April 11, 2023

Success & Transformation The Schamltzy Way with Tony Schmaltz | MDIDS214

Success & Transformation The Schamltzy Way with Tony Schmaltz | MDIDS214

Imagine being a coach who is passionate about changing lives and making a difference in the world, but struggling to find clients who are coachable and willing to invest in your services.

It can be discouraging to put in countless hours and dollars into your coaching business without seeing the results you hoped for.

But what if there was a way to learn from experienced coaches who have already gone through the struggle and found success? That's where my guest this week Tony Schmaltz who makes coaching fun and successful, comes in.

Raise your hand if you want to get in front of your ideal client …but also have fun while doing it?

It’s time to reach your full potential or in this case “fun” potential and become the coach you’ve always wanted to be.

Key Highlights:

  • Transforming Lives (7:50)
  • Listening In (17:40)
  • Invest In Yourself (21:56)
  • Leap Of Faith (25:16)
  • Secret To Success (32:11)

About Tony Schmaltz

Tony began coaching people to success 20 years ago and in that time he learned and implemented methods from many leaders, mentors, coaches and programs. He has helped many people find their successful careers, businesses, mindsets, relationships, lives and happinesses through his time as a leader. When you upgrade your mind, your career, your business, your relationships and your success..you Upgrade Your Life.

Connect with Tony:





About the Host:

Paul Finck is The Maverick Millionaire™. Paul brings to the table a vast array of knowledge and skill sets from 36+ years of sales, marketing and entrepreneurial life experience. He has consulted in numerous industries, including the Medical, Dental, Financial, Retail, Informational Marketing, Direct Sales, Multi-Level Marketing and Speakers/Coaches/Trainers. He is a former mortgage broker, real estate agent and investor. Starting with a desire to be great, Paul learned from several of the biggest names out there and Dared to be Different – he dared to be a Maverick. His successes include moving multi-millions of dollars in Real Estate, and over $20 million in informational products. With his primary focus on multiple streams of income, he has built up several businesses in Informational Marketing, Network Marketing, Real Estate Investing and now speaks and coaches internationally, teaching others how they can create this success in their own lives while Doing It Different – The Maverick Way.

Paul is well known for his success and his awesome family, and has appeared on Good Morning America, CNN, CNN Live, The Jane Pauley Show, The Montel Williams Show, local Channel 8 and Channel 11 News, Parents Magazine, and most local newspapers in his home state of Connecticut.

Connect with Paul




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Paul Finck:

And welcome to the podcast. This is Paul Finck Maverick Millionaire and this is the Mavericks Do It Different Podcast, where every week we create difference in your world by helping you understand how to think differently, be differently, do different things, to create a different result in your world. And today is no different. You want different ideas, thoughts, viewpoints ideas, you're in the right place The Mavericks Do It Different Podcast is the place to be. So grab a coffee, grab your notepad, and let's get busy. We've got a guest with us today, Tony Schmaltz. And he is the Schmaltzest. He is the guy transformational coach, absolutely speaker trainer, and ready to do a deep download for you as to how to well transform your world. And we're going to be talking about specific niche of all of you. We'll get into that in just a moment. For right now. Please welcome Tony Schmaltz. How are you, buddy?

Tony Schmaltz:

I'm doing amazing, Paul, thanks for having me on today. It's so glad to be here to be able to share with your audience.

Paul Finck:

So great to have you. And we're in that same mantra of of helping people and helping people transform their lives. So give me an idea of how do you make that happen?

Tony Schmaltz:

Well, so really, I just, I like to help people find get out, find their fears, discover those fears, overcome those fears, find the courage, they're looking forward to really powering past their limiting beliefs that they've had for so many years of not being good enough or can't do this can't do that. And it's just it's a killer for so many people out there. And most people don't even realize some of these until you actually start digging into their world. And so we do the same thing with coaches, coaches as our, our new found, found found area and we love helping coaches get over those limiting beliefs and those those fears to find the clients they need to have a successful coaching business

Paul Finck:

in that funny out, you know, and so often there's an old expression, we teach what we need to know best, right? And what you're doing is helping coaches be better coaches.

