Oct. 10, 2022

Diminish Stress While Elevating Your Business Success with Michelle Nedelec

Diminish Stress While Elevating Your Business Success with Michelle Nedelec

Do you feel overwhelmed in growing your business? How about having someone or a team to help you get things you need to be done in your business so you don't need to do complex things on your own and make your business life easier? 

Michelle Nedelec is an expert in Entrepreneurialism and the founder of Awareness Strategies. She helps entrepreneurs to double their profits and revenues and helps her clients build a million-dollar business. 

Tune in as we discuss more of her specialties and how her business helps struggling entrepreneurs in getting their business success. She shares how she takes care of digital marketing for entrepreneurs and helps bring their business online. We also discuss how collaboration and partnership play a crucial part in elevating the business.

During this episode, Michelle mentioned this book: The Business Ownership Mindset 

Visit these links mentioned in this episode …

T. Harv Eker: https://www.harveker.com/

Bob Proctor: https://www.proctorgallagherinstitute.com/

Michael E. Gerber: https://www.michaelegerbercompanies.com/

Free Gift: Get Your Free Website Audit


Be sure to connect with Michelle after the show …

Michelle’s Website: https://www.awarenessstrategies.com/

Attend Podapalooza: https://www.collaboratorsunite.com/podapalooza 


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Until next time, keep moving forward!

Chuck Anderson

Investor + Marketing Consultant

PS: I would love to hear from you! For a free consultation on how to use podcasts to develop a network of referral partners please contact me at https://www.chuckandersoncoaching.com/contact/

Michelle Nedelec:

If your brain hurts staring at a spreadsheet, do not you should not be in your tag like that is that is your number one task. I ask people like, how do you feel when you look at the spreadsheet, and if they go, Oh, kill me now, it's like, you should not be in your tech, I don't care if you're using MailChimp or any of the other, like, that's just not your game, stay out of it, get somebody else to do it. They do it faster, better, more accurately. And the more complicated your businesses, the more complicated your software is going to be. It's just there's a reason that nerds took over the world and like 9097, or whatever that was. Good, thanks. yeah,

Chuck Anderson:

Hey, it's chuck here. And I'm so glad that you're listening to this episode. And I just want to take this quick moment right now to let you know about our free collaborators toolkit. And this episode is all about partnership and collaboration. And our guests share many resources, tools, and things that you can use to make collaboration and partnership easier in your business. So if you're looking for better ways to grow, and scale your business, through collaborations, and strategic partnerships, this free collaborators toolkit is going to contain the best resources from our workshops, as well as contributions from our guests. And these tools could be the missing link that you've been looking for. And they're going to help you to solve everyday business challenges, and access, highly effective ideas that can help and grow your business exponentially. I know they've helped me and I know they're going to help you as well. And the best part about these tools is that they're completely free. And our gift to you for being a valued member of our community, and a subscriber to the show. So you can get access to all of the resources contained inside the collaborators toolkit today by visiting the website at WWW.collaboratorsunite.com/toolkit. That address again is www.collaboratorsunite.com/toolkit. Go ahead and register today get access to all the resources, and I'm gonna see you on the inside. Now. Here's the episode.

Chuck Anderson:

Hello, everybody. And welcome back to the podcast, Chuck Anderson here. And this is the creative collaboration show where we talk about creative ways to collaborate and partner with other businesses, other entrepreneurs that can help you with more of the things you need done in your business. So you don't have to do it all on your own. And today, I am joined by another amazing guest. And look, if you struggle with anything, tech, when it comes to your digital marketing. Michelle is definitely who you want to talk to. And we're gonna dive deep today in into what she does, and also how you can you know her she's got some great collaboration and partnership stories of her own. So please welcome to the show. Michelle Nedelec. Michelle, welcome to the show.

Michelle Nedelec:

Thank you, thank you for having me. I appreciate it. It's gonna be super fun.

