Oct. 20, 2022

Amplify Communication and Monetize Your Business with Yvonne Silver

Amplify Communication and Monetize Your Business with Yvonne Silver

Imagine how powerful communication and self-assessment benefit you in upgrading your personal and business life.

Our guest, Yvonne Silver, is a confidence catalyst, and founder of Women & Wisdom Media who helps people to succeed in life and business. She helps women and entrepreneurs to clarify their message, speak up, and be heard. 

Listen as Yvonne shares the importance of communication in making life more successful personally and in business. She talks about how self-assessment and development, becoming more proactive, and bringing up awareness helps women and entrepreneurs have powerful language and create great partnership and collaboration, which leads to expanding and monetizing the business.

Yvonne’s Website: https://yvonnesilver.com/

Attend Podapalooza: https://www.collaboratorsunite.com/podapalooza 


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Chuck Anderson

Investor + Marketing Consultant

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Yvonne Silver:

Understanding how the other person wants to get information. It's not about me anymore. It's about how can I deliver the information because if we're crossing our wires, and it's like me speaking French, you're speaking English. We were not communicating, we're not hearing each other. People are smart, they can make their own decision. But if they haven't even heard the message, then you've lost before you even started. That's why that number is so low that 18% is when two personality styles match, then you have similar values that you are making those decisions on, it makes more sense. So how do we learn how to get the rest of the other 82% That's what I teach.

Chuck Anderson:

Hey, it's chuck here. And I'm so glad that you're listening to this episode. And I just want to take this quick moment right now to let you know about our free collaborators toolkits. And this episode is all about partnership and collaboration. And our guests share many resources, tools, and things that you can use to make collaboration and partnerships easier in your business. So if you're looking for better ways to grow, and scale your business, through collaborations, and strategic partnerships, this free collaborators toolkit is going to contain the best resources from our workshops, as well as contributions from our guests. And these tools could be the missing link that you've been looking for. And they're gonna help you to solve every day business challenges, and access, highly effective ideas that can help and grow your business exponentially. I know they've helped me and I know they're going to help you as well. And the best part about these tools is that they're completely free. And our gift to you for being a valued member of our community, and a subscriber to the show. So you can get access to all of the resources contained inside the collaborators toolkit today by visiting the website at WWW.collaboratorsunite.com/toolkit. That address again, is WWW.collaboratorsunite.com/toolkit. Go ahead and register today get access to all the resources. And I'm going to see you on the inside. Now. Here's the episode.

Chuck Anderson:

Hello, everybody. And welcome back to the show. It's Chuck Anderson here, and I've got yet another amazing guest for you today. I'm so happy to have Yvonne Silver here with me today. And let me tell you something, you're gonna learn something that you probably have not heard before. And if you do anything with communication, if you do anything with sales, if you do anything with marketing, you are really going to want to lean in and listen to what we have to say today because Yvonne has some some pretty good tricks up her sleeve and some really cool things to share that are going to give you that edge in all of those areas. So Yvonne, welcome to the show. I'm so happy that you're here.

Yvonne Silver:

Well, thank you very much. This is such a valuable podcast that you're doing for all kinds of entrepreneurs and professionals in business. So thank you for the invitation.

Chuck Anderson:

Well, I'm thrilled, I know, with our previous conversations, you know, really impressive the things that you're doing. And I think there's just so many applications for it, and so many benefits in a lot of different areas. So, so we're excited to have you on and I think before we freak our audience out too much, I think we should probably let them in on who you are, what you do. And so and then we'll take it from there. So why don't you? Why don't you go ahead and share that?

Yvonne Silver:

Sure. Well, I in five words or less. My my audience is women entrepreneurs seeking to flourish. So I know that some of the people listening on the show today are going to say, Oh, well, I'm not a woman. However, what I'm going to share is for everybody, it's for every entrepreneur, everyone who actually is intrigued by communications. And if that's not you, then probably wouldn't be on a podcast. So I teach ambitious female founders and entrepreneurs, especially those who have a mission inspired focus. They really want to make an impact as well as making a great living, how to share how to have more confident conversations. So that's all about Unshakable Confidence. It's about sales mastery, asking for what you want and getting it but in a way that does not bring in antiquated sales techniques like dealing with objections. It looks at science, proven science and technology that is leading edge, not bleeding but leading edge. It's proven, and it's been written up in Forbes, and there's a a lot to learn by understanding more about people's personalities, science. So I'm drawing on my 20 plus years of senior HR work 12 plus years of executive coaching 30 plus years in business in four countries and eight startups to bring some insights today.