Tony Schmaltz:

Correct. Exactly, exactly. Right. Exactly. Right. And it's a blast. It's so much fun. And it's really when you when you really help people get out of their comfort zones. You know, one of the things you know, we'll get into this a little later on. Sure. But one of the things I do with a lot of my clients is I at the end of a session, I assign them a schmaltzy task. You know, my last name is schmaltz and everyone calls me schmaltzy. So I assign a schmaltzy task. And these are specifically designed to get people out of their comfort zone in a safe way, of course, and, and unrelated to their business. Because you know, you have it in your mind that oh, this is I have to do this for my business, you're gonna procrastinate it, you're gonna let your fear get in the way. But if you do something completely different, like for example, I'll have one of my clients go walking through a grocery store, walk up to random people and say something like, I am Batman, or just something random, something random that you're gonna be embarrassed to do, and they're gonna get a weird look. And so what you get you get out of that comfort zone and do stuff like that. The rest becomes easy.

Paul Finck:

Oh my gosh. So Schmaltzy task every single day or week you give them a Schmaltzy task. and you get them out of their comfort zone in a safe way. Or sometimes not so safe depending on who they approach with a word like that. Anyway, so schmaltzy, where did that come from? What what? Obviously your name only there's, there's more to it.

Tony Schmaltz:

There is way more to it. And actually this goes back 25 years, 26 years now. When I was in high school, I was on an exchange program in Germany, and I was over there for a month and I was over that you know, 17 year old teenage kid, you know, hitting on all the girls and you know, was good at German but not great at German and all the guys over there. So are calling me Schmaltzy, Schmaltzy and I'm like, Okay, I just thought they were playing on my last name. I didn't think anything of it. So I went with, but a year later, my friend from over there comes over and stays in the US with us for a while. And he starts calling me Schmaltzy again Schmaltzy, and I'm like, Man, you keep on saying that. What does what does that mean? He's like, Oh, you didn't know. I'm like, No, fill me in, he's like, look when you were over there. You were so cheesy. Every line you use with the girls was so cheesy, so bad, so horrible that we just started calling you schmaltzy because the German definition is Schmaltzy is to be like, overly sappy or cheesy, like a joke is cheesy. So these guys have been calling me this cheese ball for like, the for a month for over a year because they call me out even after and I'm like, 17, 18 years old. I'm kind of offended. I'm like, that's that's BS. And then, you know, fast forward 20 years when I started becoming a coach and coaching other people. I'm like, like, Okay, what is it? What is it really that I can offer that's different. And one night I had a dream about that, that moment of learning what that Schmaltzy meant, and I got up and I'm like, That's it. Schmaltzy, that's me in a nutshell.

Paul Finck:

So I'm gonna take a deep dive in this hold on. So you, you help people get out of their comfort zone. And then I get that only you help them do it in a cheesy way.

Tony Schmaltz:

To a certain extent, yeah, everyone's got their energies, their inner sappiness. They want to let out but they're worried about what other people are gonna think. I help people get over that fear of worrying about what other people think.

Paul Finck:

So there are two things that come to mind. And and one is that is that when you're cheesy, why does that help us break through release? Whatever it is, what does that do for us? And why does it work like that?

Tony Schmaltz:

Well, I mean, I don't know a good lie, per se, but I just know that the result is that it makes you uncomfortable, and it gets you it gets you pushing through that level of comfort. Because there's you can be on either side, you can be stay in your comfort zone, and nothing's going to change. Or you can get out of your comfort zone and grow for the better. And so I don't have a good reason why or what did our body does to do that, but it does. I just know the result is that you pushes you from that comfort zone and it becomes easier. That was the other thing. This is why I give these tasks weekly, the cheesy schmaltzy tasks, because after you've done three or four of these, sometimes more, sometimes less you start it you your mind starts going, Wow, this is pretty darn easy. I don't have to worry about this anymore. And then everything else in your business becomes easier. You don't we're not afraid to sell anymore. You're not afraid to get on video or on camera or you the fears start becoming less and less and easier to handle.

Paul Finck:

So being cheesy actually gets us to you know at first and Schmaltzy is the key word here. When we're Schmaltzy and we're that cheesy. Oftentimes, it's uncomfortable. And it's like, no, I don't want to be that guy. And as you as your younger self, were offended by it, right? You don't want to be that guy, right? We don't want to be cheesy. We don't want to be the one with the bad joke. the bad comment, the guy who as you know, oh, you're being ridiculous, right? However, when we step into that power we create something different in our world is that that's the mantra of what you're talking about.

