Oct. 31, 2023

Boost Your Business Momentum Now

Boost Your Business Momentum Now

When you lose momentum or feel stuck, how do you get yourself back on track?

This episode releases a private training unveiling the KS&Co. Momentum Framework, designed to help you move through fear and analysis paralysis to get yourself the results you want in your business.

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Kelly is an award-winning marketer and brand strategist, visibility maximizer, and a small-town, girl mom of 2

Kelly did the corporate thing for over 10 years, climbing the ladder and building a successful career in PR, managing reputations for global companies.

After losing her mum to breast cancer in 2017, she became immensely aware of how short life really is. And when you experience loss like that, you think about life differently. She realized how important it is to do what you love and spend time on what really matters. 

That’s why she started KS&Co. and Entrepreneur School, supporting other mom entrepreneurs chasing their dreams and passions. 

You deserve to be successful in your business! Kelly wants you to make your dreams come true!

She’s your Fairy Brand-mother waving the magic wand to give you the confidence, guidance and support you need to get to your next level of success. 

With an authentic brand and the right marketing strategy customized to you, you will feel unstoppable momentum to make your passion a success!


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Kelly Sinclair:

Hello, friend, I have a special episode of Entrepreneur School for you today, I recorded this training for an event some time ago. And I have shared it with people inside of my client programs. And today, I wanted to release it to all of you, so that you can benefit from it as well. This training I call momentum training, and it really breaks down a framework around how to get yourself to take action when you feel stuck. So if you have kind of gotten to that place where you're like, I can't get myself to, you know, start again, that whole center, same feeling that we have in our business that we do sometimes when it comes to our own health and, and wellness where when you kind of fall off the bandwagon, it's hard to get back on, the same thing happens in business. And I find that there is one key solution to help you get back on track. And in this training, I walk you through an exercise on how to use it. So you're also going to hear a little bit of extra background information. If you're new here, welcome, you're gonna get the whole story of how things came to be for me, and KsCO and then we're going to walk through these frameworks and talk about action taking and visibility because that is where I guide you from always and from a branding perspective as well. So I know that sometimes we can feel like we're not getting where we want to go nearly as fast as we want to get there. And if you're feeling that frustration right now, this is definitely going to help to re structure the way that you're thinking and get you back on track. So I hope that you enjoy it and send me a message if you do some of the exercises that I encourage you to do inside of this training.

Kelly Sinclair:

This is the Entrepreneur School Podcast where we believe you can run a thriving business and still make your family a priority. This show is all about supporting you the emerging or early stage Entrepreneur on your journey from solopreneur to CEO while wearing all of the other hats in your life. My name is Kelly Sinclair and I'm a brand and marketing strategist who started a business with two kids under three. I'm a corporate PR girl turned entrepreneur after I learned the hard way that life is too short to waste doing things that burn you out. On this show, you'll hear inspiring stories from other business owners on their journey, and learn strategies to help you grow a profitable business while making it all fit into the life that you want. Welcome to Entrepreneur School.

Kelly Sinclair:

Hey, I am Kelly Sinclair, I am the founder of Ks and co and Entrepreneur School. And I am so excited about this training today because I absolutely love talking to entrepreneurs. Before he became one myself, I had so much respect for anyone who would work so hard to pursue their own passion. And then I became an entrepreneur, and I learned it's even harder than it looks. Right? I actually believe that one of the keys to happiness is being able to do something that you're passionate about. We work for an average of a third of our lives. So when you can find work that is meaningful, you will feel more joy, it is so critical that you spend your time intentionally making an impact, doing what you love. And being an entrepreneur is exciting. The possibilities for you are endless. There is no limit to what you can do. You can have absolutely everything that you want and more. And today I'm going to share with you a framework that will show you the one thing you need to do to get the results that you most desire, whether that's only working 20 hours a week, never working a Friday, again, hitting those 10k months, getting on stages, making six figures, taking six weeks of vacation, and just making your impact.

