say

Candy Motzek:

resonate. What else would you like to learn about? Click the

Candy Motzek:

link in the player and leave a comment on the post. This is

Candy Motzek:

going to give me great ideas for future episodes so I can help

Candy Motzek:

you best. Join me again next week. For more coaching, support

Candy Motzek:

and teaching to help you become the confident coach. You are men