Tony Schmaltz:

That's really it. And I'm not, you know, when I want to teach people each multitasks or to be cheesy or sappy. It's not that I intend you to really spend your life that way. You know, I mean, I'm not asking you to do that. But I am pushing you to get out of that comfort zone. Because then again, like we talked about overcoming those fears. Now, let's say you're afraid to approach Joe Bob over here about selling your program or selling your service or your product. And then after a few of these cheesy tasks are being cheesy for a while and not worried about what other people think. Now you're like, I don't care if he says no, I'm gonna go talk to him anyway. And more often than not, they end up saying yes, because you're more confident you're not worried about getting to know

Paul Finck:

Your breaking them through that that resistance gets through that comfort zone. Yeah, that's so great. What a what a great tagline. So the Schmaltzy, and you're getting them past their fears, their blocks their anxieties. What's it what's Why do you help people? Why do you want to do what you're doing? Have you gotten into this?

Tony Schmaltz:

That's a great question. So I spent more than 20 years in the corporate world and I started at the bottom worked my way up to the I can't say top but close to top was a director level when I when I left the corporate world. And when when I moved my family and I moved from Seattle to Florida about four years ago for for a corporate job. Got there. And it was the lab solute worst company I've ever worked for. I mean, I was like it I'm from being in the aerospace world for almost 20 years and ran great teams made and saved millions dollars for my organization's got here. And it was just the worst lead most organized. It just took me from happy positive guy to Negative Nelly like that. And the time that really hit me real hard. And it's funny, because I had the same exact assignment, I saw a video from Simon Sinek the other day with the exact same example that I'm about to give now from my own life, came to this company, I started implementing positive change into the department I was in and got some great results. And the my boss came up to me one day and said, so that's not how we do things here. I said, Okay, so are you disappointed with the result? Oh, no, no, it was a great result. We got we saved this much money this much time. I'm like, okay, cool. So I'm confused. What's the point because that's not the way we do things here. You know, we have a certain way we do things. And that's not it. And it was just like a crusher, I'm like, Wait, you're telling me I'm doing a good job, but I can't do it the way that's working. So that was kind of what led me down that path I was when I hired my first coach. Then after a few months of working with that guy, I was like, I can go out and help people and do it on their terms, my terms, not somebody else's terms.

Paul Finck:

Yeah, so powerful that in our own experiences, how that guides us, and understanding. There's so many people in the corporate world that don't recognize that they've got more more inside of them to give more more abilities than they've even tapped into. And so often, they're their bosses, the culture, whatever it is, isn't doesn't serve them, and overall, isn't serving our society. Again, it's such a shame. So how long ago was that, that you stepped away from the corporate world?

Tony Schmaltz:

So that was September of 2021. And I didn't, I mean, I was doing coaching prior to leaving the corporate world. But I've been doing coaching full time since September 2021.

Paul Finck:

God bless. Awesome. And so we were talking earlier about some of the direction and focus on who you're doing just tremendous help with. You want to talk a little bit about the the people that should be listening in with a close here.

Tony Schmaltz:

Yes, yes. So glad you brought this up. So for the first couple of years, actually, for the first three or four years of my coaching, my coaching business, I was really just helping individuals, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, some network marketers, you know, most of the people that just needed to get out of their own heads. Now, along those lines, I've had my own coaches, and every one of them has been great. They've all been, you know, taught me how to be a more powerful coach, with one exception. None of them really taught me how to find clients, you know, kind of had to learn that one the hard way, and network with other people. And so now, my business partner and I, we've gotten together, we're like, you know, what, we don't want coaches who are doing great work and changing the world like we want to do, because I truly believe good coaches changed the world. We don't want them to go through the struggle, we did a finding clients. So we're going to help them teach them the process that we use now that we learned the hard way through 1000s upon 1000s and 1000s of dollars and hours to come to this to put together to what works and works daily. I mean, we're filling our calendar every day.

Paul Finck:

And so coaches, trainers, speakers, consulting them, get what clients?

Tony Schmaltz:

Not just clients, their ideal clients, high paying, ideal clients, people that are coachable people that are going to actually do the tasks that you're asking them to do. We're not just talking about getting a sale to get a sale, we're talking about putting you in front of your actual market, the people that you actually want to work with and who want to work with you. So it's not just getting clients. It's getting the right clients.

