Oct. 31, 2022

Collaborative Partnership for Business Growth with Steve Feld

Collaborative Partnership for Business Growth with Steve Feld

Imagine making your business more profitable by turning your competition into collaboration.

Our guest today is Steve Feld, a Business Marketing Strategist who's very passionate about working with small business owners and entrepreneurs to see them survive and thrive. He is an expert in all aspects of change management, operations, business development, marketing, sales, HR, customer service, leadership, and finance.

Listen to this chat as Steve Feld talks about amazing collaborative strategies and experiences that bring great profits and success to his business. He shares how collaborating with his competitors benefits his business. Steve also talks about his passion for working with entrepreneurs to conquer their struggles, achieve their goals, and grow their businesses. 

Visit the link mentioned in this episode …


Steve’s Website: https://www.bizcoachsteve.com/

Attend Podapalooza: https://www.collaboratorsunite.com/podapalooza 


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Until next time, keep moving forward!

Chuck Anderson

Investor + Marketing Consultant

PS: I would love to hear from you! For a free consultation on how to use podcasts to develop a network of referral partners please contact me at https://www.chuckandersoncoaching.com/contact/

Steve Feld:

Sometimes it can be very collaborative, like I just did with these people. Others could be joint venture partners, which I'm a big huge fan of. And we actually come what it's called an event chain, like, who can refer business to you who's down below you, and then who you can refer business to above. And you have a referral fee, a whole referral program. It's not like, hey, Chuck, can you hopefully send me someone as a referral, please, like a networking group? This is kind of like, you're gonna go, Hey, Steve, I got this person. Let me introduce you to him, I'm sending them to you right now, that's a JV partner. Because you might create problems that I solve, and I'm going to create problems that someone else has to solve.

Chuck Anderson:

Hey, it's Chuck here. And I'm so glad that you're listening to this episode. And I just want to take this quick moment right now to let you know about our free collaborators toolkits. And this episode is all about partnership and collaboration. And our guests share many resources, tools, and things that you can use to make collaboration and partnership easier in your business. So if you're looking for better ways to grow, and scale your business, through collaborations, and strategic partnerships, this free collaborators toolkit is going to contain the best resources from our workshops, as well as contributions from our guests. And these tools could be the missing link that you've been looking for. And they're going to help you to solve every day business challenges, and access, highly effective ideas that can help and grow your business exponentially. I know they've helped me and I know they're gonna help you as well. And the best part about these tools is that they're completely free. And our gift to you for being a valued member of our community, and a subscriber to the show. So you can get access to all of the resources contained inside the collaborators toolkit today by visiting the website at WWW.collaboratorsunite.com/toolkit. That address again, is WWW.collaboratorsunite.com/toolkit. Go ahead and register today get access to all the resources, and I'm gonna see you on the inside. Now. Here's the episode.

Chuck Anderson:

Hello, everybody. Welcome back to the show, Chuck Anderson here. And I'm joined by another amazing guests that you're going to learn a lot from. And we were just chatting here before the show. And we're going to talk about some things that a lot of people don't really think about and are just are really obvious for people like us who've done it a few times. And you know, hindsight is 2020. So, so please welcome Steve Feld to the show. Steve, welcome. So happy to have you here today.

Steve Feld:

Great. Well, thanks for having me.

Chuck Anderson:

Awesome. Well, before we dive into, you know the topic and and we've got some stories to share here. I think a great place to start is just you know, introduce yourself to everyone who you are what you do, and we'll go from there.

Steve Feld:

Yeah, I'm most people call me Biz Coach Steve. And I'm a Business Marketing Strategist. So I work primarily with coaches, small business owners and entrepreneurs, helping them achieve that six and elusive seven figures without burning themselves out. And I've owned and operated seven businesses and turn three others around. My passion is actually small business owners and entrepreneurs, tired of seeing the failure rate, helping them succeed.

Chuck Anderson:

Exactly. It's sad, because I mean, some of these, I mean, businesses are amazing, the people who run them are amazing, they have these, it always starts with this idea that you're super enthusiastic about potentially world changing ideas, life changing ideas, and then they're just for some reason not able to get past the obstacles and the roadblocks and the challenges that go along with that. And sadly, we see some really amazing ideas and really amazing people go out of business.

