Sept. 1, 2022

The First Flight | Ep.14

The First Flight | Ep.14

Here we go, recording this from Vancouver International Airport. I am literally about to take my first flight, and this one is physical, but also spiritual and energetical. Tune in as I chat about the ebb and flow of life, business and how embracing it allows you to scale in feminine flow. Time to let go of all you fear to lose, so you can create lightness in your step and draw power from source to generate the momentum that creates quantum leaps. Are you ready for your first flight?

For those of you ready to scale to $10K, here is the link to join my upcoming FREE

Masterclass. You will get instant access to the replay


About the Host:

Theresa Lambert is an Online Business Strategy Coach with an impressive hotelier background in luxury Hospitality in the #1 Ski Resort in North America. She supports Female Coaches and Service based Entrepreneurs to get their first clients or scale to 6 figures and beyond through strategic, tangible, and practical support.  Her mission: To make Business EASY so your life can be more FULL.

In 2020 Theresa became the Bestselling Author of her book  Achieve with Grace: A guide to elegance and effectiveness in intense workplaces. She is also a Speaker and the Podcast co-host of Dissecting Success.

Theresa has been recognized as a business leader in Whistler’s Profiles of Excellence, and is being featured in publications such as Hotelier Magazine, Thrive Global and Authority Magazine.

Instagram: @theresalambertcoaching


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Theresa Lambert:

I believe in divine timing. I believe that the right people information, wisdom, guidance, heck things arrive when we're ready for them. I believe that owning our own truth unconditionally is the path to not only creative fulfillment, but more about success and abundance. This is not only a podcast to help you get strategic and mastered a position of success. It's a declaration to share the truth. It's a commitment to keep going to make it happen no matter what. It's an activation and invitation for me for you and for us to play a bigger game. So my question for you is this. Do you really want it? Do you really want to make your dreams come true? Do you really want to become a six figure coach? Welcome to the diaries of a six figure coach podcast, I am your host, Theresa Lambert. And I dare you to get ready to show up, boss up and make it happen.

Theresa Lambert:

Hello, and welcome back to another episode of diaries of a six figure coach podcast. I am tuning in from Vancouver International Airport, I'm actually staying at the beautiful Fairmont Hotel. And I literally have been watching planes leave and take off all morning. How amazing is this? So I had talked about doing an episode from every airport that I'm going to be in. And this is the first one, this is the first flight I am off to Toronto boarding a plane in just a few hours. And I feel amazing, I feel really, really good. And one of the things that I was thinking about this morning, and these episodes by the way are going to be super fluid around what's what's in my space. But I'm thinking about as I'm about to take off to a new place. And I was thinking about this quote from Yoda, let go of everything you are afraid to lose, let go of everything you're afraid to lose. And this feels so relevant in this moment in time in my life, but also in business when we are looking to scale. And we can scale anything, you could scale your life, you can scale love, you can scale business, you can scale like everything really. And the best way of doing it is by letting go by surrendering all the stuff, all the things like think of how much you carry on your shoulders, day to day, think off all the thoughts, you know, I was talking about the thoughts of not enoughness last week and how heavy they are and how much space they take up in your heart. And so when we learn and when we train ourselves to let go of everything we feel to lose, what we're doing is we're taking the weight off, we all creating space in our hearts into space to open ourselves up to receive space to show up with a different energy and a different vibe and a different frequency with a different feeling and emotion. And the thing that keeps coming up for me again and again as I have perched as I have collapsed as I have dismantled as I've let go of so much and I'm literally traveling with one bag and I carry on in a backpack. I literally have simplified so much. And I feel light, I feel light and I've simplified in my life I've let go off so much that I was afraid to let go off including having a home base including knowing all the places I'm going to including having all the answers or knowing what it's all going to look like or how I'm going to navigate it or how I'm gonna like it. And like there was so many fields that have come with this. And I let them all go because through the last couple of months, that has been the process that I have in and now I feel lighter than ever I feel more grounded than ever. But at the same time with the lightness that has come with the groundedness I have come I feel more powerful. I feel more ready. I feel like now I can actually scale to my next level. I feel like now we can actually have this forward motion again like when you think about ebb and flow. I've been like in like the app, I've been like pulling and pulling and pulling in and I want to use like almost like a tsunami wave as like this. This example is that like it pulls in and it pulls all the water back and when we pull all the water back

