Dec. 13, 2023

How To Cultivate A Sacred Soul Connection

How To Cultivate A Sacred Soul Connection

This week your host, Maureen Spielman, shares why connection to yourself is the most important skill to cultivate. This is the first of a series of 3 episodes entitled The Full Circle Series (stay tuned for the following two episodes on Connection to the Mystical and Connection to Community). By focusing on creating a compassionate relationship within, you show up differently in your relationships and in the world. Maureen revisits why she created the Mystical Sisterhood podcast and invites you to consider introspective questions about your own life (see below).

Coaching Questions to Ask Yourself:

  • If you had a magic wand, what would you create in your life?
  • What qualities do you seek to experience in your life? Abundance, play, fun, health?
  • Have these changed over the past few years?
  • If you could change one or two things right now, what would they be?
  • What limiting beliefs get in the way of you experiencing the life you desire?
  • What is in your heart and what’s next for you?

About the Host:

Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops.

Connect with Maureen:

● Check out her Instagram: @maureeenspielman

● Learn more about her work at

● Want to join our Mystical Sisterhood Membership community? Find out more here:

● Email Maureen at to inquire about coaching, podcasting & speaking engagements

● Want to view Mystical Sisterhood episodes? Visit the Mystical Sisterhood YouTube Channel here: Magical Sisterhood Youtube

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Maureen Spielman:

Do you feel like you've been showing

Maureen Spielman:

compassion for everyone in your life by yourself that you often

Maureen Spielman:

feel overwhelmed or exhausted, perhaps even resentful that you

Maureen Spielman:

want to find new ways to put yourself at the top of your list

Maureen Spielman:

after years of putting others first? If so, you're not alone

Maureen Spielman:

and you're in the right place. I'm so happy to have you joining

Maureen Spielman:

mystical sisterhood. Today. This episode revisits who I am as

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your host, and my wife, her bringing mystical sisterhood to

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the world. I consider you a part of my worldly sisterhood. And

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I'm grateful to be here now experiencing this life with you.

Maureen Spielman:

Today I'm going to cover who I am at the helm of this podcast,

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why clients might come to me for coaching, and why cultivating a

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deep and compassionate connection to ourselves is so

Maureen Spielman:

vital to our lives. You will walk away with ideas for your

Maureen Spielman:

own inner connection, coaching questions to ask yourself and

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hopefully, a glimmer in your eye about what's next for you. A

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guiding principle of mine is holding you in the field of

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infinite possibilities and highest regard for your life,

Maureen Spielman:

your relationships and what's next for you. So I'll see you in

Maureen Spielman:

the episode. Hey there, welcome to mystical sisterhood. This is

Maureen Spielman:

your host, Maureen Spielman. I started the show to highlight

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the intuitives, healers and other courageous women that I've

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met along my journey and continue to meet. Through

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amazing interviews, I seek to ask insightful questions to

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uncover ways in which you the listener can apply the wisdom

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and knowledge to your own life. I believe that we're all in this

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together. So sharing healing and joy, and bringing community

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together is both my passion and purpose. If you'd like to learn

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more about the mystical sisterhood community I'm

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building, please visit www mystical See you

Maureen Spielman:

in the episode.

Maureen Spielman:

Hello, and welcome back to mystical sisterhood. This is

Maureen Spielman:

your host, Maureen Spielman. I am here today in a series of

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three episodes, that I was calling the full circle series,

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because I'm coming full circle towards the end of the year

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here, but there's going to be three episodes in a row. And you

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can listen in succession as they come out week to week. But this

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week, I'll be coaching you on how to connect with yourself.

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Next week, I'll be sharing reflections on how to connect to

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the mystical in our midst, and then a year on wrap up

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celebrating connection with our community. And so those are kind

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of the overarching, three vital parts that I'm seeing as just

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the hub or the the center or the middle of the wheel to the

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mystical sisterhood is connection to ourself,

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connection to the mystical, and connection to community. And

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that may change and morph over time. But it's what's unfolded

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in the first, you know, 50 plus episodes. And when I first

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started the podcast, I really put out there that it was a

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space where joy and healing, were going to co occur. And that

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came from my lived experiences. But what I found, after all the

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interviews and showing up and maybe a handful of episodes on

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myself, or by myself is that the podcast has been largely about

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ways in which we compassionately connect to ourselves, and then

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compassionately connect with one another. So it's our ability to

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connect to ourselves and create a compassionate inner

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environment meant that's, it's a skill that I wasn't brought up

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to believe was valuable. I didn't know, maybe I felt it and

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other people or I resonated when someone highly valued that. But

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it wasn't, you know, part of my school experience, I think that

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schools are trying to incorporate it more these days,

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because we see it as such a need. But I'm seeing it as a

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leading edge skill. One that we are learning as adults, how to

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be compassionate with ourselves. We're stepping out of this old

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paradigm of the self criticism or self judgment or self

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loathing. All the things that really have kept us back in the

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past. And moving into this new paradigm. I was saying we're

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learning together as adults, our children are crying out for it.

