Dec. 21, 2022

Breaking New Ground: “Five Helpful Tips for Expanding Your Soul’s G.O.L.D. Fabric - Part III | EP 019

Breaking New Ground: “Five Helpful Tips for Expanding Your Soul’s G.O.L.D. Fabric - Part III | EP 019

Dr. Judith continues to talk about the fabric of the SOUL being GO.L.D. (Glory of Love’s Divinity) and being a co-creator with God. She dives into five keys to help the seeker consciously and intentionally weave in the ‘light’ strands into their Soul’s fabric. Learn to use all experiences as opportunities to grow and be more intentional through five easy-to-do and helpful tips to experiment with as a seeker learning to connect with your Soul self and Creator.

Future episodes with special guests will expand these concepts of “dark and light strands-threads,” G.O.L.D (Glory of Love’s Divinity) being the fabric and striving of the Soul to growth and mastery in daily life experiences. Upcoming episodes each month will be related to “Real Life Adventures in Living” and “REEL (movie) adventures in Living, with guests providing keys to soul evolution, along with Dr. Judith’s solo episodes on the psychology of soul evolution.

Please feel free to join our Mastering Life’s Adventures (MLA) Extras and Community Forum for seekers desiring a community of like-minded people!  

About the Host:

Dr. Judith Holder’s passion is empowering people to be their best selves! Dr. Holder is the founder and executive director of Unique Pathways™ ( She is a leadership coach-psychologist, facilitator, consultant, and author.

Our paths are filled with many adventures in which Judith believes can be seen as growth opportunities, even during challenging times. She likes to think about, discover, and discuss personal and professional life’s circumstances as you journey through life, through the lens of Christian values, Buddhist precepts, Ascended Master teachings and Esoteric Principles to gain greater clarity and mastery in daily living. 

Dr. Holder is the author of Mastering Life’s Adventures: On the Beam – Essential Insights for Growth and Self-Mastery, and an e-book, Opening Up to Your Divinity: Practical Strategies and Practices for Soul Growth

On a personal note, Dr. Holder sees herself as a perpetual student learning from her everyday adventures, which she considers as a part her ongoing growth and evolution of her SOUL. The fun part is we are all walking similar journeys together!

Judith enjoys spending time with family, vacationing at beaches and mountains sides, reading, walking, partaking in mindfulness practices, and is a certified yoga instructor.


Dr. Holder’s books on Mastering Life’s Adventures: On the Beam and Opening Up to Your Divinity: Practical Strategies and Practices for Soul Growth can be found at -


Mastering Life’s Adventures “How to” Downloadable Courses at under the Tab “Offerings”

  • Course 1: Mastering Life’s Adventures mini-course
  • Course 2: Opening Up to Your Divinity mini-course


Learn more about “Mental Fitness for Busy People”, at under the Tab, “Offerings”


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Dr. Judith Holder:

Welcome to Mastering life's adventures, an educational podcast about tapping into your true self, the soul, your soul, the substance of your life, to discover what life's ups and downs are really about, and how to have a greater sense of purpose, peace, joy, and fulfillment. I am Dr. Judith holder and your host, Coach psychologist Delos seeker, he enjoys diving into the connections between spirituality, psychology, wellness, and your everyday life's adventures. All comparing and polishing you like the fast is a magnificent diamond to be your best self. If you're craving more from your life, you are in the right place. Come let's journey together and transforming what you know. And to who you really are Mastering life's adventures begins now.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Hi, I'm back. And I want to talk about the subject. But I've been sharing an episode number 18. That I think is something that can continue to be talked about. And that is looking at the fabric of gold, that fabric of gold, which is glory of love's divinity that exists within our soul. And as we expand our soul, we expand the gold fabric, because God is gold. So when I recall, is one of the things I was talking about last time. And one of the things that I was giving more thought to is how do we keep on expanding this fabric of gold, which is the glory of God within us the glory of God's divinity? How do we keep on knowing that our soul is through life's experiences and adventures that we go through the theory are helping us to be able to expand that fabric of gold. Or we sometimes are making decisions that are constricting or putting in those dark threads, and to our goal weighing us down more. And I want to really think about what expands that gold fabric, the soul and the soul lessons that we have to go through. And the first thing I was thinking about was discernment. We have to be more discerning about where we put our attention to which I've talked about before. But it's more discerning to ensure that we are putting our eye to things that are important to us, and not to everything that passes by slike sitting on a corner or street corner, and you're watching all the cars go by. And now you're looking for all the white cars that go by and all the red cars that go by and all the green core cars that go by, and we're looking at him putting our attention there. But are we being more intentional about why are we putting our attention to cars going by? And why aren't we putting into what our soul and our souls needs are? Rather than is being able to be in listening grace, being able to listen with a keen ear? For four, what is the prompting? Who is talking to me? And how do I need to respond or act in a situation? You know, I heard this great sermon over the weekend about listening. And it really tied in to some of the things I had been thinking about relates to listening. And I noticed that one of the things I've had been able to cultivate over the years, is being able to ask God to help me to listen and hear for what I need to hear and act upon the promptings that are given to me. And I think that's all of what the soul wants us to do. And we sometimes get it right you sometimes not. You sometimes get it partially right. But whether it's partial, or not, at all, or totally right, is all helping us to get finely attuned, and in tune with our soul promptings and also our higher self, or Am that I Am I Christ self that exists also within us and our soul is as if, as I talked about in previous episodes, so mediator, the mediator to being the Christ, and it's between us and our Higher Self which is the I Am Presence God, and we're the Lord. And what we're learning to be able to do is be able to help invite that Christ self, that higher self into our mind. So our soul can learn his lessons quickly and intentionally. So that we can start to be able to have the electrons and atoms within us spin at a higher frequency, frequency of light. And that spinning that goes on, it's like a miracle round, you're going around and around and around, it gets faster and faster and faster. While we sometimes if we go so fast around in the on that merry go round, you've got a whole really tightly not to be thrown off. And sometimes what the substance, you think about the milk around, going around and around, as maybe there are certain things that need to be thrown off, that we need to get rid of, in our own self. And so that when we are spinning at higher frequencies of energy, the body starts to throw off things that it doesn't need. And so we have to think about when we're wanting to have the aggressive refining process of that fabric of goal through how we think and how we feel, and how we add, then there are certain things we need to be able to let go spin it off, spin it off, and just say, this is not the quality that I want to be representative as a representation of Michael fabric, or what I believe God to be in my mind. So some of this is being able to listen for the promptings that are being told to you and figuring out what voice is speaking, isn't my equal persona? Or is it my sole self set a speaking. And when we start, ask more and more of helping you to discern helping me to discern that, the more the universe starts to help us to be able to hear, which is the appropriate prompting. And that's where the increasing of discernment comes in, but also with discernment, and listening to that whispering voice of the soul that is trying to help and guide us, as well as our inner Christ self that is trying to do that as well. We want to be aware of the fact that in order for us to grow our fabric of gold, we have to be obedient. We have to be obedient to what that prompting was telling us to do. And not say, well, I'll do it later. I'll do that later. I'll do it in the morning. I'll do it after work. I'll do it, I'll do it. But the prompting that's being given to you, is given to you right then in there, why aren't your bae right then in there. Because that's when we get into that obedience and being obedient, knowing that this is for our greater good knowing that is helping us to discern that the voices of what he's telling us to go right or to go left are telling us not to say what you want to say that's on the tip of your tongue. And you're in this prompting, it says, don't say that that's not in the liking of your Christhood, your godhood your soul hood, and we still do it anyway. Well, we have just now moved into the path of being disobedient to our inner self. And we're not realizing that in some ways, Dan repeatedly shrinks the soul. Yeah, it shrinks our soul fabric. And what we're into is expanding our soul fabric. So it's, it's allowing that goal to be able to shine through and taking out those dark threads of other acts or behaviors of the past that have been not right thoughts, not right feelings, not right behaviors. And so one of the things with obedience to is we have to be able to get over stubbornness, the stubborn energy that says I'm going to do what I want to do, or that stubborn energy this is resist what you know is for your greater good, but resist it.