Chuck Anderson:

Yeah, super looking forward to it. So Michelle, that was what I call introduction light. And I always think that it's better that you tell your own story than me try to tell your story in the little bit of time that I've done all my homework and, and learn as much as I can about you, but tell the folks, you know who you are, what you do, and, and you know that I think that's a great place to start from

Michelle Nedelec:

Nice, you don't want to read my bio and get all embarrassed about my stiletto collection and rest of it. That's awesome. So my name is Michelle Nedelec. If you say my last name quickly, you probably saying it right. It's all good. And I am the credit director for a company called awareness strategy. So I'm a co founder in the company and my partner in life and pleasures. We'd like to say our business and pleasure is Brad Mooney. And he is a techies tech, he's fantastic, amazing, wonderful. You learn more about him. His show goes on. And he runs the tech side of the company, which is not my domain. I can talk about tech, started talking acronyms, and I gotta go Yeah, that's his job. So we've been doing this for about five years, we did a pivot we I used to do personal development training. I was the speaker on stage and teaching people how to change their mindset. I also run a company called Success Therapy, where we won awards for our work with post traumatic stress disorder and helping people to change their their mindset and live happy for moving lives. And in about 2015 or so people decided they wanted to do courses online. I didn't want to go live. And about that time, Brad was finishing up his contracts in oil and gas in the big, multi multimillion dollar companies. And he was like, I'm kind of done the contract thing. And I said, Well, why don't we just pivot and do a tech done for you because clearly people are having issues with this is not as easy as hey, go set up a website like it was in 1997. So we decided to pivot and run the company with my background in in the mind and understanding you know, how to influence people how to persuade people how to be authentic, how to get your message across, it was obvious for me to take over the creative side of things. And obviously, for him doing mine tech and being the techie that he is he we've now become basically expert to the experts. So people, even in the industry will refer their clients to us when situations get such that they need somebody that understands the tech even better. So that's what we love to do. I'm happy with people and being on stage he's happy with a beer and Infusionsoft. It's kind of weird, but it just works.

Chuck Anderson:

I think somebody has to, especially within pay off, right? Because it's not, it's not the easiest thing in the world to do. Believe me, I've tried and, you know, I, you know, I have a bit of a techie background, I don't, you know, I'm not that techie anymore. But once upon a time, I used to think that I was pretty good at figuring out software and that one, not so much so. So I can totally get like why, you know, a lot of especially the creative type of people that tend to, you know, they have great messages, they have online courses, they have these things, you know, and really wanting, you know, started out of a mission to change the world or change, you know, elevate humanity in some way. And then the tech comes in and in

Michelle Nedelec:

My head against the robot, my God, it hurts, it hurts if your brain hurts staring at a spreadsheet, not you should not be in your tech, like that is that is your number one test, I asked people like, how do you feel when you look at a spreadsheet, and if they go, Oh, kill me now. It's like, you should not be in your tech, I don't care if you're using MailChimp or any of the other, like, that's just not your game, stay out of it, get somebody else to do it, they do it faster, better, more accurately. And the more complicated your business is, the more complicated your software is going to be. It's just there's a reason that nerds took over the world and like 9097, or whatever

Michelle Nedelec:

Our whole business model is a collaboration. So it's an interesting foray into it.

Chuck Anderson:

Well, I love that. And you know, that that's a great partnership is, you know, having having someone who's got those strong technical skills, but then also having someone who has the great communication skills, because after all, a lot of the lot of the people that I'm sure you serve, and I know that I've, I've met throughout the my 27 years plus in this industry is that, you know, they have a great message, there's a you know, there's a message, there's a mission, there is some sort of transformation that inspired them to start their business. And really, what would it look like if they just stayed focused on that, and didn't, you know, have this big obstacle over here, like trying to figure out the tech or even try to be something they're not as being very, very techie. And so I love that that's what you do, and and help them with that message. And I'm sure you've met some amazing people with, with messages that, you know, are really life changing or world changing.

