March 16, 2023

Turn Challenges Into Golden Opportunities with Antonia Van Becker and Greg Lee

Turn Challenges Into Golden Opportunities with Antonia Van Becker and Greg Lee

Imagine having that opportunity right in front of you which may seem to be an adverse or a challenge yet lies an amazing opportunity for your life and business. 

We have our amazing guests today, Antonia Van Becker and Greg Lee - the founders of Self Health Institute, Inc. and their mission is to empower clients by turning problems that block their success into Golden Opportunities so they can move forward with clarity and confidence. For 27 years they’ve been using their signature CoreTalk Holistic Healing to guide healers, business owners, coaches, and speakers toward successful outcomes by asking their clients' bodies simple questions and getting life-changing answers. 

This episode is really worth leaning into as Greg and Antonia share their amazing life and business journey as they step out of their comfort zone, pass through their challenges in life and see those adversities as golden opportunities. Catch how they help people invite the opportunity, create balance, and recalibrate their problems into beautiful success.

Tune in and hear our guests share more about collaboration and how to make decisions using your body — that allows you to make a decision based on your beautiful skills, gifts, courage, and desire. 

→Antonia and Greg share their must-read books...

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

→Get the Free Gift from Greg and Antonia…

3 Powerful Ways to Tap Into Your Body's Wisdom

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Until next time, keep moving forward!

Chuck Anderson

Investor + Marketing Consultant

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Antonia Van Becker:

Humans are complicated. We don't just feel one thing at a time. We don't just feel anger, no, we feel resentment. And we feel regret and guilt or shame for having felt that way. And all sorts of things and maybe, you know, mixed in with a

Greg Lee:

dose of fear what's going to happen now I'm not going to be able to do anything, I'm stuck.

Antonia Van Becker:

So it's so it takes more. And we always say, also, healing takes time. It's not, it's not a one and done situation, it takes time to, oh, now I am aware of this thing. Oh, everything that I was blocking, because of this thing is now becoming, you know, I am becoming aware of that now. And maybe that's what was really underneath all of this behavior. And these self doubt and all these fears that I was having.

Greg Lee:

Well, it brings up the new opportunity.

Chuck Anderson:

Hey, it's Chuck here, and I'm so glad that you're listening to this episode. And I just want to take this quick moment right now to let you know about our free collaborators toolkits. And this episode is all about partnership and collaboration. And our guests share many resources, tools, and things that you can use to make collaboration and partnership easier in your business. So if you're looking for better ways to grow, and scale your business, through collaborations, and strategic partnerships, this free collaborators toolkit is going to contain the best resources from our workshops, as well as contributions from our guests. And these tools could be the missing link that you've been looking for. And they're going to help you to solve every day business challenges, and access, highly effective ideas that can help and grow your business exponentially. I know they've helped me and I know they're going to help you as well. And the best part about these tools is that they're completely free. And our gift to you for being a valued member of our community, and a subscriber to the show. So you can get access to all of the resources contained inside the collaborators toolkit today by visiting the website at That address again is www dot collaborators Go ahead and register today get access to all the resources. And I'm going to see you on the inside. Now. Here's the episode.

Chuck Anderson:

Hello, everybody. Welcome back. This is the creative collaboration show Chuck Anderson with you. And we have yet another amazing episode. I know I say that all the time. But this really is an amazing episode. And I think one really worth leaning into. And look as as you know, our audience is made up of entrepreneurs, business owners, sometimes they call themselves solopreneurs, or coaches or consultants or you know, whatever name you go by, you're probably on a business, in a business. And on a mission where you want to impact other people's lives, you probably have a goal of making money and growing your business to a certain extent. And as you've probably heard me say before, if you've been on any of my workshops, or other episodes, that your business really will only grow to the extent that you grow yourself. It's a very huge, and I would say expensive lesson that I've learned in my business journey. And instead of manipulating and generating a result, I actually attract a result. And we'll get into more about what that means. But I invited two amazing people here that do this work every single day. So I'm not going to try to explain it. I'm going to let them explain it. So I have Antonia Van Becker and Greg Lee here with me on the show. Welcome both of you. By the way, this is the first episode where I've had two people on at the same time. So this is this is great.

Greg Lee:

We love to bust that glass ceiling of of who's on and what it looks like.

Antonia Van Becker:

Yeah, and thanks for having us. So appreciate it.