Chuck Anderson:

Awesome, right. And I know, that's just, that's just the beginning. That's just the scratching the surface, because I know you have a lot of experience with that. And it's kind of led you to this moment, and this technology. And, you know, I love what you said there about, you know, not being about handling objections and all that, that kind of stuff that we've heard forever. And I know in the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey 30 years ago, I mean, that's what all the books were saying, you know, handle the objection, stay positive, all of the all of the things and what I love about what you're doing is it is a lot more scientific, it's really behavior science, in a way, and is a whole different approach. And it instantly made sense to me when you shared it. So. So let's talk a little bit, maybe the foundation of you know, what it is that you do and, and, and how that helps. And let's unpack that a little bit.

Yvonne Silver:

Sure. So you can tell by my accent, I grew up in London, England, and I'm bringing my my passion based on my experience growing up, which was watching, watching my mum, actually, my first one I put on mentor, to literally see the dignity drained right out of her by my PTSD father, who had a bullet in Dunkirk, grazed him, he came back, he wasn't treated, and it showed up as him being a very angry man. So watching him diminish my mom and constantly criticize her. And then he turned on me as well, a few different times, particularly when I was 11. It, it caused her to lose her voice and lose her competence. So knowing what impacted her and then I ended up losing my marks in high school to buy again, the criticism, the constant screaming of, you know, you will never be successful in life, and doing things wrong and criticizing all the time, it took the wind out of my sails. So that's why I decided I was going to have a focus on helping people to begin with, and learning how to have more confident conversations. So first career was sales. Next was human resources. Next was coaching. So I bundle all that together, in, in my book, my best selling book words, women and wisdom, the modern era of competent conversations, which is actually 40 different words and concepts all wrapped around the power of language and how one word can shift the energy in the room, and what to do in different situations to ask for what you want and get it not using old aggressive tactics. But using the the power of reciprocity using the energy of attraction using appreciative inquiry and concepts that some of the listeners may be familiar with. But all wrapped up in one particular book, this is one words wisdom, wisdom, among competent conversations. So that's what I, that's my focus. And then two years ago, I ran across a technology that was all about how to have even better conversations, because it's based on values. And I started listening to what they were sharing about four different personality types. And I thought, this makes so much sense. I've interviewed and heard about 6000 people in my career, all the time, I always said to the hiring manager, hire on values first, and then train on skills, because it's easier than trying to take a round peg and put it in a square hole, you want the values of the person to match the values of your corporation, because I think it's black and you think it's white, we're never going to be in the middle, it's gray, we're just going to bump heads and you're not going to have retention. Same thing in business is actually a sad science from one of the data accompanies that looked at it and said, 18% of the time, when you have the same values and personality style as the person that you're talking to that you want to have a sale with 18% of the time you'll match. Well, what about the other, you know, 72%, right. So when you have a matching value set and a matching communication, personality style, you can actually elevate that to other 72%. And that intrigued me because I'm all about helping my clients to have more sales and grow their business and be more successful. So that was the start of it. An interesting webinar and then it it morphed from there.

Chuck Anderson:

Yeah, and I think that it's so so intriguing. And it makes me think about all the times in business or in sales, or like you say, in hiring where you when you are communicating in the right way to the right person, you just know, I mean, it clicks, it's aligned, it flows, it just feels right. And then there's other conversations that are awkward, or really are not resonating or even worse, creating resistance on one side or the other. And, you know, I think what you're speaking to, is that it's like that, you know, 12% of the time we're getting it right. But you know, the rest of the time we're getting it wrong. Right? And so,

Yvonne Silver:

Yeah, yeah. So when using an example, right, nevermind, business for a second, but think about your kids, right? You have maybe two different personalities. In your kids, you're about to go on summer vacation, or you just came back from summer vacation, you can see it play out, you might have an adventurous one who's ready to go ziplining and is up early and racing down the beach. And you can't you know, he's got they've got ants in the pants, he can't sit still. And then you've got another child who is more traditional and structured and likes to plan things and likes to know ahead of time, what do I wear? What am I taking while we were eating lunch? Am I packing lunch? What time will we be back? And they get frozen? If they don't have all the answers, so those two clash, and then you're the parent or your your two parents, perhaps, and you have your personalities to feed in as well. And it's like that in business too. When you go into a group meeting, if you've got a big deal on the table, it's usually involving several parties. So understanding how the other person wants to get information. It's not about me anymore. It's about how can I deliver the information because if we're crossing our wires, and it's like me speaking French, you're speaking English, we were not communicating, we're not hearing each other people are smart, they can make their own decision. But if they haven't even heard the message, then you've lost before you even started. That's why that number is so low that 18% is when two personality styles match, then you have similar values that you are making those decisions on, it makes more sense. So how do we learn how to get the rest of the other 82% That's what I teach.

Chuck Anderson:

Yeah, and it just makes so much sense. Because like I said, when you're when you're winging it, when you're just guessing when you're just going whatever, with whatever is happening, you're gonna, you're gonna be right part of the time. And those are those, you know, those are those moments where it just really clicks, it's so well aligned. And then all these other times where it's either awkward or not a good fit. And it's not so much that they're not a good fit. But it might be that the communication style that you're using, or in my case I'm using that is really creating that that's what I find really intriguing about the work. So let's, you know, let's talk a little bit more about that. So, so I think now that we know, you know that this is happening, and I think anyone here can kind of think about a time where they've had conversations with someone, and it did not go well like it. It was not well aligned. And there was awkwardness and communication was not happening. So yeah, let's talk a little bit about that. Because what you've come up with is, I think, and what you're doing is helping people be proactive about that. So you kind of know more about that before you even get into the conversation.

Yvonne Silver:

Right. So I'm not the originator of the whole concept. That's a lady called Sherry tree, who was a at the beginning, a very unsuccessful financial analyst. And that financial salesperson, who took pretty much any every assessment that she could get her hands on, to try to help understand more about herself and in the process, learned a little bit more about others, but not enough to say you know what this tool really helped me understand and make more money, make more sales in my business. And so she actually reverse engineered some some concepts played in and her own experiences and looked at what Hippocrates developed, you know, the original father of medicine, that's where the all these assessments stem from created arone, which takes only 90 seconds to identify someone's personality type. And it's a self identification. So you're not guessing. You're saying, Hey, here's a link. Check this out. It takes 90 seconds to assess your own personality and learn about yours plus three others. And it's very, very cool. It's leading edge technology check because it sits on top of an artificial intelligence platform as well. And gives me the opportunity to go to LinkedIn to have a meeting coming up with a senior person LinkedIn. Look at the profile I'll click one button, and it'll tell me the code, the personality code that that profile was written in, which saves me a huge amount of right? Huge amount of time, I can actually do that with an email or note, voice to text note, I could put half my book or probably my whole book in there, and have that coded, and the artificial intelligence looks at the language, the pauses, the empathy, the emphasis, and a whole bunch of other things. And, and tells me the code. Like, how cool is that.

Chuck Anderson:

So now going into a conversation, you already have a little bit of insight into what their value system is, right. And now you are able to adjust your communication, whether it be verbal or written, or whatever, that is going to be more likely to be received. On the other side,

Yvonne Silver:

Exactly. So in each of the four personality codes, this is a system called bank that I'm talking about. B stands for a blueprint personality, which is a very rigid and structured and by the rules, type personality, they want to always be on time, they like structure and process and tradition, versus an action which is the A an action person always grabbing the mic front of the room, Red Bull, high energy, red carpet all the way. And nurture which is my primary code, which is all about people personal growth and self development, impact community harmony. And then the fourth one is knowledge. So we've got B for blueprint, a for action, infinite Turing K for knowledge, and the knowledge is where it's looking at the big picture, but looking at data science and proof all the time. So if you're having a meeting with someone with knowledge, personality as their primary code, you need to have your data, you have your facts, you're not just talking about it and pulling out of thin air, you have the data to back it up. Because if you don't, they won't trust anything you say, they're not going to make a quick decision anyway, because they're not driven by emotion like the nurturer action. So be prepared, don't rush them and say, Well, what's your answer? What's your answer now? Because you're going to turn them off? What would be better would be, would you like some references and some contact numbers or names for you to follow up with that? Or what would you say is your next step in our conversation and following up and finishing our conversation, let them tell you the process that they want to follow and what data improve they need. And it actually worked to my advantage, because within within two weeks, Chuck, of hearing about this technology and actually deciding I was going to enroll in coaching with this because it was so cool. And so in alignment with my communications work, but I had one person who was I didn't they found me on, they found me on LinkedIn reached out, wanting to hire a coach, I did the assessment with her, found out what her code was, I can now be more respectful with her because I understand what she wants and how she wants the information delivered. So a nurturer knowledge personality, I knew not to rush her. So I knew she was going to ask for my references. So instead of saying, Oh, well, if you're not interested next, which I might have done before, I gave her the time to check the references and follow up that way in two or three weeks, and just keep gently providing information to help her make her decision. Her decision. So it works works beautifully.

Chuck Anderson:

Yeah. And I can see so many uses, and so many applications for this. And I know you and I have talked about a lot of them. I mean, you know, we're talking business and entrepreneurship today, we've talked about parenting, we've talked about other things. And and, you know, parenting is a whole other topic. And we have a whole other show for that. But I mean, we can see so many applications for this. And I found it particularly intriguing. To have gone through the 92nd assessment. First of all, I'm like, yeah, right, 90 seconds, but actually it was it was very, very easy to do. And it was, it was two things. For me. It was number one, and it confirmed some things that I already knew about myself. But what was also very interesting, it was eye opening in the sense of how I prioritized the things that matter the most to me. And it really it really made a lot of sense, right. And so you mentioned some of these things. So so it turns out that my primary is the knowledge and knowledge but data driven and I've always been a data driven marketer, a data driven entrepreneur and business owner and marketer and just everything by the numbers. And I even quote sayings like the numbers don't lie and things like that and it just really speaks to that. that primary value system. And it pains me It pains me It pains me when somebody makes a claim that they can't back up, there's no evidence to support it. And because it just seems made up. And so it was very confirming that that to me, I would have, I don't know that I would have made that my primary because there's others that I probably were trying to convince myself were the primary. But it turns out, like when I really came down to it, that's what was really most important to me. And it also gave great insight in terms of how you and I can communicate with one another. So super powerful there. And I think this is where I want to kind of bring in our theme about partnership and collaboration. Because you know, our audience, not only are the entrepreneurs building, with big dreams, building their big vision, and whatever it is that they want to do, we will know that anything worth building, we're probably not going to build a loan, there's going to be partnerships, collaboration, team members, there's going to be there's going to be others involved. So so two part question I want to ask you about that. Number one is because I asked this of everybody, and that is how his partnership and collaboration played a role in your business. But then let's take that a step further. And that is how do you use bank when it comes to approaching those potential partnerships or collaborations?

Yvonne Silver:

Right. So how have they impacted my work? I collaborate all the time. I mean, I consider my clients to be partners of sorts, because they're sharing confidential information about what their, what their visions and dreams are. And we talk about how we're going to get there. And that's in confidence conversation. And then when they actually go ahead and they launch their book, or they launch their course, or they're doing a TED talk or whatever it might be, it's just so rewarding to see things go full cycle. Another example would be with my background with HR I interviewed in hired about 6000 people. So I used a values tool in the past, but it wasn't this one, it wasn't as quick and accurate as this one. And I actually helped another lady who has a cybersecurity course, do some training within that course, specifically for women in the STEM community. So that was a great example of a collaboration where I knew what her code was, I knew the passion that she has for technology and science with her cybersecurity, and also brought together my passion for communication. So how can it serve a new audience? And that was women getting more involved with STEM and security and taking her certification? So that's been a great partnership. You know, we're doing some more stuff together. So I think that's, you know, that's one really good example. And I know what, what is a trip wire for her as well as a trigger? Because it's all laid out in the system that I use the bank system, here's how you trip wire a no trigger? Yes. Here's some things to look out for here are some of the underlying things underneath the the 12 values that are in each of those four personality codes. So there's a lot of deep contact and personality, psychology and the science behind it. So it's a system, it's it's science, it's proven, and it works. And it's all about helping people communicate better. So yeah, applications in business, life, parenting, entrepreneurship, joint ventures. Absolutely. So the bank approach I use, I can predict, accurately predict how a joint venture is going to go just in the initial few seconds of having someone complete their assessment. If they're also a nurturer action, like me, I don't even have to really tailor my words, I just show up being being me. And then if it's a completely different personality, and I still want to have the opportunity to work together, that's when I say, I really liked this arrangement. So let me showcase knowledge in a different way so that we're having a clear communication. And that's my choice. It's not changing my style. It's using it smartly.