Paul Finck:

Yeah, Who here wants the right clients? Absolutely. But it wants to get more clients. Absolutely. Who your wants leads every single day? I absolutely. Yeah, it's definitely one of the missing pieces. And the piece that people say over and over again that they want, and yet so few people actually deliver it. Yep. So this is this is absolutely a great direction. So all your coaches, speakers, trainers out there, pay attention, this is somebody that you want to get to know. We've got listeners all over the country and around the world. And so, Tony, what are some key pieces of advice, you know, so as a coach, oftentimes people grab a hold of us and want it won our attention. However, there's usually some pieces that they do beforehand or some first steps. What do you advise people that are in business They know they want more. What do you tell them?

Tony Schmaltz:

Well, I say invest in yourself big time. And I don't mean just dollars. I mean time. I mean, you got to get better at your craft. I mean, if you're staying stagnant, regardless of what you're doing, then so is your business. So is your career, whatever it is. And so always be investing yourself time money may hire a coach, by a program. I mean, yeah, you might, you might buy one that flops, but then you're gonna buy the next one that that takes you to the gold, you know, it's like, it's Don't get discouraged, because that one didn't work for you. I mean, if I was actually doing this for one of our slides for our program, and in between my business partner and I, in the last four years have easily spent over half a million dollars on personal development, growth, things like that different coaches programs. And guess what it's paid for itself, way more than just way more than that. So it's like, don't they don't stop is my point, if you feel like you're getting stuck, that's the time to push even harder, that's a time to find something to hang on to, not just, I'm just gonna keep doing this day in and day out. That's what people do, when they go to work. They're like, Oh, I don't want to be here, I'm gonna go to work, come home, drink a couple beers, watch TV or Netflix for three hours, and then go to bed, do it all over again, now, do something to improve yourself, invest in yourself time and money.

Paul Finck:

So you've invested a ton, obviously, and we have that in common. Definitely an almost everybody that I know that has developed themselves to be a true leader in the industry, they've invested in themselves first to create everything that they have, right? We didn't we make sure not to reinvent the wheel, we go learn it, then we go and apply it and look to do it in our own way. And with our own spin and, and focus on it. However, there's absolutely tried and two true methodologies that we can lean into learn those.

Tony Schmaltz:

Absolutely, absolutely. And guess what you may have, you know, a Paul, or a Tony or Tony Robbins or somebody else you're gonna be, you might use one piece of that program or one piece of that program. But if you don't go learn all six, or seven, or eight, or 10, or 50, or whatever it is for you. You're never going to be able to put that whole program together because not one single thing works for everybody the same.

Paul Finck:

Yes. So here's, here's the, the next level to that. And I heard you say it, you know, so not everything that you bought, was perfect for you.

Tony Schmaltz:

Oh, that's not not anything, not everything. That's for sure.

Paul Finck:

And we've all been there. And what I've heard is, oh, well, either. Yeah, that doesn't work. So I bought a it's like, I bought a lemon of a car. And so the car didn't work. So I shun all cars. Right? So they shun all coaches, because one coach didn't work for them.

Tony Schmaltz:

That's right. And it's very common.

Paul Finck:

And, and the second piece of that is that they say, Well, I invested and I want to make sure that I get a return on what I invested in the past before I invest in you. Right? What would you say to those two components as to how to help people, either? Are they right? To pause to shuttle coaches and to wait till that gives them a return? Or is there another answer? And how do you help people get to that place?

Tony Schmaltz:

Well, the first part part of that where you know, they don't want to hire somebody else or buy another program because they you know, that one didn't work or that coach didn't work for them or again, not everyone's right for each other. I mean, I went I went through three or four coaches before I found one that I really am sticking with now and I'm bringing other coaches at the same time you know, this guy this guy is great for my mindset great for my overcoming fears. He's not the greatest marketer so I bring in a marketing guy or I learned marketing from other places. So don't that's back to the not giving up don't give up on something because the first one didn't work it's like warning labels you know warning labels on on on food that you buy, you know, it says or something don't stick your finger in this or don't do that. That's because one person did it doesn't mean it's gonna happen to you, it doesn't mean that you're you're that person so you know better than that. So don't let that one person that didn't work out for you ruin it for everybody else or for yourself, you know, you're still gonna go out there. And for those that are waiting for the investment, guess what, you can't wait forever you still have you still want more you want want things to happen for you? And if it's not happening, something has to change. If you don't, if you don't change something today, nothing's gonna change.

