May 2, 2023

3 Types of Marketing You Need to be Doing

3 Types of Marketing You Need to be Doing

This episode is designed to simplify how you think about marketing and reduce your overwhelm by sharing with you the 3 types of marketing you actually should be doing.

There are 3 categories that you can fit all of your marketing efforts into.

Tune in to find out what they are!

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Meet your host:

Kelly is an award-winning marketer and brand strategist, visibility maximizer, and a small-town, girl mom of 2.

Kelly did the corporate thing for over 10 years, climbing the ladder and building a successful career in PR, managing reputations for global companies.

After losing her mum to breast cancer in 2017, she became immensely aware of how short life really is. And when you experience loss like that, you think about life differently. She realized how important it is to do what you love and spend time on what really matters. 

That’s why she started KS&Co. and Entrepreneur School, supporting other mom entrepreneurs chasing their dreams and passions. 

You deserve to be successful in your business! Kelly wants you to make your dreams come true!

She’s your Fairy Brand-mother waving the magic wand to give you the confidence, guidance and support you need to get to your next level of success. 

With an authentic brand and the right marketing strategy customized to you, you will feel unstoppable momentum to make your passion a success!

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Kelly Sinclair:

When you're thinking about your marketing, instead of thinking about I have to be on social media and I have to be not just on Instagram, but Tik Tok and Facebook, and then I have to be on YouTube. And maybe I should start a podcast and how do I do email marketing, you're so overwhelmed by all these things, just go. Do I have something that I am doing intentionally inside of these three categories?

Kelly Sinclair:

This is The Entrepreneur School Podcast where we believe you can run a thriving business and still make your family a priority. This show is all about supporting you the emerging or early stage Entrepreneur on your journey from solopreneur to CEO while wearing all of the other hats in your life. My name is Kelly Sinclair and I'm a brand and marketing strategist who started a business with two kids under 3am, a corporate PR girl turned entrepreneur after I learned the hard way that life is too short to waste doing things that burn you out. On this show, you'll hear inspiring stories from other business owners on their journey, and learn strategies to help you grow a profitable business while making it all fit into the life that you want. Welcome to Entrepreneur School.

Kelly Sinclair:

Okay, I am here with a very practical topic for you today want you to be able to leave this podcast with a really clear idea of the ways that you are doing your marketing, and why. So this episode is all about three types of marketing that you should be doing. And before I dive into what the three types are, and examples that give you lots of examples of each of them, I want to like break a bit of a misconception that is always out there, which is that the type of marketing you do, which I'm going to put words into your mouth, is what you think of as like the tactical thing that like the social media or the website or whether you're on YouTube or Tik Tok, or whatever, that you think that that is the most important piece of the puzzle. But it's not. So there are certainly platforms and again, like I'll key These are words they'll use interchangeably, certainly tactics, tactics is the like the place the medium. And I've said this in other episodes, there's three M's when it comes to marketing, and that's market message and medium, which means you need to know who you're talking to what you're saying and where you're saying it. And our tendency, especially without a marketing background is to be like, and people always ask me, Kelly, where should I be marketing myself. And that is really less important than understanding who you're marketing to, and what to say to them, that is actually going to connect, build relationships and ultimately get to a place where you can convert them into customers. So you have to have those pieces in place. But I'm still going to give you this lens to look at how your marketing, because I think it's important that we understand the intentions, and that we have something that we're doing that fits into each of these three buckets. And that's very on purpose, because marketing is about getting people to buy from you. That is the end goal. The end goal is that you get a customer who gives you money, and then you have a business, right? Pretty basic. So that's the end goal versus like, I have a public relations background and communications degree. So generally speaking, the goal with any type of campaign that we would do with a PR lens would be around shifting beliefs or behaviors or getting perspectives to change. That would be the goal. The goal in marketing is to sell something, right. And that's what you need to do to have a business is to be able to make a sale. So I'll tell you what the three categories are because I know that you're like just get to the point, Kelly, and the three categories of marketing and this is what I would put in any custom plan that I would work with you on building is to have something that you're doing in each of these three areas.