Greg Lee:

Yeah, so years ago, like 27 years ago, we created a company called self Health Institute. And what we've realized over time is that our our mission is to really be able to help people get what they want, but really more what they dream of instead of what they think they can have. So one of the ways that we do that is we take people's problems in the situations that they run into in the challenges. And those are the golden opportunities.

Chuck Anderson:

The problem itself the challenge itself is the golden opportunity.

Antonia Van Becker:

Yes, you know, and it really relates to Rumi old, you know, ancient code from India in the and that area, he said, The wound is where the light enters. And that goes back, you know, for ever, but what we're talking about is that those things that may be wounded you in the past that those adverse or challenging experiences that you might have had in your youth, and that may be seem to have recurred throughout your life. Those wounds are where you felt so deeply, and that you had such a emotional response to write and you really felt it throughout your life. And it almost can take on a life of its own. Sometimes it's sometimes it can feel like it takes over that fear or the anger or something. And when you go into that, and not wallow in it, but look at it, why as you may have looked at it when you were three years old, or four years old, and or when it started happening, and really observe from that beautiful observe herself, right your soul that sees what you're doing, but is not caught. And all that machination of the brain of the ego and trying to make you be perfect, and everything, when you can really observe yourself at that time of the wounding or whatever happened, and see yourself as that beautiful spirit that you were at that time, and how these things happened, that weren't your fault. And that weren't you're making or you're doing and they happen to you and you reacted and felt a certain way that you might have carried on through your life, then you can turn those bad things and those difficult things that happened to you into such a deep understanding of what's going on in your life right now. That when you can heal and clear and understand where you're coming from that right now in the work that you're doing and why maybe you're not making that phone call, or why you're not wanting to go out and be on stage or why nothing is good enough for you or you never feel like you're good enough. You can see the origins of all of that behavior today. In those things, that wounding that happened earlier in your life. And when you clear it, that's when it's like, oh my gosh, today, I am picking up that phone, I am doing it. Because suddenly, I don't need to I don't have that deep wounding anymore, I have this huge understanding of what was my problem. And now I'm supercharged to help other people fix that, because I know it so well.

Chuck Anderson:

I love what you just said, because I was just on another interview a few days ago. And we were talking about how people were on their, in their healing journey as they heal. And, and they feel better about themselves. Almost inevitably, that is followed by a period of gratitude, like oh my gosh, and I feel so much better about this. Followed by I want to help others on this journey as well. And, you know, in also your story reminds me of when I first started my business almost 30 years ago, I had a sign on my wall. It said success is the greatest form of revenge. Now at the time, I was healing from a childhood and what seemed like a lifetime of being bullied and you know, not really playing well with others and all kinds of stuff. And so this is what I resonated with at the time. And so that drove me to start my first business. Was that business successful? No. It's not a great this is sick. Revenge is not a great platform or foundation for a business that I make some money here and there. Yes. But when you see the repeating patterns, like why is this always happening? Why am I up against this wall? Why why do I seem to get to this level but no further? And it was it was it was that was one of the things I mean, as as it turns out, as you peel off one layer, there might be something else underneath it, but that's where it all start. got it for me.

Antonia Van Becker:

Absolutely. And, you know, we always say in our classes, workshops and stuff, you know, humans are complicated. We don't just feel one thing at a time, we don't just feel anger, no, we feel resentment, and we feel regret and guilt or shame for having felt that way. And all sorts of things and maybe, you know, mixed in with a,

Greg Lee:

you know, some fear what's gonna happen, now I'm not gonna be able to do anything, I'm stuck.

Antonia Van Becker:

So, so it takes more. And we always say, also, healing takes time. It's not, it's not a one and done situation, it takes time to, oh, now I am aware of this thing. Oh, everything that I was blocking, because of this thing is now becoming, you know, I am becoming aware of that now. And maybe that's what was really underneath all of this behavior, and these self doubt and all these fears that I was having,

Greg Lee:

Well, it brings up the new opportunity. And what's so interesting about when we go and we start to solve what we see as challengers, then we feel a little bit more emboldened, we have a little bit more confidence, we can start to step outside of the box a little bit out of our comfort zone. So what we love and what our whole business is about is giving people the tools, so that a, they can take the step out of their comfort zone. And then when they step out into that unknown land, and things go a little crazy, or stuff comes up where they didn't know they were going to try to invoke this strategy from when they were nine, all of a sudden, they're like, Oh, but I have the tools to be able to kind of recalibrate, to rebalance. And to be in this moment, as opposed to trying to figure out what the heck I'm going to do. So I don't get my head knocked off, whatever it is, yeah. So it's like, we want to have a feeling like we're able to invite the opportunity. Yeah,

