Sept. 29, 2022

The Missing Link | Ep.18

The Missing Link | Ep.18

Are you an energetic match for 5-figure months? Are you an energetic match to attract your dream clients? There is a LOT of talk about becoming an energetic match and manifesting all you desire in business, but there is a missing link that isn’t often talked about and it is often the reason entrepreneurs don’t“receive” what they manifest. It’s time we have a conversation about this.

I invite you to reach out to me and have a conversation. You can simply  CLICK HERE to book a FREE Call or connect with me on IG @theresalambertcoaching

About the Host:

Theresa Lambert is an Online Business Strategy Coach with an impressive hotelier background in luxury Hospitality in the #1 Ski Resort in North America. She supports Female Coaches and Service based Entrepreneurs to get their first clients or scale to 6 figures and beyond through strategic, tangible, and practical support.  Her mission: To make Business EASY so your life can be more FULL.

In 2020 Theresa became the Bestselling Author of her book  Achieve with Grace: A guide to elegance and effectiveness in intense workplaces. She is also a Speaker and the Podcast co-host of Dissecting Success.

Theresa has been recognized as a business leader in Whistler’s Profiles of Excellence, and is being featured in publications such as Hotelier Magazine, Thrive Global and Authority Magazine.

Instagram: @theresalambertcoaching


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Theresa Lambert:

I believe in divine timing. I believe that the right people information, wisdom, guidance, heck things arrive when we're ready for them. I believe that owning our own truth unconditionally is the path to not only creative fulfillment, but more about success and abundance. This is not only a podcast to help you get strategic and mastered a position of success. It's a declaration to share the truth. It's a commitment to keep going to make it happen no matter what. It's an activation and invitation for me for you and for us to play a bigger game. So my question for you is this. Do you really want it? Do you really want to make your dreams come true? Do you really want to become a six figure coach? Welcome to the diaries of a six figure coach podcast, I am your host, Theresa Lambert, and I dare you to get ready to show up, boss up and make it happen.

Theresa Lambert:

I am so excited to have this juicy conversation with you today. Around being an energetic match. And the missing link the missing link. Oh my goodness, there is so so much noise and so many conversations happening around manifestation around becoming an energetic match for your desires becoming an energetic match. Now let it change your business for $10,000, month, $20,000 month, $30,000 month, you name it becoming an energetic match to be a six figure business owner. All these conversations and they are incredible. They are incredible conversations. And I love it. I love it. I believe that this spiritual piece, I believe that understanding energetics understanding manifestation is a very powerful tool that we can use. And as somebody who believes that business is spiritual, I believe that our spiritual practices, rituals, and what we do to energetically align and move energetically in a way that feels good for us and really connects us with how we desire to feel ultimately in our lives and in our businesses, is essential in order to be able to build the kind of business that we want and to scale our businesses to a certain level. So I understand the principle of manifestation. I am a a lifelong student, I would say I believe in the continuous growth and continuous evolution. I always study energetics the spiritual side of me is something that I'm really devoted to. And I believe that that is really, really important because it gives us so much more than just manifesting things into existence. Right? Like I think at a deeper level, it's really about finding true contentment, fulfillment, joy, happiness, love, and being able to create from a place of gratitude from a place of peace, from a place of power. And that all comes down to coming back home to to ourselves, recognizing who we are remembering who we are, and I help my clients remember who they are at a very deep level, at a soul level at a way where we can really feel deeply connected. And when we feel deeply connected. In that way, we actually build safety and security and not just through our system structures and strategies, but also through the way we are devoted to our spiritual practices and to ourselves and to our own growth and evolution and to, to the feeling and the emotions that we want to experience in this lifetime. Not just the things we want to manifest. But I wanted to make this conversation and have this conversation with you around the missing link, the missing link between being an energetic match and actually being able to experiencing those results in your business. And I think it's an important conversation to have, because it's something that isn't always spoken about. And I'm currently in continuously looking into studying the law of attraction, and how that all works. But ultimately what I've learned through all my time on devoting myself to the most spiritual side to the energetic side, but also the mindset work, which I believe is a key part of it all. I also started to notice the disconnect the disconnect between feeling like oh my god, I'm just not an energetic match for five figure months and it's just not happening for me and I'm stuck at this level but I'm doing all these things and spiritually, like I believe, and I'm in the emotion, and I'm in the feeling, and, and all these things, but it's just not happening.