Steve Feld:

That's it. It just kills me because without small business owners, the whole world economy is done. No matter how you want to look at it, you gotta think 96 97% of all businesses in the world are small business owners.

Chuck Anderson:

Absolutely well as small business owners that really innovate and and come up with some ideas that, you know, the bigger companies really aren't into innovation. They don't they don't do start up they do acquisition which you know, we'll we'll talk about acquisition a little bit later on, but in Little bit of clue of where we're going with our topic today. But, but absolutely, and if it wasn't for small business owners, and that's why we do this show, because we want to inspire small business owners to be able to become big business owners and to really see their vision through to, you know, the size and the, and the amount of impact that it's capable of, of reaching. So. So that's one of the reasons we hear so so. So Steve, how did you get into doing this? What was what was sort of your journey that led you to working with small business owners in this capacity?

Steve Feld:

Yeah, we don't know how long ago, but I had a gob I was brought on to as the fifth employee to start up a new division for a company. And I started putting in the processes to standard operating procedures, putting in all the metrics, everything. And then about five years into it, I realized, no one's given me a performance review. No one manages me. And I went to the owner of the company, I'm like, What's going on with this, they're like, listen, we hired you for a reason. We just knew you're gonna take over whatever you touch. And all we do is get the hell out of your way. And they were surprised you lasted five years with us. Because you're an entrepreneur, you're not an employee. So I lasted another five years after it was 5000 employees. And I started my very first company working with startups in the tech sector, writing business and marketing plans, which led to coaching them for VC money, and then took off from there. And I wish I could say every business, I've owned and operated, seven of them turn around three, they haven't all been rainbows, unicorns and sparkles. I got I'll share the disaster stories, they feel like you learn live and learn.

Chuck Anderson:

Well, and not every business idea is a great idea. And it might be more of a project than a business, it might be short term opportunity, but it doesn't really have that longevity, that a sustainable business really needs to have. And, and so we all call it a business, but really isn't a business that is sustainable, and scalable, and can stand the test of time. And and many of them fail to kind of go through that proof of concept stage where, where yeah, you might be able to sell a couple but can you sell 1000? Can you sell 10,000? Can you sell a million of the thing that you do?

Steve Feld:

Exactly my first company, all my clients were startups in the tech sector, and 2001, the tech bubble burst, and so did the business. And what any entrepreneur would do is go in your bedroom, turn off lights and get in a corner and cry. And a couple of days later, Tiffany hit, there's still businesses out there in this sector that are damaged. So I went out and started consulting with them started my next company, within a week.

Chuck Anderson:

Well, and I think that that's something as well that we've really, as really had a spotlight put on it in the last two years with with everything that's gone on with the pandemic and everything like that. I mean, I remember my first business it was it was in the the long distance phone calling industry, which really does not exist anymore. And that's it, like it was a great opportunity at the time. And, you know, we got almost 10 years out of it. But then once the Internet came, it evolved. And I think one of the takeaways for us was that, you know, you really have to kind of evolve with the technology, you have to evolve with the demand. And you know, a service that is that is really relevant today may not be a relevant service 10 years from now, but and I think that's where we really have to pay attention to what others are doing. And you know, where where's the industry and the opportunities going?

Steve Feld:

Absolutely. We can talk about all the companies that are all gone, you know, buggy whip industry was the hottest thing at one point in our history. Where are they now?

Chuck Anderson:

Well, exactly. And if you don't pivot or if you don't evolve, then eventually you're out of business. And so now part of that and our goal to help entrepreneurs with their sustainability and their scalability and all that is, is this theme of collaborating and partnering with others and as a what I like to describe myself Steve as a reformed do it yourselfer. And and and anytime I've tried to do everything myself, it was a recipe for disaster. And any time unlike what you said about the the bosses that you had, where it's just say, look, see, we just tell you what do we need and we get out of your way and you do it and and that's what's great about partnering and collaborating, you find a partner or you find the piece of the puzzle you need, connect to that piece and then Get out of the way. And so yeah.