Chuck Anderson:

You know, as I hear you say this, I can't help. But think about all the conversations that I have with fellow entrepreneurs and business owners who, you know, they're, they're on this mission, they're trying to grow their business, sometimes it feels like they're on a hamster wheel, like, you know, the same result happens again, and again, and again, would like to really weigh in on that. But also, we're always looking for the next tactic. It's like, I didn't get this result. So therefore, I need to go and invest in this program, or this software tool or implement this new strategy, in my business, or I need a better business plan, and all kinds of stuff, which is all well and good, you need to have those things, but it's really only going to be as good as the person running those things. And if you don't want to succeed, you'll find a way not to.

Antonia Van Becker:

Absolutely right. And, and, and there's so many ways not to succeed. I mean, you could not succeed because you don't think you're worthy for for success. Or you could be afraid of success, right? Or afraid of making a mistake. So there's everybody is so individual that there's so many ways you can succeed and fail. But what we find so important is to build that awareness of, Wow, what is that pattern? What is that underlying piece that keeps happening? Is it that I blow up my relationships? You know, is it that I get bored, and I just toss it because I want to do something different, or I'm oppositional and I don't like anybody telling me what to do. And so as soon as that happens, I'm out of here. You know, what is that pattern that we find, and we just had a session half an hour ago that you know, those patterns is a human. It is the way of being human that we develop these patterns of behaviors and emotional reactions that look like strategies, a lot of the time that our strategies were younger to keep us safe, right, we will assume if we get hit, then we hide, we ducked down, we shut up we don't say things or if the big sister brother was really, really good than heck, I don't want to do that I'm gonna be the bad boy in the family or whatever, you know, we develop all these things. And then unless we're really aware, and really, you know, have a certain personality that's this, like, I'm going to change myself which humans don't do that well, but we have these patterns of behavioral behaviors and emotional responses that follow us through life and show up at these different times. And And when you look at maybe these disappointing things that happen, and you look into what happened, the names and the places change. But this, this setting in the storyline is often very much the same. You know, that a how we feel emotionally often repeats itself every five or 10 years in our lives. And those are the patterns that we want to look at, in our business, if we're not doing as well as we want. Or if we're not able to get higher, you know, more, more income or a bigger business or more satisfying business, look at those behaviors and see, what the heck is that about what is underneath that?

Chuck Anderson:

This is where, you know, what's been huge for me over the last 30 years. And it was not right away. It's all been part of the journey. But realizing that when I want to receive, you know, achieve a different result, or a bigger result than I have, than I've been getting, it's what about me needs to change, like, what do I need to bring to the table differently. It's not about a business plan. It's not about a strategy. It's not a tactic. It's not a software, any of those kinds of things. And I just find this whole thing fascinating. I mean, I could talk about it all day long. And I just, you know, I guess from a couple places, one gratitude for continuously learning and being exposed to that. And I and I, and I'll be learning that for a lifetime. Right? And there's always a new level to learn, which I think is also part of it. I'm just wondering for you like, what was What's your origin story? Like, where did you come on to this? And how, how did it impact your lives as well?

Greg Lee:

I think what for many of us, we do that transition. And for us, it wasn't brutal. But we were both in a situation where what we had been doing up to that point, we had been working in Silicon Valley, we were working for corporations, I was working for a music software company. And Tony was working at Intel. And I mean, we basically and we both had high level jobs. We would basically we had two little kids, we pass the kids off at the airport to be like, okay, honey, I'll see you and Four days,

Chuck Anderson:

You're going one way she's going the other way.

Greg Lee:

Yeah, and

Antonia Van Becker:

incoming, outgoing, whatever.

