July 11, 2023

Revolutionize Your Life: Uncover the Secrets of the Peaceful Billionaire | MDIDS2E27

Revolutionize Your Life: Uncover the Secrets of the Peaceful Billionaire | MDIDS2E27

Have you ever experienced self-doubt and questioned your abilities? Do you find yourself wearing the "Imposter" badge, despite having achieved success?

The fear of failure can be paralyzing, often preventing us from stepping into the unknown and reaching new heights. But what if we could reframe our mindset and view failure as an opportunity for growth? My guest today, Jessa Carter, also known as the Peaceful Billionaire, has faced these moments of doubt and fear, and she's here to share her invaluable insights on overcoming these obstacles.

Transform your fear into a powerful tool that propels you towards your dreams and aspirations and live the life you've always desired.

Key Highlights:

  • The Fear Of Failure Is A Scary Place (6:43)
  • It’s Not Really Failure, You’re Training Yourself (11:52)
  • Reframing Failure As Opportunity (15:29)
  • You’re In The Driver’s Seat (19:30)
  • Connecting To The Truth Of Who You Are (23:28)

About the Guest:

Jessa Carter, The Peaceful Billionaire, is the world's most highly sought Life and Wealth Mastery Mentor for CEOs, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders. She optimizes and leverages the 27 billion dollar asset you already own so that your next-level wealth, peace, and fulfillment are absolutely inevitable.

Jessa is a maverick of the mind and human-potential pioneer who transformed a rewarding but exhausting 10-year career in Neurosurgery into a purpose-driven mission to revolutionize wealth creation and financial independence.

From brain surgery to mind surgery, her extensive expertise takes achieving your chosen financial destiny from stressful to fun and simple. Jessa is your unwavering constant, cheerleader, and advocate for feeling exceptional while co-creating a life and legacy beyond your wildest dreams.

Connect with Jessa:

Website: https://divineheartdynasty.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thepeacefulbillionaire

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thepeacefulbillionaire/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMjBKtX-y1rI5gmIIJyKYOg

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepeacefulbillionaire/

About the Host:

Paul Finck is The Maverick Millionaire™. Paul brings to the table a vast array of knowledge and skill sets from 36+ years of sales, marketing and entrepreneurial life experience. He has consulted in numerous industries, including the Medical, Dental, Financial, Retail, Informational Marketing, Direct Sales, Multi-Level Marketing and Speakers/Coaches/Trainers. He is a former mortgage broker, real estate agent and investor. Starting with a desire to be great, Paul learned from several of the biggest names out there and Dared to be Different – he dared to be a Maverick. His successes include moving multi-millions of dollars in Real Estate, and over $20 million in informational products. With his primary focus on multiple streams of income, he has built up several businesses in Informational Marketing, Network Marketing, Real Estate Investing and now speaks and coaches internationally, teaching others how they can create this success in their own lives while Doing It Different – The Maverick Way.

Paul is well known for his success and his awesome family, and has appeared on Good Morning America, CNN, CNN Live, The Jane Pauley Show, The Montel Williams Show, local Channel 8 and Channel 11 News, Parents Magazine, and most local newspapers in his home state of Connecticut.

Connect with Paul




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Paul Finck:

Welcome, welcome. Welcome everyone. Yes, this is the Maverick Do It Different podcast and I am Paul Finck, the Maverick Millionaire. And we are in for a treat. As we go into this podcast, I understand you're in the right place at the right time because this is the place where we do it different, thinking different, being different and bringing you different ideas, different mantras, different understanding on how to look at the world, to create a better world for you, for me, for the whole universe, and to make it just a better place for all of us to live. So let's get moving. We've got someone special here with us. Someone who is the peaceful billionaire, and I want you to pay attention to those words, we're going to be talking about that and more. The world's most highly sought after life and Wealth Mastery mentor for CEOs, entrepreneurs, industry leaders, optimizing and leveraging the $27 billion asset you already own so that your next level wealth, peace and fulfillment are absolutely inevitable. Jessa is a maverick of the mind and human potential pioneer who transformed a rewarding but exhausting 10 year career in get this guy's neuro surgery into a purposeful driven mission to revolutionize health creation and financial independence. From brain surgery to mind surgery. Her extensive expertise takes us on a journey, if you will, from a financial destiny of stress and, and to fun. So from a stressful journey to a fun journey, making it simple so that you can create financial well being and abundance in your world. Jessa is unwavering as a constant cheerleader and advocate for feeling exceptional, while creating a life and legacy beyond your wildest dreams. Please welcome Jessa Carter to the podcast. Just such a pleasure to have you here. You're always a breath of fresh air and energetic. How's everything going with you so glad you're here with us.