Chuck Anderson:

You know, one of the things that I always tell my team and I tell some of the people in my coaching program is whenever you approach a partnership, is to do your homework. And I like to do my homework on people that I am collaborating with or pursuing a partnership. It could be a partnership, it could be an acquisition, it could be a joint venture, it could be a hiring, it could be whatever it is, I like to do my homework and that's my knowledge. That's my knowledge value. Right? Because I want to know who I'm About to talk to. And of course, what do I do? So I go to their website, and I go to their LinkedIn and I go to their Facebook and you know, whatever else I have that's available. It seems to me that adding this takes that one step further. And that is really confirming the value systems, but then it's really doing your homework on what communication style could I use? And even? How do I position my proposal in such a way, where it very closely matches what they value? Most?

Yvonne Silver:

Yes. So in my proposal writing, again, knowing what the personality is of the person receiving it and making the decision, which I've usually had a conversation with, ahead of time anyway, I usually know more about papering deals than writing big long proposals that then get compared with a stack of other A's or B's. But when you know who you're writing to, you bring in everything that you know about them, they want the data first, they want to know the impact. First, they want to know what celebrity is using this? Or how is this going to help them win more business? And that was the funny thing that Sherry discovered was she took all these other assessments? And yeah, there's there's lots that have four codes for personalities or something. And, and yet, there was nothing that was actually specifically designed to understand about buying behavior. Why do people make buying decisions? Why do they make buying decisions differently. And this is something that's now been added on to a few other suites of tools, because it's the only one that's based in biology, the Uyo gy psychology, because it's about buying behavior, or in the corporate arena, which I'm doing some work this fall as well. It's about buy in, having buy in for an idea or a corporate imperative that we're all working towards, and, and moving to in q4, if you know, if you haven't bought into it, then you're not going to be excited about it. How do you share that message? Well, you can also learn how to bank fi, which is where you have a little bit of every code, so you can attract your audience, no matter what their personality code to your message. So it lands with everybody. That's getting pretty clever. So that's another course that is more advanced, but it can, it can easily be easily be something that you can start the process with, by understanding your own style first, you might need to adapt to meet with others, and then taking it from there.

Chuck Anderson:

Yeah, super valuable thing to do. I love that as part of the homework process, and really knowing who you're you're going to be communicating with and how they want to how they want and need to be communicated with. So it couldn't be more powerful from that regard. And we're going to let everybody know, in our audience, you know how they can, they can, you know, take advantage of this tool as well. And I know we have something come up. So we'll get to that in a moment. You know, I think for now, like, just know that how powerful this is. And I do hope that everything that Yvonne and I have been sharing here with you, you know, is starting to connect the dots. And if you've ever had that communication problem, or that communication gap is sometimes referred to as when when you're having those conversations where doesn't quite align, this is probably why and this would be the tool that you would want to start to bring into your communications and your preparation for those communications. So So I love that, Yvonne, I know you have something to share. And at the end, and we'll definitely do that. We talked at the beginning, we have a bit of a personal growth component to our show. And it's been a big part of my journey. I've had a lot of great mentors. I've read a lot of great books that have, you know, really pointed me in the right direction. So you know, two part question and the first part is, you know, who's been the most impactful for you in terms of, you know, a leader or a mentor or someone who has been your go to source for learning in your business that maybe others should go and check out and take advantage of as well?