Theresa Lambert:

through this process of letting go of your fears of everything you fear to lose letting go of it also rendering through this process, we are pulling it all away, we're pulling it all away, so the water draws out. And it exposes massive areas of land that previously were never exposed. So think of the level of clarity and awareness you're able to have by pulling back. And actually, it's almost like this just motion that's like we're pulling back. We're gaining strength, we're, we're creating the clarity and the awareness that we need, we can implement the things we need to implement the systems, the processes, the strategies to be able to then move. And so what happens when we get to the edge, when we get to the very back edge we have drawn in so much. And then before we move forward, back into like the flow back into our full force of nature going in this direction we're heading, we're actually drawing up. We're drawing the power up, and it's almost like on on the soul level, I really feel right now I am grounded, both feet attached to the ground. And I am literally drawing energy up from the ground up. And I'm about to go. Forward, forward. And the ebb and flow is natural, and it happens all the time. But really, we're drawing in an up this, this whole idea even of drawing up Think of how much lightness, you you got to almost have a you get to have so much lightness, drawing up, drawing energy from the ground from mother nature from source up, and then we go forward. So we're up and forward. And this actually reminds me of this movement. I do with my amazing, amazing coach who has helped me navigate. Audrey, who is an incredible divorce coach, but she's also a Reiki Master, I can call her a Reiki Master and a yoga teacher. So we do weekly movement sessions together and we do Reiki together and holy moly my Reiki session we've had the other day like this job energy for my heart center was something I have never experienced. We're doing Reiki long diff since she's in Hawaii, it was wild. But we do this movement, where we're like our letting go of everything and then calling in what we want to call in. And so this just reminded me, but this ebb and flow, right the lightness that we create. So we get to be grounded, feet on the ground, peaceful, grounded, poised, graceful, and then we draw up and we can now move in this beautiful flow forward. And that is what it feels like to me. So whenever we go through these phases of change through these phases off upheaval, through this phase of dismantling when things are happening in our life, and our business, in our relationships, with in our health, where we are being called to put on our attention somewhere else, and to rethink the way we have been doing things we're being given a gift, the gift of experience, the gift of getting to shift our perspective and our viewpoint of how we see something. And consequently, when we change that perspective, I've been talking about that, right? When we change the perspective, we can change the way we approach the thing we're doing. And so in the context of business and scaling, I believe this is so important. Because the lightness we create letting go of all these things. And then creating the internal change and shift and way we look at things allows us to then make better decision because we have more clarity, because we've been pulling back we've exposed what we needed to see we have created awareness, this is power. And through the power of clarity, awareness of letting go of all these fears, right? That keep you at the starting line and have you not moving because you almost feel like you're shackled. At the starting line. All of a sudden the shackles fall off and you're moving with lightness in your step. You're like literally like I'm so glad I can fly. And this is the first flight. This is the first flight and I am literally taking the first flight physically today. I have been flying for a while I have been flying for a while and when we work together we get to fly together. But this

Theresa Lambert:

is how it works. Right? So we make it mean often so much when we go through these periods in business where we're not having new sales or we're not hitting our goals or we're not doing this and not doing that and and the thing is understanding that sometimes in order to be able to scale to what's next. We really You have to take the time, and make the time to allow the app to happen to draw back so we can expose everything that we see. Right. And of course, that does take time. And I've mentioned this already the last time but now that I am creating for you that I am like literally having you dump your business model onto me, and then I go into my creation, water vortex putting my CEO and creator hat on for you for your business and creating for you, we can literally collapse the amount of time it takes to pull back and to be an ebb. And then when we start to implement together, when we start to integrate together, what we'll do is we draw the power up. And then we move, we move together, we create momentum together, we've lived together because what I was doing for you is taking the bottlenecks away, making your business model scalable, making your offers irresistible, all these little pieces right now you can do this on your own, you can absolutely do this on your own, and you know, I have things available to help you do it. But when it comes to this scaling idea, and how we do it and feminine flow, and how we take the first flight, this is the feeling I want you to think about, I want you to stop making it mean that when things are not moving forward all the time, this is not a natural way of doing things anyways, ebb and flow, we have been flow we ebb and flow, right? So pulling back, pulling back this motion, I want you to embrace this, so that you can take your first flight, not physically but energetically in your business. Right? There's something beautiful, I heard somebody say, and I can't remember who it was, maybe I could originate it. I don't know, I feel like I read it somewhere. And so so if you know who said it, let me know, I would love to credit that person. But it was this whole idea of flow in the low and fly in the high. And it's almost like we flow when it ends and we fly when we float around. But literally, I really I'm feeling connected to this so much. And I would love to know how this message lands for you today. As I'm recording this from the airport taking a first physical flight, how does it land for you to take flight by have embracing the space where we're pulling back, ebbing, pulling back, creating, bringing everything to the surface that we need to see so that we create the clarity and the awareness for us to then feel grounded, peaceful, centered, ready, drawing power up from source itself, and then move, move with flow. Oh, like, I literally like feel like goose bumpy like saying this. So if it lands, make sure you tag me at Teresa Lambert coaching on my Instagram or send me a DM or comment below this video here on YouTube. So that I know that I know how this message lands for you. But this is really for me how we scale and feminine flow. It's really about this process of letting go surrendering, pulling back. And then being able to have this clarity and awareness so that we can put the right systems in place the right strategies in place, and the right processes in place to help us get from where we are now to where we ultimately desire to go. And there's always this process, right? Like if you're an ambitious entrepreneur like me, there's always going to be a more on top of the more that you've created, there's always going to be a layer to your next level, there's always going to be a depth to uncover. And when we draw out and then up and have that lightness we float. And we scale and we grow and that gets to happen fast. It's a million little steps you'll take to create a quantum leap, not one, it's a million little steps. But here's how we do it back. Up and out. It's like this might be like my new like my new like Zen thing that I'm gonna do like literally I'm gonna stand up here you're not YouTube and I'm literally going to be like when

Theresa Lambert:

these times happen, where we are in, in this change where we're scaling Systemising where things aren't moving as fast enough and we get in this like, why is it that moving fast enough kind of energy. I am going to be literally doing this like as like a physical exercise like putting my hands out and imagining like drawing back and literally visualizing as I close As my eyes and you can do this, you can stand up. Even if you don't see me on my YouTube stand up for a second, close your eyes, put your hands out in front of you with an open palm facing up. And you literally want to sort of draw your elbows in towards your chest towards your heart, draw your shoulders back, like literally pull it in, all the way as far as you can go. And imagine that you're pulling back the ocean, exposing everything gaining clarity, seeing what you want to see, imagine being the water and pulling back as you pull back your hands. Take a deep breath in. And then as you pull your hands up to the sky up all the way to your chest, hold the breath. And then move it out with your hands and exhale. Let's do one more. Inhale, pull it back, palms facing up. Hold your breath and draw your hands up. So you feel the power surging through you up with all your lightness, and then push it forward and exhale. This feels powerful. And I am so going to be doing this visualization for the scale to 10k masterclass. By the time this airs, this has already happened. But there's a link, you can still join, you'll still be able to catch the replay either inside the Facebook group, I'm going to put it in the living room, which is my beautiful space where there's all sorts of golden nuggets, goodies master classes for you, which is what you get access to when you join my newsletter. So that is really fun. So this is where it's at. Let's take the first flight together, physically, energetically, spiritually in your business. Let's take the flight together. Let's embrace this ebb and flow. Let's welcome it and Let's surrender and let go of everything that you lose fear to lose, and see what the heck happens. I am so excited to see what is going to be transpiring to see what is going to be happening from this day forward from now. We always live in the now. And right now I am feeling with this first flight. It stands for all the possibility all the abundance, all the greatness all the goodness, all the desire. I've come a long way and you're on this journey with me and I'm so happy to see what's going to happen. And living with you through this is just such a blessing and such a gift and it is my greatest joy to take you on this journey with me to take you on this journey with me to have you as leaders be here in this space with me. Listen to me connect with this. You will you may never know how much this truly means to me unless you come into my wealth fully and really walk with me closely. But regardless, we're in this together. We're going to do this together and I'm so excited to hear how you're going to take flight. Make sure you tag me I want to hear from you. I love connecting with my community. I love making friends on the internet. I love you so much. I better pack up now and go check in for my flight. And I will be recording the next episodes from Toronto. chat with you soon. Take care