Michelle Nedelec:

Oh, absolutely. And most people I like, I just want to do my thing. I'm just I'm really good at that thing. And the first thing we'll do is go and look for a VA because it's a really trendy acronym right now. But it really doesn't describe what they need in business. And to me, it's super sad, because even with Infusionsoft, it kind of pains me that they're selling to people that are speakers and authors, but they're not selling them in the right package because it doesn't have the affiliate marketing in it and it doesn't have the E commerce in it. And if you're gonna sell from stage and you're gonna go hey, get my book and texts, my bug Ed 123456. You really do need something like Infusionsoft that has a capacity to be able to do everything you need to do and you need the team that can run it and even for us, I mean, we don't have one person that just does Infusionsoft one person that just has everything. We have a team of people that just do infusion. So if we have a team of people that just do WordPress sites with them team of people that just do so they're specialists in their area so that we can bring the entire team to you. And for you know that one point of contact, you're getting the entire Are tech team, fun tire company and agency at your disposal be able to do the things that you need to do. And that's really where this sweet spot of business collaboration comes in is that you're not going, Hey, I'm doing this thing and I want to get it off my plate because I really hate doing this thing. So can you learn those things and really hate it? It's us coming to you and going, Hey, we know what you need to do. So we need this email written, we need that email written. Here's a template, here's kind of the focus of it. Here's all the stuff we need. Can you deliver that you say yes or no? And we say no, we say why not? You know, because I don't have this or that we go, oh, we have this or that. Okay. So now what do you need? Okay, so now what do you need? So it's, it's a completely different relationship than trying to feed somebody the crap off your plate that you don't want to eat? I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my vegetables. And I ate my sister's vegetables when we were at the table all the time. So I'm totally cool with that. It makes it much easier when somebody goes, Hey, we really need those vegetables off your plate. Can you just scoop them over here? That's awesome. Hey, are you eating that right now? Can we have that? Okay, great. We, and we just take it off your plate so that you end up with the filet mignon or the tofu burger, whatever your jam is, and, and it makes it so much easier. Because you're not overwhelmed. You're not stressed out. You're not all of these things that most people in business are when they start to look at, oh, I need an opt in. I need a form I need to figure out like, what's the CRM How do these people get students you start getting into you know, my, my website died in it says my SSL some some something isn't updating. And we just go Yeah, okay, what's your username, password, go in, fix all and we're done in five minutes. And it would have taken me three weeks to figure out what the hell Ella SSL stood for.

Chuck Anderson:

It stands for super secret login, right?

Michelle Nedelec:

Exactly what it is and why we nobody knows. But Google loves it. So you know, we take care of it for you.

Chuck Anderson:

Yeah. So a couple of things I want to follow up with, first of all, where were you when I had a plateful of vegetables that I wanted to get rid of? Because I sat there literally for hours, just kind of like, Hey, I don't really want to do these vegetables. If only there was someone who could take these vegetables off my plate. Right? Problem solved. Right. So and then secondly, you mentioned the word team. And, and I love that because I think teams are a great aspect of collaboration. It takes a lot of collaboration, a lot of partnership to make a team work. And with with the types of clients we're talking about types of business owners are talking about, especially the chronic do it yourselfers is you reach a point where it's like, Okay, fine. Can't do this myself. Like you said, first instinct is I'm gonna go try to hire a VA, you soon learn that it's more than just hiring a VA. And what I love it, you might consider hiring a team member or whatever. But then you've got to train and manage that team and all of that. And so two things. One is you have a team. And wouldn't it be so much easier if we just use your team?

Michelle Nedelec:

Right? It really does. So we have one client who's runs marketing agency, phenomenal marketing agency. She's amazing. And she's like, I just need somebody that can do my project management take care of my emails, my flight, I she really needed an executive assistant was the job title, it was more than an admin and was one than BA, is it an executive assistant. And that executive assistant needed to be able to go into Infusionsoft and be able to do certain things at certain time update campaigns and get emails like simple things that are well within the realm of possibility. But by hiring through us, it allows her to be able to get her executive assistant when there's an issue to just call us and go, Hey, how do I solve this problem? We solve the problem. Business owner doesn't even know that it existed or happened doesn't care. I just I don't want to know just, you know, make the emails go to the emails go. Oh, great. Awesome. And did they go to the right people? And did they go at the right time? You know, all that kind of fun stuff is the results that you're looking for how it happens in the back end? You really shouldn't care? Like, I mean, it's kind of like have you ever tried to get your D on haircut?

