Aug. 1, 2023

Embers Of Enlightenment: Nurturing Faith Through Mindfulness And Humility With Coach Ron Kardashian

Embers Of Enlightenment: Nurturing Faith Through Mindfulness And Humility With Coach Ron Kardashian

Alan speaks with Coach Ron Kardashian on this week’s episode of Mindful You. Coach Ron tells us what ignited his burning desire to be on the path of mindfulness. During a near death experience Kardashian had an encounter with god which set in motion a deep relationship with spirituality. We are all spiritual people having an earthly experience. Ron and Alan discuss the way that meditation practice helps to strengthen your faith in god. We must accept that we do not know everything.

About The Guest:

An Executive Coach, Published Author, CEO, Humanitarian, and Ambassador of Peace, Coach Ron Kardashian stands out for his heart of gold and genuine leadership insights. Highly self-motivated and deeply organized, professional leaders and executives call him “Coach”. For the past 20 years, Mr. Kardashian has exhibited sound business judgment and leadership skills with a proven record of accomplishments that represent high standards, integrity, and results. Passionate about helping leaders transform their careers and businesses, Ron is highly sought after for his wisdom and success through leader cognitive transformation, spiritual fortitude, and behavioral change. Coach states, “When the brain is healthy, so will one’s life and career be.”

Le Confidant, Inc. is an executive consultancy and coaching company that has been awarded diplomatic honors and recognized as an authority in the executive leadership space. Based in Silicon Valley, Le Confidant, Inc. takes on new clients yearly. As the Founder and CEO, Coach Ron has over two decades of executive coaching experience and more than 12,000 hours of one-on-one sessions with different clients. With his unrivaled amassed wealth of experience, he leverages his technical knowledge, as well as, strategic and tactical insights to oversee consequences and helps provide the best solutions to benefit his clients. His company has helped people over 150 companies such as Apple, Intel, Neiman Marcus, LinkedIn, Tesla, Facebook, FOX, and Salesforce.

Certified in human performance, cognitive disciplines, and physiological excellence, Ron started his professional career as a National Strength and Conditioning Coach. He honed his skills working alongside professional NFL & NBA athletes. A highly respected specialist in behavioral transformation, career navigation, life solutions, cognitive discipline, and legacy decision making. Coach has a unique approach to mental, physical, and business development solutions that most advisors fail to address. Having coached top executives from Fortune 500 companies, governments, and international ministries, Ron’s strategy and coaching approach includes working from individuals’ strengths rather than liabilities-personal strengths. This unique approach bridges the divide of personal life goals with business goals while creating clarity, building confidence while maintaining mental and spiritual agility.

Keen on sharing and imparting his knowledge to others who are serious and willing to achieve growth and success, Ron is the author of his two bestselling books and a co-author of a third. Ron Kardashian’s 30 Second Solution is endorsed by the New York Times best-selling author Dr. Daniel Amen, a brilliant physician and psychiatrist widely regarded as one of the world’s foremost experts on the brain. Critically acclaimed for his role in people transformation, Ron has been awarded the LinkedIn Coaching “Profinder of the Year Award” and “The Ambassador of Peace to the Golden Rule Award” for his humanitarian work among leaders and communities. He has been featured in Forbes for his hit article How to build a billion-dollar rhythm in life. The 10 rhythms I learned from working with two billionaires, and is working on publishing his fourth and fifth books which are to be launched this year!

“If you put into practice Ron Kardashians 30 second solution it will help you develop new brain pathways that will enhance impulse control, focus, and forethought.” – Dr. Daniel Amen, New York Times Best seller, and Founder of the Amen Clinics.

Ron also runs a technology company that uses predictive analytics with best-of-breed emotional intelligence to discern the behavioral traits that accelerate and/or decelerate an individual or company’s success. With an absolute love for mankind, Ron is also involved in several humanitarian works and non-profit organizations that help him reach out and impact more people. His lifelong passion for increasing the value of human life is still on course as he is creating a coaching institute and university. His biggest achievement is being a loving husband and father to his two children.

About Alan:

Alan Carroll is an Educational Psychologist who specializes in Transpersonal Psychology. He founded Alan Carroll & Associates 30 years ago and before that, he was a Senior Sales Training Consultant for 10 years at Digital Equipment Corporation. He has dedicated his life in search of mindfulness tools that can be used by everyone (young and old) to transform their ability to speak at a professional level, as well as, to reduce the psychological suffering caused by the misidentification with our ego and reconnect to the vast transcendent dimension of consciousness that lies just on the other side of the thoughts we think and in between the words we speak.





