June 6, 2023

How to Get Clients with Confidence (Part 1)

How to Get Clients with Confidence (Part 1)

Welcome to this special series about how to get clients with CONFIDENCE!

If you are struggling with getting clients and confidently marketing yourself, this series is for you! 

Over these three episodes, I am breaking down:

  • The #1 mistake entrepreneurs make when trying to get more clients
  • How to build your unique GPS system that will guide the way you market yourself 
  • My secret hack to boosting your confidence that will magnetically attract your clients to you
  • How to craft the message that pulls it all together and makes your brand stand out!

Want more? Sign up for the FREE MASTERCLASS: How to get clients without doing MORE marketing

Ready to make your brand shine? Join the waitlist for Brand Message Mastery LIVE where we walk through the exact steps to creating your magnetic brand message that attracts dream clients to you with ease! Be the first to know when doors open for this program that includes self-paced training, worksheets, community and LIVE Q&A support from Kelly! 

Head to www.ksco.ca/bmm to join the waitlist and get a bonus gift from me!

Meet your host:

Kelly is an award-winning marketer and brand strategist, visibility maximizer, and a small-town, girl mom of 2.

Kelly did the corporate thing for over 10 years, climbing the ladder and building a successful career in PR, managing reputations for global companies.

After losing her mum to breast cancer in 2017, she became immensely aware of how short life really is. And when you experience loss like that, you think about life differently. She realized how important it is to do what you love and spend time on what really matters. 

That’s why she started KS&Co. and Entrepreneur School, supporting other mom entrepreneurs chasing their dreams and passions. 

You deserve to be successful in your business! Kelly wants you to make your dreams come true!

She’s your Fairy Brand-mother waving the magic wand to give you the confidence, guidance and support you need to get to your next level of success. 

With an authentic brand and the right marketing strategy customized to you, you will feel unstoppable momentum to make your passion a success!

Connect with Kelly:

Instagram - Podcast: https://www.instagram.com/entrepreneurschoolpodcast/ 

Instagram - Kelly: https://www.instagram.com/ksco_kelly/  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KSComms 

YouTube: youtube.com/@ksco_entrepreneurschool

Website (subscribe to our emails!): www.entrepreneurschool.ca

The Simplified Content System: www.entrepreneurschool.ca/content

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Kelly Sinclair:

When you focus on marketing, because you know that it's something that you have to do, you got to put yourself out there, you have to get visible, you have to have ways for people to actually find you. But you think that, you know, I just need to get myself out there more, I need to get in front of more people. And it's all about the more when you're focusing on more. Without a clear strategy, it can absolutely feel like you're throwing spaghetti at the wall.

Kelly Sinclair:

This is the Entrepreneur School Podcast where we believe you can run a thriving business and still make your family a priority. This show is all about supporting you the emerging or early stage Entrepreneur on your journey from solopreneur. To CEO, while wearing all of the other hats in your life. My name is Kelly Sinclair and I'm a brand and marketing strategist who started a business with two kids under 3am, a corporate PR girl turned entrepreneur after I learned the hard way that life is too short to waste doing things that burn you out. On this show, you'll hear inspiring stories from other business owners on their journey, and learn strategies to help you grow a profitable business, while making it all fit into the life that you want. Welcome to Entrepreneur School.

Kelly Sinclair:

Hello, I'm so excited to bring you a really special series over the next three episodes, entrepreneurs cool podcast. So this series is all about how to confidently get more clients. Because isn't that always the biggest problem that we have in our business? We need clients in order to have a business, we need clients in order to know that the thing that we do is actually helping people because that is what we are here for. We are service minded heart centered business owners, we just want to help people who need the people to actually help. So how do we come across not sail the confident and able to attract those dream clients for our business? Well, this series is for you stick around, if you feel like you're all over the place with your messaging, or your marketing, you kind of have that spaghetti at the wall approach going on, right? Or you just don't really know what the next step is with your business right now. You're not seeing the sales that you desire. And maybe you're just not even attracting the right fit clients. Like you might be bending a little bit saying yes to people who are not necessarily the right ones for you to help. And then you're getting into this situation where you're like working with people who, no, it's not going so well. So we are going to dive into all of that over the next three episodes. And I want to break down first and foremost, the number one mistake that entrepreneurs are making, when it comes to trying to solve this problem, trying to get more clients. And that is more is not more. So when you focus on marketing, because you know that it's something that you have to do, you got to put yourself out there, you have to get visible, you have to have ways for people to actually find you. But you think that, you know, I just need to get myself out there more, I need to get in front of more people. And it's all about the more when you're focusing on more. Without a clear strategy, it can absolutely feel like you're throwing spaghetti at the wall. So in today's episode, we're going to break down the first step in how to fix this problem and how to get the clients that you want and how to do so confidently without feeling salesy without compromising your own values in order to actually get that I'm not going to teach you any like sleazy tactics. I am not about that. That is not what we are here for an entrepreneur school. Okay, so let's dive in. The first step is clarity, clarity about your brand. So the number one thing I want you to know here is that clarity is your map. And I know that my husband if you're listening to this, you're like so proud of me for making a map reference right now. You guys my husband's a geologist he like lives and breathes maps all day long. So yay, to that. The map is your clarity. You know that saying that the best time to have the map is before you enter the forest. Right before you start trying to find your way through. I just having the visualization of the Princess Bride, the the fire swamp when they go into the fire swamp they need to know you know the rodents of unusual size. They need to know about the quicksand. They need to know what to expect like when the like exploding fire things happen. In that show, everybody's gonna go watch The Princess Bride now, and I highly recommend it, I might do that this weekend as well. But when it comes to the map, here your brand is your map and having clarity about your brand, is your GPS, it is what guides you, it's what helps you figure out which way you should go, what way you're going to get there, how fast you need to go in order to arrive at your destination by the time that you want to get there, all of it. Clarity here around your brand is understanding what your brand is all about what you stand for, who your ideal clients are, and how you can serve them. So I was looking for some examples of how to really show you the power of clarity here because it's like, Okay, that's cool, I get it like, but I want to take action, I want to go out and do the things that are going to get me the clients well. Like I said, if you start just taking action without really know where you're where you're coming from, or what you're you without having the GPS, you could end up in an entirely wrong place. So in James clears book, atomic habits, he talks about the example of shifting the route of an aeroplane by just a few degrees. So if a pilot was to fly from Los Angeles to New York City, and make a small adjustment, turning 3.5 degrees south, the plane would actually end up in Washington DC, instead of New York City. So you can see that just that small change, it's barely noticeable at the takeoff. But by the end of the ride, you're hundreds of miles away from your intended jet destination. So clarity is absolutely critical before you start this journey. And as you know, like your GPS can reroute along the way and can help you, you know, take the different turns if you went down a wrong path. And that's okay. But taking some time to actually focus on getting clear about your brand is absolutely imperative. It is what is going to make every decision met better is why I preach about branding all the time and the power of brand as a tool for your growth, for your ability to get clients. It is what is behind absolutely everything. And I'm so passionate about this, I hope you can hear that in my voice.