Greg Lee:

It looks like a very abundant successful life. Until we both develop some chronic health issues. That would be completely unexpected. I had Antonia I'll let her tell her little thing. But I had gotten a business trip to Germany and I came back. And I was like one of the healthiest people you can ever imagine. At that point I was at the peak of my health is one of the times I usually carry a little bit extra weight, none at that moment. And I came back and I proceeded to have a gastrointestinal thing happening for six months. And I went to doctors, they all all these tests, at the end of the six months taking a bunch of drugs and weird things. My doctor said, Greg, there's nothing medically wrong with you. And I had just had diarrhea for six months, I went from perfect health to losing 40 pounds. I looked kind of skeletal. And a lot of people were very worried worried about me. I left the doctor's office that day, I went to a new grocery store called Whole Foods and Palo Alto, a day. And

Chuck Anderson:

whenever first when it first came

Greg Lee:

If you remember how it was you'd walk in there and it was like wafting smells of pastries, and bread. And I'm walking through in that area. And I'm like starving all the time. Because nothing stick into my body. And this woman walks up to me and I said Priscilla, I've been meaning to call you. And she looked me straight in the eye. And she said I know your pancreas is really in trouble. And this is a woman who 15 years before 1977 She was one of the instructors in a massage certification program I was doing and so I had known her for a long time that develop I went to the appointment and and in a 90 minute session, she completely cured this gastrointestinal thing that I had by doing this very what kind of complex, energetic healing thing to me. I got off the table and I never had a symptom again.

Chuck Anderson:

Wow. Yeah, amazing. And I just loved stories of like that intuition. Like they just, you know when they can take one look at you and just know, right? I just I'm fascinated by every time I hear stories like that,

Greg Lee:

And later on, I mean, we started her program we went through a certification program. Later on, we were teaching the certification program When she finally got to a point and said, I'm done, you guys do it now. And she told me around that time, she says really worried about guys dreaming about you.

Antonia Van Becker:


Chuck Anderson:

Yeah. Wow.

Antonia Van Becker:

And you know, what's so interesting with him with us as humans in our lives is that, and like we said, Everybody's so different. And when we work with people, we there's so many people, some people have these adverse experiences from childhood, some people, you know, things happen, and then that really affects her health. And that's kind of what happened for Greg. And for me, I grew up in a pretty dysfunctional family and stuff, and alcoholism, and suicide, and all that kind of stuff. And I grew up having like, irritable bowel and getting pneumonia or bronchitis like couple times a year. So when, and this was actually wasn't that far apart that he came home from Germany, like six months before before. Yeah, and I was pregnant with our second child, I was like, eight months pregnant. And I was raking leaves and stuff in the backyard. And I got a blister in my hand. And, and I don't know, at that point, I didn't pay attention, anything like that. And it was just like, Whatever, let's get on with it. And woke up the next day. And I'm like, oh, that I can't move my hand that well, oh, well, and you know, just kept going and be, and I was eight and a half or nine months pregnant. I don't know what it's somewhere farther. And I was like, Oh, I'm gonna go to the doctor because I had bronchitis. And I was on antibiotics already for for the bronchitis. And so I went to the doctor's appointment early, because I was like, geez, I don't feel I feel weird. I'm dizzy. And I don't know what's happening. And I went in there. And um, and we talked about the weather, I was getting better with the bronchitis. And I'm like, Yeah, I have this hand thing is so weird. And he's like, Oh, roll up your sleeve. And I'm like, what, and I rolled up my sleeve, and I had a line, a red line going up my arm. And for that means I had blood poisoning. And when the red line hits, your heart gets up into your armpit, you die, basically, because the infection gets into your heart. So mine was, you know, up past my elbow and stuff. And so it was like, oh, whoa. And so of course, he pumped me full of more antibiotics and right then and there, and, you know, gave me like two sets to take home. And it was fine. And, but at that point, I was like, oh, yo, what's going on? Why? Why is this happening? And my not paying attention to my health is endangering not just me, but my unborn child, and how I can take care of that two year old at home, and everything else in my life. So it real and he had just had his gastrointestinal thing, like, six months before, or

Greg Lee:

six months later, we had both kids,

Antonia Van Becker:

Both kids. Yeah, that's true. And it was like, Well, we actually could both died within six months of each other. So it's kind of like that, you know, come to Jesus moment, when you're like, we got to do something. We're not in control of our health and our well being and our future. And we need to do something now. To make sure that we're around we're taking care of the kids and taking care of these beautiful bodies that we have. And that's when we sent set off onto this healing business, which, through the work that we did with our mentor, then pretty soon my irritable bowel is gone pretty soon, I'm not getting pneumonia hardly ever anymore. And we're like, wow, this stuff really works. And so we talked to bodies every day. Now. That's what the healing is all about, is communicating with our bodies, talking out loud to our bodies to find out what the heck's going on in there, and what it needs. And we get answers using a pendulum or muscle testing, yes and no answers. And so what we teach is how to ask those questions, and how to make sure that we are asking our body the right questions, so we get that beautiful collaboration between You know, our brain, our body, and what is happening with us in the world around us, and how that's impacting us, and showing up as disease and discomfort, and procrastination and self doubt, and all of that stuff, which hugely affects our lives and our business.