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And when we we know that when we cultivate this inner environment

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of peace and love, it spills out in into our outer environment.

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So my intention for the mystical sisterhood space is that it

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allows you to access your inner world and perhaps a new and

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different way and always has something for you to take into

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your daily life and practice. For your personal growth, and to

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that end, I'll be showing up a little bit more on solo

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episodes, so we can make sure that we're cultivating that, and

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that there are takeaways. So, I thought today to fully

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understand my vision, I felt that knowing a bit more about my

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foundation, as your host, was maybe essential, maybe

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interesting. So I'm revisiting the question of who am I? And

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why the heck am I at the helm of a podcast about connection with

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ourselves in connection with community. And quite honestly,

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it's because of my lived experiences. I think my passions

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where my intuition takes me the things that I've always cared

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about, coupled with my coaching background, and I was wondering,

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as I was writing this episode is, how many of you were

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attracted when you were younger, to the whole mind, body, spirit

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movement, when you would read that, like mind body spirit, my

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eyes would light up, I got so excited. And, and a lot of that

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was around wellness or yoga. But we didn't have a lot of tools.

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It was a What about well being, but there's something so juicy

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and attractive about it. And I think it's because it speaks to

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the part of us that's a soul or a spirit. And our society, you

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know, focuses so much on the mind and our physical body. And

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those things are so important. But it's just that like, wow,

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this, like the spiritual side is really enticing as well. And I

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think there's a reason why it's resonating. And we're going to

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talk about that a lot next week in the episode of the mystical.

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So listen into that. So I'm going to delve a little bit into

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the Who am I, and we're going to just go through some things just

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because if you are a committed listener, then maybe some of

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these will make sense to you. And there are themes that I go

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over, but there'll be some themes in here and see if they

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resonate with you and see where you fall out on them. But first

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of all, I lead with the fact that I am a child of loving

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parents who raised six children and did the best they could, you

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know, and at the same time, as so many of us who go into parent

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parenting, they were not well equipped to, you know, to

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provide what I needed. As a child, I'll speak from my own

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experience and the connection and the intimacy and just

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knowing that I was seeing and being witnessed, and I was

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important, and you know, all the things. And so I will say thank

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you to them, they both passed. But that's that's a big part of

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my story. Because I think that I always cared so deeply. And it's

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why I studied conscious parenting to is that I cared

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deeply about children's experiences, because I was so

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sensitive as a child, and empathic and I think I picked up

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on these things really early on. Interestingly, my Oh studied

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profession was speech language pathology. And I think that

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everything and Susan Lucci talked about this, in the

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episode on celebrating your purpose, is that I think it was

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not to become a speech language pathologist. It was because

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studying communication connection and finding one's

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voice became so important to my life's work. I'm a mom of three

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beautiful young adults who are my greatest teachers. I'm a

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partner of over 30 years to my husband, who is also my greatest

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teacher. I am a sister to five amazing souls, four sisters and

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a brother. And I'm unwell. I'm a woman on a path of finding her

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voice while healing past wounds. A woman like you, who has had

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her fair share of losses, perhaps different, perhaps

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similar. But that brings tears to my eyes, because I know that

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our shared experience is having had challenges in our lives that

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are here for us to tend to, to just surround ourselves with the

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most deep loving hugs and understandings and immerse

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ourselves, I think in teachings that help us understand the

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place of those things in our lives and find ways to nurture

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and nourish ourselves. I went through surgery, chemotherapy,

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and radiation in 2018 and 19, for breast cancer, and I walked

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away a completely different person. And, you know, that is

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part of why I'm sitting at the helm here today because I don't

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know if I ever would have done this had I not gone through

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those things. Not that you need to in order to create something

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that's really meaningful for your life at all, but that's

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part of my story. I'm a coach trained in several modalities,

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conscious parenting, and I think soul care coaching being the

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most relevant, I consider myself a visionary. And one of my main

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purpose is to, is to spread light within the world. I

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absolutely love the coaching aspect of what I do. And I love

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the mystical, and I love being in community and in our shared

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sisterhood. And I've been working with healers and

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intuitives for years. And I love learning more about myself

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through the mystical realm. We're all so connected to a

