March 28, 2017

Episode 13: Essential Oils with Corey Deacon of Neurvana Health

Episode 13: Essential Oils with Corey Deacon of Neurvana Health

Essential Oils have become one of the hottest topics of 2017.  Most people use them and it seems like every time we open Instagram or the internet there is another product or benefit being touted.  But how do you know which oils are right for you? 

Essential Oils have become one of the hottest topics of 2017.  Most people use them and it seems like every time we open Instagram or the internet there is another product or benefit being touted.  But how do you know which oils are right for you? 

Well we are thrilled to have Corey Deacon, a Doctor of Natural Medicine, neuroscientist and a passionate health consultant on the podcast today to help us better understand this broad and exciting topic. Corey has mapped and analyzed thousands of brains over the years and specializes in connecting brain and body functioning for optimized health and wellness. He also has seen first hand the results essential oils can provide and will be sharing some truly amazing information with us to help get us started down the essential oil path.  

*Corey Deacon is a Doctor of Natural Medicine, neuroscientist and a passionate health consultant. He has a background in biological sciences and neuroscience with degrees from the University of Alberta and University of Greenwich in Neuroscience and Biomedical Sciences, respectively. He has post-graduate experience in the fields of neuroscience, neuropsychology, biochemistry, genetics, medical sciences, pharmacology, cognitive neuroscience, biomedical sciences, and natural health. He holds board certifications as a Doctor of Natural Medicine from Examining Board of Natural Medicine Practitioners - Canada, in Neurofeedback by the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance, and in Alternative Medicine by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.  You can find him online at and on Instagram and Facebook @neurvanahealth.