April 23, 2024

Unlock Your SoulFUEL®

Unlock Your SoulFUEL®

Are you wondering what your life purpose or bigger mission is? And how do you monetize that passion into a business that will make money?

I’m thrilled to introduce you to Wendy Collier, a business and mindset coach committed to helping women unlock what she calls SoulFUEL®. In this episode, you’ll discover: 

  • How to determine the *thing* that will make you stand out from others who do similar work
  • How to unlock your spiritual calling, uncover your purpose and connect to your mission (aka your SoulFUEL®) 
  • The secret for getting unstuck so that you can restart your momentum
  • 3 questions to ask yourself to know which of your passions to monetize

Wendy is also the host of the virtual audio summit called Ticket to Freedom, happening x-x online for free! 

Save your free seat here.

*Link to join us for Ticket to Freedom


Wendy Collier coaches ambitious, mission-driven, conscious leaders of all kinds, to know and live through their SoulFUEL® while also learning to master the messaging and mindset skills required to be a wild success at growing a service-based business. 

For the last 10+ years, she has been the CEO of a consistently-growing coaching business that supports and educates women to make money doing what they love while transforming their lives, their families, and the world around them. 

Wendy is an avid traveler, outdoor enthusiast, passionate about health, fitness and medical freedom, devoted to funding the awareness and eradication of human trafficking, and has a long-standing volunteer career supporting and mentoring abused and forgotten children including as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (C.A.S.A.).


Listen to the SoulFUEL® Podcast




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Kelly is the podcast host and founder of Entrepreneur School, an education hub for ambitious moms who want to start and grow their brands. She’s an award-winning marketer and brand strategist, visibility coach, and girl-mom of 2, constantly juggling hockey practices and marketing plans.

She’s your Fairy Brand-mother waving the magic wand to give you the confidence, guidance and support you need to get to your next level of success. 


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Wendy Collier:

I always point them back to their soul fuel. Is this fulfilling your soul fuel? Is this an extension of your soul fuel? If the answer's yes, it's a go. If it's not, it's a no. So it makes like you said, it's an excellent decision making tool.

Kelly Sinclair:

This is the Entrepreneur School Podcast where we believe you can run a thriving business and still make your family a priority. This show is all about supporting you the emerging or early stage Entrepreneur on your journey from solopreneur to CEO while wearing all of the other hats in your life. My name is Kelly Sinclair and I'm a brand and marketing strategist who started a business with two kids under 3am, a corporate PR girl turned entrepreneur after I learned the hard way that life is too short to waste doing things that burn you out. On this show, you'll hear inspiring stories from other business owners on their journey, and learn strategies to help you grow a profitable business, while making it all fit into the life that you want. Welcome to Entrepreneur School.

Kelly Sinclair:

My guest on the show today is Wendy Collier, she is the founder and creator of soul fuel. She's known for helping women identify their unique skills, gifts and purpose through soul fuel discovery, and teaches how to thrive financially through what people are meant to do inside her private and group coaching programs. She shows women how to get clear and competence so that they can profit from their passion and make a difference. Wendy is committed to equipping women to make money online by teaching effective and efficient marketing, messaging and mindset practices. So they can take a leap forward in their business and attract a steady flow of clients without ever compromising what is most important to them, or succumbing to the pressure of keeping up on social media to grow your business. Which is why obviously, we connected. And we are so aligned on so many things. I'm very excited for you to tune into this juicy conversation. And I also want to let you know, how would you I met so Wendy's team discovered me somehow some way, because I've been taking consistent action and getting more visible. And eventually that turns into that turns from like applying for things and reaching out and being the one always doing the the pushing to eventually being invited to things. So I was invited to speak on this event that Wendy is hosting, which I'm very excited about. And we're gonna have all the information in the show notes and talk about it at the end of this episode. But I just wanted to share that because sometimes we think, you know, we're taking action and nothing's happening and nothing's happening. And you don't even know what it's creating for you in two months, four months, six months time. So keep going keep at it. And this episode is going to help you reconnect into why you need to continue your momentum moving forward. It's so inspirational. And I'm very excited for you to listen. Hey, hey, Wendy. I'm so excited to have a conversation with you on Entrepreneur School. Welcome to the show.

Wendy Collier:

Thank you. So happy to be here. I appreciate you having me on.