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Alan Carroll:

Our next guest on the mind for your podcast. He

Alan Carroll:

calls himself a coach. I met coach Ron few months back at a

Alan Carroll:

staples store out in the Silicon Valley. And he was helping me

Alan Carroll:

understand the computer in order to get it to create a label. And

Alan Carroll:

as we, as we chatted, all of a sudden there is a realization

Alan Carroll:

that I'm chatting to someone who is definitely walking on the

Alan Carroll:

mindfulness path. And not only is Ron walking on the

Alan Carroll:

mindfulness path, not only is Ron talking on the mindfulness

Alan Carroll:

path, Ron also is a teacher is a coach who has coaching other

Alan Carroll:

people to walk on that mindfulness path. And one of the

Alan Carroll:

gifts that Ron, that Ron has, is that he has been blessed with an

Alan Carroll:

with a realization, not just reading about mindfulness and

Alan Carroll:

meditation and spirituality, but an experience of mindfulness

Alan Carroll:

being touched by divine by divine energy. And then to be

Alan Carroll:

able to take that experience, that abstract metaphysical

Alan Carroll:

experience, and then be able to articulate it in a way that

Alan Carroll:

other people can understand and have greater clarity on how they

Alan Carroll:

too, can walk the mindfulness path. So is with joy in my

Alan Carroll:

heart. That I welcome coach Ron, to the mindful you, podcast.

Alan Carroll:

Coach, Ron, welcome to the mindful you podcast. It's

Alan Carroll:

guiding you on the podcast. And when I met you in Los Gatos,

Alan Carroll:

several months ago, there was a spark there was a spark between

Alan Carroll:

what you said and what I said. And what I want to be able to do

Alan Carroll:

was add more kindling to the spark to create a flame sir

Alan Carroll:

flame of light a flame of light only permeates the the

Alan Carroll:

individual experience of a person but also permeates the

Alan Carroll:

organizational structures that we have as humans, for example,

Alan Carroll:

the corporations and you had mentioned a little bit about the

Alan Carroll:

the spirituality in the corporate world, our the need

Alan Carroll:

for more of that spirituality in the corporate world. And I call

Alan Carroll:

that mindfulness spirituality. And before we go into the that

Alan Carroll:

particular path, I would like just to have our audience hear a

Alan Carroll:

little bit about your path about what ignited the spark in you,

Alan Carroll:

which now burns like a burning bush. A bright light, sir

Alan Carroll:


Coach Ron Kardashian:

Well, thank you again for having me.

Coach Ron Kardashian:

I'm honored to be here. The my history dates back all the way

Coach Ron Kardashian:

till I was 22 years old Alan, where I was heavy into the party

Coach Ron Kardashian:

scene, drug use, did jail time, I mean, anything. A young boy

Coach Ron Kardashian:

who has no real strong governances on his life could go

Coach Ron Kardashian:

I went, which I'm a big advocate of boundaries now in principles

Coach Ron Kardashian:

that that I didn't even know existed. I mean, we were just

Coach Ron Kardashian:

living life vicariously so much. So it costs me not one but three

Coach Ron Kardashian:

near death experiences. And remember, one evening, I had

Coach Ron Kardashian:

come down with the chicken pox in the third grade, and my fever

Coach Ron Kardashian:

at hit scarlet fever level, which for our listeners, that's

Coach Ron Kardashian:

that's 103 104. They say 104 You begin to fry up 105 And my

Coach Ron Kardashian:

mother at the time who was not an overly spiritual person, but

Coach Ron Kardashian:

was a devout Catholic. You know, I say that I'm a Catholic and

Coach Ron Kardashian:

recovery, you know, because religion never bode well for me

Coach Ron Kardashian:

at all. But that night, that night, she brought in the nuns,

Coach Ron Kardashian:

that's all she knew how to do because her little boy in the

Coach Ron Kardashian:

third grade, which was the love of her life was dying. Hang, and

Coach Ron Kardashian:

they didn't know how to stop it. I mean, at one point, Alan, my

Coach Ron Kardashian:

father could not lift me up under my arms because the

Coach Ron Kardashian:

chicken pox was so bad that it would skull me scalding burning

Coach Ron Kardashian:

my flesh if he tried to touch me. So they had to use a cold,

Coach Ron Kardashian:

crisp cotton sheet to help lift me up to get me into the baths.