Chuck Anderson:

Am I supposed to admit that on the show. Only during the pandemic.

Michelle Nedelec:

If all you have to do is take a you know, a shave or two and you're like okay, it makes it the same length everywhere. That's awesome. But if you're in between that so if you have longer hair or if you are bald, you're trying to search around and see something that you can't see and understand something that you really have no recollection of because we really wanted was last time we looked back your ad and so you go to a hairdresser somebody that can see the things that you can see does and things you can do. Is there a level of trust there that yeah, they're going to do job and that it looks normal. Yeah, you go over to a friend go hey, does this look normal? And it does great. Off to the races. And that's really what you want to have in a resource that picks up all of those pieces that you don't want to take care of. You want somebody that knows what they're doing, they're an expert in that industry. And they're just there as you need them. There's a new term out there fractional CFO, CMOs, and CIOs, and essentially, that's what you're getting with us. Because if we were to go into the industry, right now and get a job, I would be a CMO. Brad would be a CIO, we have that same capacity. But we're here for people at a fraction of that class. So that it's just like, you really only need me to oversee what's going on. Is this right? Yes. Good. Carry on.

Chuck Anderson:

Amazing. Well, I know so many people that that can help right now. So we'll, we'll we'll make sure that this gets out to them. And so look, you've been doing this for five years. And you know, we were chatting before the show. And it does take a certain level of collaboration and partnership, to be able to do that the shows are all about collaborations that we want to talk about that we mentioned team as being one form of that. So you know, in your journey here with your business, how has either collaboration or partnerships, or some combination thereof, played a role in the growth of your business?

Michelle Nedelec:

Oh, there is so many ways that collaboration has helped in our business in so many fun ways. So I think a lot of people think of joint ventures and affiliations as hey, can you email this for me, and I have this affiliate link, and you send this out. And those are awesome, and those are super fun. But when you start to really wrap your head around what collaboration could look like, you start to see life in a whole new way. So I guess I really started thinking about collaboration, even back when I started my first company, because I started my company with my spouse at that time. And he's like, Hey, I know a lot about sales and stuff. But you're really smart. And you know about electronics, why don't we open up an electronics store, and we can have this than the other thing going on? Hey, that's great idea. So we did that. And it was awesome, because I could articulate the components of electronics at that time in a way that he couldn't. But he knew how to get a good deal. And forget inventory, which is awesome. You know how to do the sales. So I was we assessed each other skill set and went, Hey, how can we build something that's bigger than the two of us? And I think that has carried on with me for years. Because in business, I don't just join networking events. It's like, hey, how, who's the organizer of this? And how do I help them to be able to make their, their networking vendor and their things better? And oftentimes, it was like, Well, what do you need? Well, we need live events, and they terrify me awesome. I love live events, I can totally do those. I will do those for you, as long as I get to, you know, say hey, I'm an organizer, this, this is what we need for next month in order to be able to help us. Is that okay? And they're like, yeah, absolutely, of course, it's okay, is what we want to have happen. But by being able to get up on stage and saying, Hey, I'm the organizer of this, and this is what we've got going on for next month. And I run this company, blah, blah, blah. All of a sudden, I was the expert in the event planning, I was the expert in, you know, stepping up and doing things going on stage, which was everybody would look at me and go, Hey, how do you do that? I want to learn that skill. Like, absolutely come on, and let me show. So it was it was a win win. And it was being able to see the opportunities where somebody else only sees a fault. So for example, that event planner is like freaking out because it's gonna cost us money. We don't have the food we don't have like how we're gonna get the publication. So it is problem problem problem. And when you can go in and go, Hey, I have a solution solution solution. And it's not going to cost you $10 million to be able to do this. In fact, you know, it's going to be a sweet spot for you because I gotta put you in front of my audience. Is that okay? Like, wow, of course it is. So collaboration can be anything from, you know, starting a business with your spouse to the email exchanges that we were talking about. We even had one of our friends come up to us and say, Hey, I've gone to this venue. It was a resort that they stayed at. They're like they really need help with their marketing. They are phenomenal. They are amazing. They are outstanding, but they don't have the capacity to market. Can you come in and take a look? So we flew down to Florida took a look at them. They had 180,000 past clients that they had never, never targeted again. They'd never retargeted their past client list. 180,000 Do you have some untapped ask That's one take advantage of. Right, right. So we ended up doing a collaboration with our buddy that they knew kind of the inner runnings of that kind of a resort, which we didn't, it was totally foreign to us. So they helped us to be able to write the content for what was going on, we went in, were able to do set up the tech and do the campaigns and things like that. And we would do webinars for them for I think we did four webinars for them. And we brought in something like 5.3 million for them. So it was a substantial result for a company that I knew nothing about, that our buddy didn't own or run or have anything to do with it was just there's a need, hey, can we come in? Can we help you and, and it was Win, win win?