Kelly Sinclair:

Yeah, I'm really glad that we are. We're kind of doing a collab. So in real time, everybody, this is like a fresh not pre recorded eight months in advance, like some of my podcast episodes are, because we're talking about things that are happening right now. Because I just had the pleasure of meeting Wendy and being interviewed as part of an event that she's putting on that we're going to talk about at the end of our conversation today. And I wanted to have an opportunity to bring you Wendy to my audience to talk about what you do, and how you look at things differently, like kind of how you've created your own brand of how to be a service provider. So I want to talk about soul fuel. That is your coined term like, it's just so great, first of all, as a brand new person I love I love. Thank you. So tell us what this means and how people can achieve this.

Wendy Collier:

Yeah, thanks for asking. It's an interesting story, actually, as to how that came about. I get asked the question of actually how it came about. Because for all of us business owners, we're always looking for the thing that will make us stand out or distinguish us from others doing similar work. And, you know, I talk about the golden thread, you know, something that you have, that's kind of gold that's throughout all of your marketing. And I discovered what mine was very early in my business. I was very fortunate to discover it. And at the time, I was looking for a word that would capture what I stand for and what I'm really here to do to help facilitate and the lives of women and their businesses and that is to really, truly, genuinely know what you're meant to do, and what your spiritual assignment or your spiritual calling is. But I, the words life purpose or mission fell flat for me. It just wasn't wasn't working, I was looking for my own, I was looking for my own life purpose, looking for my own mission, took all the workshops, read all the books got more confused than ever, I just couldn't nail it down. And the meantime, I was stuck in a corporate job here in the Silicon Valley as a Senior Marketing Manager, and toiling away and you know, really drained and unhappy. And it was because I couldn't clarify what my now what I call soul fuel is. So it became my mission to figure this out for myself and my friends, because my friends were in the same boat, we were all pretty early in our careers, everyone was doing what they thought they should do by climbing the corporate ladder doing the nine to five. And there's certainly some benefits to that. But there were big downsides. And because I was witnessing their suffering, also suffering myself, I became very determined to lay out a process and experiment and test the process to get it to the point where it was completely a proven process to help people identify their soul feel. And so I did it first with my friends and myself, built on it tested it kept building on it, and ultimately created what I call soul fuel discovery, which is literally you uncovering and discovering what your spiritual calling is. And the reason that I put the word fuel in all caps is because it's a very dynamic energy in your life and in your business. And it does fuel you and give you life, when you're discouraged, you're down, you're even physically tired. It's a source of spiritual sustenance, if you will, if you like, plug into it, not only reminding yourself of what it is every day, but also how it applies to all the different aspects of your business, to your sales, to your messaging, to your marketing, to your visibility to your strategies, you know how that looks and feels when you apply it in your business?

Kelly Sinclair:

Oh, yeah, that is, it's so important. And how amazing that you've come up with an actual process to identify that because so many of us go through life asking that question, or maybe we don't even ask the question. And that's why we're not fueled. Right. So figuring out exactly what it is that lights is up. And, and I can see, I absolutely agree with you on the value and the importance of having that clarity. Because as entrepreneurs, this is a stamina game. Really. Right. And so right, we get ourselves to keep moving forward on a daily basis, especially when sometimes things aren't going our way. We're not where we want to be yet. We're ambitious, but we haven't hit our goals yet. And we can get stuck in that feeling of you know, we're not we're not there, right here. So so we have to, you're saying like connect in with what our sole fuel is in order to re energize ourselves towards making them momentum?

Wendy Collier:

Yes, it really gives you laser focus. It's you basically your true north and it's really not enough to just want to help people. Right, that's, I think there are a lot of women that I work with that that's their that's what they want to do that I just want to help people. It's not enough to say that to yourself to energize yourself. Because you could be tired you could be tired of helping people frankly, you might have a lot of responsibilities in your life, your caretaking giving to a lot of other people. And so when it comes to your business, you might think gosh, I don't have the energy to do that. But when you zoom out soulful is very much a zoom out bigger picture like what your soul is really up to right now and human in your human body. It gives you this sense of something greater than yourself. Right? So you're rising above the the distractions, the noise, the exhaustion, all of that to something that you are plugging in truly I believe it is into a spiritual source which is eternal and there is an energy there that really enlivens you and it does give you that stamina that you need to continue

Kelly Sinclair:

So I mean I can see the application of this both from a few don't know what you should be doing how to figure out what you should be doing and get started or from a like a lens of clarifying so that you can like turn up your momentum so do you typically work with people who are you know really tell us about I guess before I you know feed the question too much. Tell us you you work who are your best fit to work with to to go through this process like what qualifies them?