Chuck Anderson:

Great segue into the theme of our show, which is collaboration, and we were chatting before this. So you know, kind of knew where we were going with this. But, but it's great, because so many times, we talk about collaboration as being, you know, a partnership with another human, or, you know, someone to partner with that sort of thing, but, but what you just said is that you're collaborating with your own body. And you know, we've had a lot of different different perceptions of collaboration. But let's talk about that, especially from the point of view of, look, we've got busy entrepreneurs, who are not unlike what you're talking about your I have spoken to a lot of, like, former corporate executives. And I know, like, I was like, eating ramen noodles and stuff at my desk. And, you know, not even taking proper breaks, was at the peak of health. No, I was not, we were eating pizza, and, you know, all of those things, because we were chained to our desks. You know, and it's, you know, in that executive role, certainly, but also, as an entrepreneur, as a business owner, it's very, very common, that we're in such a pursuit of a result, or an outcome, or a good review by our peers, or whatever it is, that we sacrifice ourselves in the process. And I talked to so many of my clients, why do you want to earn money? Why do you want to build a business? Oh, it's because it's almost always because of a relationship. It's always almost always because I want to give my kids a better life, or I want to, you know, you know, provide more for my partner. And, you know, we want to do all these things. And then the business does exactly the opposite. It takes them away from all of that, and, and then with the health, perhaps even shortens, unfortunately, their life to where, you know, they didn't get to really enjoy, like all I'll retire one day, and then I'll enjoy it. But, you know, if you use yourself up in the process, there's nothing left. So let's talk about that collaboration between, you know, the body and the results you want to generate live.

Greg Lee:

Yeah, I think it's really important when we go on that journey, where we say, we say, here's the vision of what I want, that vision isn't created up here, it's actually created in the feeling that you want. And a lot of what we do when we do visualization, in creating vision with people, is we go into the behind, we go into, you know, a meditation, and Tony is great at this at our events, where she says, Who are the people that you're working with? How does it feel? What's the place look like? What's the how do you feel when you wake up in the morning, when you go to do the pieces of your business that are so important to you? What's the feeling? So it's, and what we teach people to do is ask their body once they have, do I want to do a? Or do I want to do B to add instead of Well, A is all about being able to you know, take the funnel that I have and make sure that you know, in in B, I'd be working with these people instead of those other ones. And then you know, that just doesn't compute in our in our psyche and our psychosomatic body of what's what feels good. Yeah. Because because it's just trying to figure out something that we don't even know about yet.

Antonia Van Becker:

Right. And I think the really important basis for entrepreneurs, because entrepreneurs have to make like a bazillion decisions every single day, right? You turn around, you're making a major decision, you turn around and you're making a little decisions. But little do you know, at that time, how big of an impact it could have, or all the work it's going to take to do something. So one of the things that we teach people is how to make decisions using your body. Because basically, your brain wants to keep you safe. And so how many of us live from the neck up kind of right? We're trying to think our way out of it. We're trying to think our way into it. Everything is about thinking about it,

Greg Lee:

Which is strategies that we created when we were seven, right? Well, are those going to work now?

Antonia Van Becker:

That's the real deal is that so many of our decision making is driven by that emotional basis. And there's a bunch of scientific studies out about that now how decisions are driven by those old fears of those old emotions of fear or anger or you no grief or whatever it is. So we don't want to talk to the brain about and have the brain make the decision. It's a good partner, but we don't want to be have them being the sole proprietor, right, we need to have that collaboration. And what we love to is when we talked with brain, are you saying that, you know, that's not going to work? Yeah, that's not going to work that's, that's unsafe, you can't do that do that body Do you want to do that, and the body always wants to fulfill your dreams, the brain keeps you safe. And it will make decisions based on keeping you safe. And your body will make decision is based on your beautiful skills, and gifts, and courage, and desire. And that's where we want to make our decisions from that soul based knowing of what we can do, instead of the fear based driving of a perception of a dream.