Paul Finck:

That's so profound, Tony. Yeah, sometimes the obvious isn't so obvious, right? And to go out there and risk taking, taking them Have a leap of faith, because that's where every one of us and I talk to people all the time and have the same story. I grabbed hold of a coach, and it didn't work out. And so I went and grabbed hold of another one. And that didn't work out. And then I grabbed hold another one. And that catapulted me to success. And it's my story as well. And we've, we've talked about this, you know that I did the same thing. And when we're then in front of other people, new people that are going through this, to give them that advice that, hey, they need to keep looking for the perfect person. Yeah. And I will say there's going to be a ton of people that absolutely relate to Schmaltz, absolutely, like cheese ball. That's my guy,

Tony Schmaltz:

Most people can.

Paul Finck:

And it's so freeing once you realize you can step into that with power. You can step into that with with abundance, and so great. As they step into it, absolutely invest in themselves. Anything else that you tell people like, hey, I how do I get to the other side?

Tony Schmaltz:

Yeah, well, the one I like to say that really helps people get build their confidence and really be happy not because happiness brings confidence, you know, if you're, if you're negative, and you're down, and so I like to call it I like to use LSD. No, I don't mean the drug is silly. No. No LSD. laughs

Paul Finck:

All right, from now on, we are just promoting drugs is the simplest easiest way just to move through. Right, right - to get to the other side.

Tony Schmaltz:

LSD, laucgh, sing and dance, laugh, sing and dance and loves that yeah, if you're not if you're not, if you're down on something, turn on your favorite comic comic comedian or something some funny movie that you know is funny, but but I'm talking about something that has you rolling like belly laugh and down deep and that's something that you're gonna feel like you're gonna pee, you're laughing so hard. It'll just it'll boost your mindset. Your endorphins will go, you'll feel better about yourself, you'll know happy. Next is sing sing. This is one thing when I talk to clients or just people in general, when you're the two things I do when I'm driving, one either I'm listening to an audiobook or two I am belting it out and I am singing I don't care if the car next to me at the stoplight sees me singing or I roll down the windows and I sound like I don't know a squeaky wheel it doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. I'm gonna turn on my favorite songs to belt to belt know all the words and sing it out. Even if I sing the wrong words doesn't matter. I'm saying them out loud. And then dance, dance, dance whenever you can. My wife and I, our son is actually embarrassed to bring friends over because we're always dancing in the living room goofy dance and so it's

Paul Finck:

My guess is your dance is a little Schmaltzy

Tony Schmaltz:

Oh, big time goofy, goofy.

Paul Finck:

Alright, so So I got to ask your favorite music to listen to?

Tony Schmaltz:

I love 80s Music 80s music is my thing. Rock, pop rock.

Paul Finck:

I was gonna say because 80s had a few different genres going on. So it wasn't make sure yep, yep. So 80s Rock, you know, God bless. What is it? Guitar Hero and yeah, because that all my kids got indoctrinated to 80s and 70s rock music and now that's their favorite it's so funny and it's all because of Guitar Hero but and what is your favorite comedian or movie that that just makes you belly laugh?

Tony Schmaltz:

So I don't have many I don't end up doing that very often the comedian or the or? I mean there's a couple and I I tried to tell clients to like stick with comedians that are cleaner than most but the one one of my favorites isn't so clean

Paul Finck:

And so do what I say not what I do.

Tony Schmaltz:

Just I mean it's once you get a better handle on it so I don't know not at all It sounds that way I know I made it sound well initially when you're first getting getting go and you're first getting that mindset and that laughing mindset it's probably better to stay clean because when people are cursing or talking about issues it's usually gets you in a negative way.

Paul Finck:

Now Andrew Dice Clay I always thought you know that that worked for me like that was both cheesy and hysterical at the same time.

Tony Schmaltz:

Bill Burr is one of mine and he's not I guess he's not dirty per se just curses a lot but...

Paul Finck:

Right, right. Right. And talks controversy.

Tony Schmaltz:

Big time. Big time. Yeah. And movies man, there's a long list of fun movies. I love Caddyshack, I love I mean there's just

Paul Finck:

That was the first one I thought and almost any Adam Sandler movie but you know too.