Wendy Collier:

Well, honestly, I think everybody needs soulful discovery everyone. Most people that I talked to the vast majority do not know exactly what they're meant to do. you in life and their business, they might have a general idea. But they need further clarity in order to really catapult or to get real traction in their business. So a lot of the problems that people encounter in business, I can point to not knowing us all feel. So a really applies to everyone but I, so I work with women from all all different stages of business, whether they're just starting their business, whether they're pivoting, scaling, growing, launching, you know, going to switching to a different niche or a different industry, that the ideal person is someone who really is driven by purpose, and knows that they're here to make a bigger difference. And here to make an impact, and really loves working with people, and wants that depth to the work they're doing. And they want to feel that excitement, and that fuel and that passion on a consistent basis. And they want something that can help them overcome the procrastination overcome the resistance, overcome the fears, and the doubts and the worries. And I've found that for my clients, you know, their soul fuel and we in, in my work with them, we're consistently helping them to amplify it and unleash it through every bit of their lives and their work. That they it does make a huge difference in breaking through the fears and concerns, even in sales. You know, in sales, it's easy to get self conscious. But this takes your eye off of yourself, and the self consciousness and it puts it on the other more other focused and more on that bigger picture of what you are here to do spiritually speaking and what you are really up to through the work you're doing. Yeah,

Kelly Sinclair:

Yeah, this is like paralleling so nicely with the framework that I have that I call the momentum framework, we talked like you and I just had a conversation about and everyone who listens to this podcast regularly knows that I always talk about taking action, but it's all about what how do you actually get yourself to take action? And so the first step is to feel connected to feel connected to what you're doing and why you're doing it. And that's kind of like where you're going really deep. With Yeah, like what your soul fuel is. Because then when you have that connection, and you can let go of, of your role in it. You're just seeing the bigger picture. And and it doesn't become whether you should it's like you have to.

Wendy Collier:

Yeah, yeah, that's like this thing is pulling me forward. Yeah, you know, it's a magnet. There's also a second phase of the soulful discovery process. So the first part of it is the identification of your spiritual calling, and putting words to that the second half of that process is the monetization, it's actually looking taking a full inventory of your passions, your skills, your talents, your experiences in life and in work. And they have a particular process that helps you hone in on the ones that are most monetizable in a business. And then those point to your niche point to your specialty, or specialties. And then who your ideal client is, and then your high level business positioning. So it's bringing together your spiritual calling with who you are, and all of your abilities and your all that richness of your life and the wisdom and the goal that you no matter how old you are, like, to this point, you have gathered so much richness. And it's really identifying what is most monetizable I believe that you can be multi talented, and most of your audience is probably very multi talented, and multi passionate. Some of those passions and interests really are meant to be, in my opinion, a hobby, and some are meant to be monetized in the business. So there is a distinction. And that's what the process helps with.

Kelly Sinclair:

Oh, yeah, absolutely. Sometimes, like actually, when you said that I thought of my brother right away. He has loved golf ever since he was a kid. He plays like golf really well has won lots of tournaments and stuff. And finally, after, you know, getting his electrician certificate and becoming a tradesman, he was like, I think I'm gonna try like, you know, golf for a living. So he got his certification to teach golf. And after two seasons of doing that realized it ruined golf for him. Right? Yes. So, so he didn't want to teach it he does want to play it more and right you know, working in that sometimes working where you like to play, ruins the view of the playing. So that's a really interesting distinction too, especially when you're thinking of like a you know, thinking of if you're just at the point of I want to start a business. What am I good at? What do I like to eat? These are kind of the normal things that we would ask ourselves Exactly. But then like you're saying is what is the best suited for you to

Wendy Collier:

Yes, yes. Because that's a perfect example of a passion that it would make sense. Like, logically you would think, Oh, just take that and monetize it, make it your full time living. But that's why I created the passions to monetize process, because that sorts out why why you shouldn't in that case, like it would have, if he would have gone through that exercise, he would have discovered it's not something you should monetize. Mm hmm. Yeah, through the questions that I asked. And it's a kind of a filtration process.