Steve Feld:

Oh, absolutely. And I believe in partnerships. Once I started really bringing partnerships in my business, I started my eyes. Just wait a minute, where has this been? Right? Like I just said, this brand new thing in my world. And the partners I had, it was new to them as well. So it evolved, we had our hiccups. And it was amazing, it turned into something even bigger, and it actually helped grow all of our businesses. I don't know if we want to talk about it. Now. I mean, a lot of the people I partnered up with was, they were actually my competitors. And I know it sounds crazy. But partnering up with them did so many things. First of all, we got we all bought the same cost of goods, same materials, why not go into a co op, and I even found related industries who use the same materials. And we'd buy in bulk, since they're buying a case a tape, we buy a pallet of tape at an 1/16 of the price. And we're here we are coming in like, hey, I want one more one box, here's my 20 bucks, versus here's my I have to buy one box, and here's 100 bucks. Not only that, we got to share resources, we've passed business back and forth. And then we find out up found out other ways how we can help each other. And we're competitors. Because we were in the same industry and a lot of but we did things differently. So you might do something a little bit different. I'm in coaching, you might do leadership coaching, well, great, I would pass someone who needs leadership coaching, not overall business. And you know, it was the best relationship. And we all grew our cost of goods shot through, fell right through the roof through the floor, and our profits increased. And then when there was tough times for some of the businesses, guess what, they now have a group of people who know like and trust them that they can get support from.

Chuck Anderson:

So where are you in a similar business? Or would you say that you're in the same business competing, doing the exact same thing.

Steve Feld:

I mean, I, when I did the first collaboration, we were actually in this exact same industry. So I went to my competitors within a 10 mile radius, talk about going in the lion's den. But then I started finding other businesses that use the same like materials, and reached out to them told them what I'm doing. They all thought I was crazy. But I wanted to reduce my costs. That's what this is my primary goal, let's buy in bulk and reduce costs. But the more we all started doing it, they started expanding, bringing more people in and we're buying more and less costs. And it was it just started to grow. And we couldn't believe that we created something out of one call of me just walking in God. Listen, you don't know me, I don't know you. Can we partner up and biases stuff together so we can reduce our costs. And they thought I was nuts?

Chuck Anderson:

Well, and I and I love that. Because most people would not think of contacting their competitor and saying, Hey, you and I were both doing the same business, we're both buying the same things. And you know, there's an opportunity for us to save money and make more money if we actually collaborate on this on this on this piece. And you know, that's, to me, it's very logical. You'd have increased buying power, your costs would go down, better inventory control, and you know, higher profit margin on both sides. You both win.

Steve Feld:

Oh, yeah, we even started getting really creative after a little while. So like, you might carry like, inventory A, and I'll carry inventory B. So we're not carrying both A and B. I need some from you. I'll just go get the one little piece I need and viceversa are caught. I mean, it was just like, wow, I mean, everything started lowering in how I found this out was and helping my supplier unload the truck of my stuff. I'm like, who's all that stuff for? Because it's the same stuff I just bought.

Chuck Anderson:

They're just going on the street down the street.

Steve Feld:

I'm like, what's his name? And then the next morning, that guy's knocking on his door?

Chuck Anderson:

Well, that answer the question I was going to ask is like, you know, how did I mean? You might if you're in a business, you probably know who your competitors are. But it was interesting that just that that inspiration to ask the truck driver Hey, who's that stuff for? And right realizing it's all the same stuff that you're buying?

Steve Feld:

Yeah. And I once the truck driver realized that all of a sudden I'm buying like tape on a every week, one box every single week. And then now I'm not buying it all. So he's like, Okay, what's going on? I'm like, Oh, well, I'm partnered up and we're buying a pallet now. And he goes, You know what? There's Two other stores that I delivered to let me see if they're open to like getting in on this. And they give me their names. And next thing it just started growing and as the truck driver and I'm like, isn't this easier? You take one, two pallets to one location versus many boxes all over the place. He's like, Oh, man, I don't know what to do with the extra two hours I have a day. Because it's

Chuck Anderson:

Another win, because it makes his job easier. And now did he actually mentioned this to the others? Or did he just give you their their need

Steve Feld:

He just gave me their information, because he knew if it went back to the warehouse, the party would be over.