Kelly Sinclair:

So before we dive into that, I want to share a little bit of my story with you. Because the truth is, I never wanted to be an entrepreneur. In fact, I thought there's no way I'm ever going to do that. It seems like too lonely. I like people. I like working with other people too much. And when I was 30 I thought that I had it all figured out. Right? I had all those boxes checked. I was married to my high school sweetheart. I had two beautiful kids with him. We had dog we're homeowners. We traveled to over 20 countries and it was working in my career of public relations. Basically climbing the corporate ladder and a big PR for firm and you know doing what you're supposed to do in life. And my kids were one and three at that time. So we were actually getting them out of bed and into child care by 6am. So that we could be on the road and commuting to the office for seven. And I was drinking all of the coffee. Like all of it, I had my little go mug, and I had a thermos, I would refill it before I even got to work. Because I was a zombie. And I didn't even notice. Until one day I got a call from my dad, while I was in a meeting at work. And he said, Mum had a seizure, and she's in the hospital. She's in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. And I didn't know what to do, I absolutely froze, because even though I knew that this call could come at any time, because my mom had cancer, and it had moved into her brain, I just wasn't really aware of the severity of her health condition at that time. And I was faced with a couple of choices. And every, and both of them seemed very hard. I could stay at work, and feel like I'm letting my family down. Or I could leave my job and feel like I'm letting my team down. Then I decided to leave my job. And eight days later, my mom passed away. And when you experience a loss like that, you think about life differently. And it gives you so much perspective, it becomes clear what really matters. And things like spending more time with my kids, instead of having someone else look after them for 12 hours a day was important, and having the freedom to take them to activities, or appointments without asking for permission. And now one of my favorite things is walking them to school every morning. And in the time that I had after I lost my mom, I did a lot of thinking. And I remember when I went from thinking about starting a business to deciding, I'm starting a business, I went online, I design my own business cards, and they had them rush shipped to my house. So they would be here before a local networking event. And with that one simple action, I started a business. And that was 2017.

Kelly Sinclair:

And when you first start your business, you want everything to happen so fast, you will results and you want them like yesterday. And the truth is that's just doesn't go away ever as an entrepreneur. But I get it like I am as impatient as you probably more so. So I want to share with you today, what I call the Ks momentum framework, which breaks down how to get results in your business. And it looks like this. Step one, feel connected. Step two, do the thing. Step three, get results. So we're going to walk through this backwards, because any good plan starts with knowing where your destination is, where are you going, what are you aiming for, so that we can actually figure out how to get there. So let's talk about the idea of results for a minute. Results are subjective, right results are not just money in your bank account. They're not just financial things, we need to stop thinking that the only way to measure success is by numbers. How many clients how many followers how many views on Instagram, those are not the only ways success. And results as part of that are truly subjective. And they need to be defined by you. You need to understand what you think the results are. And make sure that you're including a lot more of the small wins along the way. Except that the fact that when you take a small step that's making progress, that is a result.

Kelly Sinclair:

Lessons learned along the way when you fail when things don't go as planned. That's the results. That's success as well. And those are so important to experience on your journey. The success itself is in fact a journey and not a destination. It's not something you get to one day, one day when I'm successful. Like let's acknowledge that you already are you took a step. You are out there with your own business. You let go of the security nets around you and you took a risk and that's amazing. So put that right now on your wins sheet in front of you. I started a business success results have already started everything is already flowing to you. So in order to get any results though, something needs to happen. You need to take an action you need to do something. That is why the second part of this framework is do the thing, do that thing. Later on, you're just going to hear me chanting that in the back of your mind, do the thing, do the thing. When you put yourself out there, you enroll someone else in your process. You've heard this before, nothing happens when nothing happens. I don't know why this i this example just came into my mind. But I was watching America's Got Talent recently, it made me think you have this skill, you have a talent, you kind of know that the goal is to get on stage like that, and have like Simon Cowell endorse you, and put his name behind you and tell you you're good. So that you can go on and do the things you want to do in your performance career. Right? So it's like a path is out there for you. You see it all the time on that show? It's like the two minutes that change your life for so many of these people. But what does that look like for you, as a business owner? What are the two minutes that could change your life in your business? Because there isn't just one stage that you can get on and get discovered. And now all of a sudden, you've made it right? So sometimes you don't even really know if the one small action that you're going to take today, or tomorrow is going to be your big break. So what if you could imagine that anything that you do could be the breakthrough that you're looking for? What if your story ends up being that you've sent an email to someone who ended up being a huge client for you, or a referral partner, or a connection, who then introduced you to somebody else that you needed to meet that took you to your next level?