Dr. Judith Holder:

So we have to be the one to say, Hmm, why am I resisting this? What's going on here? Is this something to my greater good? That's when being prompting for me to do yes, it is. So it is our human ego then we need to know that comes into play. And the human ego will resist it wants to do things is time in its way. And so we have to be the ones in that discipline of ourselves, which I talked about last time in Episode 80. We have to discipline ourselves and that self discipline I want to be able to say, I may want to go down this left handed path. But it's not the path. That's the right path for me, I want to go right, and the right handed path, which is the right path for me. And regardless of what how I feel about it, I'm going to do it. Because I know it's the best thing for me to do. And I want to glorify God in my life. And I want to have a closer relationship to God in my life. And what happens when we get into this disobedience, when we should be obedient and listen and follow the promptings, then we also move into confusion. And that confusion is because we sometimes listen, we sometimes don't, we sometimes want to be stubborn, we sometimes want to kind of go with the flow. And what I was sicker on the path is trying to do is be consistent. Because you love God, with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, and you love your neighbor as yourself. So you're moving in, and those precepts that allows you to be with a say, how does this relate to loving sell others, or being in alignment with doing what is right and true. We live on a planet in which we go through testings. It's like you go through grade school, you have the first day of kindergarten, then you have the first second third up to elementary school, eighth or ninth grade. And then you have high school. And then you have trade school or you have college, you know, these all along the way there are testings being given to us, and exams and final exams that are being given to us. And so why would we not think that there would be testings for our soul, and learnings that we want to be able to garner in order for it to advance ourselves and our soul essence and being our best self. And as seekers, there is laws that exists. And there are lessons that exist. And we can know some of those lessons by looking at the themes around those lessons. And when these themes keep on coming up for ourselves with our relationships that we may have, or family members, or relationships that we have in dating other individuals or the relationship, the themes, themes that come up at work when you're leading your group, and you're finding that this particular theme around people getting their work assignments in on time, or you not getting your work assignments in on time. And that's the theme. And that's something that needs to be looked at, for yourself or for others, in order to be able to move into being obedient with certain cycles of how things need to get done. Everything has a timing, we have to be aware of those timings in our lives as well. So that's why you consistently hear me say, look for themes, look for patterns, if they keep on coming up, they're saying there's something that needs been learned in that experience. And that when we start learning those particular types of things, and being obedient to them, and being a listening grace, as well as discerning where and when we need to do things, then we're in a rhythm, then we're moving forward and expanding that fabric that gold, because we really want the glory of love's divinity to manifest within us. And so we're doing the things that are helping it to be able to happen. And so one of those factors or keys, if you want to call it that, is practicing reverence. And let me talk about that in a minute. Because I'm just I've talked about to sortiment. I've talked about listening, and being listening, grace, and listen to that whispering voice within you, which requires actually some degree of stillness and some degree of patience with yourself. And also some degree of willing to silence the mind to quiet the mind. So that you're just asking the question, and then listing this just for two or three minutes. In the day that you're taking time to intentionally Listen, that will go a long way. So we also talked about obedience. And so now I want to talk about practicing of reverence. How often in your day, do you give thanks to God for his ability His energy that you're using in your life to do the certain tasks and functions and having the certain successes that come your way, how often do you say thank you, God, for that person who just helped me to do something with my computer? Or Thank you, God for my spouse, who actually put a token of appreciation on my desk? Or on my counter in my kitchen? How often do we say, you know, God, and thank God for being alive? Being Well, and being able to give more of yourself in service or in volunteer work that you do? How often do we show reverence? And what would reverence look like in your life? What would reverence look like in your thinking? What when reference look like and how you feel, and how you emanate that feeling to those that are around you. Reverence is a quality and a magnificent quality of God. And the more Reverend we are, the more we're asking God's injury into our life. We're asking God's golden fabric to expand within us, we're saying we want to be more like you God. And that's why we are have reverence for you, because of all that you do, seen and unseen, that is helping, guiding directing me and helping me to go through the different school rooms of tests and initiations from the first grade to the 12th grade, as I said before, to the trade schools, do the colleges, whatever is going on, do maraging marriages do working with colleagues that you're had maybe more challenges with? But still, how do we insert reverence to God, to give us that experience, even as challenging as it is? Because God says to every experience that we go through, there is something to learn. So how do we begin to see from the lens of God, what is to be learned in the experience? And if we don't know, and we're uncertain, that's when we move back into cultivating, listening, cultivating, being obedient to God's promptings cultivating, practicing reverence, cultivating prayer, in praying for God's guidance, to show to direct you, maybe in ways that you haven't thought, but if God's gonna show and direct us, then we have to be willing to be obedient and follow the direction, right. But sometimes God tries to direct us and we get into resistance. And when we not now, no, I don't want to do that. Even though there's a part of you that no, that is the right thing to do. So that's why I'm saying, in order to expand the gold fabric, we have to be willing to wrestle with our disobedience, or our rebellion. We have to be willing to wrestle with our values, and just say, No, you're not getting the best of me. No, this is not right.