Kelly Sinclair:

Oh, that sounds so juicy and so good.

Wendy Collier:

It saves people a lot of time, and heartache. You know, when you're trying to monetize something that you that you love and you're passionate about, but it's just not working, there's a reason it could be that it's not meant to be monetized. Or it could be a strategy, you know, could be just that you're not applying the right marketing strategy, or there could be other explanations for it. But you want to at least rule out that this is a passion that actually I'm not meant to monetize. It can be a hobby, you can do it all day long on your own. But business is a different animal than just passion.

Kelly Sinclair:

Can you share like one aspect of how people can? Like what one of maybe one of the questions that you ask that would be surprising.

Wendy Collier:

So I feel like it's a multi faceted aspect in terms of like it needs to be there's one, there's several questions, but one of them is, you know, when do you lose track of time? That's one. So what are you doing when you lose track of time, but that's not enough. So there's other checkpoints, to know whether it's a monetizable. Another one is, you know, have others told you that yours is particularly skilled at this? Right? So are you recognized as an authority and doing this? And then another is Do you feel lit up and alive? Like you could do it all day long? That's kind of the in the lose track of time category? Yeah, so those are just some of the questions. There's a few more to hone in on that. But it includes your own internal experience with it, and you're on and the external feedback that's coming in.

Kelly Sinclair:

Well, yeah, those are great questions. That would be, that would be a really great start of a journal entry for those listening.

Wendy Collier:

Yeah, definitely.

Kelly Sinclair:

Not like, and sometimes, you know, I feel like as we go on in time, so if we've decided what our business is, and we're pushing forward, and we now struggle to get it off the ground, or something goes really good. And then all of a sudden, you lose a client, and then your financial situation is not as good as it was, where whatever turmoil happens to you, which will happen probably multiple times, as you record in your business. It's nice to have something to connect back to like, and often it is at I'm saying just like in quotation marks, but it's a belief, a belief in yourself, and a confidence that comes from a deeper knowing that you are on the right path. Right. We're just looking for more reassurance that we're on the right path doing the right thing that keeps us going on doing it.

Wendy Collier:

Yeah. Yeah, belief. It's huge. It's really huge. That's why I'm so I mean, I think everything comes back to soul fuel, because if you that helps strengthen your belief. I mean, it gives you the belief, there's crystal clarity in that process where you are certain night and have a litmus test, to check against to make sure it's 100%. Clear. And then when so when you're that clear, like it, you do become far more unstoppable than you could be otherwise.

Kelly Sinclair:

Yeah, absolutely. decisive, right. Because you know, you have something that's guiding you like, I love the idea of litmus test. And this is, like, everything you're saying is very much it's about uncovering your unique brands. Right, right. And so having that litmus test to filter all decisions through decisions about not only what kind of marketing should I do, what kind of clients should I work with? But what kind of way should I deliver my work? Right? Yes, like, so that's all part of your, in your profitability section. Mm hmm. You were talking about? So while I'm following, I'm picking up what you're putting down. I what, yeah. And it's so important, because, you know, we, we just have those questions like, Where do we start? And how do they keep going? And how do I know I'm on the right path? Yes. All of that that's playing in the background, because, you know, some people are like, Oh, I just need to I need to check my data, like, right, but what else is there? What else is there to check in on?

Wendy Collier:

Yes, I'm in these conversations all the time with my clients, and they'll have a lot of questions about the details of what they're doing in their business day to day and decisions that they're making. Maybe it's something, you know, an invitation to speak. Or even just an email, they're writing to their email list. It could be a social media post, and they have some confusion around it. And I always point them back to their soul fiance. Is this fulfilling your soul fuel? Is this an extension of your soul fuel? If the answer is yes, it's a go. If it's not, it's a no. So it makes like you said, it's an excellent decision making tool.

Kelly Sinclair:

Yes, and how powerful and unstoppable you would be if you had that in your back pocket. Right. So I absolutely love your mission and what you're doing and with the work that you do yourself, and also with this amazing event that you have put together for people to experience so can you talk a little bit about ticket to freedom and what people can expect to experience as part of this event that is happening online?