Kelly Sinclair:

Number one, attraction number two, nurturing and number three selling. Okay, so let's dive into what each of those things mean. So that you can figure out if you already are doing something in each of these areas, which Yeah, you let's double down on that or if you need to make sure that you're doing more in One of these areas that you're maybe skipping over. So the attraction marketing is really important because this is how you broaden your pool of people, how you get more people to know who you are, how you expose yourself to more of an audience, and then ultimately collect those people in some kind of way that you can then build relationships with them. So it's very important that any type of attraction marketing you're doing has some kind of call to action, where you're inviting people to continue to have a relationship with you, which means you are inviting them onto your email list, which is the ideal place that you would want. So you'd want to make sure you have a tool or a mechanism in place to capture that meaning a, an email service provider, and you have some kind of a gift that you give them, which we also call a lead magnet or a freebie. And then you are able to have them in a database of some kind, which again, is managed through a lot of different software's called email service providers. And you can can look them up, there's a bazillion types. For I'll give you a recommendation for free MailChimp is pretty darn good flow desk, I've heard a lot of good things from people who like to use that. And it's a really inexpensive tool. And if you want to get a degree in email marketing, then you can try Active Campaign, which is very complex has lots of great data and analytics is what I'm using now. But I found it very challenging to get up to speed on how to use the technology. So there's a little side note on recommendations for those things. So attraction marketing includes things like speaking, if you like speaking, if you'd like to be on stage, whether that's in person or on a podcast, or on an virtual event or on videos or doing IG lives with other people, these are great ways for you to get exposure to a new audience. And again, don't forget to invite them into your own audience that can technically you can technically say that inviting them into your audiences asking them to follow you on social media. But I'm going to talk about that in a minute as far as like social media and its effectiveness. And you being able to break through the noise of everything else is happening on those platforms. So ideally, again, prioritize having a way that you are going to manage email marketing, I'll do a whole other podcast on this because I feel like there's still people out there who go isn't email dead. And it's like now 40% of the people who are in my email list, open my emails. In social media, I get like one to 2% of the people who following follow me engaging in some way with my content or even seeing it, really. So it's quite a lot better to be focusing on the inbox, because that's where people are actually still thinking that they're doing work, right. Their mindset is like, I'm reading my emails, this is work. And they'll do it. So side note on that. Other things that fit into the category of attraction are events. So you either you hosting events where you're bringing people in, and then you're able to start that relationship, or you're going to networking events where you're meeting other people and putting yourself out there. doing podcasts, again, is one of the ways to like us speaking on other people's podcasts, oh, and collaborative marketing. So email lists collaborations, you may or may not have seen that this is a thing, where you can actually either pay or do just like a trade off with somebody to get them to send an email to their audience, and promote your thing. So whether you're hosting of masterclass or you have a free download that you want to give them. And there's a mechanism in place for them to now become part of your audience through somebody else who has, of course, you need to make sure an audience that would be relevant to you that you could serve. And then social media, I will allow it on the attraction category. Because there are times there are there are ways that people can find you and come into your world through your content on social media. So I think social media belongs there. But I also think socially media belongs in category two, which is nurturing. So your nurturing marketing is where you add value and build relationships with the people who are in your space. And that's where they get to know you they hear your story. They start to appreciate your expertise and see you as an authority and what you do and you share It, Tips Tools, perspective shifts, ideas with them, and build those relationships because we need a place like, like, the reality is not very often to somebody find you and like, want to buy from you immediately.

Kelly Sinclair:

You need time, and you need content and sharing in order to take them on that journey from like, cold to sold. So the idea is that you're, you know, sharing stuff with them that they need, that's going to help them move forward in their journey that's going to ultimately get them to want to buy what you have or work with you in whatever capacity it is that you work with your clients. So ways that you can do that are number one, and my most favorite highly recommended, if you do nothing else, please, please figure out how you can incorporate email marketing into your marketing strategy. Because like I said, I have been consistently emailing every single week at least for but five years, I don't know. And that is the one place where I know people are actually seeing what I'm saying. They're actually resonating, I can see they're clicking like the systems tell me this information, you can get statistics from it, it's, it's, it's easy to validate that the effectiveness of that compared to your social media, for example. So definitely thinking about how you can email people regularly what you can be sharing with them, and how you can be adding value and building that relationships are their inbox.