Chuck Anderson:

Oh, because they would have rather just had you as four separate customers buying the small amount at a higher price, rather than buying four of you combining to buy pallets of flat goods at a at a lower price.

Steve Feld:

So we went to eventually we got to one of the businesses that bought the most of like, one item in they went in and negotiated with the vendor going Listen, I'm gonna buy this monster size, and I'm gonna turn around and sell it to my competitors. So don't worry about it. You're still making your money. And we're all laughing like our cost just dropped. like there's no tomorrow.

Chuck Anderson:

Wow. Wow. So you saw your cost drop. Now you instantly see that increase in profit margin as well, because you're still selling to your customers and your competitors still selling to their customers. But now your cost of goods has decreased by X percent and, and you're enjoying that.

Steve Feld:

And it was great. So let's say no, I run out a tape. And I don't get the delivery until two days, I just need enough to get me through two days. I can just run over to one of my competitors. Let me get to two rolls off you when we get the order. I'll just throw them on here. Okay.

Chuck Anderson:


Steve Feld:

I mean.

Chuck Anderson:

So now you've got four competitors, kind of all working together and helping each other to coexist, and to all succeed and thrive. That's amazing.

Steve Feld:


Chuck Anderson:

And I love how you know that that, you know, coming back to the idea of this was crazy. And you know, that original conversations like because not most people would not think, to reach out to their competitors. It's something that I've done before. So so it hindsight being 2020, I can completely see the value in what you're doing. But the first time that you do it, you might even think you're a little nuts. To start with just like people don't do this. But you know what? Why not? Why not just go and ask for something and see what happens.

Steve Feld:

The worst thing they could have said is get out of my store. That would be the worst thing. And guess what, I'll still live. But they some of them did. In while they saw this going on in the vent the truck drivers like, man you got you know, these guys are all buying one big old order. Now they're like, Oh, what did I miss out on?

Chuck Anderson:

So the truck driver is helping you to get everyone else on board.

Steve Feld:

We don't do as our non formational. Co Op.

Chuck Anderson:

Right. That's amazing. So So he becomes an evangelist for you and just start saying, hey, guys gotta get on get on what these guys are doing.

Steve Feld:

Yeah, he loved us, because now he had blocks of time in the day where he wasn't driving, because he did his deliveries. And he didn't want to bring on more stuff. And because he's just paid no matter what. So get it done faster, slow, he still gets the same amount. To him. It's like, Man, I get to go home have lunch. Now I'm really having fun with my wife. And it was just like, can you keep your mouth shut? And we'll keep doing this.

Chuck Anderson:

And not only did you collaborate with your partners, but you collaborated with the truck driver as well to create an opportunity that that's amazing now. So think of that first conversation. So so the first competitor things you know, hey, that's crazy. You're my competitor. Whoa, tell us a little bit about that the transition in that mindset and how that conversation went, how did they go from thinking, man, you're crazy to hey, this, this could work. This is this is a good idea. We should do this.

Steve Feld:

Yeah, first couple of men definitely told me to go where to put everything. But then the third one was like Okay, listen, introduce myself. Here's why I'm wanting to talk to you to reduce our costs because we both had that same problem. That's a problem we both have we want to be gone with. Here's a solution for that problem. Where you try it. Let's give it a 30 day trial. After 30 days, they're all like, oh my gosh, I didn't realize the bulk discounts. And I would actually grab their books. They have the same books as I did from our vendors. I opened it up to you buy this much. I buy this much. Look how much it is now. And I would just show it to them. And they were just like, oh boy, yeah, well, what do we do? I go I'll do the first order. So it's all on my dime. And then when you come pick it up, give me a check for your, what you ordered. Fair enough. Great. So they didn't even have any costs other pocket eyes, held all the risk of them not showing up. And once I did that a few times, next, I found the big fish it was assigned company who had big bucks. And I said, we're going to do the orders to you, I'm going to introduce you to the vendor. So now I'm a hero to the vendor. And you're going to place a big order because you're a bigger company than all of us little fish. So won't raise any flags. And I started thinking like that, and then they did it. Next, no bar orders went down. Their orders were already high.

