Sept. 8, 2020

Tyson Sharpe connects eastern philosophy with western business success

Tyson Sharpe connects eastern philosophy with western business success

Everything is divine and you can create a life where nothing holds you back

Tyson couples the different strategies of eastern philosophy and western practices. he reflects on setbacks and hardships being the very events that uncover our true purpose

Tyson has learned how to couple these philosophies and now teaches us how to integrate them into your life, so nothing can hold you back including the business and wealth you desire. The people you are pulled to serve and transform their lives are found through your messaging and irresistible offer. How to leverage your reach and your income without being connected to the outcome.

In business, consider your passion, what you would do for the love of it. Then purpose your passion as a creative opportunity to make a difference and lead. To more connections and inject fun into your business, to add so much value that a client is wowed beyond their investment.

Tyson encourages us to be in flow with you your service and your business, then growth happens naturally. Here is Tyson's story:

My Journey

Yes, I can tell you about the hundreds of people I have coached and the 6 years I have spent at University. I can tell you about the coach training and NLP studies, coaching events and endless personal development seminars. But my guess is, you don’t really care about any of that. My guess is that you would rather hear about the times I have been in pain and forced to take my own leaps…

You Tyson that has inspired you to read this is the version of me that awakened once I decided to take on the challenge of meditating in silence for 2 hours a day.

Why would I do such a thing? So I could face whatever fears, doubts, and frustrations I had lurking inside of me and find out who I really am on the other side.

The first day I did this, I meditated for 6 hours, breaking down all the stories of what I think I should or shouldn’t do. I had so much sadness and stress come up that I was physically crying.

It’s in this space that I learned what is coming up, is trying to get out. All my fears and worries were being felt because they were ready to leave, and that’s what meditation did. Now we faced the next obstacle.

I had heightened my level of consciousness where I realized that who and what I am is infinite. Why was that a challenge? I was in so much pain because I was still taking action based on my small, limiting story. Yes, I was still in a part-time job which was no longer my highest expansion.

My mind was freaking out because I told myself the story that I needed consistent money to be safe. When I thought about leaving, it was so exciting to my heart and body, but terrifying to my mind. But with the courage of my soul, I left the job and with no safety blanket, decided to grow my wings.

I jumped with one thought in mind: ‘In taking this leap, I am willing to go broke, lose everything, or grab the opportunities that are presented to me. Either way, I’m going to be fulfilled knowing I’ll find who I am.

Since that leap, I have lived a life of external freedom because I now know what it’s like to create internal freedom first, regardless of what’s happening around me.

This is all available to you on the other side of your leap. Grow your wings. If you enjoyed this episode you may also enjoy: Cheryl Brewster knows challenge is a gift
Catherine Ford reveals her self healing journey



#myfreedomdomday #whatdoesfreedommeantoyou #mindyourfreedom Adele's bio: I strive to live the best life possible. I am a survivor of a plane that crashed and flipped in water. That experience of drowning and how I made my escape forever change my belief in what is possible. I became obsessed with neuroscience. Wanting to understand the power of the mind. If my mind could source information locked deep within my mind, while starved of oxygen. I wanted to know how to access and use that same mind power everyday.  My experience became the driving force of my life purpose.  The stuff I now know to be true

I consciously live my values. Being clear about what I do and don't want. Making value based choices to ensure I love the life I wake-up to every day

I thrive on learning, growing and expanding my awareness so I can embrace all that life has to offer. This deep desire of learning enabled a degree in natural medicine, coaching certificate and Trainers certification in N.L.P. and more.

My clients are successful professionals looking for or going through change. They are tired, want to be listened to and are seeking a personalized caring approach.

So, if you are tired of repeating old patterns of behavior or feeling stuck, tune in here. If you experience uncomfortable or imbalanced feelings in your body, this flavorful podcast may resonate

Maybe you are waking up feeling dis-satisfied in the morning? Or exhausted, living under stress or maybe you are exploring new beginnings. One that fulfills your inner purpose. Then you have found your safe haven

As an N.L.P. trainer, I create perceptual shifts needed to reach your vision. And N.L.P. teaches and provide life skills for a beautiful future. Plus it installs the neuro-networking necessary for transformation

My multi-dynamic and personalized approach includes a deep sense of intuition, natural medicine, neuroscience, integrity and care

Clients report that they feel happier, sleep more soundly and experience feelings of deep satisfaction knowing they are living the purposeful life they have been wanting

Natural health: Improving and balancing your body, mind and soul

NLP Trainer: empowerment, behavioral change, accelerate and motivate learning, install excellence, improve communication and removing stress

Service: Deeply devoted to creating the environment where you can move towards a life you desire and deserve