Kelly Sinclair:

Hey, I just want to pop in for a second and chat with you a little bit about content creation, you know, that thing that you know that you're supposed to do in order to get visibility and find clients online? And you know, you're just not finding time to actually do that thing? Because it can be overwhelming to think about? What am I supposed to write? What videos should I be sharing? Where am I going to have the time to make all of the beautiful graphics that go along with having a lovely Instagram page, all of the things? Well, I made for you a tool called the Simplified Content System. And inside of this, you're gonna find exactly what I use to be able to plan and create all of my content in an hour a week. So it's a calendar that you can edit, that you can put in what you're doing where for any kind of platform. So whether you're using Instagram, other social medias, whether you're doing email marketing, whether you're on YouTube, all of it can go in one place that links nicely to this beautiful caption document. And I've also created a number of trainings and templates for you to make it even easier to get your content out and into the world. So that you can be seen, so that you can get clients and so that you still have time to go to all of your kids sports activities. Okay, so you can grab it at

Kelly Sinclair:

Other ways to think about nurturing is definitely all within like the content, strategy, like the type of content you create. So you could have a video show that you do on YouTube. And again, people can find you through YouTube, but they can also follow you and build and deepen a relationship with you through YouTube. So think about that as an option. The social media is nurturing, I think about it as nurturing like that, you're probably talking to a warm audience. Most of the time, when you're putting stuff on social, it's people who already know you a little bit and are there to get to know you more, and ultimately move along that spectrum and their journey of, of seeing your value and wanting to work with you having a podcast. This is a space where I am nurturing you. And I also you might notice that I take this content I posted on social media, and I send it out through my email list. So you don't have to create new stuff for the various different channels that you might be using that fit into this category of nurturing, you can just repurpose it. Very, very good idea saves you a lot of time.

Kelly Sinclair:

And again, like a blog. So my podcast goes on to my website into a blog. So it's all of these things. Really it is a nice, magical tool. If you want to learn more about podcasting, send me a note, I have a fantastic resource who manages my podcast who I would be glad to bring on the show if that's of interest to you. So let me know about that. So that's basically what to think about in terms of nurturing. So you're asking yourself, How can I be calm? simply adding value showing up reminding people that I'm there, and building relationships with them.

Kelly Sinclair:

Which takes me to the third part of the third piece of the third type of marketing that you need to be doing, which is, uh huh, selling. So ultimately, you have to be making offers. At some point, you can't just be like, Oh, I hope you love all my free content. And that, like somebody's gonna reach out and just ask how to work with you like that does happen sometimes. But you have to say, here's how you can work with me, here's the thing I have for sale, here's the workshop I'm doing next week, please come you're invited, like by now, like do the thing and and give them the option and the method for how to do it the call to action for the sale, you have to actually make offers, and have some tools in place that allow you to sell things. So this is why I thought about putting website into this category. Your website is a place where people come to learn a little bit more about you. But it should be a tool that's helping you sell, which means that you should have some kind of system or payment processor or whatnot that is linked into your website that allows people to buy by clicking as easy as you can make that that's the better because any sort of resistance or challenge that people have, like you think about it, if you wanted to buy a shirt, but you had to pick up the phone and call the manufacturer and then ask them to mail it to you. And then you had to go to the post office and pick it up. You just be like, Man, all that bad. But we're lazy people, we need to be able to do things like in the moment when we're emotionally connected and have made the decision, I need to be able to go click now buy now and have it be done. So again, that that depends on what you're selling, and the price point and what it takes for people to actually be, you know, ready to buy it. But having the tools set up that makes it really easy for you to collect money through the internet through your website, I highly recommend. And I actually I'll put a link below because the tool that I use for my online programs, and digital products is called Thrive cart. And it's a very robust shopping cart tool that allows you to collect money online, and it's a really good one time fee price, you have to connect your payment processor to it. So you're still going to pay transaction fees on that. But you buy the shopping cart, and you can install it into any kind of website. And you can use it forever for a one time payment. So I'll put my affiliate link below. Again, that is just saying that as an affiliate link, which means that if you do decide to buy it, I will get a cut a commission, which is awesome. So thanks. Thanks in advance. If you want to talk about it, please send me a message on Instagram.