Chuck Anderson:

Fantastic. Well, I love that. And I think every one thing has to be Win Win Win, otherwise won't do it. And so And who wouldn't want an extra 5 million just from following up past leads and visitors and all of that, instead of always looking for the new ones? What if you did more with the ones you've already got and generate an extra 5 million? I love that. I mean, and what a great, you know, what a great way to work together to get an amazing result with using something that's already there, it doesn't always have to be this new thing. So I think that's super cool. So when you so obviously, you're totally into collaborating and partnerships, I mean, it's big been a big part of your business still is, when you identify something that you need, or someone that you're looking for, in terms of a potential collaboration or partnership, you know, where do you tend to look is is does tend to be something that just sort of comes into your world? And and you notice the opportunity when it comes? Or do you go out and looking for it intentionally?

Michelle Nedelec:

Oh, I very much go out and look forward intentionally. I think one of the biggest issues most new entrepreneurs have or they're they walk out into the world or out of the house, as it were, and go, I just need a client, I just need a client, will you be my client? Will you be my client? I'd really love to have a client right now, will you be my client? And that works? Work? Yeah, it does. It does. It totally does for the first you know, 40,000 or so. And then, and then there's a stalemate and it stops because then you're you're on this roller coaster of I have to go searching for a client, I have a client, I have to service that client, your income goes down, then you have to go look for a client again, and you find that client and then that service roll again. So you're up and down that revenue roller coaster. And that's the time when it doesn't work. So if you find yourself on the roller coaster, awesome, fantastic. You've made it there. Congratulations. And the next step is to start looking for Centers of Influence instead of clients. Because those centers of influence are what you need to be able to collaborate to be able to find the solution bigger solutions to to bigger issues than just I need a client. And it can be anything like I just any my phones answered, isn't necessarily a something that normally it would go and look for a collaboration. One, normally somebody would go, Hey, I need somebody, that's my phones for me, can you answer my phones, but they may not be the one. So you're still on a one to one conversation with people. Whereas if you're like, Hey, I'm having issues answering my phones, what kind of things do you do to get your phones answered? Or, you know, just having that bigger conversation, having the conversation? Do you know anybody who loves answering phones? Why do they love doing it? How do we start working on this? And somebody might go, hey, you know what, I really need that thing that you're looking at? How do we get together? I'll get your phones answered for you and you know, something bigger and better happens? It's just having those. They're not really I guess they're bigger in the sense that you're looking for more support than just that. How do I hit this nail on the head is bigger in that sense? So just being able to go beyond the how do I get this nail hit right here too? Is there anybody out there that has like a power nailer? Or, you know, they have a team of people at hammer nails or you know, just getting the out of that little spot?

Chuck Anderson:

I love what you just said because this goes to levels at least beyond Will you be my client. And you see this at networking events all the time. And so everyone wants each other to be a client. And I remember being at a networking event one time where the the organizer said, How many of you are here to sell something and now all the hands went off. And then they said okay, great. Well How many of you are here to buy something, and no hands went up. So everybody's, everybody's there to get a client. So you're having this great conversation and you connect, and you think, oh my god, they're gonna sign up and I'm gonna get a client. But guess what, they go home and they think the same thing. Right? And so

Michelle Nedelec:

tired of spending money?