Theresa Lambert:

And what I have seen with that is that the whole idea of becoming an energetic match for five figure months or six figure business or whatever the thing is that you want tangible in your business, we become so obsessed around being an energetic match, that we lose sight of some of the things that practically have got to be in place in your business to actually be able to experience a five figure one or two experience, how to have a six figure business or multiple six figure business, right? I'm talking money now. And one of the greatest things here is that I meet entrepreneurs, I meet with the coaches, I meet other business owners, who are very spiritual, what into manifestation, we're doing what they can, but who feel frustrated, because they're like, I don't know, I'm just still not a match. But when I have conversations, and when we talk about it, it turns out that their business model and what they have practically in place, isn't actually able to produce that results. Meaning they may not even have an offer, or offers that they can sell that add up to $10,000. Because they haven't looked at their money, they haven't looked at how can I actually get there practically logically, they haven't tapped into the mind, because they're so focused on that spiritual piece moving with the intuition, setting prices intuitively. And that is beautiful. I believe that there is a is a part of that. That's so essential. I really believe in Dee Dee, union of the masculine and feminine energetics, the union of the spirituality and the business strategy, the tangible, the logical, the union of having faith and trust in the process, knowing that what you desire is ultimately what you're manifesting, it's already here, you already have it like it is coming, it's on a, it's already on its way to you, the moment you created, but understanding that in order for that to happen, we actually have to take action, we actually have to move towards it. So in order to attract that what we want in order to manifest that what we want, we have to be doing both, we have to be in the energetics we have to be in the emotion, we have to be in a feeling we have to be working on our beliefs, we have to be in the possibility and holding that possibility with a with an open heart and open mind. And a real believe that yes, this is a possibility. And I'm living into this possibility. While at the same time, each and every day, we show up and we take the actions and we put the things in place the systems in place the strategies in place to actually support that. And I'm talking tangible things now. Right, I'm talking the I desire $10,000 month I desire $100,000 business, I want to be an energetic match for six figures in my bank account, right? There is an action that is required from you, that you've got to do just sitting on your sofa, becoming a master manifester. But not ever leaving the house or having conversations with anyone or talking about your business or having an offer that you could even sell isn't going to work. And so we get often pulled in so deep into the energetic so much into the feminine, and it's so beautiful and so cozy and so, so graceful and so elegant, and so soft. And so then we're creating, and we're doing all these things, but we're so inward with so much in that side, that we we almost become advisors to the other thing that is required, which is the action and which is the thing that needs to be in place for you to be able to do that. And a very good offer is one of them. Your messaging would be another being able to actually position what you're selling in a way that people want it showing up and having conversations building true connection. So you might be able to get referrals, meeting people.

Theresa Lambert:

We've got to be able to do both. There is a strategy, and there's structures and there's things you've got to do. Sometimes it might be actually sitting down and dealing with your finances. Being responsible for your money, not just making money, but also being able to manage your money and being able to be responsible with your money and being able to actually know what is coming in and what is going out. Right. There's tangible pieces we have to be doing both. We have to be in the experience in the emotion And in the feeling in the belief in the possibility, moving with the faith, moving with the trust, having the love for ourselves, for all the fuck ups roll the times, it's not working for the times where we're showing up and taking the actions and we don't see the results, we have to be able to do the inner work. I call this the unsexy inner work, the mindset work to be able to remain open to the possibility and open to receiving and, and keeping an open heart and an open mind and staying devoted to all practices that are good for us that makes sure our capacity is now energies, there we are in the feeling that motion that we want, we really are working on the faith to trust the deepening the soul connection, all these things, while we are taking the actions that aligned with that we are moving with doing things. And those things get to feel good, they get to feel the same way you want to feel and that is the thing. But this is what's not often spoken about. So we talk about becoming an energetic match, we talk about manifestation. And then a lot of people at all this shame on to themselves around not being there already not being good enough for them manifestations not being good enough for the desires, feeling, feeling guilty for not being able to do it and be this energetic match. And it becomes this obsession to become an energetic match. When what you really want to do is add a layoff perspective, change the way you look at it. Are you taking the actions that align with that? Do you have the office that allow you to make $10,000? Do you have a business model that's compatible with six figures? Are you able with that business model? Do you actually have the energy and the manpower or woman power to make it happen? You have to systems processes and automations in place to support you. So you can have a good night's sleep at night and you're not going to be stressed out and don't even know are you able to actually have the ability to make it happen practically as much as spiritually, energetically. And this is something that I believe we need to talk about more, because we don't need more entrepreneurs feeling shameful or guilty or, or wondering why is it just not working for me, I'm doing all this in obok, I'm doing all this stuff. I'm working on my beliefs and working on my energetics. I'm working on my alignments. I have my spiritual practices, I'm devoted, I'm open, I'm loving, I'm open to receive of doubt with my money stuff, and my stories. But here I am. And it's not working. And there are some voices in this industry milk box is one of them. And, and I can't wait to have on this podcast to talk about manifestation. And she talks a lot about holding compassion, instead of shaming ourselves when things don't come in. And she talks about manifestation not just being things and I love her being such an authentic voice because it's not often spoken about. And I feel blessed that I've been able to learn from her as well. And there's other incredible beings that I got to work with, and I'm working with that are helping me understand how this all works, how to spiritual sidewalks, and some of it is very sacred. And this is important work, us being able to open ourselves up to the possibility to have the Vala to have the personal courage to have the compassion to faith to trust, the confidence to move with certainty in uncertainty, while also showing up and taking the actions that allow us to be able to bring it into this existing to bring it into the now to receive it now. We have got to do both. We've got to do both, and we have to talk about it. So if you are someone who's been in your feminine, you've been manifesting, you've been working on becoming an energetic match, I want you to take some time and really think about practically, am I taking the actions that can get me there?

Theresa Lambert:

bracket up? Am I taking the actions my offers? Do they add up? Like is it actually possible for me to get to the $10,000? Right. A few episodes ago, I spoke about the the business review and I invited you to get in touch with me and you can still just get in touch with me if you're listening to this, and it resonates and you want to ask me questions. You want to have a conversation. Let's have a conversation. Let's create a safe space where we can be open with each other no BS stories. You don't need to come to me. Not sure what's going on beneath the surface because I understand what it's like to Senzo what's really going on too. I understand what it's like to feel shame that you're not an energetic match. I understand What it's like to be like, Why isn't this working. But I'm also a strategist and a CEO. I'm also a coach and a mentor who believes that it's really important that we understand both pieces. And we really have to understand that both are important. Masculine and Feminine together. It's not one or the other. It's both. It's not just mindset and energetics. It is also strategy and logic. It is both when it comes to so many things, but especially when it comes to business, and I will always bring it back to business because that is what I do. I help my clients scale their businesses. I help my clients launch their businesses, I help my clients create offers that sell. And we work on both. Being able to be in the emotions, the energetic divide that we want to create, right, I got all about building a business with a vibe. This is it because when we're in the vibe in the emotion, the way we want to feel we are naturally becoming the person and embodying the emotions and energetics that is a match to what we desire, while we're taking the actions and having the audacity and the voller, to show up again and again and to do what we do, and to show up for it consistency to build the trust with our audience to build the trust of our clients to give the experiences that ignite people that move people to take actions to buy to join us to stay with us to be on this journey together. We need both in order to be able to scale our businesses. And we have to talk about this. So don't shame yourself. If it's not working. Don't beat yourself up. If you're hustling and grinding and you will add capacity and you're like, Oh my God, I wish I would have even time for some of these other things. And I'm blocked and it's not working anymore. You might need to bring in some of the spiritual practices, you might need to be devoting yourself more to your reps to yourself care to the emotions and energetics of your business and of your life. We've got to do both. So I'm always here for conversations, you can reach me on my instagram at Theresa Lambert coaching. You can always set up a call with me, I'll just leave the link below and you can hop in and we can have a conversation. But I believe this is an important topic. And I'm excited to talk about this more, because I believe we really need both. So I can't wait to hear what came out for you from this episode of diaries of a six figure coach. Next time I'm tuning in. I will actually be in buenos aires. I'm off to Argentina. I cannot wait. Thank you for being part of my community. Thank you for being here and listening to this podcast. It means the world to me, and I can't wait to dive in with more juicy juicy juicy topics soon. I will talk with you soon. And this is it for another episode. Take care.