Chuck Anderson:

And just got bigger. And so now there. Yeah, exactly. Well, that I love. I love how that went and the big takeaway that I got from that. And I just want our listeners to really understand what just happened there is that when you're having the conversation to an idea, that was a really foreign idea. I mean, competitors are not usually thinking there every day, how can I coexist and collaborate and cooperate with my competitors? It's just we're taught to compete, we're taught to wins, like, you know, let's do more than that guy. But, but you know, that's not what's happened here. So there, this is not a natural thing that you're getting a little bit of resistance, what I heard you say is that you heard that resistance and said, Hey, no problem. I'll place the first order. So you took away the objection? You made it easy for them to say yes. And it's like, so because I think if you tried to flip that the other way, and try to get them to place the order, then they that mistrust, you know that that you know that that red flag goes up, it's like, is he he came in here? Is he really gonna buy half this inventory. Right. And, and so you took all of that away, you took away the risk. And you created a situation where as soon as you do that first deal, and you do it right now you've built trust in sounds like the floodgates just open from there.

Steve Feld:

Yeah. Oh, yeah. Getting that first one done. And then, you know, they're talking to other store owners. And it just starts that snowball effect. And was pretty darn amazing. And one thing I always I've been teaching business owners for God knows how long is good to know your competitors. I mean, I went in all their stores, I know them by their names. And then when the economic downturn hit, they're all like bet banging on my door, keep buying me on my business? No, because I know your business model.

Chuck Anderson:

Yeah, and in the during the last two years, there were definitely opportunities to acquire businesses, you and I kind of had our chat about that. I know, we acquired a couple during that time as well. But you, you know, acquisition is a whole other ballgame. You either acquire the entire business where you acquired the parts of the business that you need. And you know, like you were saying earlier, inventory and customers,

Steve Feld:

I wanted their databases. And I knew probably 60% of all that each stores database was pure, great. A garbage was old, it wasn't used, I knowing that they would say, Okay, I'll sell you my database, that dollar per name, I'm like, No, then I want to see all the records for all the current ones within the last 60 days. And then they would like, freeze up, and I go, Okay, I'm gonna give you a nickel for every name. That's my best deal. They're, they're going bankrupt. This is the best deal on the table right now. So here's my nickels, I got the database, I already had deals worked out with the vendors, since we were buying in such bulk, that they were actually given me money for marketing and marketing supplies. So it's like I already had the marketing materials built, I just had to put a stamp on these bloody things and an address label. So let's go.

Chuck Anderson:

So it starts with a collaboration, you the the inventory, got simplified, lower costs, and then you ended up owning some of their business or their customer databases. And it just just kept evolving from there.

Steve Feld:

I even won some awards from organization for Entrepreneurial Development for this creativity idea, because my cost of goods went from 35% down to 8%. So that I mean, just to show you how significant it goes to the bottom line people that goes right to the bottom line. And then another thing I won Small Business of the Year in my city, because of these kinds of innovative changes.

Chuck Anderson:

Extremely cool and you weren't really doing it to get the awards, but it really it happened. And that comes from innovation. I mean you found a way to lower your cost and increase your profit margin, which is pretty much what all of us as business owners strive to do. So and you did that in a big, big way. When you're coaching somebody when you're coaching someone, and you're telling them this story, and they're saying, Okay, well, Steve, that's all well and good. How do I do this? What you know, what do you first tell them to do to look for those opportunities with their competitors,

Steve Feld:

It's sometimes it can be very collaborative, like I just did with these people. Others could be joint venture partners, which I'm a big, huge fan of. And we actually come what it's called an event chain, like, who could refer business to you who's down below you, and then who you can refer business to above. And you have a referral fee, a whole referral program. It's not like, hey, Chuck, can you hopefully send me someone as a referral, please, like a networking group? This is kind of like, you're gonna go, Hey, Steve, I got this person. Let me introduce you to him, I'm sending them to you right now, that's a JV partner. Because you might create problems that I solve, and I'm going to create problems that someone else has to solve. So for example, I grow someone's business helps them grow their business, they're gonna have problems, they're gonna now have a tax problem, an HR problem, an accounting problem, they might have a real estate problem. And it goes on and on. I'm not that expert. But guess what, when those problems now that I just created for this business growing, I have the right people, I can go, Wait a minute, let me get a hold of my friend, Chuck here. Let's get him in your business. He's going to solve that problem that just came up. And now you get the business from my client, and then pay me a referral fee.