Kelly Sinclair:

So a few other things that fall into the category of selling is watching. So when you put together a full campaign around selling one particular product or service, so that's going to be a combination of different marketing tools, such as getting more exposure through doing collaborations, doing things like speaking going to events, hosting your own event or masterclass or doing email marketing and social media, all of those things together. Because the end goal of that period of time is going to be you're asking people to buy from you, or work with you to ultimately hand over their credit card in some way, shape or form. I'm pleased that you can do this on a regular basis. This is in your Instagram stories. So if you have a product, like just talk about it more, if you look back on your last week on Instagram, did you tell anyone how they could work with you or what they could buy from you at all? Yeah, I bet the answer is probably not because we tend to get uncomfortable in that situation. But the reality is, that's how we grow our business. And when we grow our business, we're helping more people. So keep that in mind. Like people cannot get the help that they need unless you offer to sell it to them. Okay, so remember, that's your responsibility, email promotions, speaking and doing collaborations are all other ways that you can be making offers. Sometimes there's opportunities to do email collaborations where you sell something. Again, this is just about how you make a deal with somebody else and say, hey, I'll I have this audience, I think they would really benefit from what you have. Let's do some sort of like affiliate JV kind of deal with each other, to promote each other. And that can work really well because you're borrowing the trust that that person has already built with their audience because they're saying, hey, people who love me, I love this person, I respect them. And I'm going to show you show you who they are. And so that like reduces the window of time that it takes from them to just get to know you to be able to trust you and then ultimately want to buy from you. Yeah, so collaborations are huge. And you can sometimes get paid spots on summits that where you pay the host to be able to sell something. So lots of different options like that. But just to like, simplify this all and to summarize this for you, when you're thinking about your marketing, instead of thinking about I have to be on social media, and I have to be not just on Instagram, but Tik Tok and Facebook, and then I have to be on YouTube, and maybe I should start a podcast and how do I do email marketing? You're so overwhelmed by all these things, just go? Do I have something that I am doing intentionally, inside of these three categories? What am I doing to attract new people into my world? Because we always have to be growing our audience in order to be able to grow our business? What am I doing to nurture the people who are here, because everyone's going to be on their different timeline in terms of how long it takes them to be ready for what you have to offer them? And how am I making sure that I am offering them something that I am actually telling them how to work with me, because if you don't do that, they're not, they're not going to figure it out by themselves as your job, you have to tell them how to work with you. So I hope that you found this helpful, this sort of different way of looking at a marketing strategy. And in a way that can be less overwhelming for you. It's simplify it if you literally only do three things, you have one attraction strategy, you have one nurturing tool, and you have one way that you sell and you connect them all together, you can be testing that and seeing how it works. Like if attraction for you. And what you love doing is going to networking events, and you manage to like collect a lot of business cards and like build relationships, you go on with your bad self keep doing that, if you're looking for a new way. And actually I didn't even mention advertising, but ads can definitely be used in the attraction piece to like generate leads, then you just double down on doing your ads, if that's working, if it's not working, look at something else, right? And give things a little bit of time before you change them. Because when we change our our strategy and our approach, like every 30 days, you're not going to get enough data to know whether that was actually working, you're just impatient. And I say that would love. So hopefully you enjoyed this episode, if something resonated with you, please, please send me a message. If you have any questions about what we talked about here today, let me know I do actually do like strategy calls with people to help you figure out what would be the best way for you to actually market yourself. Because the thing that frustrates me the most is when somebody goes out there and they say, here's exactly what you need to do and follow exactly my steps. And then you're gonna have amazing results too. And it's like, that's great. Thank you, I'm so glad that you are able to achieve what you achieved doing what you did. But there's so many factors involved here. And one of those factors is whether or not you actually want to do that thing. Like if I said, my business blew up as soon as I started a podcast, and you're like, No way am I ever gonna do a podcast, then don't like, there's other people who have very successful businesses without any of these things. They're old school, like they get word of mouth referrals, their entire business grows from customers, like, there's a lot of different ways. So everything has the potential to work for you. And if you want to know how to customize that truly to you, please send me a note. And we can work together and do a strategy call and they will give you a beautiful little document with your custom marketing strategy right inside of it. Until then, go out there and do the thing.