Jessa Carter:

Fabulous, fabulous, thank you for having me.

Paul Finck:

We want to get right into the game. So everyone's taking really good notes. And we're gonna be talking about some of your background and how you got here. Only first and foremost, you know, we talked about the influence here and what really got us to where we are mentors, books, things that have really influenced your world and your life. What would you say?

Jessa Carter:

Oh, definitely both, I think I think the the starting place is often books and then the books become a staple. But mentors is the that's the game changer. That's the thing that changes everything. And I'll never forget the first one of my mentors, the first time that I met him, I just, there was just it was palpable that this man saw something in me that I didn't yet see in myself. And so I'm just, you know, shout out to Bill Walsh. And, and, and so to have known him for so many years now and to now be the person that he saw so many years ago, and to now have that same incredible have an uncanny ability to see just pure potential and others. You know, sometimes I kind of have to pinch myself that, that that's what happened.

Paul Finck:

Yes, yeah. It's really amazing, and what mentors can do, and you're right, I went through that same journey books first, then I went into just seeing these people and experiencing them live and then having them build me up and step in that space. And it's exactly what your journey has been, has mirrored that as well. So absolutely. We encourage everyone to reach out to mentors, any particular books to get some people started that maybe they're just getting going, What books would you recommend?

Jessa Carter:

So my my top three favorites, I mean, everyone, everyone always says Thinking Grow Rich, right? Think and Grow Rich is kind of, you know, that foundational Bible each time you read it, you take something new away from it. That was that was an early book for me. The other one's one of my favorite starting places. It's the book infinite possibilities by Mike Dooley. Just really kind of just opening your mind to see how much more is possible than what you might currently see or believe or perceive to be possible. And the other one was code of the extraordinary mind Vishen Lakhiani was another one that really asked you to kind of stretch your thinking beyond that current, just perception that you have.

Paul Finck:

Oh, my, yeah, all of those books, it's, it's about stepping into your power about stretching yourself about envisioning something bigger and greater. Only, that's a scary place for so many people. You know, and because in stepping forward, it, it means you've got to face your biggest fears, it means you also have to face what some people might call failure. And and so what is that? How do we help people through that? What is the that whole concept of failure mean? Are you saying, oh, yeah, let's go in and all these books are just step into it?

Jessa Carter:

Well, I think, you know, it's, I think that's always the like, it's easier said than done moment, right? Everyone, everyone says, oh, you know, it's sure that's easy for you to say. And then everyone looks at someone who has a level of success that they would like to have, and, and they and they think that that person is different, right? They think, oh, well, Jessa can do it, because she's so pretty. And she has brown hair, and she wears glasses. And Paul can do it, because he wears these cool blazers and the black T shirt. And he's always smiling, right? And so there's this perception that you know, that the people who are successful that there's that there's something that there's something different about them, and, and it's really starting to use that person as a mirror of, well, actually, right, I have that too. And I can do that, too, right? Six success, mirrors success, and I can achieve the same thing. But failure is right, this, the uncertainty is a scary place, right? The unknown is a scary place. And so there's this really beautiful opportunity to embrace that. And I remember, I remember the beginning of my journey, I was never sure if it was like if it was the fear of success that I was most afraid of, or if it was the fear of failure, you know, any other you know, perfectionist recovering perfectionist out there. So I think I think that it's a bit of both and, and what you have to learn about failure on this journey, especially if you're an entrepreneur, is that everyone who has success has failed in some capacity. And quite frankly, they've done it many, many times. So it's just this beautiful opportunity to embrace failure because as long as you learn something from it, I've been I've been failing forward for three years. Here's a really cool, here's the really cool thing about failing forward. Like if you're willing to fail, if you're just willing to fail, and you consistently fail forward, the only possible outcome is success.