Chuck Anderson:

Right? And I love what you just said, it's like, okay, stop looking at everyone as a potential client, you can first level is, do you know, who what do you recommend for getting this thing done? Which is one level, but let's go a level deeper is like, you know, how do you get this thing done, and, and understand more about that, and, and, you know, put the pieces of the puzzle in place for your process or your team or whatever. And, you know, that's, that's a bigger, deeper level of collaboration, where now it's become integrated into your business and problem solved, and you can move on to the next problem. So love that.

Michelle Nedelec:

Well, and there's a special kind of competitiveness that happens in the industry, when you go to networking events. And I don't know if it's just still remnants of the 80s, or if it's something innate and going on in industries. But coaches in particular, and marketers in particular, tend to go out and think that, oh, you're a coach, well, then you're my competition. Oh, you're in marketing until you're my competition. And I never saw it that way. It was always Oh, you're a coach. Awesome. What kind of coach Are you? And it was, because I know what kind of coach I am. And I know that I don't want to coach certain kinds of clients that come up. Like there's somebody that's having issues with their kid, not my client, somebody who's having issues with the relationship, not my client, I can help you deal with your own issues, but I'm not helping you in the in that whole relationship piece, if that makes sense. So I was always looking for somebody that was a parenting coach, a relationship coach, a fitness coach, a, anything that I didn't do, and even when it came to business was like, Oh, you business strategist. This is awesome. So when you go in, are you looking at their entire operations and kind of doing that whole VIP session and, you know, digging in awesome, I have clients that I don't do that with, I am all about the executive, all about their headspace all about what's going on for them, I will go into, you know, I'm having an issue with my account, I have an issue with my spouse, and I have an issue with my kids. Awesome. But it's a totally different perspective on that issue. And as soon as I went, the clients or the relationship went out of that bound. I'm like, You know what, I know somebody who would love to help you with this if you're open and interested in it. And I can even have that conversation when somebody first comes to me is I don't know if we're a good fit or not. But I'm totally interested in finding out do you mind if I ask you a few questions, we go into the questions. Great. You know what, I'm probably not your gal. But I know a guy named Chuck and Chuck is phenomenal. And the whole parenting thing. I totally think you should go over and talk to Chuck. In fact, you want me to set up that connection for you? And most of the time I go Yeah, absolutely. Of course. Why would I say no to that you just like you're the authority on a you know, check, you know, my problem. Now I don't have to reiterate it. I'm gonna do that. And that has worked phenomenally well, for me, even if it's just a straight handover, hey, Chuck, take this client, that'd be awesome to you. And I may have an affiliate arrangement and I get paid for all the clients, I send you even better to do any of the work and they get paid for it. I love those

Chuck Anderson:

I love all of that. And, you know, we've we've covered a lot of ground today. And while we've also only scratched the surface, and I know we can, we could we could probably do a multi day workshop just just like this and teaching so much. So hopefully everyone is getting some really good tips from this. Now one of the parts of this show, Michelle is that we want to, we want to kind of give everyone that kind of like, you know, business growth slash personal growth type of inspiration as well. And as entrepreneurs, not only do we grow our businesses, but we grow ourselves. So So two questions I have for you there one is, you know, who is been the expert, or leader or whatever, who is either taught you the most or inspired you the most. And then also what book do you recommend that entrepreneurs that are our target audience here must read if they're to do anything significant in their business?

Michelle Nedelec:

Great questions. So I have an entire library on personal development and growth. I think the one of the first people that influenced us the most was T Harv Eker. We went to his programs and he just completely got me out of my headspace of the world has to be this way or it's not going to function. And that was phenomenal. From there. I met Bob Proctor, we went and started doing Bob Proctor seminars and things. Unfortunately, he recently passed, but his content is fantastic for understanding the laws of success. And how we create success. It's not, we will it's these are lies, understand the lies, understand how they work, gravity is not woowoo it's really there. And if you work in accordance with it awesome, you can fly an airplane if you weren't against it barely fly fat flat on your face. And another one was Michael Gerber, the E Myth phenomenal. I can go on and on and on the Science of Getting Rich Think and Grow Rich. Those are Bibles, you should memorize them. I did write a book called The Business Ownership mindset. It's all about how we go from consumers. as infants, you know, give me food, give me drinks, give me all the stuff I need. And then you go out in the world, they go, Hey, how do I bring myself to the world? How do I bring value to the planet? How do I express myself? What is this routine? So if you find yourself as an entrepreneur, going, like, this sucks, I have a message to bring out to the world. My marketing is not working. I'm not getting a hold of the right people. I'm on this roller coaster. The book will help you go awesome. You are perfectly on track. And this is where you are. Okay, this is what you need to get past that. Keep going. You're doing awesome. Because I think that's hugely important we get we as human beings get discouraged that instead of it's not working, I'm not working, I'm broken, I'm mistaken. And it's completely not true. You are totally on the right track. You're just marathon racer without a coach or any signposts. So it makes it a lot more difficult to figure out where you gotta keep going when the when the road starts to veer off. And the answer is always inside, you're doing it awesomely keep going.

Chuck Anderson:

Wow, so many great recommendations there. And some of my heroes as well, T Hart, Harv Eker, I learned so much from him. And Bob Proctor, I mean, what a great man to study. I mean, his life's work is just so amazing. It was unfortunate to see him leave us. But you know, he really left a great legacy. And still, I think forever will be someone to learn from, we're gonna put links to all of these books and great resources, because, because I know you have so many, and we could just make that list larger, but we're going to link to all of them here. E Myth, absolutely a must read, especially if you're a chronic, do it yourselfer, and you're spending, you know, 25 hours a day doing building your business and, and, you know, not gonna survive much longer if that's what you're doing so, so we're going to link to all of those. So Michelle, thank you so much for those. So two things, all, the next thing to do here is tell the folks if they want to connect with you, or if they think they'd like to get more help, or at least get more info about what you do. Where can they connect with you?

Michelle Nedelec:

Absolutely, I would love to give them a free gift. So if they go to awarenessstrategies/website-audit, you can get a free website audit, you just put in your website, and you get back a 36 to 44 page report, depending on the size of your website, and it will give you the red lights, green light and yellow lights just like traffic light green is you're doing awesome, great, keep doing it. yellow lights are Hey, you might want to work at this on some point in time. And it'll help your SEO and slash whatever red lights or things that Google hates, and will shut you down for so you want to pay close attention to those, make sure that you're not doing the fun things that used to work in the 80s or the 90s. And they're not working anymore. Because Google will make sure that you're seen by nobody, if you're doing those no no's. So it's a great thing to be able to find out kind of why you might not be ranking on Google change those things out. And you'll probably notice that your ranking goes up almost immediately. Those if you're a do it yourself, or you can do it yourself, or you can give to your marketing department or you can book a strategy session with me, and I'd love to help you out with it and see what we can do.

Chuck Anderson:

That would be awesome. And that sounds like a great next step is go get that website audit because there's the things that you don't know that you don't know. And that's what's getting you right now, because everybody thinks they know something about Google, or they know something about SEO or they know something about digital marketing. But it's the things that you don't know that you don't know and I love that you've compiled that together. And and look, I think that if a anyone listening in here right now is struggling with anything that we talked about here today. Book Yourself a consultation with Michelle, and I can tell you right now, based on my conversation with Michelle, it's gonna be time well spent, for sure. So go do that. And Michelle, thank you so much for your generosity with your information, your tips, your strategies, and your time. I know time is very valuable. So really super appreciate But if you were to leave our audience with just one last piece of advice as parting words, what would you tell them?

Michelle Nedelec:

All the things you're afraid of doing? Go do that. Somebody told you they were wrong or bad or whatever. Oh, shit. Go do them go have fun doing them. Go break all the rules, and realize you know what those rules were meant to be broken. And it's so much fun in such a relief. And there is a whole group of people that will love and admire you for having done all those crazy things, most of them entrepreneurs, and you'll find your peeps

Chuck Anderson:

Fantastic words of advice. I think that's a great note to end things on. Michelle, thank you so much, and to our audience. Thank you for listening in. And be sure to check us out for the next amazing episode as well. Until then go ahead and grow your business, live your dreams and be awesome.