Coach Ron Kardashian:

Where I would soak. I mean, at one point, she said, we had

Coach Ron Kardashian:

thought that maybe you had a form of leprosy. And I don't

Coach Ron Kardashian:

remember all the details of that. But I do remember just

Coach Ron Kardashian:

asking God to take my life. You bet. It was at that moment that

Coach Ron Kardashian:

the transition began. And you fast forward now, you know, till

Coach Ron Kardashian:

I'm 22, having gone up and down and being confused, no

Coach Ron Kardashian:

direction, but all but having this near death experience led

Coach Ron Kardashian:

to my second one, which was a fatal car accident, where I

Coach Ron Kardashian:

crossed over. And you know, how people say that they've seen the

Coach Ron Kardashian:

light, you know, I didn't just see the light I saw Jesus face

Coach Ron Kardashian:

to face. I mean, when people asked me to articulate what it

Coach Ron Kardashian:

was to look into the face of Jesus, and we have all these

Coach Ron Kardashian:

religions that have soured that name, I mean, in the Western

Coach Ron Kardashian:

culture, Jesus Christ is a cuss word. None of my Buddhist

Coach Ron Kardashian:

friends have Buddha as a cuss word, you know, just Jesus. And

Coach Ron Kardashian:

I thought, Man, the guy has been really given a bad rap. And

Coach Ron Kardashian:

actually, he just was the most warming loving entity of light

Coach Ron Kardashian:

that all of us are crying out for. And I saw him, and I've

Coach Ron Kardashian:

seen him twice since then. And so much so that it impacted me,

Coach Ron Kardashian:

right, I thought I should become a Catholic priest. Uh huh. And

Coach Ron Kardashian:

so, funny story was, I enroll in the priesthood. And two boys

Coach Ron Kardashian:

show up at this massive retreat. Long story short, the priest

Coach Ron Kardashian:

tells me all his problems out on one walk one morning, and

Coach Ron Kardashian:

actually deters me from becoming a priest. But you know, when you

Coach Ron Kardashian:

have encounters like this, and they're happening more and more

Coach Ron Kardashian:

often, the the spiritual realm is so powerful. And then fast

Coach Ron Kardashian:

forward into coaching companies, you know, you're you're talking

Coach Ron Kardashian:

to high level individuals who are actually having the same

Coach Ron Kardashian:

encounters, but they don't know how to articulate them. They're

Coach Ron Kardashian:

too afraid or embarrassed or pride or people are gonna think

Coach Ron Kardashian:

you're crazy. Or, you know, and not just the light, the demonic

Coach Ron Kardashian:

side, too. I mean, I hear people talking about, they saw black

Coach Ron Kardashian:

hatted figures standing in the hallway, repetitively over and

Coach Ron Kardashian:

over again. So this, this began to fascinate me. And I began a

Coach Ron Kardashian:

deep exhaustive study over the last 25 years, into the Word of

Coach Ron Kardashian:

God into the Holy Bible. And also, Hey, I gotta admit, I

Coach Ron Kardashian:

started at the East West bookstores, had some psychic

Coach Ron Kardashian:

readings in the beginning. I mean, when you're touched like

Coach Ron Kardashian:

that, you don't just say everything else is obsolete,

Coach Ron Kardashian:

your mind opens up to a whole plethora of knowledge seeking

Coach Ron Kardashian:

where you need to grab a hold of what happened. Because if you

Coach Ron Kardashian:

don't, then you really have no portal of destiny, which I call.

Coach Ron Kardashian:

In other words, you know, the trajectory now you should be on.

Coach Ron Kardashian:

And I encourage people always to seek but at the end of the day,

Coach Ron Kardashian:

Jesus is Lord in my heart, Allen lock, stock and barrel.

Coach Ron Kardashian:

Everything that I teach, and everything that I do comes from

Coach Ron Kardashian:

a spirit of love, which was the main difference. I was noticing

Coach Ron Kardashian:

amongst a lot of different ecumenical circles, if you will,

Coach Ron Kardashian:

that that behavioral trait of like how we met, you know, in

Coach Ron Kardashian:

fact, I think you need a little help with something that you

Coach Ron Kardashian:

were doing and right, what started the conversation? That's

Coach Ron Kardashian:

right. I said, Well, let me let me offer some, some kindness,

Coach Ron Kardashian:

which is something I think the world needs a lot of, and by the

Coach Ron Kardashian:

way, I'm still a work in progress. But that that began

Coach Ron Kardashian:

the journey right of, of deep diving. Now, I pivoted early on

Coach Ron Kardashian:

early on in my career, because I always had a call to be in

Coach Ron Kardashian:

health and fitness. So, you know, right around 22, after I

Coach Ron Kardashian:

got touched, I had the Bible in one hand, and then I had the

Coach Ron Kardashian:

strength and conditioning journals in the other hand, so I

Coach Ron Kardashian:

was completely perplexed on which direction of which path I

Coach Ron Kardashian:

should take. Power of mentorship, the power of coaches

Coach Ron Kardashian:

like you, Alan, I meet a woman who tells me, why can't you do

Coach Ron Kardashian:

both? And that began my spiritual journey of not

Coach Ron Kardashian:

becoming a priest, because God knows I wanted to be married.

