Aug. 21, 2018

86: Honoring Your Spirituality: How to Embrace the Woo while Building an Empire with Stephanie Bellinger

86: Honoring Your Spirituality: How to Embrace the Woo while Building an Empire with Stephanie Bellinger

Stephanie Bellinger is a mindset and success coach for heart-centered entrepreneurial women. She is the creator of Spiritual Boss Babe - an online community and podcast. She has helped thousands of women step into a life and business that sets their soul.

Stephanie Bellinger is a mindset and success coach for heart-centered entrepreneurial women. She is the creator of Spiritual Boss Babe - an online community and podcast. She has helped thousands of women step into a life and business that sets their souls on fire.

In today’s episode, we discuss what it means to be a Spiritual Boss Babe, and why authenticity and connection are so important in the online space. Stephanie outlines actionable tips for growing a massive community, following your passion and honoring yourself as you embrace your spiritual side.




How to overcome fear and began sharing [ 7:40 ] Practical steps to make a Facebook group magical [ 9:16 ] How an online presence can amplify your message [ 12:20 ] How to effectively build a massive community [ 14:40 ] Rules for keeping order in a Facebook group [ 16:40 ] How to tap into what you are called to do [ 25:45 ] Tips for high-vibe connection and online engagement [ 27:20 ] Mindset hacks to continue to reach for the next level in your business [ 32:33 ]



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