Yvonne Silver:

Well, my current coach, my recommendation would be checkout Suzy corrida. Suzy is a multimillion dollar business owner, herself entrepreneur, serial entrepreneur. I've also in the past been a big fan of all of T Harv Eker. His work so the Millionaire Mind warrior camp wisdom camp and I I'm all of his whole series, as well as being part of Jack Canfield group of training. So those are three of my go twos. But when I, when I researched my book, there was so many great nuggets, I put 175 different references in here. So references to people like Simon Sinek, Sally Hogshead, with her work about fascination. Also, you know, experiences and interviews that I had had with people like Teresa robot for the evolutionary Business Council with Melinda Wittstock, who's now put up hello. So it's sharing wisdom nuggets. So I don't know that any one person gets the credit, other than maybe when I tap in in the morning to my universal energy and get downloads, I think that is one of my most powerful sources of information.

Chuck Anderson:

You know, you've mentioned so many people that are absolutely amazing. And the two that stand out for me are the first two that you said Harv was my mentor. And, you know, if it wasn't for him, I never would have been a public speaker, I never would have gotten up on stage. And I would never have known the power of doing that. It wouldn't have led me to then being a guest speaker on the Rich Dad, Poor Dad seminars with Robert Kiyosaki. I mean, you know, just one thing after another, that would not have happened if it was not for herbs, you know, gentle push is not really the right word. He's super aggressive, get out there and do it sort of push. But it was needed at the time. And it really helped, you know, you talked about confidence earlier, that was a big confidence boost for me. And he really helped me to see that. And then Susie, I got the, you know, I had the pleasure of meeting Susie Carter about two and a half years ago. And she is just an amazing and amazing, amazing human being. And we hope to have her on this show really, really soon as well. But two wonderful people to check out. Really all everyone you mentioned, notable for all their own reasons, right. And but those two really stood out for me. You know, and you know, another part of self growth and learning and all of that is books, and there's so much great information, written in books, you've mentioned your book already. And we're gonna make sure that we link to that in the show notes. And if there was a book that maybe that you've read that was written by someone else that was impactful for you, and would be on your must read the list. Do you have one that you recommend?

Yvonne Silver:

I do I have one that I've recommended more to my clients than any other work? Not because it's, I mean, I had a book club at one point that I read a lot. But I recommend this one. All the time. It's called attracting perfect customers, the power of strategic synchronicity. It's Stacey Hall and Jen Brosnan. And the reason I like that is because it really is putting the clarity on Who Who are you trying to attract in your business? And what do they expect of you? So it takes it deeper than just looking at, you know, what's your marketing line and your lingo gonna be, but putting it back on you and saying, what did they expect of you? And how do you need to show up? Or how do you need to change or perhaps be doing something different in order to attract them. And that wasn't something that I had thought of when I first started reading the book. And yet, it's so impactful, little story, I actually use this book to attract my husband. So what I what I did was I crossed out attracting perfect customers, and I put perfect guy, because at the time I was in, I was recently unmarried. And I did all the four steps, I made my list of all of my ideal guy qualities. And he actually showed up within two weeks.

Chuck Anderson:


Yvonne Silver:

And we've been married 1516 years now. Yeah.

Chuck Anderson:


Yvonne Silver:

So clarity, clarity, clarity. It's kind of like if you if you decide you want to buy a condo, everywhere you go you see for sale signs that just popping up like mushrooms and they were there yesterday before you made the decision to buy but your reticular activating system now funnels it in because it's it's information important to you right now. Same thing when you make your list of all your perfect client qualities, what are they looking for? What are they expect to view et cetera. And then you can you can see them much quicker and they see you quicker because you become the what they say in the book is you become the lighthouse, standing firmly on the beach, beaming out your message instead of running up and down the beach like crazy flapping your arms saying hey boats come on in Come on in. Because that is just what everybody else is doing. Right now. There's so much noise in the marketplace. So be clear, be resonant, be solid be seen as the expert in your field, that's what the law of attraction perfect customers book is about.

Chuck Anderson:

That is such a powerful thing. And it wasn't that book I there was another one that I had read called write it down make it happen were very, very similar thing. And that it to me, I look at it as just getting really, really clear. But it really just, it kind of aligns your thoughts and aligns your awareness. And it's like what you said, it's like you're looking for a house for sale those houses for sale were already there. But now that you've aligned your thoughts to that, now you can see them. Whereas before, you didn't really notice them. And so that can happen. I love that oh can happen in relationships as well. And it was a similar process that that where I found my wife, I don't think it was two weeks, but it was it was quick, after the process. So it's amazing, you can do that in business, you can do that with customers, you can do that with life partners, you can do that with so many, many things. And so that is a very, very powerful recommendation. I have not read that book, but it's going on my must read list. And eventually there's going to be a compilation show where we're going to take all of these wonderful book recommendations that everybody has made and, and put those together into the must read list. So thank you for that. And we have the streak right now, nobody has recommended the same book twice, and you've kept the streak alive. So thank you for that.

