Dec. 29, 2022

The Beginning Line | Ep.31

The Beginning Line | Ep.31

This is It, the final episode for 2022!  We are about to cross what I call “The Beginning Line” to a new year.

Everything you have done this year, every seed you planted, the impact you have made, the momentum that you have created is coming into 2023 with you.

Tune in as I riff about lessons learned in 2022, what it means to cross the beginning line and how to ring in the new year standing in your power.

Happy New Year,

T xxx

PS: The Strategic Mastermind  kicks off on January 2nd. Come and let’s make 2023 your biggest and most profitable year yet! Limited spots available. DM me to chat more 

About the Host:

Theresa Lambert is an Online Business Strategy Coach with an impressive hotelier background in luxury Hospitality in the #1 Ski Resort in North America. She supports Female Coaches and Service based Entrepreneurs to get their first clients or scale to 6 figures and beyond through strategic, tangible, and practical support.  Her mission: To make Business EASY so your life can be more FULL.

In 2020 Theresa became the Bestselling Author of her book  Achieve with Grace: A guide to elegance and effectiveness in intense workplaces. She is also a Speaker and the Podcast co-host of Dissecting Success.

Theresa has been recognized as a business leader in Whistler’s Profiles of Excellence, and is being featured in publications such as Hotelier Magazine, Thrive Global and Authority Magazine.

Instagram: @theresalambertcoaching


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Theresa Lambert:

I believe in divine timing. I believe that the right people information, wisdom, guidance, heck things arrive when we're ready for them. I believe that owning our own truth unconditionally is the path to not only creative fulfillment, but more about success and abundance. This is not only a podcast to help you get strategic and mastered a position of success. It's a declaration to share the truth. It's a commitment to keep going to make it happen no matter what. It's an activation and invitation for me for you and for us to play a bigger game. So my question for you is this. Do you really want it? Do you really want to make your dreams come true? Do you really want to become a six figure coach? Welcome to the diaries of a six figure coach podcast, I am your host, Theresa Lambert, and I dare you to get ready to show up, boss up and make it happen.

Theresa Lambert:

Here we are. This is the final episode of diaries of a six figure coach podcast before we are in the new year, before we are in the new year. And I wanted to talk about the beginning line, the beginning line, this was a big reframe for me. And I want to talk about that while also talking about 2022 and what I've learned and where I'm at. So where are my ads right now I am actually still sitting in my little studio in Costa Rica. But when this episode airs, I will be in Tulum. And if you're following me at Teresa Longwood coaching, you will see new vibes from Toulouse, I would have been settled in by now, and arrived in my place into loom. And I'm going to be staying there until the end of March. And one thing that I can tell us that I'm really excited to be in one place for three and a half months. Very, very excited. So physically, I'm going to be into loom mentally and emotionally, God freaking knows where I'll be on this day. But one thing that I know for sure, it's proud, proud. I'm really, really proud of myself. How have navigated this year, where I'm at, and how I have been redefining traditional pillars of stability. Does, it's been a really, really big one for me. I grew up little bit of background. I grew up moving a lot, I actually moved 26 times by the time I was 21. So I lived in one place less than a year on average. And so having lived in Whistler BC for 16 years, and having owned a home and lived there for 11 years with my ex husband became a real pillar of stability for me something that I was really proud of something that I was really feeling incredibly good about safe about building a future. And so letting that go was a big thing to me letting that go. Moving on and restarting my life was huge. And I feel emotional. Because there was a lot of grieving around that. A lot of craving. And that's okay. And in order to to do this in order to change my life, in order to make the decision that felt like it was the one that fell true to me. That was the loving decision to make. I was faced with letting that go. I was faced with moving on from people from places but from ideas. And I started rebuilding these pillars of stability for me. And they are no longer based around having an address with a study home. They're no longer based around my relationship status. They're no longer based video around things like my title or my job. What I do, but instead, I have been redefining pillows of stability around how I feel, day after day, and staying true to that creating the feeling of home, being connected with my purpose, being devoted to my spirituality to be tuned into my intuition, not the kind of pillars of stability that we're used to atop. And I'm proud of myself for that. Because getting to this point, wasn't easy. And it took up a lot of garbage. And not surprisingly, that was an episode ollie on this podcast that was called buckets of courage. Because we all have so much courage inside of us. And I think we don't often go there. And if 2022 has taught me anything, it's that I have a tremendous amount of courage. I'm a bold person, and I get to own that I make moves big ones. I make decisions in alignment with what I know to be true at a soul level, how a desire to feel what's the most loving thing, even if that means making sacrifices, even if that means taking risks, even if that means letting go off beliefs and thoughts that I valued and cherished for so long. And that is huge. That is that is really huge. And I'm proud of myself for that. And I'm also proud of myself for really dismantling my business in that sense, and getting clear on what was working for me and what wasn't as we're heading into the next year. And you know, a lot of people are talking about the recession, what's going to happen, there is fear, people are worried will I'll be able to build my business will I be able to do it is it going to impact me and I am going into the coming year with this clarity that I am meant to be serving and high level mentorship spaces in intimate spaces, my one to one my masterminds, which are all high ticket programs. And I do have some clauses that people can tap into. But interestingly enough, I made all those decisions. From a balanced place and from what feels good and true for me on the inside. Not considering the economy factors not considering things outside of me. But because I know at that level, I will be able to guide support serve my clients in a way that allows them to continue to get the results regardless of the economy that we have. And that's another bold statement to make. But I really believe that I believe that regardless of what's happening in the economy, there's always opportunities, I believe that we can continue to have businesses that support us that have us feel safe, that allow us to to live the way we want to live, regardless of what happens on the outside. And that can only happen though if internally, your whole and you're balanced and you're certain and you create that connection and that safety from within. And then your results on the outside will be able to reflect that. So how you're feeling on the inside how you're showing up, the way you make decision, the way you even plan your business, right? We've been diving into that, when it's all aligned with how you want to feel when it's aligned. Intuitively, when it's really true to you, you are going to be able to create results that are tremendous. And I truly believe that you can do that, regardless of the economy. But it will require you to focus and it might require you to make tough choices. It might require you to be courageous and bold. It will require you to show up and continue to show up even when maybe it's not working. And I have done that in my business from day one. I've been doing that in my life. And

Theresa Lambert:

like I just shared I'm proud of myself to have gotten to this point who we are the end of 2022 and we're approaching what I call a beginning line. You know back in the day always was kind of stressed when we got to the end of the month to end end of the year, did I hit all of my goals that I do all that I shared with you in the episode around the plan that I felt a lot of resistance, even having a plan and setting goals. This is part of the reason. And one point, I started to realize that every time we start a new month, every time we start a new New Year, really all we're doing is walking through a new beginning line. It's almost like what can bring freshness back into what we're doing. But it is a beginning line, it's a loop. It's a loop, you're just starting again, you're not starting new, and everything that you've been doing everything that you have created all through 2022. Everything that you create, within a month, it compounds. Every seed you planted in 2022 gets to come with you. There was hundreds, maybe 1000s of seeds that you planted throughout 2022 that will support you as we're heading into 2023 You're crossing a beginning line with more seeds planted than the year before or the year before or the month before your car compounding your effort, you're compounding your messages, you're compounding your impact. So you are going into 2023 I am going into 2023 We are going into 2023 Not with nothing, not without knowing, not with beginning from scratch. But with beginning that you're crossing the beginning line with possibly 1000s of seeds planted. Every post you dropped every interaction you had every master class you had every conversation you had in 2022. Every time somebody read something you wrote, heard you speak, listen to your podcast, every single interaction you had, you planted a seed. And as we're crossing the beginning line, the seeds are already there. So you're moving past this beginning line from a place of power. And today, I want you to be reminded about that. Especially knowing that this recession, some people say it's already here, some people say it's coming. Regardless of what's dooming, regardless of the shadow, regardless of what we're feeling. You're crossing the beginning line with seeds planted, you're crossing the beginning line with impact that you've already had. You have done incredible things this year. And I know in my heart and my soul that if you're listening to this podcast, if you're here if you're in my world, if you're on my Instagram that Teresa Lambert coaching that all that you see in me you have to that all you see in me all the qualities, all the values, the reason why you're listening, the reason why you feel connected to our to what I have to say, is because you innately possess the skills, you have that kind of courage you have that kind of boldness, you have the capacity to create the kind of business that allows you the freedom to play. That affords you the lifestyle you want that ignites you and encourages you to play bigger, to be more audacious to say what you want to say. To have the presence to be a powerful coach, a guide a consultant. You have the skills, you have the qualities within you. And I am here to be a mirror. I am here to remind you, of parts of you that you might have forgotten about. What are you proud of? In 2022? Can you take a moment and acknowledge yourself? How many CW blunted Can you take a moment and put your hand on your heart and allow yourself to feel it? The impact the knowing that you're about to cross the beginning line into 2023. Already having made an impact already having planted 1000s of seeds already having things accomplished that you can be proud of already having acknowledged your courage your boldness your day acity your willingness to show up and do the work, your desire for freedom to feel connected, to play a bigger game. Your grit and resilience, to stay committed and connected to your purpose, no matter what's happening outside of you what's happening externally, you're going into the coming year. Good knowledge being the light, and the love and the power and potentiality that can only be created for you. It's so beautiful. And I don't have a crystal ball. But I know 2023 is going to be a really, really incredible year. I feel plus beyond belief for the clients that I have that I get to serve for this community. For every single one of you listening, I feel grateful for friends and family who have supported me all of 2022 new friends, so I get to hang out with them to learn one friend, I'm going to live with her for a few months here. I'm so so so excited. And so I will be moving one smile I'm going to lose. But it's going to be really great. So if you're following me on my instagram, you'll see it and you'll see the background change. But it's going to be really, really beautiful. And I'm recording this episode now because everyone's taking a vacation. So I was working ahead, but I'm tuning in to the end of the year to crossing this beginning line. I'm going into 2020 Free feeling really, really solid. And knowing that it's going to be just a really cool, fun expansive year ahead. And I'm so excited to see who of you might be joining me and my world who might be coming into mentorship containers with me new clients that have not met yet. Again, strategic mastermind is open, you can still come join us. There is a click for more info below just DM me and let's chat about blocking together on that program or, or working together in in my one to one on momentum. So many good things coming. But I'm just really excited. And I'm blessed. And I'm excited to see right now this moment, what it's going to be like living in in Toulouse. It's going to be like spending spending time there. As I continue my journey as I continue to redefine what life has to look like to feel stable. As a traveling entrepreneur, as I continue to pursue my dreams and create something that feels worthwhile that feels in alignment with my truth that allows me to live my purpose to give generously. So many things I'm excited about. So we're crossing a beginning line, you're not starting again. You're taking all this with you. So know that we're going into 2023 ready, we're going into 2023 compounding our efforts. More on top of more, we're going into 2023 with winds and I'll say I'll already very lean into that. That is my invitation for you. That is my invitation for you. With this being said this is a wrap. This is a wrap for

Theresa Lambert:

2022 next time next week I'm hopping on with Jen Anderson . She's amazing. We're having an epic conversation about manifestation and everything in between business and all the things and it's a beautiful beautiful Convo I can't wait to share with you. And if you're on my instagram at Theresa ultimate coaching comm say hi I would love to know what was your favorite episode in 2022? What message really landed with you? Share it with me drop into my DMs share it in your stories and tag me at Theresa Lambert coaching. What spoke to you what moved you what caused you to To make a change, what did you appreciate? Tell me, I would love to know I would love to hear from you. Let's ring out 2022 together by sharing this by sharing what learned what resonated. I love you all so much. I'm excited to continue this journey with you. And we'll see where it takes us around the globe and 2023 and two together build very wildly successful profitable businesses in 2020 Free that allow us the freedom to play the freedom to choose and and do and be what we want them to create these beautiful relationships with our business that has us feel butterflies. So let's grace this beginning line on a, at a very high connected frequency level of love, of knowing of certainty. That's where I'm at. I love you. I will chat with you into I need already free thanks for being here means the world to me. And let's play big