Kelly Sinclair:

Or maybe you went to an event, and you met somebody that changed your life? I think sometimes we we think of life changing events, they have to be these big things, like only huge things can create that kind of result. But it's really not true. I don't know about you. But for me, while I have had a lot of big things happen that have certainly changed my life. It's also been so many small things that also did that shaped the journey I'm on now I like to play this game sometime times called. If I never blank, I would have never blank, like so many things that you don't even think about until you do think about. For me, one of those was the decision of where I went to high school. I had two options. And because I chose the school I went to I met my husband. Did I know that that was the impact of that decision when I was 13 years old? No, exactly. And a lot of these cases for my business have been things like I went to a co working event where I met my first two clients, I went to another event that got me my first speaking engagement, which also led me to becoming the president of my Chamber of Commerce for a period of time, I bought a course that led me to meet so many amazing people who I've collaborated with in my business. I attended a workshop that turned into an awesome business partnership, and led to 1000s of dollars in affiliate commissions. And one time I sent a video DM to Angie Lee, and asked her to be on a summit that I was hosting. And she said yes. And as a result, I got to interview an eight figure business woman. And because I took that action, that same week, somebody asked me what my hourly rate was, and I doubled it. And then she still said yes to working with me. So I was on a roll at that point in time. That's when I really learned that taking action really builds momentum. I heard a story one time from an entrepreneur who told me about how she had gone to a trade show when she was working for her previous employer. She really didn't want to do it. She was like, I hate the golf shirts. I don't want to do the talking to the people all day. But she ended up going there meeting a lady who ultimately became her best client and refers business to her constantly to this day. And she didn't even have a business at that time. So it's really funny how the things that you do, they can take time to percolate and become something else. You don't necessarily even know that when you do them that that's the thing that's critical create the results that you're looking for. So it's really that simple. But if it is that simple, why aren't more people doing it? Why aren't you doing it? Right? It it's your fear. It's your fear. It's what you're telling yourself and also what you're not telling yourself. You are afraid of what will happen if you fail. You're afraid of what will happen if you succeed. You feel like an imposter and you feel unqualified to do what you're trying to do. We all feel that way. I feel that way. I still feel that way. And some days more than others, right. So here's one question that you need to ask Ask yourself, What is the worst that could happen? So next time you're hesitating about taking an action, ask yourself that, what is the worst that could happen? If Angie Lee said no, or she didn't respond to me would be the exact same result, as if I didn't do anything, there was absolutely no possibility that I would get to talk to her, or create a relationship with her if I didn't reach out. Right.

Kelly Sinclair:

So when you can push yourself through that fear, you might also need a little more motivation to take action. And so here's what I think drives it. I believe it's feeling connected to your purpose. When you know that what you're doing for work feels in alignment for you. And it feels like your calling and you're using your gifts, and you know your brand, you're going to feel way more confident to take that action in the first place. So feeling connected being the very first part of this. So we need to come back to anytime we might lose momentum, or feel like we don't want to take action is asking yourself things like, why are you doing this? What is it all for? Who is it all for? And you have that connection to the reason why? So that you can show up and keep trying? Keep putting yourself out there and keep taking action every single day? I want you to start by asking yourself this question. Why is it important that I am successful with my business? And then you're going to go seven levels deep from there. So this is an exercise that I learned from Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. And essentially, you take the answer to the first question, and then you ask yourself, why again? So if you asked, why is it important that I'm successful in my business? And your answer was to create financial freedom for my family, then the next thing you ask is, why is it important to create financial freedom for my family, and then you repeat that seven times. So if you take 15 minutes after this video, to do that exercise, I promise you that you will have a breakthrough when you do it. Because feeling connected is a critical part of creating momentum. And when you feel like you've lost your momentum, you know that feeling like, Oh, I was so good. I was going to the gym, you know, four days a week like I wanted to, and then I didn't go to the gym, and then I didn't want to go back to the gym. What do you need, you need to re motivate yourself, you need to reconnect with a Why are you going to do this work? Why are you going to show up and put in the effort and take the action and take the risks? Right? Why come back to that? No that solidify that for yourself. This is really all of the work that I do with clients around understanding your brand. Because there's a huge piece of internal work there around knowing what you are standing for what you're all about what your purpose is, what your calling is, what what is driving what you're doing. Because when you can believe and how important what you do actually is, you aren't going to stop at nothing to be able to do it. You will stop at nothing, nothing will get in your way you are the only thing right now getting in your way from taking the action that you need to getting you to where you want to go. And if that's the case, then you have complete control and entire power over getting out of your way. So that you can make the impact that you were meant to make in this world.