Paul Finck:

Right? Yeah, the only way that you end up failing is by stopping stopping or never starting well yeah, so that whole idea of failing forward fast of stepping into it of understanding that success you could never have success unless you fail and and then embracing failure it What if you could tap into like what were some of your was their one big failure? Is that multiple little failures? Like what what's been your experience in this journey? And this is really key this is what people want to know like, Oh no, because we always talk about the glitz and the glamour we talk about all man I'm a millionaire I'm a billionaire look what we have the fancy cars, the nice house and all this great stuff only. Only the truth of the matter is what stops people what throws them for a loop is the failure and they don't know what to do with those moments and they'd love to hear that have you really failed?

Jessa Carter:

Oh, I still do. I still do right? And it's and it's actually become one of my favorite things to do. I mean truly no because truly that's that's the that's the only that's the that's the only way that that you that's the only way that you get better right and it's and you because I mean, let's just let's just be real right? Like no one right? No one came out of the womb just like you know superhuman successful making all the money doing all the things right like, so the so it's being It's being an action, right? It's it's it's connecting to, this is something that really came through really strongly for me today is, is it's connecting to the feeling of fulfillment. Because if you're connected to the feeling of the fulfillment, then that is the, then that feeling becomes the fuel for the actions that you need to achieve the thing.

Paul Finck:

Right. So, so you've got to have the feelings, you've got to have the drive to step into it. And actually, and one of the things that you talked about just a moment ago is, is the concept of embracing fear, or embracing failure,

Jessa Carter:

Embracing failure, embracing uncertainty, embracing the unknown, I think, you know, societally. It's been taught to fear those things, right? To fear uncertainty, to to fear the unknown. And it's only from from the unknown, and from these places of uncertainty that you can experience things that defy logic, and that don't make sense. And so that's, that's where you're like, well, but if I, if I fail, like, is it really failure? Right, as long as you keep going, it's not actually failure. And so you are, in part training yourself to be okay. With failing with messing up. I mean, when you have, especially as an entrepreneur, like are there days, Paul, you are there days that you still feel like you have no idea what you're doing?

Paul Finck:

Yeah, of course, you know, and, like, there's the expression imposter syndrome. And every speaker I know, and everybody who's reached high levels of success in entrepreneurism, Eric has gone through those periods, if you will it and not necessarily sustaining but periods of time where they feel like they've stepped so far beyond where they're comfortable, that they feel like they're an impostor. And so they've gone beyond that, that idea of stepping forward, facing your fears and doing it anyway. And fast failing forward fast. Well, when you fail forward so fast, you're beyond what you've imagined you could be. And that's so much of what you talk about and where what we're talking about here is that idea of, you've got to do that. And when you're feeling that impostor syndrome, then you're doing it right.

Jessa Carter:

Yeah, and I, you know, I've heard personally that the the imposter syndrome is is an interesting place, because I just don't really, I just don't really subscribe to it. Having a background in western medicine. You know, like, if people talk about impostor syndrome, as though as though it's this real thing is, though, it's like a disease that you can actually get, right? No. Right. And so for me, I've just, I've just, I remember, hearing the language, I remember feeling a bit like an imposter. But the but to string the word imposter, together with a syndrome, it's syndrome, right? Like, the thing is, is, you know, is is you you are who you are, and and what's happening is like, is yes, you're stretching, right? You're stretching, you're stepping into, you're stepping outside of your comfort zone, you're choosing to become a better version of yourself. And so sometimes that that future vision of yourself, right, who you're currently being has to catch up with that future vision of yourself. And if you can just stay in alignment with what I really started to, to bring in and teach people recently is that is the you that you are right now is already the person who embraces fear is already in the person who has the courage to take the action. And it's okay to feel a little bit of fear and I can feel a little bit of fear and I can do it anyway, like that the person that you are right now is already that person. And so the more you can step into already being the person now who has the thing and the life that you choose to have and behave accordingly. Right, the faster the faster you then experience the outward reflection of what that is.