Dr. Judith Holder:

I know, I need to go down the right path. And this is the path I choose to go down. And that is the path of obedience. That is the path of listening for God's promptings in our lives, listening with the inner ear, to the higher frequencies of God, listening by not having so many distractions of noise around us through the TV, or through streaming, or through cell phones, or through the different social apps that we have. We have to be willing to be able to slow things down, slow things down. And listen. And when we find that move, or slow things down, and actually start listening, we actually plug in to a center of peace, and a center of joy, and a center of curiosity. About, wow, I'm feeling this different, or am I feeling this in my body now? You know, now I'm taking that still time. Again, only 235 minutes, maybe. But you're taking it to calm the mind and activate the heart for reference. And to be able to take that time and talk to God and have that connection to God and be reverent to with him and she are with him, the things that are going on in your life, the things that you may have questions about the things that you notice that get you upset, and you really don't want to get upset, and the longer you want to have greater peace and harmony. So when we have reverence, we also have gratitude. And where there is correct gratitude, there is the opportunity for the heart to expand. And when the heart expands, it has to soul to grow. And when the soul grows, it helps you to be able to find the inner strength to maybe do some things that you know, is right for you to do. So sometimes we get into the notion that, well, since everyone's doing it, we need to do it, right. But you know, it's not right. And you know, it's wrong. And so one of the qualities of expanding that gold fabric, and not put in those thought threads, is that mean, you know what's wrong, you're able to stand on your conviction. That's not for me to do. That's not right for me to do. Everyone have to make their own choices on choosing to go to the right, and do the right thing. Our choices are important that we make, as seekers, our choices do inform why we have certain things keep on popping up and alive. And the more intentional that we are around and about our thought choices, the more that we can be able to have that discernment, and be obedient and be listening grace, to do God's will. And when we're doing God's will, then we're on his team, on the god team, the soul is continuing to spin at the frequencies of higher light, greater peace, greater attunement, and a greater sense of well being. And that's what we all want in our lives, you want a greater sense of well being. So the last quality I'll talk about, is laughing at yourself, not taking yourself too seriously. So as you practice reference, smile, be happy. See something that may be funny, and something that happened to you, and ask God and talk to God about and say, Hey, this happened to me, you know, and this is what I learned from it. And this is what I did, you know, even though it was maybe the greatest experience, but I can find some silver lining or gold lining in the situation and take the best and leave the rest. So we can take ourselves because the ego persona will take itself very seriously. And that's not what we're about, we're actually more about is being aware, being or to knowing that we want to always be in the presence of God's will, and love and peace in our life. But we don't want to overly take ourselves seriously to the point that it creates stagnation, that it creates despair. We don't want to do those types of things. We want to see, we want to learn, we want to grow. We want to be able to advance our soul's evolution. But we don't want to get into criticism, condemnation and judgment. And I'll be talking about that, and another episode. So I just finished talking about these five qualities that will help to expand God's goal fabric in our souls, evolution to sermon, listening, obedience, practicing of reverence and laughing at yourself, and therefore not taking yourself too seriously, but serious enough to keep yourself moving forward. But not so serious that it puts you in quicksand. Some of the things about bye for now.