Kelly Sinclair:

So I want to recap that chaos momentum framework. And steps are feel connected, do the thing, get results. And again, those results might be you learned that that didn't work. So now we're starting again, we're going to take another action, we're going to get more results. We're going to learn more, we're going to keep growing. The core theme to all of this really is action. So what actions should you take because there are truly so many things that you could do that can help move your business forward. But since I'm a branding and marketing strategist, I like to focus on the things that help you create visibility for your business and visibility is the result that comes from taking actions within three categories of what I call the visibility trifecta, which are branding, marketing and PR. So branding is who you are. Marketing is how you tell people about it. And PR is all about building relationships. So I'm gonna unpack this really quickly here. And I'm gonna start with PR because I actually have a degree in it. And I think this is one of the most underutilized strategies when it comes to growing your business.

Kelly Sinclair:

We all know We need to do marketing. But how is PR different is because it's about those relationships, and thinking about who you need to create relationships with that can support your goals, how can you give back to others and create mutually beneficial relationships. Whereas with marketing, you tend to only think about the ideal customer or the person who might buy from you. PR is where you think about strategic partnerships and unique ways to get in front of your ideal audience. And so marketing is a whole overwhelming area, where there are just 1000s of ways that you can actually promote your business. You don't have to do them all, and you can't do them all. And there's also no one size fits all solution, or a single strategy that is going to guarantee to work for your unique business. The most important thing that you need to know when thinking about marketing is who is your audience, and then choose a tool that can actually reach those people, and then be consistent about it. Because one Instagram post or video or reel is not going to make an impact on people, it's doing it repeatedly over time.

Kelly Sinclair:

And then the last piece on branding is, of course, it is mostly internal work, because you need to have this clarity about who you are and who you're for. So you can create the messaging that's going to communicate your brand well. And if you don't know your brand, you really don't know who you're talking to, or what you should say. And that really makes marketing and PR pretty challenging. So that's why you're feeling like you're throwing spaghetti at the wall, if that's how you're feeling we need to come back into what is my brand all about. So as much as possible, the actions that you take in these categories should really be externally facing, they need to involve another person, because when you enroll somebody else in your journey, you're creating additional accountability for yourself to follow through. So some examples of external facing actions, posting on social media for your audience, sending an email, going to an event, publishing a video, getting on a sales call, taking a prospective client for lunch, all of those, but not reading a book, taking a course, downloading another freebie from the internet, doing secondary research, or making plans behind the scenes. So all of these things can be helpful. But since they're not external, they're not going to create that same kind of momentum for you. So I want to make sure that you're doing at least a combination of both of those things. And I want to challenge you to start today, what action are you going to take today, that will reignite your momentum in your business so that you can start getting results faster? I want you to write it down now. And as soon as this video is over, go and do it. And you can open up your visibility challenge calendar, and choose any of the ideas from there. And then send me a DM on Instagram that you have done your action.

Kelly Sinclair:

You did it you just listen to another episode of the Entrepreneur School Podcast. It's like you just went to business school while you folded your laundry, prep dinner or picked up your kids at school. Thank you so much for being here. I want to personally celebrate your commitment to growing your business. You can imagine I'm throwing confetti for you right now. If you enjoyed today's episode, please leave us a review. Make sure you're subscribed and let us know you're listening by screenshotting this episode, and tagging us on Instagram, head to entrepreneur school.ca for tons of tools and resources to help you grow your business while keeping your family a priority. You can subscribe to our email list and join our community. And until next time, go out there and do the thing.