Paul Finck:

Indeed so the the process of yeah, definitely not a syndrome. Definitely not something that you're catching. Definitely not something that you're going to hold on to. It's a thought it's simply a thought. But so the idea of constantly facing the fear stepping into the possibility and embracing failure, any any particular techniques, once they know that they're in it, and they're experiencing failure to to keep moving forward the thought process to make that easier for them?

Jessa Carter:

Well, it's, it's important to it's important to reframe, like, is it because if you if you feel like you're failing and you feel like you're in failure, then then that feeling is the feeling that makes you want to stop. Right? Whereas really, if you're in something that feels like failure looks like failure, smells smells like failure, right? The way that I shifted is, is is not so much that you're in failure, right? So you might be experiencing a challenge, right? So you might be experiencing an obstacle or a challenge, and inviting you that this obstacle or challenge is, in fact, just a perceived challenge, right? It's a perceived challenge. I'm perceiving it as a challenge. I'm perceiving it as a failure. I'm perceiving it as an obstacle. But to me, I invite you to shift your perception of what that is to this challenge, perceived failure or obstacle as an opportunity. Because if you view it as an opportunity, what happens if you say like, Okay, this this obstacle, this perceived challenge, this perceived failure, okay, it's an obstacle. But now my new perception of obstacle is opportunity. So when you start to tell your mind obstacle equals opportunity, now your mind is constantly starting to search for like, Okay, well, where's my opportunity, where's my opportunity, I know there's an opportunity in here somewhere, and what's on the other side of the opportunity as a reward. So the goal, so the goal with success is never to eliminate challenge or obstacles, it's actually to get better at overcoming the small and medium size obstacles, right? When you get really good at those then like throws you some bigger challenges and obstacles, and then you get good at coming, overcoming those. And the beauty of doing that is like what's on the other what's on the other side of a of a, of a small obstacle is a small opportunity is a small reward. Right. But if you're good at that, and then life starts giving you bigger obstacles, that means there's a bigger opportunity inside and on the other side is a bigger reward. And so if you're so if you're looking more like three steps ahead of where's my opportunity, there's a reward in here somewhere. Now, now, you're not going to stay stuck in in this place of like stagnation, right? Because what happens is you get in, you get in your head of like, I'm not, I'm not doing enough, this isn't going right, blah, blah, blah, right? But the problem is, is what you focus on, expands. So if you're focusing on what's not working, and what's going wrong, then you're expanding the problem of what's not working and what's going what's going wrong, rather than saying, okay, being really, really solution oriented, right, and focus and looking for, okay, what's the solution? Where's my opportunity? What's the solution? Where's my opportunity? Because when you shift to focusing on where's my opportunity, and what's the solution, then that's what comes in right now. That's what's expanding, opportunities are expanding solutions are expanding. And you're the key, you're in charge, you're in the driver's seat, right?

Paul Finck:

So often those failures, those things that come up, the chitchat comes up and it shuts you down and and reframing it as you were expressing here is so great. Because the reframe is where we get our power. And that reframe, then creates that new opportunity. And our brain goes to work for us.

Jessa Carter:

Yeah, in the game, the game is, is getting faster at it, right. So this was this was actually a challenge in like in one of my groups. So each month in one of my group programs, there's always a challenge, right? There's always a challenge of this is something you're focusing on the month and one of the months this year. The challenge was how quickly can you shift from problem to solution? And it's really just about really how quickly can you be be solution oriented like I have plenty into my brain to just automatically look for the solution. You know, I perceive something that's getting in the way I perceive something that's not working. And solution solution solution. And so when when you train your brain to do that, not only does it do it for you know, business stuff, it does it for relationship stuff for household stuff for, you know, for like everything. So you just honor your training your brain to be to get to a solution as quickly as possible.