Chuck Anderson:

So I mean, one, one thing that I'm really getting from you, Steve, is that you're always looking at that opportunity to you know, that win win, like, you know, what, what do you have that can help them? And what do they have that can benefit you? And what's the best way to structure this so that we both come out ahead, right.

Steve Feld:

I look at it, we're here for the clients, our customers, if it isn't in their best interest, then it's a loss period. So it has to be Win, win and win. And that's where I look at, it's like, I have my clients. And when we found HR problems, like I know, an expert, all they do is HR 24/7. That's their whole business, they need to come in, do your employee manual, do all this stuff, they're an expert, they're, that person comes into the business, cleans them up, my client is now thrilled to death, because they just got a problem solved. And my partner, my JV partner thrilled to death, because that's a business they never had yesterday. So they're gonna pay me that referral fee. But at the end, it's all about the client.

Chuck Anderson:

Absolute why it is all about the client, you know, how do they get their problem solved? And how do they get what they need? So So you know, some take, you know, and I know there's so many different tangents we could go on with this and really unpack teach a whole course about, about business and partnerships and collaborations, you know, some key takeaways that we're getting from the story definitely is know who your competitors are. And, you know, take a look at, you know, what, what are the things that you're both doing, that you're all doing? And how could you reduce costs? How could you do more something more effectively? Or have you even solved problems, or that that could benefit all of you by working together and so, great story, and, you know, that I think that's, it just continued to evolve to the point where, you know, additional opportunities come up, including the opportunity to, to buy their business when, when that came up. So

Steve Feld:

That's it, you're expanding your network. And I just did this with a company was assigned company, and they wanted to sell we started looking at it like, wow, you're almost ready to sell now you have all the pieces in place. And I know who you're thinking about scientists, they go, I don't even know where to start. I go. Do you know all your competitors? And like the state in the region? They're like, well, of course. Well, are they always want to grow? Yeah. Once you reach out to them, take them to lunch, put out a feeler gone if I sold would you buy? And she went to their first lunch and she just barely said the whole sentence. And they were like pulling out a checkbook.

Chuck Anderson:


Steve Feld:

Because they knew them that well. They're like, I'm gonna buy your beer. You just name the price. And we already did the professional valuation on it. And she's marked it at 10% Just because she wanted to die couldn't cut the check fast enough.

Chuck Anderson:


Chuck Anderson:

So she walks out of there with a check.

Steve Feld:

With a check.

Chuck Anderson:


Steve Feld:

And now you gotta go Gloria is involved to make it official.

Chuck Anderson:

Right? And you know, there's an old saying that says you don't get what you don't ask for, right? And so here's someone who would have been open to buying your business, they're scared to ask you, Hey, would you sell me your business? And you're in a business that you want to sell? And you're scared to say, Hey, will you buy my business? And both of you are kind of thinking, Hmm, should I should nation nation may, and just be the first one to open your mouth and just ask for what you want. And you might be surprised the person sitting next to you might be thinking the exact same thing that you had the courage to say something and make something happen

Steve Feld:

And that came from a collaborative relationship over years of them knowing each other, working together, sharing on projects, sharing resources, throughout the years, so they got to know like and trust each other, they knew each other's business models. And that's why she took this guy to lunch, she goes, I if he took over my business, I'd feel great.

Chuck Anderson:

Wow, amazing. And done deal right there over lunch, right,

Steve Feld:

I lost the customer real fast.

Chuck Anderson:

But you gained a friend for life. And

Steve Feld:

He was so happy now.

Chuck Anderson:

That's amazing. So Steve, really awesome story. And I know, we could spend so much more talking about all of that. But some great takeaways here already. One of the things that we like to leave our listeners with, as we wrap up our episodes is, you know, in business, and in life, we learn from a lot of different sources. And we went and we grow our businesses and we grow ourselves, who's been the most inspirational leader or, or, or source of information or guidance or mentorship for you, who's been that person that you've been has been your go to, to learn from?