Coach Ron Kardashian:

It's better to marry than to burn, and this boy was burning.

Coach Ron Kardashian:

And I said, you know, I think I can do both. And I did. My

Coach Ron Kardashian:

career started me off all the way went up to the NFL, or I

Coach Ron Kardashian:

started to coach and pro athletes got my license and

Coach Ron Kardashian:

strength and conditioning. And then what One of the, one of the

Coach Ron Kardashian:

NFL athletes asked me to help him with his money. And I didn't

Coach Ron Kardashian:

have any money. I mean, I had done well, but not not millions

Coach Ron Kardashian:

well, and it was just a very precious relationship. He was

Coach Ron Kardashian:

also a Christian brother. So we had this commonality, of course,

Coach Ron Kardashian:

pro sports are filled with a bunch of spiritual guys who have

Coach Ron Kardashian:

very little direction. And that's what started the business

Coach Ron Kardashian:

career. So I have a little little saying is I went all the

Coach Ron Kardashian:

way from the weight room to the boardroom, you know, because I

Coach Ron Kardashian:

found a niche, and that niche was Executive Council. Lee

Coach Ron Kardashian:

confidant is the name of my company, I became a confidant, a

Coach Ron Kardashian:

private confidant to some of the most powerful people in the

Coach Ron Kardashian:

world. And now here I am, 25 years later, living my dream,

Coach Ron Kardashian:

running my own companies speaking all over the world,

Coach Ron Kardashian:

authoring books, and the light is still with me. So I prayed

Coach Ron Kardashian:

never leaves.

Alan Carroll:

That's a wonderful, wonderful story.

Alan Carroll:

coach Ron, that's very, very illuminating is a word to

Alan Carroll:

describe it. It's like being touched by the light and allow

Alan Carroll:

the light to transmit through you. And in the Course of

Alan Carroll:

Miracles, which I think that you're familiar with, we might

Alan Carroll:

have mentioned, on in Los Gatos talk talks about the


Marianne Williamson fact, we just met at a party and


she asked me to endorse her for the presidency. I, I didn't know


what to say, Alan, I was so honored. But yes, I in fact, I


brought up her book, and she looked at me like, it's been 30


years since right 20 a while since I've been a while

Alan Carroll:

I'm 70 was the 70s. I think it first first came

Alan Carroll:

out, sir, almost 50 years. And one of the things is that you

Alan Carroll:

remind me of is God cannot do for you what God cannot do

Alan Carroll:

through you. And to allow yourself to have the audacity to

Alan Carroll:

claim to be a spokesperson for the Lord, a spokesperson for my

Alan Carroll:

office, a spokesperson for the Holy Spirit. And to be able to

Alan Carroll:

have that, that that clear. It's not it's not Yes. It's not

Alan Carroll:

faking it. It's clear experiential in my body kind of

Alan Carroll:

in this moment, and to be able to illuminate the dark, sir. And

Alan Carroll:

we talked about corporations and corporate folks have a

Alan Carroll:

tremendous opportunity to be able to use the organization's

Alan Carroll:

to disseminate. I'll call it the light, why they why they're

Alan Carroll:

doing the business. And I'm wondering, yes, what you do to

Alan Carroll:

uncork that bottle of spirituality into the corporate

Alan Carroll:



Well, it's a very powerful question. I think deep


within that we have to remember these are natural people living


supernatural lives. I always tell people that I said, you


know, you live a very supernatural life, you just


don't realize it yet. I said, the mere fact that you exist out


of all the sperm that went into that egg, the millions that had


the opportunity to penetrate here you are with a template and


that template starts with a DNA strand. I said Make no mistake


about it. There's no mistaking you even to the aborted to the


child who was almost aborted, you know, there's no mistake


because you you feel like you were born out of wedlock.


There's no mistake. And I've learned this through the path of


gods and unconditional love Alan, which is a vital force


that mankind is looking for. Yet, here's the beautiful part


about it. We don't need to have that mastered in order to give


it we do have traces of it. We we give traces of it. We give


traces of this unconditional love, which is Love is patient


love is kind it's not jealous, angry, boastful, proud or rude.