Yvonne Silver:

You can do it for your perfect JV partner too.

Chuck Anderson:

Right. Right, like so you can like get clear about all the qualities that you're looking for. And, again, just aligning your awareness to what you're looking for. Right?

Yvonne Silver:

Yeah, because as soon as you are clear about it, you will see it, right you decide you want to buy. I don't know, a black Volvo. Everywhere you go, you suddenly start seeing like vulnerables. Same thing. They were there all along. But now it's like in front of you. I want one. Right? It's right there. I see it. Now how am I gonna get it? Right.

Chuck Anderson:

Fantastic recommendation? Well, Yvonne, we've covered a lot of ground today. And I shared so much great information. And thank you so much for doing that. So we teased a little earlier that, you know, we talked about the the assessment and I know you've got a gift for everybody here. So maybe tell everybody who kind of what it is, and where where can they can connect with you. And we will link to whatever whatever you mentioned here, we'll make sure we link in the show notes and beneath the video, wherever it is here. But let everybody know what you've got and how they can best way to reach you. And we'll, we'll go from there.

Yvonne Silver:

Yeah, well, what I what I would like to offer to your audience is taste like check this out. It's huge, huge fun, it takes 90 seconds to do. And it will send you if you look at the four, four cards, four sets of 12 values on each one and prioritize them based on what's most least important to you. And then to in between fall into place. You'll get a report back that's almost 20 pages that tells you all about you and the other three styles, and what makes them tick. So that's the gift. It's a $97 value that I'd like to give to you, as friends of Chuck, and there'll be a link in the show notes on how to get a hold of it. You can also reach out to me I mean, reach out on LinkedIn, you can connect with me through my website, YvonneSilver.com, there's a contact page on there. And check it out. Because it's 90 seconds that literally could change so much. Because it's all about powerful communications. And that's what we do in business. That's what we do in life. And that's how we make friendships and alliances, partners and so much more.

Chuck Anderson:

Love it. Love it. Love it. And thank you Yvonne. That's super generous. And we do want to make sure that people you know, go and check that out. So to my listeners go and go and do it right now go and click the link there and go try it out. You're gonna be amazed. You might even learn a thing or two about yourself in the process. I know I did. And it was super amazing. Yvonne, thank you so much. This has been a great, great session. I know we could spend all day doing this. And you and I've had several conversations. And we didn't meet all that long ago. But you know, when when you connect, you connect, and that's just, that's just really amazing. I know we've got more that we will do together in the future. So before we kind of like bring this episode in for a landing, if there was just one final piece of advice, word of wisdom that you could leave our audience with today. What would you tell them?

Yvonne Silver:

I would say that your words matter. Your words really do matter. Just one word can either destroy somebody or elevate and inspire them. So please pick your words carefully whether that's as a business As a partner, as an entrepreneur, as a wife, spouse, husband, mother, parent, your words really do matter. So think about which ones you're going to use. Maybe even an example of shoulda, coulda. I mean, it has that tone of obligation when it should and heaviness. And could, it's all about possibility and lightness. So what could we do together?

Chuck Anderson:

Love it. That's so true. And I've experienced that many times in my life. So fantastic advice, Yvonne. Thank you. And to our audience. Thank you for tuning in, please go click the link, go check out avons free gift. It's amazing. You're going to be glad that you did that. And look, it's free. So why wouldn't you do it?

Yvonne Silver:


Chuck Anderson:

Exactly free to you, not to everyone else. So take advantage of that. Because who knows, maybe, maybe that offer won't always be there. So. So go and do that today. And can't make sure you come back here for the next episodes. We have other amazing guests and so many more things planned for you and in store. And in the meantime, keep pursuing that big dream. Keep going forward. Keep moving forward, be awesome. And we'll see you here for the next one.

Yvonne Silver:

Thank you so much, Chuck.