Wendy Collier:

Yes. Freedom is definitely a topic that I think most entrepreneurs connect to. And ticket to freedom is this is season 10. So obviously, it's been something that's stood the test of time. And this is a soul fuel event. It's sponsored by soul fuel. And what I've done is I've gathered 26 mazing, heart centered conscious leaders, including yourself, Kelly, to speak from their points of view their perspectives on the best way to fulfill your purpose and to grow your business with authenticity, and soul fuel, and attract more soulmate clients, specifically, without sacrificing what's most important to you like your core values, your priorities, your personal needs, or without spending your life on social media, which I know you're all about Kelly, just minimizing that time or making social media efforts that we do much more effective and efficient. So in through this event, bringing you these 26, basically, their trainings, and each and every one, you hear some personal stories, you also get some practical tips, actions you can take, we're looking at the inner game of business and the outer game of business. So we go into the spiritual aspects and into intuition, spirituality, the energetics, as well as strategy. You know, we talk about some marketing strategies and business strategies in general. And then each of these speakers are giving away a free gift every single day. So you get 26 Business Building gifts daily, that are either in or out or game focused, and some of them are a combination of the two. So it's going to be a really fun event, there's an option to join a live community where you can engage with other female entrepreneurs, predominantly female entrepreneurs, and really connect and go through this experience together.

Kelly Sinclair:

And tastic, I can't wait for it to drop, you know what actually, we'll put it in the in the show notes, the details, because I know that this is going to happen again in the future to past seasons, and there's maybe different options for people to engage. But so make sure that you are following along and that you go and register through the link that's in the show notes. And you'll know what dates this is live and available. But this, like I said, This podcast is being recorded in real time. And he's not It's not months in advance, which I'm very proud of myself. I haven't gotten to that point. For some of my episodes. Awesome. Yes. So I'm so grateful that we connected Wendy, and that you're putting on this event, I am particularly excited to check out the other speakers and to learn from them. And I think this is something that we all need to commit to regularly in our businesses and looking for opportunities for growth, to get new insights to you know, maybe it'll maybe trigger something that gives you an idea that that's your next, you know, big revenue generating idea.

Wendy Collier:

Yeah, you could run with one idea. And if we know and implemented and make some great money or some headway or at least gain some momentum, the speakers are all you know, we've got best selling authors and really leaders that are known across the world. I mean, this is an excellent speaker panel. So we were bringing a lot of quality to these conversations. I also like to take the conversations to the next level. So some of these subjects you've heard about before, but we're talking about it in different and unique way. And then some of it is really new and fresh, in terms of what we've discovered really helps to create change and breakthrough specifically for entrepreneurs. So there's some really cool like conversations around neuro emotional coaching, for example, or, you know, just some really interesting ways that you can create those breakthroughs for yourself. And I'm so glad you're on it. Kelly, I absolutely loved our interview, and I can't wait to share it with everyone.

Kelly Sinclair:

Oh, me too. I'm very excited and I'm grateful to be part of this event and share it so please go and sign up at the link below, it's totally free to access and enjoy and connect as well, with the speakers don't just don't just consume. We all love to know that you're hearing the things that we're putting out there. And we invite you, who's speaking on behalf of everybody, like I know them by you to make connections, because you never know. That's how you get to the places that you want to go.

Wendy Collier:

Mm hmm. Yeah, we truly want to connect and all the speakers do with a pretty open door, you know, like yourself, just, you know, go into their DMS, connect, ask them questions. We're all in this together and no one's better than another person. We don't need to put anyone on pedestals. We're just we're in this with you. And we want to help everyone to fulfill their visions and really live their fullest, most fulfilling life.

Kelly Sinclair:

Amazing. Well, thank you so much for sharing today and for putting that event together. And for being with us, Wendy.

Wendy Collier:

Thank you, Kelly. I really enjoyed this. I appreciate it.

Kelly Sinclair:

All right. We'll see you next week on Entrepreneur School.

Kelly Sinclair:

You did it you just listen to another episode of the Entrepreneur School Podcast. It's like you just went to business school while you folded your laundry, prep dinner, or picked up your kids at school. Thank you so much for being here. I want to personally celebrate your commitment to growing your business. You can imagine I'm throwing confetti for you right now. If you enjoyed today's episode, please leave us a review. Make sure you're subscribed and let us know you're listening by screenshotting this episode, and tagging us on Instagram, head to entrepreneurschool.ca for tons of tools and resources to help you grow your business while keeping your family a priority. You can subscribe to our email list and join our community. And until next time, go out there and do the thing.