Chuck Anderson:

So this is a really good point for me to ask you about the because I know you have a free gift for our audience. And it's just so perfectly directly related to what you just been saying. So tell everybody what that is and how it can help them.

Greg Lee:

So it's three powerful ways to tap into your body's wisdom. So there's really three easy ways that you can use throughout your day, every day. And it gives you that context of where do I start. And so these three ways are kind of the fundamental things that we teach it first. And you know, there's a lot more after that. But this will give you a really good start of how to get into the moment, how to find this still place where you can actually start to hear something other than just the strategies to keep you safe, where you can start to feel how I feel in this moment. But I'm not going to tell you everything about three powerful ways to tap in your life as well.

Chuck Anderson:

And I think that's enough to get people curious. And if you are curious, and you if this is resonating with you at all, I would encourage you to look just beneath this video, if you're watching this on video, or on YouTube or whatever, you can see that link, just beneath this video, click that that's going to take you over to a page where you can now get this free gift. And it's going to help to give you those three powerful ways to tap into your body's you know the the messages that your body is trying to teach you and, and so that's, that's amazing. And I so agree, like the brain is always trying to talk you out of stuff. And the body wants you to succeed and to do whatever you want to do, which is amazing. So if you're on video, it's beneath the video, if you're listening to this on a podcast, just click into the player or whatever you're listening in on and the link will be right there in the show notes, go grab yourself this gift and connect with Greg connect with Antonia and attend one of their workshops. I mean, man, we're just scratching the surface, we could do this all day long. Because I know I've done a tremendous amount of work, there's still a lot of work to do, there's always another level. And I know just we could talk all day just on the on the stuff that I'm aware of, nevermind the stuff I'm not aware of. So you know, there's all of that. And there's always another level. So I really appreciate, you know, this conversation and where we went with it. Because, you know, so often in business, we're talking about the tactics, we're talking about the plans, we're talking about the software's, and very seldom are we talking about ourselves? Are we talking about our, our health? Are we talking about what our body wants, right, and you know, to get our conscious brains the heck out of the way, right, and to manifest a better result. So you know, to anyone who listening in right now who you're feeling like you're spinning your wheels, or you're I like to relate it to the hamster wheel, like you're getting the same results over and over and over and over and over again. Maybe it's not the business that needs fixing, maybe there's just some adjustments, not saying you need fixing, I'm saying that maybe there's some shifts that you can make inside that will cause you to see things in a new way, maybe to do things in a new way. And when you do that, inevitably, you're gonna get a different result. Right. And that's what's so amazing about what we're talking about. Thank you so much for you know, this, this has been amazing. And you know, such a deep dive and thank you for sharing your stories and your wisdom and all of that. And I know we've only scratched the surface. This is a journey. Right? And you know, it's a healing journey. It's a growth journey. It's a journey on, you know, whatever our heart's desire, like whatever we want to achieve. We can and And you know, along my way along my journey, there is my early 20s, I didn't know much about any of this stuff. And books have really played a huge role in my learning in my healing. And my I would say growth. And so I asked this of all my guests, because I'm just all so curious. And since there's two of you, I'll let you both answer. If there is just one, and I know it's hard to pick just one. But if there's just one must read book that you would recommend that our listeners, go check out or read, because it would be life changing. What would you recommend?

Antonia Van Becker:

Well, my personal favorite, especially for business owners, and entrepreneurs is The Great Leap by Gay Hendricks. It really talks about that upper limit issue, and what gets in your way, because that's what we've been talking about here all day is what stops us from growing and getting more of what we want. And he has some beautiful descriptions and, and his way of talking to people about it is really wonderful and illuminating.

Chuck Anderson:

It was hard not to relate to every word he was saying in that book, like it just made so much sense. And, you know, as a business owner, like, you know, I've been on a 30 year journey of business, it probably took my first 20 to realize that there even was an upper limit problem, because we're always trying to fix the business. We're always trying to fix something. But it's like, like, we're just up against that. What is it and it's not the business. It's in here, and it's in here. And so we have to learn to look at things in a new way. Totally changed the way I look at it.

Antonia Van Becker:

Wonderful. And I guess it's The Big Leap. Right, not the great leap.