Paul Finck:

So key and and over the years, as I've interviewed millionaires and billionaires, the one of the biggest difference between the average person and the millionaires and billionaires is that speed. That that speed of process of going from, oh my gosh, oh, my gosh, I've got a challenge to oh, this is what I'm doing, and then taking action on it. Yeah. And so, so great, so powerful. Let's, let's change gears a little bit. And I want you to imagine so if you've got the best billboard in the world, and it's got, it's on the best highway in the world, and we put this up there, metaphorically speaking. What would you want it to say? What are some of the messages? We've got people all over the world listening here? entrepreneurs, business people, in all types of industries? What are some of the biggest and best things for you to broadcast on that billboard? What would you tell them?

Jessa Carter:

What would it say? Ah, so I, I, the billboard, the billboard would say, I breathe, therefore I prosper. I breathe, therefore I prosper.

Paul Finck:


Jessa Carter:


Paul Finck:

Explain this?

Jessa Carter:

Yes. Well, so I love that your podcast is about doing doing things differently. And and one of one of my mottos when it comes to you know, wealth creation and being a peaceful millionaire, being a peaceful billionaire is talking about money done differently. And, and the the fastest thing that happens when when, when a lot of times people think about greater wealth or greater success and these bigger these really big dollar amounts, right? You know, like there's, there's a big gap between a million and a billion, right? It's a big gap. It's a big number and, and the the, the four most detrimental words to anyone's success, especially when it comes to financial success. Are the four words that's not for me. That's not for me. Right. So what happens is majority of the time majority of people, they think about making more money, earning more money, being a millionaire, being a multimillionaire being a billionaire, and within a nanosecond, their brain says that's not for me. Yes, so I breathe therefore I prosper is connecting to the truth of who you are, as as a being, and that it is, in fact, your divine birthright as a living being on this planet, to be rich, to be wealthy and to prosper. And so bringing in the concept of the truth, the truth of who you are. Each and every person on this planet, is someone who is worthy and deserving of wealth and riches. And I talk about being rich always in all ways, right? So that means mentally rich, spiritually rich, physically rich, financially rich, right? Rich with relationships rich with love rich with connections rich with action, right? Being rich, always in all ways. I breathe therefore I prosper.

Paul Finck:

The congruence of being rich and always and to breathe and be in the moment is so is so powerful. Yeah, I get it now. I get it. What a great billboard.

Jessa Carter:

So like so you've so you know, so you be so you so it's so so it's tapping in is really really tapping into to the feeling right? Because that's the thing. So if you like and I and I teach this right, so So the secret right the secret recipe for creating, literally creating right you you are the creator the you are both the creator and the creation, the creation and the creator. So anything that you choose to create in your life, whether that's more or less have more success more money, right? You are in the driver's seat and you're creating that. And you're creating that by, by way of number one, the quality of your thoughts. Number two, the quality of your feelings or emotions. Number three, the quality of your beliefs. And it's the sum of all three of those things, the quality of all three of those things that leads to the quality of your actions. Yes, and then all four of those things equal either your outcome, right or your result. Now, ideally, you want your you would like to have the desired outcome, or the desired result, right? And so to reverse engineer that desired outcome or desired result, what are the quality of the thoughts? What do I need to be thinking in order to have that desired result, that desired outcome? How do I need to feel? What do I need to believe? And really turn up the volume on the quality of those three things. Because when you do that, you turn up the volume on the quality of your actions. And that's how that desired outcome and that desired result becomes absolutely inevitable. But the feelings right this tapping into the feeling I breathed, therefore I prosper, tapping into the feeling of something the feelings people sometimes ever it was people I listen, I used to avoid my emotions like the plague, okay. But your feelings, your feelings are jet fuel, right? So how you feel, how you feel about that desired outcome. So that's what I was talking about, like plugging into the feeling of the fulfillment of that desired outcome. Because when you're plugged in, and you're tuned in to the feeling of the fulfillment, it's done what it feels like in completion, and you plug into that feeling, that is jet fuel, like now your actions, now your actions are really plugged in to what it feels like to have that desired outcome. And all of a sudden, like, someone attempts to, like slow you down and hold you back. And you're like, No, no, I didn't go, I like, I'm over here, I'm Superwoman. I'm Superman, right? plugged in, you're plugged in to the feeling of the fulfillment.