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mystical, the mystical side of things, the mystery, the all the

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magic and ancient ways of practicing ritual, and newer

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ways of tapping into our strength and wisdom. Hey, I'm

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all in I want more of that, because I think it makes life

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juicy. I think it makes it fun. It puts meaning and relevance to

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what I do on a daily basis. So there's so much more, but I

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wanted to give you that background just to give you that

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taste of why I'm here. As for you, I invite you to create your

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I Am statements. I didn't even I didn't even create things, you

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know other soulful things about who I am. But those are just a

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little bit where I came from and why I'm here. So I cultivate

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your own im statements and maybe we can make some beautiful art

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from them to all of the questions or you know, offerings

Maureen Spielman:

I make today will be in the show notes for you to reflect on in

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journal whenever it's convenient to you or ponder when you're

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taking a walk with the dog.

Maureen Spielman:

Share with me on Instagram, that's where you'll find me

Maureen Spielman:

hanging out a social media wise. At Maureen Spielman, or on

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Facebook, I have a free, mystical sisterhood Facebook

Maureen Spielman:

group that's in the show notes to see the link to join. So I

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think one of the reasons why I became a coach or call it what

Maureen Spielman:

you will sell Care Coach, I think it lies in the fact that

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is a guiding principle of mine is that I wholeheartedly believe

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in the possibility of change. And when I hear you know, out in

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the ethers, someone say something about, they'll have it

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for their whole life. And I'm not talking about physical

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maladies, but I'm talking about ways that they identify maybe

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with their personality, they'll never change I, I have something

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in my being that's like, I don't believe it, I believe in the

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possibility of change. I've experienced it in my own life.

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I've seen it with my relationships with my children.

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I've seen it in my clients. And I want to note that Susie Lulu,

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my teacher, mentor friend always says your own transformation is

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your greatest credential. And I'm here as a lived experience

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to the colossal change that's possible within oneself. I won't

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go into the backstory of everything that I used to carry,

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from shame to guilt, to, you know, just immense criticism of

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my body. Just to so many things where I've been so interested in

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how can I feel that because it just felt so heavy, and

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something that I couldn't move through that I was on this

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eternal pursuit to figure out how that could be done. And I

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don't think I would have pursued life coaching if I didn't hold

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that possibility for my clients. And that being said, if you

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haven't had a chance to listen to Suze, Lulu, and my podcast,

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it was episode four, you are worthy. And it's a great one to

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link back to. Yeah, I think that I mean, I want to say I think I

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connect with people easily. But I didn't realize that coaching

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was a possibility. For me, I really had some condition,

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things that thought like you have to go back to school in

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order to work with people. But it turns out that this avenue,

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for me was a perfect fit. And I hope that's a model for other

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people in ways to think that there are many ways in which to

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discover the things you want to do. The sky's the limit. And

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more than ever, people are at this sort of like a game I'm

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going to say are just taking the opportunity to create what you

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know, they never thought was possible as long as it's like a

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shift in perspective, when you start to think like, oh, you

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know, could someone someone suggest to you Oh, did you ever

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think and you take what they say and you say like, wait a minute,

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I know I never thought that and maybe for me, you know the

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question about like, oh, did you ever think about being a coach

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from you know, my dear friend Alicia house was one that hit me

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out of left field and I never thought I could be one. But I

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think it's it's so interesting when someone plants the seed for

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us and I hope that that's what this podcast is for you is like

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a planting seed for what you can become and what's next for you

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because hey, I want to hear it. I think that there's so much

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possibility I think I allowed myself to look into new avenues

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and I could I learn to excel at something in midlife and I think

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that's really important. So I'm You know, I've, I've, I've

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mentioned my studying, I won't go into that, but I'm just a

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lifelong learner. So I wanted to kind of offer like, what my

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coaching looks like, I feel like I have a unique lens through

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which I see my client. And I guess any coach out there really

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does. But I really believe that you hold all the wisdom in

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yourself. And I'm a Master Guide, and hopefully facilitator

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for you, to lead you back to your truth, your light and your

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essence. And I was laughing because I was kind of thinking

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like, Oh, my God, this should be a class in college, if not high

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school. I really, the I've said this during the podcast, I

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believe that my clients, individuals I meet are so

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uniquely encoded with their own gifts, and what is going to be

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true for them. And so that's why like, studying different

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modalities, like I have is really helpful, because what is

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right for one client might not be right for the next and, you

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know, some clients want to go into the their emotional world

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and go back and some want to work on, you know, spiritual,

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like bringing more universal principles into your life, like,

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how is life for me? Why is this here? What am I, I'm here to

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experience, this is one of my soul's lessons. So there's

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different ways, you know, or reasons people come. But I was

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conditioned to think that I really was when I was young,

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that there was one way to go about doing things. And I'm just

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so open to infinite possibilities for what will most

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assist a particular person, I'm not tied to what it has to be so

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trying different things, and going different directions while

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listening to what's deep within the client, the client leads me.