Chuck Anderson:

Oh, The Big Leap. That's right. Well, we'll put a link to it here so that everybody gets to the right place. But yeah, the big leap Gay Hendricks Yeah. So, Greg, what about you know,

Greg Lee:

I think what really brings success into focus has been in the moment. So The Power of Now just speaks so much about that. And it's interesting, you know, Eckhart Tolle is such a master at communication. It was his first big book, really. So he had a lot of very well thought through and long thought through of his life that went into that book. So he touches on a lot of things in the power of now that he doesn't in later books.

Chuck Anderson:

It's right there on my bookshelf right underneath the mug, that there's Wayne Dyer's book, and then right there, there's the power of now, right that you can kind of see the colors of it. So amazing book, it was probably one of the first ones I read that were really took things to more more of a spiritual level, in terms of personal growth, I mean, thinking grow, which was great, but it was still very much, you know, money oriented. And, you know, how did the Rockefellers become so rich, and all of that kind of stuff. But that one, there really took things to a whole nother level where we're not looking for the tactics anymore, we're looking for how do we grow? Right? How do we grow, and when we grow, our business grows, everything grows, right. And so

Greg Lee:

And what I love about it, a lot of what he says, and a lot of what is just a part of how we direct traffic in our business, is it's not about what you can take on and assimilate is how efficient you are at letting go.

Chuck Anderson:

I love that how efficient we are at letting go. Right? And you know, when I think about that healing journey, I spoke about the bullying earlier, I had to let go of that. I had to let go. I had to forgive I had to act as live as though it's no longer part of my life and not caring that or and, and, and that was huge and very difficult. I at the time, right. So yeah, but success is not a form of revenge, right? Success is really a an expression of who we are and how we're expressing ourselves and what we're putting out there in the world. And what we put out there we get back tenfold, maybe even 100 fold. Right? And so amazing.

Antonia Van Becker:


Chuck Anderson:

Wow. This has been just so enlightening. Very inspirational. I appreciate you both so much for for just this conversation and your generosity and I really sincerely hope that we moved people today and got them to see things in a new way. No with our audience we're all on this journey to build a business make a big impact and make money along the way. We got that there. You know, you're you're on this journey, but it's all connected, right? It's all connected, your business is not separate from you, your business is an expression of you. And so hopefully we've we've empowered you to look at things in a new way. Go and get the three powerful ways to tap into your body's wisdom. And with that link is right here beneath the video, and it's there in the podcast show notes. So go get yourself a copy. And, and Greg and Antonio are so, so generous in offering that here today. So again, thank you both. And if we were to bring this episode in for a landing, so to speak, with just one final piece of advice or words of wisdom, and since there's two of you, I'll ask you both. What is your final piece of advice or words of wisdom for our audience today?

Antonia Van Becker:

Yes, be here. Now. Don't worry about the past or stress about the future, right now is when life happens. It's when the healing happens. It's when love happens. Gratitude happens, and amazing synchronicities that can change your life and your business, if you're somewhere else, you're not going to see that person that could change your life or that you won't get that inspiration that's going to skyrocket your business, stay right in the moment and receive that information your body has to tell you and all the every, the divine and the earth and everything, there's messages everywhere.

Chuck Anderson:

Powerful, Greg?

Greg Lee:

You know, I love using the body as a tool, because we came into it for a reason. So it shows us so many things. And one way that we can really be in the moment and use it as a tool is to use our breath consciously. So take a breath, feel it, feel where you're at. I love even the idea of feeling the breath coming in, feeling the way your chest and your lungs move with the breath. Feel it as it goes out. And there's there's no way that you can be outside of integrity with yourself if you're with your breath. Because it's going to show you the way

Chuck Anderson:

Amazing and that that talk plays into perfectly what we're talking about is tapping in to your body's wisdom. And so thank you excellent words, to end this episode by to all of our valued listeners, please go check out their free gift, again, that links beneath the video and in the podcast show notes. And in the meantime, never ever, ever give up on your big dream keep moving forward, there's always a solution to every problem. And we just when we look at things in a new way, when we look at ourselves in a new way, a new result is possible. And that and you said it earlier in this episode, that the problem itself may actually be the solution that you're looking for. So with that, I want to thank our guests, and I want to thank you our listeners. And this has been The Creative Collaboration Show with Chuck Anderson, and we will see you in the next episode. Thank you very much.