May 10, 2022

415. Authentic Attraction: How to Use Your Human Design Aura in Your Business

415. Authentic Attraction: How to Use Your Human Design Aura in Your Business

In Human Design, your aura is the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds your body.   It gives you the ability to not only transmit your unique energetic identity and characteristics into the world, but it also influences how you experience...

In Human Design, your aura is the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds your body.
It gives you the ability to not only transmit your unique energetic identity and characteristics into the world, but it also influences how you experience the world around you.
Each Human Design energy type has unique auric qualities that determine how you interact with others.
In business, this translates into not only how your energy is received by others but how you attract potential clients and customers to you. 
In this episode, Betsy and Laura exploring the characteristics of each of the aura type, how each aura type is designed to interact with the others, how to best coach each type, AND what makes you so authentically attractive!
  • Attraction factor and your aura. [3:05]
  • Evolution in the coaching and creator industries. [5:15]
  • Manifestor Aura: The Trail Blazers. [7:45]
  • How to coach a Manifestor. [11:15]
  • Projector Aura: The Guide for Us All. [14:38]
  • How Projectors guide their clients. [18:00]
  • Reflector Aura: The Mirror of the Tribe [23:18]
  • How to coach a Reflector to see their own power. [25:25]
  • Why the money will be waiting for you. [28:30]
  • Generator + Manifesting Generator Aura: The Builders [30:13]
  • How to coach to Sacral beings. [31:05]
  • Targeting your ideal coaching clients on social media.[35:35]
  • Adding Human Design to your coaching business. [38:30]




New to human design? Get your free chart HERE

THEN, learn how to use your Human Design to ignite your inner magnetism and start attracting more of what you desire with the  OWN YOUR AURA free Human Design training. 


LUSCIOUS HUSTLE ACADEMYThe Human Design Reader Certification Course

This 12-week live certification program will give you everything you need to integrate Human Design readings into your business. 

  • Elevate your leadership, coaching, and business expertise with Human Design.
  • Share Human Design with the highest standard of expertise.
  • Impact in the lives of your clients, customers, team members, family and friends by understanding who they are and how they are meant to show up in the world.
  • Monetize Human Design within your coaching offers as part of your existing or new business.

Learn more about becoming a Human Design Reader HERE.