I mean, look, the template is set. You just got to read the


manuscript. You know, First Corinthians 13 is very clear, on


really what love is. And I had a major wake up call behaviorally


around the spirit of arrogance, conceit, pride, which are all


spiritual matters. These are behavioral traits, but man,


they're wit down into the gut or the soul of man, which the soul


as you know, Alan is mind will and emotions, mind will and


emotions is so a lot of spiritual people get this


confused. Then again, my manuscript is you know, we swear


to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, lock,


stock and barrel, that Bible and it's very clear about it the


soul is different than the spirit and the spirit is


different than the body. We I like to say we are spiritual


people having an earthly experience not earthly people


having spiritual experiences.

Alan Carroll:

Yes, sir, let that sink


in for a second. You know, I'm a spiritual being on


the earth having an earthly experience, how do I facilitate


that? And the business side is very, very important because the


higher of a spiritual person you are, the more of a mandate, you


have to bring resources into the earth. I believe that I'm


convinced of it. I think wealth has been misappropriated in the


hands of corrupt people. And here are the sweet, gentle


people like yourself, who are doing well for yourself. But we


have the ability to do even better, Alan, we have the


ability to reach new economical spheres that we never dreamed


up. And it's important that we remind ourselves of these. When


I begin to talk like this, I attract the business sector


because their language is all about renumeration. That how can


we be compensated? How can we get an ROI? And when they pull


me in to do that? I recenter them and realign them to say,


talk to me about what the real power is behind what you're


trying to do. And when you peel back those layers, you see more


good than bad. At least I do. I don't see I don't see I don't


see the darkness too much anymore. And that's because


light, light does attract light, light does attract darkness as


well. But when you're really an advocate of championing light,


you will reciprocate, we call it the law of reciprocity, right?


The the law of sowing and reaping. We you know, we see


this through the whole movement of the secret, they actually


took Galatians four, and they opened it up to a level I tell


the church world don't Don't Don't Don't get upset at these


people don't don't they took what God created and actually


did something with it. And this is where my boost comes in to


say get off your spiritual high horse. And let's get to work.


Let's put the spiritual power to use. And that's what I'm doing


day to day.

Alan Carroll:

As you go on,


if that makes sense. Yeah,

Alan Carroll:

yes. But as you were, as you were talking, I

Alan Carroll:

think of a word called the Holy Spirit. Answer I think of the

Alan Carroll:

Apostles Creed. I think the I believe in the Holy Spirit. I

Alan Carroll:

believe in the goodness of sin. I find that beautiful. When you

Alan Carroll:

start talking about I believe in the Holy Spirit, you're saying

Alan Carroll:

there's something beyond the physical. And when you say I

Alan Carroll:

believe in the forgiveness of sin, to me, that's a pathway to

Alan Carroll:

the Holy Spirit. And the pathway. Spirit is the doorway

Alan Carroll:

to salvation. And yes, sir, my question that I'm formulating

Alan Carroll:

is, my background is transpersonal psychology. And

Alan Carroll:

psychology focuses on the egoic being the egoic identity, which

Alan Carroll:

is, I would say source of suffering, and transform that

Alan Carroll:

into the being identity, which would be no resistance to what

Alan Carroll:

is. And when you get to no resistance to what is then then

Alan Carroll:

that's love. Love is unconditional space, there's no

Alan Carroll:

resistance to what you have to say. And if I have resistance,

Alan Carroll:

it stirs up the thoughts. And when the thoughts get stirred

Alan Carroll:

up, it parallels my identity. And so how do you sail through

Alan Carroll:

that, that Island have an egoic identity? And have people

Alan Carroll:

realize that they're not that they're much more the Holy

Alan Carroll:

Spirit, which is the mindfulness and being this, of the of the

Alan Carroll:

God God being? I'm not sure even how to say it. But how do you?

Alan Carroll:

How do you get that wrath from one place to the other?


Very, very powerful question and beautiful of


background with you, Alan, I didn't know that. That's those


words you're using about identification of suffering and


the component to parallel unconditional love is a very,


very powerful Christian aptitude, which most people do


not understand. And that is Christ. Yet while we were yet


sinners, corrupt, yet died for us, and that he became the


appropriation of sin, to appropriate justification for a


man and woman who knew him not. Yet before we even knew him, he


loved us and gave His life for us as a ransom. And when you hit


then you use the word redeemed, to redeem us into redemption is


actually a financial term, right? We it means read means


before deemed to buy back so someone had to buy us back. This


is what I didn't catch early on in those Press. 10 years it was


always religion is about conformity. If you don't do this


boy, you're going to hell. And I mean, it was horrible, horrible.