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And so I think, in addition, and next week is the episode on the

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mystical, but like, if it's certain mystical input, or

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avenues, or that will help you find your way. I'm all for that.

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I would say that what I like about, I would say, four or five

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months ago, I reached out to my community on Facebook, and I

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said, would anyone be willing to talk to me about their

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experiences? And what I found in midlife is that the two of the

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things that stood out the most was clients looking for clarity,

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and truth. And I thought that that was really interesting,

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because to me, part of the work I do is helping clients shift

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through what is your conditioning, you know who you

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were born to be this light, this, this unencumbered being

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who took on these ways of beings that at some point in our life,

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I think we get older, and we're just like, wait a minute, this

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isn't me. And so it was so fascinating to hear these women

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say that then really the number one thing they were looking for

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was clarity. And I really think beneath the clarity, is looking

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for their truth. So it seems like we're trying to find the

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clarity within a situation. And yes, that may be true, should I

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stay with my husband should I allow my child to drive down to

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college for three hours on the interstate when they haven't

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done it before. And I think it's really tapping into what's right

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for you. And it's teasing that out. And, and I love the client,

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the coach client relationship, because it's one of I feel being

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seen and being heard. I know I work with, I've worked with

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coaches, I work with a coach right now. And it's just like,

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just so highly beneficial, to feel witnessed. And to just lay

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it all out there and have nothing be bad or wrong, or I'm

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not to be fixed. It's just that it's a safe place. And it's a

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safe place to be vulnerable. It's a safe place to say

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whatever needs to be said, and being really guided by your own

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intuition and wisdom within sessions. And I think as women

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we hold a lot, and we're classic overseers taking on what it is

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not ours. I see that I see that. And we know that but I see that

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in my clients. And it's like, well, what can you put down?

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What can what can you put down physically that you're doing

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that is stressing you out and taxing you? And but also, what

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can you put down from your past and your conditioning and your

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upbringing that no longer serves you either. Women often say

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they're looking for ways not to be hard on themselves or not

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feel fear, fearful of their future, that's a big one, or

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that they feel unexpressed in their relationships. So there's

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all these different reasons people come. And I think as a

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coach, I'm interested in really expansive questions that allow

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individuals to really be open to new possibilities and dream. I

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love that to be able to see their own truth in light. It's

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the place we start. become curious about new perspectives,

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ones that which you may not have considered before, new

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perspectives, having new eyes on the situation and being willing

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to see something in a new way. A that's huge. And it I think they

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didn't even enter into the coaching relationship. It's

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willingness and courage, courage that bring you here. And it's

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really important to note, big one to me has always been

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understanding how your past informs your presence. So I'll

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say a little bit about that in a few minutes. But really,

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largely, this whole compassionate container,

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inviting you into new practices of self compassion and letting

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go voices of not enoughness judgment, comparison and

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scarcity. And thereby, putting a lens on that, let's replace that

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with some new supportive inner dialogue. How can we gradually

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replace the voices that say we're not enough, one at a time,

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one at a time? Looking to see what limiting beliefs I can't do

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that because I'm too old. My kid is not smart enough to do that

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he can never get into this college because

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I could never start a new career. Because I'm not out

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there enough. I'm just trying to think of, you know, even

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limiting beliefs, I never thought my marriage will would

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work, therefore it can't Well, is that the truth for you? Yeah,

Maureen Spielman:

just generating the different questions that come up in our

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lives. There's the issue of setting boundaries.

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Understanding where our family and culture plays into what we

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think this is way bigger than any of us realize. And when we

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can start to be like, hey, that conditioning is not mine. super

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powerful. And when we can find people to talk to about this

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super powerful, and also connecting deeply within, in

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order to cultivate safety within in your outer relationships. So

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that safety one that that could be a whole episode. But when we

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replace those voices of comparison, you know,

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competition and not enoughness, and not thin enough, and not

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smart enough, and all the things, then it ushers in the

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compassion, which ushers in safety. And when we feel safe,

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we're going to transform we just are. So yeah. So I've kind of

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pointed out the ways this looks for client clients. But I think

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it's really the process of learning a new language of self

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compassion, understanding, and just a process. And I point this

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out of becoming so invested in your own transformation, that