Paul Finck:

You're so many people think that business and high level business success is the antithesis of emotion. And, and what you're expressing is the complete opposite. And it's, it's all about that, do it different, do it differently and figure out the new path in entrepreneurship. And it's understanding that your emotions are your jet fuel gas, then they propel you to all the new heights, and propel you through and the circle around to what we were talking about earlier, propel you through those periods of challenge propel you through those periods of of what other people might call failure to create the momentum that gets you to the other side.

Jessa Carter:

Yeah, and the thing about the failure, right is it's you know, because it because failures, just gonna, it's just gonna teach you how to do something better next time. Right? Like, it's just simply an opportunity to learn and grow, and, you know, be better and do better next time. And I think that I think that it's important to to say because, you know, for, for me personally, and I would, Gander to say the same is true for you, Paul, but but the thing for me that I am most proud of that is most valuable, like there is who I've become on this journey of creating this level of wealth and success for myself, it's the person that I had to become and for me and that I continue to become that for me is is what I'm most proud of, is this person that I get to be now and there's no amount of money or success that could supersede who I've become and there's no amount of failure that could take it away.

Paul Finck:

That's key that's so huge. And and it's and it's the person I become for me as the person I become for my family for my loved ones for my community. That is the best reward and one of the key components is once you're playing at a certain level you know your your mind once expanded never contracts your life once expanded, never contracts that you're playing at this level and you will always play at that level because that's become your norm. Yes. And and so key With with everything that you're teaching with, with all of this and and what is it? So we build and the focus is, you know, underlying building that richness and that richness richness across the board in joy and happiness and prosperity. And it's a financial written richness as well. What do we do? And sometimes we need to invest before we have the wealth, as well as after, what do we do with the wealth? Because it's not about building the bank account, it's about what we do with it. What what is, if you could share, and I know we've all been there, and we've had different investments over the years, what's some of the best things that you've done with that wealth that you've accumulated, or maybe prior to even accumulating it, some great investments that you've made?

Jessa Carter:

The really the most valuable investment that that I've ever made was in myself, because the first time that I invested in any sort of personal or professional development, or a mentor, the first time that I did that, it was absolutely terrifying, it was one of the most terrifying things I had ever done. And, you know, and oftentimes, it feels it feels like a big investment, and it is scary. And but it's, but it's an invest that investment in yourself is an investment in in who you're becoming, right, who you're becoming, and that future self. And, and like you said, once you expand, it can't contract, right? So so you can't go back. So the more you the more you invest in yourself, and expanding who you are, and what's possible for yourself, what's possible for your what's possible for your business, what's possible for you financially. And once you have that, no one can take that away. So and and so then so then, right? So then the, when you're investing in yourself, then then earning more and having more financial abundance, right? That that starts to become a lot of fun, right? That starts to become, you know, this game of, okay, how can I help more people, help more people and contribute in a bigger way. And that was really that driving force for me was was contribution, like, how can I contribute at the highest level, in the best way for people through my work? And then how do I then take a large portion and contribute and give back to things that are that are meaningful for you. And that's what I think is so important about because Because money, money has its own, it has its own frequency and its own consciousness. And that's why people were really successful, move fast. Money likes to move fast. Money likes to have money likes to have direction, meaning it likes to have a purpose, it likes to have somewhere that it's going so so you have to kind of know that, okay, I'm building this money and building wealth, like what am I going to do with it and and it's about more sure, you can have a nicer house, you can have a nice car, that's all fine and well, right? You should treat yourself but but you're but this highest version of you wants to contribute to the world in a greater capacity. And every single person has multiple ways within you that are unique to you, as to how you would like to contribute to the world. So it's being the change that you would like to see in the world and contributing to those things that are unique to you. Because if you've experienced something in your past or your childhood that was very hurtful, that was very painful. And now you step up your your wealth creation, you step up your financial game, right, you step up that your own earning potential, you now have a greater capacity to give and you're going to choose to give to something different than I would choose to give to, because we've all had this unique past experience of what we're passionate about changing in the world so that no one else has to experience this thing that I have experienced.