Who would ever want to serve God with this condemnation, spirit


binding? So in answer to your question, the bridge is


understanding when you hear him knocking, hard, not your heart.


And that is the pivotal moment Allen, where we either induce


pride and say, No, it's really not him, or we humble ourselves


to the probability of God calling. I always tell great and


powerful leaders that are seeking the face of God. Well,


Ron, you hear from God, it's easy for you. It's not that it's


easy. It's developed. It's It's learning to yield to the Holy


Spirit. It's like, what was God's voice? What was Ron's


voice, and in that yielding is a constant state of humility,


which is the per the correct understanding of what humility


is, it's not genuflecting before an altar and making the sound


beautiful that you do that, or, you know, hands together and we


bow and martial arts are here. You know, we we use the word


peace, peace, be you know, Namaste, Namaste. And those are


elements of humility. But the real root of Humility is saying,


I don't know everything. And there could be something more.


And it's right at that moment. When you hear him knocking, you


hear broadcasts like this, he's knocking. He's calling us back


to say, just accept, don't resist. And Alan, I think it's


in that moment, that the human psyche, then begins to move into


a new space of neurological adaptation. That is a fancy way


of saying your brain begins to fire do tu Tu, Tu, Tu, tu tu


synaptic connections that you even, you know, we got 100


billion of these things. I wrote it about it in my book. So where


are they retiring and rewiring, you know, they're either


rewiring to more labor and hustle, which by the way, I hate


that word hustle. Or it's rewiring to more of a


conscientiousness, higher state of consciousness to where we are


more in a state of bliss, calm. And as the Holy Spirit would


say, Peace, internal peace, if that makes sense. Oh, yeah,


transition sum that up is humility. I believe. That's my


belief. Yeah,

Alan Carroll:

the I find that in the in, and my knowledge of the

Alan Carroll:

Bible is this, your knowledge is like that. So but I know a

Alan Carroll:

little I know a little because it's a boy scout, you have to

Alan Carroll:

get the Purple Heart. And the Purple Heart. Christian merit is

Alan Carroll:

a Christian metal. And part of the Purple Heart was to memorize

Alan Carroll:

some of the key passages from the Bible. And you do it, you

Alan Carroll:

know, yeah. However, I went back. And I started to look at

Alan Carroll:

those passages. Here I am in my 70s. And beautiful, and the last

Alan Carroll:

night 23rd song. Yes, me, makes me to lie down in green

Alan Carroll:

pastures. leadeth me beside the still waters. And I said, Okay,

Alan Carroll:

what does that mean? I went into the method, it has to do with

Alan Carroll:

coming to rest, and allowing the Lord God to take care of you.

Alan Carroll:

And for me, that means surrender. And when you talk

Alan Carroll:

about humility, you talk about the ego, it talks about the ego.

Alan Carroll:

What the ego does not do is surrender. Yes, the ego is

Alan Carroll:

defending its point of view, not surrendering its point of view.

Alan Carroll:

And for me to surrender, my point of view would be a

Alan Carroll:

describe it as in A Course of Miracles, it talks about if I,

Alan Carroll:

why can't I surrender my point of view, and they say it entails

Alan Carroll:

an unfair sacrifice of my righteous wrath. And somehow, I

Alan Carroll:

believe, and I believe you believe it, that we have to get

Alan Carroll:

beyond the ego, which is self centered, to get to the being or

Alan Carroll:

the Holy Spirit or the mindfulness state of

Alan Carroll:

consciousness, which is, which is centered on the we're all

Alan Carroll:

together. I am. I am that love that you're talking about? Yes.

Alan Carroll:

Yes, very


good point. In fact, the Bible alludes to that, that


we're all one body. And so it's important for us to recognize


that there's something bigger going on here. So how I like to


have these discussions now in this postmodern world era is


like, okay, let's just put all the swords on the table, and


just really talk about what To the ultimate need here. I mean,


me being a cognitive behavioral expert. You know, Mike Mike, one


of my tech companies helps people understand cognitive,


emotional intelligence. So we're all governed by the same 24


behavioral traits, conscientiousness, ambition,


endurance, self confidence, composure, etc, etc. But at the


end of the day, we all have families, we all bleed crimson,


we all cry, we all have emotions, we all want to be


loved. And I find that in business, probably the number


one request I get is, How do I stay at peace? I'm believing for


millions of dollars on my bottom line, My guts are at a mess, My


blood pressure's high, my cholesterol is high, the body is


sending the signals. And so when I say put all the swords on the


table, let's not talk dogma, as much as we talk, how do we


handle life's vicissitudes? How do we better ourselves to help


you be better? How can I better me so I can obviously help you.