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any idea of you taking a back seat in the past is like, No,

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I'm worthy and deserving of taking this front seat, and

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really fostering this new relationship inside of myself

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that I may not have ever understood before. And that is

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here for me to cultivate and grow and it will grow. That is

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for sure. I would say that often, when I ask a client about

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their childhood, this is an example that they'll say, Oh, I

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had such a good childhood. But on deeper reflection, they might

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realize that even though and I've, I've realized this about

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my own childhood, too, even though things looked as if they

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were the white picket fence, that actually there were, you

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know, cracks in the surface or ways in which our needs weren't

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met. And it's okay, it's okay, that we had childhood, kids like

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that, because that's, it feels like the human experience to me,

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I've been more conscious with my kids, and there's still many

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cracks in the surface. So it's how to be with those things and

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not be hard on ourselves. And know that it's okay know, that,

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you know, identifying the places in our life, like in our

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foundational years, where we didn't have the connection, and

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we didn't have the intimate relationships, that that truly

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affects our adult relationships. And, you know, it would be, I

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think, one of the ways is to go, besides cultivating compassion

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is, you know, really appreciating ourselves fully.

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And I talked about that just a few episodes ago, how to

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appreciate yourself fully. And, you know, they're just new ways

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of seeing ourselves and giving grace and to our experiences

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and, and I think, you know, knowing that it wasn't bad or

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wrong, and that it's here to be, you know, brought just a new

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compassionate lens to what I see is that you're finding your own

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way, setting your own rules, putting down what doesn't serve,

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and moving into a space where you really do you take 100%

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responsibility, and ownership for your experience and how

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beautiful that can be. So I'm going to wrap it up today by

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leaving you with some questions from my coaching that I may use

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with clients to consider for yourself, I'm going to put these

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in the show notes. So check out the show notes. I feel that

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they're thought provoking, and lead you to consider yourself

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and consider new possibilities for yourself. So the first one

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is, if you had a magic wand, what would you create in your

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life? What qualities do you seek to experience in your life?

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These may be things like abundance, play, fun, total

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health. And have these changed for you in the last few years

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reflecting on the last few years? Have they change? Did

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your old questions are they being replaced with new ones,

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new qualities you want to live by? Perhaps that was being there

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for your children. And now you don't need to be anymore,

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they're grown. Or you realized, through, you know, the pandemic

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that you wanted to experience more travel or play in your

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life. Or maybe it's that some connections have, you know,

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grown apart and you want to be more connected, you want to be

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in community? You want to define how your friendships are going

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to look. If you could change one or two things right now, what

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would they be? I'd be very curious to know about that. And

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what limiting beliefs get in the way of you experiencing the life

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you desire? And I guess one last one would be what's on your

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heart? And what's next for you? Hmm. Truthfully, we're all

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looking for ways to understand ourselves and a form form a deep

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connection with ourselves and our loved ones. But I think

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we're really really, really looking for that deep and

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fulfilled understanding of ourselves. So today, that's a

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bit about me, my why, what my coaching entails. I believe that

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my past my experiences have really positioned me well to

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work with individuals and groups, but to bring together

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this mystical sisterhood, you, my sisters, my worldly sisters

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together for this connection and community and I believe it's a

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cornerstone of my life's work, and I thank you for being here.

Maureen Spielman:

If you would like to look into coaching yourself, if you're

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curious about it, and want to have the conversation, either

Maureen Spielman:

email me at hello at Maureen Spielman, or you can go to my

Maureen Spielman:

website to my contact form, schedule a session for yourself,

Maureen Spielman:

I offer a complimentary 30 minute session, or find me on

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Instagram at Maureen Spielman. I want to just say that it's been

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a pleasure to talk about all these things to touch upon all

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of them today. Next week, we'll be delving into what is the

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mystical, we're gonna gain input from the mystics, some of them

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not all of them who have been on the podcast, and allow ourselves

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to uncover our own magic, not just leaving it to the experts.

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Because if you are here, I believe you hold that light. You

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are in awe of the mystery of life. You are You are the

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mystical, you are the magic and you are a really valuable part

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of this community. So thanks for being here. And I will see you

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next episode.

Maureen Spielman:

Thanks for listening to this episode of mystical sisterhood.

Maureen Spielman:

If you love what you heard, please visit Apple podcast and

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subscribe and leave a review and share with a friend if you're

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called to do so. To learn more about my one on one coaching

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programs, or join the mystical sisterhood membership, visit

Maureen Spielman:

Maureen or mystical Thanks so much.

Maureen Spielman:

I'll see you in the next episode.