July 19, 2023

Podcast Power: Unlocking Client Attraction and Business Growth with Quizzes

Podcast Power: Unlocking Client Attraction and Business Growth with Quizzes

In this episode of Kickstart The Conversation, Catharine O’Leary, the Quiz Queen, discusses how podcasts can be used for attracting and converting clients. She shares insights on being an effective podcast guest and host, emphasizing the importance of understanding the audience and delivering valuable content.

She also addresses the challenges of monetizing podcasts and presents an innovative solution: quizzes. Catharine explains how a thoughtfully designed quiz can engage listeners, grow your email list, and convert subscribers into clients.

The episode wraps up with practical tips on creating a quiz that resonates with your audience, along with an invitation for listeners to take a quiz on https://quizformybiz.com. Tune in to learn how to harness the power of podcasts and quizzes for your business growth.

What is the Best Quiz for Your Biz?

Take this FREE 60-second Quiz to Find Out: quizformybiz.com.

About the Host:

Catharine O'Leary is a dynamic speaker, author, and entrepreneur with a wealth of experience in market research, consumer insights, and innovative marketing strategies. She's known as the "quiz queen" and is an expert at asking the right questions to connect with ideal clients and boost business growth. With over three decades of corporate experience, Catharine is passionate about helping entrepreneurs have better conversations with their ideal clients and grow their business with cutting-edge marketing strategies.


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Catharine O'Leary:

Hello, hello, welcome to another episode of kickstart the conversation. I'm your host Catharine O'Leary, aka the quiz queen. And I am here to sprinkle a wee bit of Irish wisdom and wit onto your day. This is the place where we talk about all things leads, lists, and leveraging relationships with particular fondness for quizzes, and of course, podcasts. Now, get this according to the infinite dial 2023 report. There are now over 116 million people in the United States alone, listening to podcasts. That's roughly 1/3 of the population. Mean sincerely. Isn't that mind boggling? You might ask why are so many people tuning in? Well, it's pretty simple. Podcast solve the problem of too much noise, too little substance. They're ideal for those seeking engaging in depth content on topics they truly care about. Whether that's personal development, true crime, or indeed, business advice. That, my friends is why podcasts are a perfect tool for attracting your ideal clients. Podcasts allow you to present your expertise in a conversational and easy to digest way. As a host or a guest you have a platform to demonstrate your knowledge, your unique approach and your irresistible term, whether you be Irish or not. So how do you transform this client attraction tool into a rockstar client conversion tool? Well, that's where the magic of capturing the audience's emails come in, aka monetization. More about this in a minute. Let's first start with guest on a podcast. Think of every podcast you guest on as well. It's an extension of your own brand. It's not just a conversation. It's a showcase of your expertise and an opportunity to invite listeners back to your business. It is really important to remember that being a guest is not just about showing up and chatting. It's a wee bit of a dance of understanding of giving and being part of something bigger. So how do you become the ideal podcast guests? Well, speaking from experience and from hosting this show, it's pretty easy. It's as easy as one two and three. So first, do your homework. I mean, as the saying goes luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. Listening to at least three past episodes of the podcast you're guesting on, will give you a feel for the topic, style and rhythm of the show. It shows respect to your host and let's be honest, it also helps you avoid any awkward Foot and Mouth moments. Trust me, I know this from fact. Now what I do when I'm podcast guesting is, when I'm on my walk, I listen to a few of the podcast episodes of, you know, upcoming interviews that I'm going to be on. So I'm doing it while I'm exercising or while I am, you know, maybe doing chores around the house or even cutting the grass. So it's not something that needs to take up a lot of your time. Secondly, know your audience. Every podcast serves a specific audience with unique needs and aspirations. So if you're guesting on my show, for example, you should know that our listeners are savvy business folks who are hungry for innovative ideas, to kickstart the conversations and drive success in their own businesses. Being aware of this, it's your job as the guest to tailor your wisdom and advice to this audience. It's about being relatable, and relevant. Lastly, and this is crucial. I mean, like really seriously, this will set you apart from other podcast guests. And that's become part of the community. Podcasting is not a one off game. It's a little bit of the long game. So it's a journey of Growing and Learning Together. Subscribing and following to your podcast hosts podcasts are really a bare minimum. And leave reviews. I mean, if you really do like the content, and these are your audiences then leave reviews because people will be reading those. And they'll recognize you as an as a guest. Engage with the host and listeners on social media. Share your episode when it's live, and contribute to ongoing discussions. This will seriously mark you as an excellent podcast guest and believe me, it does get noticed podcast hosts, we all talk to each other. So if you want to rise above, really taking that extra step to really support the podcast and support your own episode of being on the podcast goes a long way. Look at the end of the day. Podcasts are really about building connections and creating value. You as a guest are an integral part of that process. Now, all that being said don't be shy. Mention your products or services when they naturally come up in the conversation. I mean, I have people on my mind I show so that they can talk about the products or services that I do that, because I know that my audience is interested in such products and services. So when my podcast guests come on and talk about, you know, their offers, you know their value ads like their ebooks, webinars or consultations, it's great because I know that I that we, both myself as the host, and the guest, are delivering value to my audience. But here's the best thing that you can offer as a guest, in my opinion, which of course, is a quiz. And this way that you're that this new audience can get to know you better, and learn if they're your ideal client. Pretty easy, right? Sounds pretty easy. Believe me. If you do all three things you will stand apart from from most of the other guests. Now. Let's switch gears a bit and delve into the glamorous world of hosting your very own podcast. Yeah, you heard me your very own show where you're the star, the director and the script writer. So why should you consider hosting your own podcast, particularly as a business owner? I mean, you're busy, right? Well, here's the beauty of it. podcast is an incredible client attraction tool. Think of it this way, every episode of your podcast is a golden opportunity to target your ideal client. It's like having a direct line into their minds, hearts, and yeah, even their earbuds, you get to tailor each conversation to their needs, desires and dreams. But it gets even better. As a host, you have the power to bring in experts that can help your clients, you can invite thought leaders, innovators or successful entrepreneurs to share their unique insights. So not only are you providing value, but you're also broadening your listeners horizons and giving them access to a wealth of knowledge they might not have discovered otherwise. And here's the icing on the cake. Because you all know all about the secret or bonus at the end. Each episode is a bundle of value for your clients. Whether you're sharing tips on how to scale a business, discussing the latest marketing trends, or even walking your listeners through a helpful quiz. You're consistently delivering high quality, actionable content that your ideal client will appreciate. In essence, a podcast is your free content. It's the blog posts, webinars, coaching sessions, all wrapped up into one format. And at the end of the day, that's just a simple conversation. Hosting a podcast is like throwing a party where your ideal clients are the guests of honor, you get to decide the theme, choose the music, and engage in meaningful, exciting conversations