Tony Schmaltz:

Yeah, it's I mean, there's you and again, that's the 80s kid. So I love watching the 80s comedies. And I mean, it was my wife's like really, 80s again?

Paul Finck:

Yeah. Oh, yeah, I made sure you know Caddyshack was one of those required movies for my kids, you know, you got to understand what the 80s comedy was all about. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah, it's so funny. And it's so great. You know, so often people, oh, I want leads I want I want a coach to help me with my business. However, being able to relate to your coach and being able to talk the language that they that they speak and, and feed into the person is one of the most important things as you connect with people that are going to guide you. And so I love talking about that kind of stuff with our audience, because it really makes a difference, like, you relate to the comedians that he just mentioned, you relate to the movies that he mentioned, you relate to that, that whole concept of, of who Tony is showing up as this is the guy for you. And, and that is we don't talk about enough in the world as to who your personality is, and to connect to those people that are that fit that fit with you.

Tony Schmaltz:

Absolutely. And one of the other big pieces I'd love to share with everybody before we move on is that we as people in general, we set impossible goals for ourselves, make impossible goals, and like we think they're possible and what everyone, all these gurus are teaching us like, I'll use sales again, as an example, because it's an easy one. But you know, somebody says, Oh, I'm gonna get 10 sales this week, will you have zero control over somebody saying yes or no, zero, none, zero, you can't, you can't legitimately hit that you might hit it. But you can't, you can't take the right actions or make the right choices, do it. Now, you can set a goal that I'm going to make 10 sales calls a day for the next week. And then you might get your 10 in there, but at least then you can feel accomplished by hitting a goal that you have control over. Same thing with weight loss, people are like, Oh, I'm gonna lose 30 pounds. In 90 days, like, you have no control over how fast or slow your body loses weight. But you can go out and do 10,000 steps a day or go to the gym for half an hour. Those are things you can control. So set goals that you can can have control over not ones you don't.

Paul Finck:

key with their whole life only set goals. So what I'm hearing is be careful about setting result driven goals set behavior driven. Go there you go. There you go. That's very well put Yes, yeah. Huge. I could not agree with you more. And I learned that from my sales background. Way back when that I got focused on how many doors I was knocking on per day, not what my results were. As long as I knocked on those doors, my results would show up. Exactly. Yeah, really, Kate, awesome. Tony, any last words for our audience out there as to anything at all you can take the direction wherever you want.

Tony Schmaltz:

Absolutely. So for everyone listening out there, don't get caught up in the don't get caught up in the day to day that everybody all the negativity around every you're getting pounded by it constantly by the media, by friends, family, everyone's this is happening. This is happening negative, negative, negative, negative, don't get caught up in it. Now it's okay to recognize it. But don't let it bring you down to be negative that you are on this earth to be happy. And the only way to be happy is to find that way that's gonna make you happy. And I like to say the secret to success is finding happiness in the areas of life that are important to you. It may be finances, it may be relationships, it may be career, maybe whatever that is for you. Go out and find the way to be happy in those areas. And life will be that much

Paul Finck:

better. And remember LSD, LSD, they get happy all the time. We don't mean the drug. Remember the drug though? So awesome, awesome. Tony. People are absolutely going to be excited about all that we talked about especially the LST so how can we get more of the small t coaching that you that you have available, have to reach out.

Tony Schmaltz:

So if you're a coach or consultant looking to get more clients right now we've got a brand new program just for you go to upgradeyourcoaching.com or you can reach out to meet tony@tonyschmaltz.com Those are the best ways to upgrade your coaching.com is the best place to go to find all that information.

Paul Finck:

Upgrade your coaching.com Yes, awesome. Everyone go there you want more leads you want more in your business to for coaches, trainers, speakers, this is the place to be go find Tony he is the man and as you can tell he loves life enjoys everything that he's doing. And just I just a great human being. So go find him. Reach out, we've got all the details here. If you're able to see any sort of description, wherever you're listening to this, or seeing this great, go there otherwise, follow the direction that we've already given you. This has been fabulous. Tony, thank you so much for sharing your time with us and being here with us. Really appreciate it.

Tony Schmaltz:

Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me. It's been so much fun today, Paul. Awesome.