Steve Feld:

I would say it's Napoleon Hill. And I know a lot of people think Think and Grow Rich, but he has a lot of other books out there, and a lot of other material. And every time I read it, like I read, Think and Grow Rich, at least once a year. And you should always be reading, real reading and growing your knowledge base. But take what they learn and apply it to your business. Because they're, they're giving you some gold in them hills, if he will, as they say three figure always Three Feet From Gold. And it just kind of made me think differently, and operate my businesses differently. And I believe fully and getting help in a mastermind group. And that really opened up my eyes to that. And that helped me a lot in my businesses.

Chuck Anderson:

Wow, Napoleon Hill, that was the very thing and Grow Rich was the very first business self help book that I ever read. It's on my shelf, I endeavor to read it every year, I'd say it's more like every two years but but it is there, it's well used the covers all torn and tattered to the one of the old pulp. The old pulp paper, they don't really print books like that anymore on the old pulp paper. But you know, it's all smudged and everything but but that's where you can tell where a book is well used and, and a lot of really good golden nuggets in there. So one of the things, Steve that I also ask is, you know, what book, do you recommend that everyone reads? So when thinking Grow Rich, be that book? Or is there another book that you would recommend? That is your go to book.

Steve Feld:

And that one was phenomenal and definitely changed my life. And I know many, many others. One book I read, and I was told to read it was not changed or die. So I went to a conference, I got this book and I'm flat riding on the plane and reading the book, I couldn't get off the plane. So I'm almost done on the book. Then, while I'm at this conference, I actually came up with a game plan on how to change the business. When I got back to my city, I went in front of the board of directors, I go, Okay, you guys recommend this book, I need to change or die. Here's my idea. And they were floored that i That book changed the whole trajectory trajectory of the business. Wow. I'm sad to say a lot of people were let go, because they weren't on the bus. And we brought in the most amazing people in the world, and we changed our culture. Kinda like change your diet.

Chuck Anderson:

Wow, that's a great book. And it's a great recommendation. I've not personally not read that. And I think I'm gonna have to put that on my do read list and so a great recommendation there. So Steve, great, great nuggets of information and inspiration, I think here for our audience today. For anyone who's listening right now and would like to connect with you and learn more about or view or even get some help, because you are a business coach, after all, how do they where's the best place for them to get a hold of you and to reach you?

Steve Feld:

Yeah, I have a, I call up my about page. So it's BizCoachsteve.com/about, and it has everything about us good, bad and ugly. It's how to contact us all our books, everything's on there. And I get I do create a lot of content, like, please, if it'll help you in your business, please take it, use it. Don't opt in on now, all that stuff, youtubes. It's, I'm here to help business owners.

Chuck Anderson:

Well said, and you know, we'll make sure that there's a link to that, you know, below beneath the video in the show notes of the episode and all the places that we're going to publish this. And so Steve, thank you so much for being on the show. If you're gonna leave our audience with just one final piece of wisdom or advice to go out and take action on and make a difference in their world. What would you say to them?

Steve Feld:

Good JV partners, joint venture partners, because it costs you this much. And it will change your business. In a totally different light. It's not like going to a networking group and getting referrals. It's a solid strategy behind it. I even have books more than happy to download the free book, and detail out how to create a joint venture in your business.

Chuck Anderson:

Right, definitely, joint ventures has been huge for me, I echo everything you just said yes, yes, yes. Go get yourself a joint venture partner. And yeah, it's, it's a no cost thing that you can do that can bring in a missing piece of your puzzle right away. And so, Steve, thank you so much for that, and everything that you've shared today, and to our valued listeners, I hope you've learned something today. If this has resonated with you, please do reach out to Steve. And, you know, ask them a question of get on a call with him, have him coach you through it, whatever, whatever it is. He's listed all the resources there. And do remember to tune in for our next episode. And until then, keep moving forward, be awesome. And keep pursuing your big dream and that reason you started your business because it is possible. And together everybody achieves more. Thank you everybody have a great week.