And it may not be through counsel or coaching or


therapists or people like in our trade, but having a calm


disposition, knowing that the power of God Almighty and the


integrity of his word can support me when I have no way


out, is unbelievably phenomenal. It's phenomenal. Alan, if and we


do this in business, we call them covenant agreements, we


signed contracts. Well, I always joke with my Jewish friends. I


had a great Jewish attorney for many years. And I you know, when


we met, you know, I told him, You believe in Jehovah, he goes,


Oh, yeah, we've served them for years. He goes, he's a wealthy


God. That's why every Jew that I meet as wealthy, it's


unbelievable. Why, you know, when you really talk to them, a


lot of them have dogma, but there's another side that they


don't even, it's just part of their DNA. They say, Well, if


it's in red, it's what he said, you know, they kind of they kind


of have this little chip, like, wait a minute, what do you mean?


Well, he said, God's god of integrity, they put it down to


66 books, you wrote it down New Testament is the the new


contract, and I go, wow, it's a contract. And, you know, I like


to do my Italian voice. You know, I think God made me an


offer, I couldn't refuse. You know, when he came to me, he


goes, I'll put it in black and white. I'll write it down lock,


stock and barrel. And for a guy like me, who didn't grow up with


those, like a governor, you got to have a governor in your life,


you've got to have a series of instruments around you. Because


if you don't, you'll be easily persuaded, you know, move. So So


I took the Bible as a instrument, and a contract. And


I said, Well, if you put it in black and white, I'm looking to


be a man of integrity. I never had that. Just still working on


it. I want to be a man of my word. And I found that God is


the God of the word. He is the Word made flesh, man, you cannot


separate him. So when you start living your life from a place of


someone's genuinely got my back, despite how I'm treated, despite


how I treat others, just let me say this first, despite my


behaviors or my sins, it's unconditional. It's at that


point, you are automatically humbled. It's overwhelming. You


literally have nothing else to say, but praise the Lord. Thank


You, Lord. It's just an automatic. If that piece doesn't


drop 12 inches from the head to your heart, it stays in


information, it does not become revelation. And Revelation is


the key Alan, to manifestation. We all know it's true. Because


we didn't know the law of reciprocity until we had a


revelation of it. You got to take the cash out of your


pocket, go give it to someone else. And watch it reciprocate.


Coming back to you. Theory only takes you so far. application.


Application is the principle of wisdom, the application of


knowledge. Proverbs four is wisdom at its highest level. And


as you begin to slowly apply, just the right thinking. Ie I'm


open to this. All right, Lord, speak to him speak to me like he


spoke to Ron, speak to me like he spoke to Alan. It begins this


new neurological adaptation, where he's able to speak and


boy, he doesn't.

Alan Carroll:

You talked about practice, and the need to

Alan Carroll:

reinforce and what I like to do before we complete today His

Alan Carroll:

podcast is I'd like you to imagine the audience is

Alan Carroll:

listening. And what is a practice that they could do on a

Alan Carroll:

daily basis, let's say five minutes, because that's part of

Alan Carroll:

the problem with practices. Well, it takes you two hours,

Alan Carroll:

knowing ain't gonna happen. But for five minutes just to just to

Alan Carroll:

plant a seed, and see if they can cultivate that seed over

Alan Carroll:

time that is sustainable. But what would you suggest that they

Alan Carroll:

do in order to achieve that, that letting go state of humble

Alan Carroll:

and also faith, it's the faith that the Lord will take care of

Alan Carroll:



This right. That's a very, very powerful question. 30


years in practice, out of my own personal stash, that I'm doing


now, and I wish someone would have told me this early on. It's


found in Joshua one nine, it's very clear, it's in black and


whites the integrity of his word, he said, If which the word


if is is a preposition, it means on the condition that so this is


strictly a measure of the human will, things that we can do. If


you meditate on my word, night and day, you will be prosperous


in all you do. If you meditate on my word, night, and day, you


will be prosperous and all you do. That word all really got me


right between the eye because I said, Well, God, you said all he


said I sure did. And Alan for the last couple of years, not


even, not even in the last 10 Maybe in the last five. I never


put meditation at the top of my list. But man, I'm walking my 13


year old little boy through it now. I said, Come on, baby.


Let's bow our head and find one scripture in the Bible. This is


a time tested book. This is not coach Ron and we got a lot of


books, but my books aren't nearly as good as the main book.


