Aug. 2, 2022

439. The Art of Attraction: Developing Your Personal Magnetism

439. The Art of Attraction: Developing Your Personal Magnetism

MAGNETIC  /mag'ned-ik/  Alluring, powerful, and possessing an extraordinary power or ability to attract. Every person possesses a unique magnetism inside them. Our ability to attract what we desire most is an exercise in the art and science...

MAGNETIC  /mag'ned-ik/ 

Alluring, powerful, and possessing an extraordinary power or ability to attract.

Every person possesses a unique magnetism inside them. Our ability to attract what we desire most is an exercise in the art and science of  energetic and business strategy. 

In this episode, Betsy’s shares her personal journey of truely becoming magnetic and how to leverage it to draw in more business.

Tune in as she explores self-fulfilling prophecies, the Gene Keys, and ‘old school’ versus trauma-informed marketing practices. 

  • [2:00] Business vs. Energetic Strategies: What’s the difference?
  • [8:30] Introduction to Gene Keys & the Golden Path.
  • [12:00] Self-fulfilling prophecies for prosperity.
  • [15:00] Trauma-informed marketing.
  • [20:00] What it looks like to BE magnetic in your business.
  • [25:00] A story of receiving exactly what you want.
  • [30:00] Where freedom and abundance come from.

Resources mentioned in this episode: 

Magnetic: The Art of Attraction  A 4 week mastermind to elevate your personal power to attract more money, clients, opportunities and physical wellness. Join HERE  (Payment plan available HERE)