Paul Finck:

So two things that you've expressed. One is, ah, of course, without a shadow of a doubt, invest in yourself, invest, invest, invest in yourself, and it's where most people their biggest investment in their world is to buy their house when they're homeowners. The the end sometimes this is the second biggest investment is invested in their education, investing themselves investing in their growth and that's is huge, and sometimes it's even greater than their house. However, the magnitude of results that you get from it is is profound over a lifetime. The second piece that you expressed was that whole idea of giving back and contributing, is there a particular place that, that, where's your passion in your heart? Where do you tend to give back?

Jessa Carter:

One of one of them is, is on silenced voices, which is for women with who've suffered domestic violence. You know, I'm Fortunately, I'm grateful that that I have not personally experienced that, but, but it's a it's a place of, of compassion in my heart, because I have many friends and you know, people that I care about who've experienced that. And another big one is, you know, any sort of like child or sex trafficking, because there's, there's these the, these things just shouldn't be happening. It just shouldn't be happening in the world. So anything to and there's a couple of different, like, water organizations that that get water, you know, to villages in other countries. And I and those are, that's another one that I, that I was.

Paul Finck:

Yeah, I'm right there with you with all three. And so definitely, and paying attention to the trafficking and, and I focusing on the children and making sure that they've got the resources and the power to do to build the life that they were meant to live versus what sometimes circumstance creates for them. And, and to make sure that those circumstances are in a protective field, to keep them safe, so that they can find their journey and find their way is so powerful. Yeah, great stuff. Awesome. Awesome. We've got people listening all over the place who any, any final words of wisdom that you want to share with our audience as we start closing out our time together?

Jessa Carter:

That final close out wisdom is where you are now is closer than you've ever been? Keep going.

Paul Finck:

Beautiful. Keep going is right.

Jessa Carter:

You don't go in his right. You don't ever you don't ever want to stop. Don't Don't be the person who stops three feet shy from the gold that is waiting for you. So just just remind yourself, remind yourself consistently that where you are now is closer than you've ever been. And keep going. Keep going. Because that that gold that's awaiting you. It's it's right there. Right there.

Paul Finck:

We have been talking to Jessa Carter, we have been talking about all the power on how to create just an amazing life if I had to sum it up. That's what we've been talking about how to create the richness in your life across the board. She is the peaceful billionaire. You absolutely want to grab hold of all this information, utilize it in your life and reach out to Jessa to find out how to make this part of your world even more profoundly. How would they find you Jessa please share.

Jessa Carter:

Yeah, you can go to peacefulmillionairenow. Peacefulmillionairenow.com And there's a whole lot of things if you'd like to reach out to me to connect directly you can reach out to connect to me directly there, you can grab a copy of the peaceful Millionaire Mind money and soul wisdom there. And there's also an incredible list of three free wisdom and free bonuses and free gifts. One of which is a ticket for you and a plus one to my three day peaceful millionaire intensive. So if you're really looking to start to create meaningful change in in your financial destiny and your financial future and change what that feels like of what that looks like for you. That's definitely definitely the place to be.

Paul Finck:

Very cool. So peacefulmillionairenow.com Go check out Jessa Carter. She is just a gem in this field. You want to find out everything that she's doing. Thank you so much, Jessica for being on. It's such a pleasure to have you here.

Jessa Carter:

Thanks Paul. Thank you so much for having me. So much fun.