Just go to the main book. And I always recommend starting


Proverbs. Proverbs is the wisdom of dealing with business, or


other people and then Psalms like you were reading from Psalm


23. Allen is about dealing with ourselves, calming ourselves,


and find one of them. For instance, my personal stash


right now is Ephesians. One, you're gonna love this one night


and day, my little 13 year old hasn't memorized. I says, Father


of the Lord Jesus Christ. So it's acknowledging God, right,


you got the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. So it's acknowledging


God, Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, Father of glory, given


to me the spirit of wisdom, and revelation in the knowledge of


you very key, so that the eyes of my heart are flooded with


light, that I would come to know the hope of your calling,


please. And we go to sleep. We wake up in the morning, Father


of glory, give me the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the


knowledge of you so that the eyes of my heart are flooded


with light helped me to be a blessing to all my clients


today, my family, my children, give me strength where I'm weak.


And you know, man, I'm telling you, I have had two more


encounters with them. Two more, or I saw him face to face. And


when I put up on YouTube, says Kardashian has encountered with


Christ I mean, man, this is, this is, this is a love message


where he is he, you know, Alan, all throughout history all the


way back to the Garden of Eden. God has always taken a man or a


woman to work his method. I don't know why he does this on


he could he could appear to the whole world all at once. Why


does he take frail little flawed men like us? I'll say myself,


because I'm such a work in progress. And why does he take


imperfect people in work is perfect plan. And for the life


of me, I still don't know. But I'm constantly humbled, like you


said, just take it wrong, and just just be humble about it and


just keep going. I think that's the rub. And when we meditate,


it keeps us in balance, keeps us in good balance.

Alan Carroll:

I find that the meditation is one of the sayings

Alan Carroll:

that you have to go in to get out. If you want to escape from

Alan Carroll:

that prison of sin, we'll call it sin, that prison of

Alan Carroll:

suffering. It's going inside and allowing that calmness through

Alan Carroll:

meditation to happen. So it begins it begins you begins to

Alan Carroll:

create mental stability, emotional stability. So when the

Alan Carroll:

events happen in the outer world, you don't react anymore,

Alan Carroll:

you're able to take a pause, take a breath. Can I keep myself

Alan Carroll:

relaxed and still operating the levers? What's going on in order

Alan Carroll:

to produce the result? Or am I or am I agitated and defending

Alan Carroll:

my point of view and use Do that. And then after that, well

Alan Carroll:

your skill is going to be farm sailing. So I'm, I'm excited to

Alan Carroll:

hear that you talk about meditation so much. So coach

Alan Carroll:

Ron, I want to, I want to just, you know, thank you and give you

Alan Carroll:

a chance to say anything else you'd like to say, especially

Alan Carroll:

how we can contact you, and what's the title of the book.

Alan Carroll:

And also, we'll all your contact information will be in the show

Alan Carroll:

notes. So all that information you sent me.


Great. Well, thank you. I'd be honored to assist in any


of your listeners, whatever you need. We have a beautiful


practice here. And in Los in Silicon Valley, Los Gatos, we


met but we're right here in Silicon Valley, right down the


street from Facebook, and Twitter and Instagram and all


the biggest companies in the world. It's such an honor to


live here. But I just in closing notes, I want to make a comment


about the sign that you have above your head here. My right


probably your left, the power of the pause, which Alan I really


commend you for saying that fact I write about it in my book, Dr.


Daniel Amon, of course, the the famous psychologist who wrote


Change Your Brain, Change Your body. He endorsed my book and


did the entire forward. He said something very powerful,


alluding to the pause. And he said, if you put into practice


coach Ron's book to help you develop new brain pathways that


will enhance impulse control, focus and forethought. And I was


so honored that you had this PhD, who would actually


authenticate my thesis in 30 seconds. And to your point,


that's all it takes to pause to respond before you react. And I


talk about in the book How, right here in my neighborhood, a


gentleman decided to react to incoming traffic and not wait.


And Alan he killed a little girl right down the street from where


we were on impact. Because he did not hit his own internal


pause button and her him and her daddy were crossing the street


going to school and he killed the little girl. That man in


1/32 decision has three, let me repeat 330 year life sentences


that all could have been avoided if we just had the tools.

Alan Carroll:

Thank you, coach Ron, you're an inspiration.

Alan Carroll:

You're a gift to the world. And thank you for all that you do to

Alan Carroll:

reduce the suffering of we all feel and to bring us up and to

Alan Carroll:

allow us to have that experience of mindfulness and be closer to

Alan Carroll:

the Lord.


Thank you, sir.

Alan Carroll:

And you as well. Thank you. God bless you, Alan.