Kelly Sinclair:

So the second thing that I want to tell you about clarity is that clarity inspires action. So think about this, if you feel stuck, and unclear, you don't know what steps to take next. You don't know which way to go. You don't know, if you should start a podcast or a YouTube channel or go on social media or head down to the local networking event for your business. You don't know what you should do. But when you are clear, you get excited about taking action. You're like, everybody. So excited, and I can't wait to tell them I'm just pumped. That is the difference. And what do you think the differences in the results you can get when you're in one place versus the other?

Kelly Sinclair:

Unclear action. Even if you do make yourself do it, you're kind of like a, I don't know if I should be here, maybe you're at a tradeshow booth. And you're kind of hanging out behind the table. And you're not really sure how to go and engage with people versus a clear inspired action that results in standing out in the middle of the aisle and inviting everyone to come and talk to you and being so excited to share you know your your offers with them and how you can support them and tell them your story and tell them about your business. We more powerful. So when you have clarity, you're going to move forward with confidence. You're going to get results faster, and you're going to make better decisions and create amazing momentum. So I kind of think of this like meal planning, right? I know it's something we have to do every week, we have to eat dinner, we have to eat. So we have to do all the time. And for me when I don't do a meal plan at the beginning of the week, all week long. I'm like questioning. It's haunting me. It's like what's for dinner? What are we going to eat? What do I want, and I can't like connect with any of it. And then I'll end up ordering pizza and then I'll feel guilty about doing that when I really wanted to like have a healthy meal. But when I make the meal plan and I have the clarity, I simply execute it. And I feel really good about what my family's eating. And I feel confident I feel excited and I feel like it's easy. And all of that and even if I decide to order pizza, because I put it on my meal plan I feel better I just changes how I feel about even taking that action. So clarity takes time. And it requires attention and intention. And you're going to be constantly improving this clarity over time. So when you're super clear about your brand, and what it means to you, what it stands for, the way it supports your clients, you are going to get excited to show up in a powerful way. And that is what makes you magnetic to your ideal clients. So the purpose of this episode was really to just show you the power of having that clarity about your brand and how it serves you in attracting your ideal clients. And now you might be thinking, okay, clarity is one thing. So if I spend some time when I get clear, and I have a vision for where I want to go for who I'm all about who I'm trying to serve, how I'm going to support them. That's great. The next thing that comes into play here, is that the confidence to take that action is a whole other beast, right? And I feel you. And once you feel clear enough to take the next step, the thing that's going to get in your way is confidence, self doubt, impostor syndrome, fear of rejection, all of the little Gremlins that live inside your head, they show up fiercely when you're about to take action. And when these big fears show up, you're going to question yourself. So next week, I want you to make sure that you make some time on Tuesday, come back to the podcast, we are going to dive in to confidence and I'm going to be sharing about how to increase your confidence so that you can really attract those dream clients make your dream business a reality. So if you resonated with what we were talking about today, and you're ready to start magnetically attracting your dream clients, I would love to invite you to join the waitlist for brand message mastery live, depending on where when you're listening to this, we are getting ready to open the doors to a live version of my signature program, which I'm so excited about. Because that means I get to come in and do q&a sessions and be there with you and support you along the way. Through this digital courses my signature program. It has resource materials walk you through all these steps, and the life support piece which is absolutely amazing. So if you're looking for a solution to make your brand stand out online, while also feeling confident and excited about showing up authentically, then this is the program for you. So I want you to go to ksco.ca/bmm to join the waitlist now so that you can be the first to know when we open the doors and get a little surprise bonus just for putting yourself on the waitlist. So head there now and I will see you back here next week for the second part of this series all about getting clients with confidence. Bye for now.